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Free The Balloon Walkthrough

Free The Balloon

Another stickman point'n'click puzzle like Hapland series. You have to point and click right places at right times to successfully free the balloon.

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
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Level 1

- click the door of the machine cabine, on the right. The door opens.
- Click the man on top of the screen. He drops something and the bell rings. A man gets into the cabine.
- Push the button inside the cabine. The arm will lift a box.
- Click the lever inside the cabine and the arm with the box moves forward.
- Click the cannon. (The grey thing below the cabine on the left) The box sarts to swing and explodes. The ropes are loose on one side of the balloon.
- Click the lever inside the cabine and the arm moves to the right.
- Push the button, it picks up the next box.
- Click the lever again. The arm moves to the left.
- Now you need timing. First you click the switch on the left side. A rope starts to burn. Immidiatly you push the button in the cabine on the right. The box will drop.
If you're not fast enough the balloon will pop. If you do it okay the balloon is free.

Level 2

- Click the stone. Left of the man. He will throw the stone and the big block will fall down.
- Open the door on the right side. It's in the wall right below.
- Push the button on the right side og the man. The bridge will fall down.
- Click the little man and he slides to the next level.

I need a walkthrough for the third level.

G'day, i've got a level 3 walkthrough.
-Click on the person
-click on the bottom of the lift
-click on the lever in the cabin in the air 4 times (the lever only works after each box has hit the ground)
-click on the button in the lift
-click on the lever in the lift
-click on the person
-click on the lever in the cabin and with good timing, click the bar below the conveyer belt and hit the explosives, do this twice
-click on the person
-click the button on the platform
-click on the person
-click on the small box
-click on the side of the see-saw without the explosives
-click on the small object you just threw.

I need a walkthrough for the fourth

I need a walkthrough for the fourth level

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 2:04 PM  

Level 4 walkthrough.

-click on the person standing next to the green box
-click on the arrow (or the two grey circles) to tilt it upwards
-click on the person standing at the bottom left
-click on this person again
-click on this person again (they should now be standing on the grey platform
-click on the person sitting at the very top (bridge falls down)
-click on the person on the grey platform
-click on this person again
-click on the lever
-click on the person standing next to the red ball
-click on the person sitting on the green box
Done! Level 5 being worked on, apparently

thanks for the walkthroughs!!

still working at level 5?... hmm =(

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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