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The Legend Of Zelda: The Lampshade Of No Real Significance Walkthrough

The Legend Of Zelda: The Lampshade Of No Real Significance

Zelda and the Legend of the Lampshade WalkthroughThe Legend of Zelda And The Lampshade Of No Real Signicance. Move with arrow keys. Use things or talk with people with space key.

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LOL this game is great! Easy :P

There must be a bug I can't move now that the guy at the well took my vase
i'm stuck

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ok after searching the web for a walkthrough i found one:
1:go to the plug and unplug it, get the lamp and go up the ladder
2:walk all the way up the road to the knight
3:talk to him and get the bag of money
4:walk down the road, you'll see a guy wearing an orange shirt walk out of the mcdonalds, follow him.
5: go down the road and into the building with the statue beside it(it may be hard to get into the building, so go to the farthest left of the door and walk in)
6:give the guy the bag of money,and get the spray bottle on the desk on the right
7:go into the mcdonalds and give the spray to the monster guy on the left table
8:get the toy iron from the monster, and go to the graveyard(go to the well and all the way to the left)
9:give the iron to the guy next to the open grave and get the vase
10:go to the well and give the vase to the guy at the well, he should give you a frog
11:go up the road to the town and take a left, a guy should be standing next to the building on the left, give him the frog
12:he should give you tiger paint, go all the way to the right and go inside the building with the man in the orange shirt outside of it
13:give the tiger paint to kirby (the pink dude shooting) you should get a tazer
14:go to the building between the graveyard and the well, and tazer the guy lying on the ground, the other man should walk in the building, follow him.
15: get the toy gun on the ground(its green) and go to the graveyard
16:give the gun to the man in red and get the shovel
17:go the the other grave thats near the road, use the shovel to dig it up and get the dead body(to dig it up go on the left side of the grave, to get the body go on the right)
18:go to mcdonalds and give the dead body to the man at the counter, you should get a burger
19:go to the knight and give him the burger,he should fall to the ground sick
20:go up the bridge to the temple, go inside and put the lamp on the altar

can't pull plug out

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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