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Blue Suburbia Walkthrough

Blue Suburbia

This a type of adventure game, but then again it's not... It is an online maze of art and poetry. You can seriously get lost wandering around the many hallways and trapdoors. The graphics are excellent, and although it is not a typical "game", i highly recommend it! You can choose between Volume 1 or Volume 2.

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Here's a rap about it from the artist's website:

Although BlueSuburbia isn’t under development any longer due to time constraints, and the artist keeping-on-rockin’-on with a creative career, the world here (BlueSuburbia) stands as it is. Perhaps one day I will start creating more for it, perhaps not. When I began I was poverty level poor and could barely afford a functioning computer. When I look back at the conditions I lived in, I’m blown away at what I accomplished. Software (Flash) was a choice between food/water/electricity, or a creative outlet. Naturally I chose the latter.
Sound, and music was always an uphill battle since I couldn’t afford the tools for creating my own (although now I do, and make my own \ .. / (-_-) \ .. / ). I ended up pulling together what resources I had, and using the default recorder that came with windows and a cassette recorder to play things back and forth until I got a piece of something usable… It was a desperate situation, but creativity was my relief from it.
At any rate, here you have it. A very personal piece of me.

BlueSuburbia is the perfect name for this maze of poetry and art that uses the gaming platform as a delivery mechanism for literature.
It is best described as an anti-game because the author believes games to be more than an entertainment medium. BlueSuburbia uses the platform of the 21st century to weave a seemingly infinite web of superb animation hovering in that wonderful territory between wicked and beautiful… It is art freed from the creatively confining restrictions of tangible media, to become a virtual reality that engrosses the viewer with emotional, visual, and musical stimuli, all endowed with artificial intelligence. It is a work of art one no longer passively observes but feels the impact of.

It sounds like a joke but you can literally get lost while wandering down any one of this anti-game’s exquisitely drawn meandering pathways, or corridors of the poetic mind.
The childish, magical feel is BlueSuburbia’s most wonderful quality. It literally sucks you in. The artwork and animation leaves one altogether breathless and curious for what comes next. It has a feel of being from the other side of the looking glass, and gives you the nagging sensation that the rabbit hole is never far off. The Alice in Wonderland quality is mixed with a dark Burtonesque approach to the strangeness of normal life. It’s as if the white rabbit had appeared to, rather than a 19th century little girl, Edward Scissorhands. Toss in a little mindfuck straight from the Matrix, where babies are plugged into a pumping syringe that endlessly injects the facades of society into its brain – and you have successfully described the sunny cul-de-sacs of BlueSuburbia.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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