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Little Ogee - Save The World Walkthrough

Little Ogee - Save The World

Little Ogee is another point and click adventure game made by Orange Gray. You need to little ogee to save the world. To do that, you have to click right places to move and do right things.

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Dumb, dumb, dumb ...

Go right in sheriff's office, grab a gun from desk and click on the wanted poster.
Go outside and use gun and see what it does. Click on exit sign hidden behind trash cans, Ogee will have to kick a few of them until a path is clear so click on the sign until he goes left.
Kick all the new trash cans, you will find a bottle behind one. Ogee will take a sip and leave.
Before going over to the other side, go right by clicking exit sign. Click on fish, then click on a trash can. Use bottle to put out the fire and take a fish bone.
Now, take a drink from a bottle to encourage Ogee to fly over the bridge. Click on the other side and when he starts flapping his hands, click on him a few times to make him flap, that will get you accross.
To pass a security guard, use your gun and click on the bullet a few times so it changes course and starts chasing the guard.
You are in the dark room, there is only one place where you can click so find that spot. It's a joystick that you will use to move around. Click on it. Click on the command in this order: UP, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, UP, LEFT. An exit sign will appear so click on it and leave the room.
Jump on the first chain then click on the second one as fast as you can so Ogee will jump again. Repeat it to jump on the second chain. Shoot the gun while Ogee is facing right, that will catapult him to safety.
To beat the robot take a drink again, click on the robot and then quickly click behing Ogee. That should put him out for good.
Click on the key at the right of the elevator use the fish bone on the key whole, that will open the door.
Click on the right drawer, it will open. Click again and Ogee will get a pair of wire cutters. Click on the wires, click on the wire cutters. Choose a wire. There's no right or wrong one. Watch the ending.
You will always fail!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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