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Danaq - The Online Riddle Walkthrough

Danaq - The Online Riddle

Danaq is a sort of online riddle, where you will have to use text clues, buttons, and still images to complete 20 different and challenging puzzles. Danaq ia a short game, but figuring each answer may take you some time. Remember to write down any passwords you discover in order to continue at a later time. Enjoy!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Stuck on level 7. Guess my brain is kinda slow today.

Nevermind I finished the game.

grrrr, is that scream fella painted by edvard munch but what the hell is the name in dutch? i've already looked for it in dictionaries and nothing seems to fit...

(lvl 7 btw)

stuck on level 3. HELP

never mind, I got past it

how do you get past level 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never mind the answer is spook

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nevermind i got it :(

help!!! stuck on level 8

stuck on level 3 i can't pass

stuck on level 3 please help

on level 3, click the number 3, and then type in the password...its pretty obvious, if you read the clue......remember the first part for level 4

arg...level 5 is driving me crazy!!!! any advice?

stuck on level 20. helpp?

stuck on level 20. helpp?

help on level 6!!!

1: click door
2: click hole
3: click number 3 then: clothes
4: change 4 to 5 then cklick chair
5: zoom twice on left key then click "level 6"
6: show all, click her right eye, pw = leonardo
7: click left cross "what is my name" >> spook
8: click door >> contrast
9: make him purrr, casper
10: stinky, stretch, fatso
11: gotta get away
12: rediar
13: deadly
14: often seen
15: 10
16: right click, play
17: the pw is easy
18: #0000FF
19: look for this one in the above answers:p

20: won

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wow that dude that made that riddle game is awesome!!!
some parts were hard but i beat the whole thing!!

How did you get, that the answer in Level 7 ist spook?

What Dutch Ghost is meant here?

Btw Edvard Munch isn't Dutch, he's Norwegian.

level 16, i dont get Help please! thanks!

put the answer in to puzzle no ten that the walkthrough say and the game says it is wrong. Does anyone have any other answers.If so please let me know.

Still trying to get the answer to puzzle no. ten to work. Is anyone playing who can Help?

what was the password for level 19??? I'm am so stuck.

I am having a hard time on level 19 can someone give me the answer I ca't figure it out

I"m just starting

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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