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Ray's Evolve Game - Pap Love Story Walkthrough

Ray's Evolve Game - Pap Love Story

Napo Room WalkthroughRay's Evolve Game - Pap Love Story is another point and click Grow type game like Eyezmaze games from creator of Ray Room games. Object of game is to win the girl's heart by clicking the 7 icons in the correct sequence. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Themer]

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Walkthrough, please? It never tells you when a level reaches the next stage, or when it reaches max, or anything. It's really annoying to just sit & guess!

Well, at least the music is catchy, lol. :(

yo themer could you help us out plz?

If you've done everything right, you'll get a little animation. You then have to wait for the animation to finish. You'll then get a little something and then you can click on the last item.

Music note, pool ball, flower, cube's base under the note, cube shelf, mouse, watch animation, boxers, fin

Well done Jennifer :p

Walkthrough above for the ones who search it. It's a game to get Pap (the guy) in love with his girl, but therefor he has to be a cool dude, you have to make him and so did Jennifer :p

Wow no need to be insulting but, this game sux......

sorry about the double post..

It's p&c though :p I've also seen better ones :p

If thats the walktrough, how cme I still get a cross at the end and the meter only goes half way up??

Here is the walkthrough

The order is Music note, 9 Ball, Flower, Box shelf, Table top, mouse, then you need to wait until they play the game and you win some money and the friends go away. THEN push the shorts and he will give her the flower, a gift with a bow and play the music and you win.

Here´s an alternative code: 9 ball, flower, block, plank, mouse, music note then wait then shorts.
The guitar grows when you do that and you´re drunk. I think this is the correct one

don't know how to do spoilers, sorry, so i'll try to garble it so that you can look away and not get hints:

aardvark, house, blanket, noose, ball, flower, note, tetris, monk, board, box, lion, goose, globe, pencil, mouse, boxers, gravy, soup, fork, girdle, watch.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must let the animations finish between clicks, or else it won't work.

NOTE:credit does not go to me it goes to writerj on gamershood. thank you...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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