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Tucoga's Room 2 Walkthrough

Tucoga's Room 2

Tucogas Room 2 WalkthroughTucago's Room 2 is the sequel to Tucoga's Room, a Brazilian room escape game. Gather and use items in order to escape. You can set the language to English on the pc in the game. Good luck and have fun!

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*Everyone runs from room to room clicking colors.* :)

i think i koww the problem 1 sec

I can't slice the cushion which one do you slice?

Thanks Jordan. that's the first bit of progress in hours.

When I first signed on, there were only about 5 comments...now we're at 200!

I'm feeling kinda stupid. I can't find that damn key under the couch. Can someone help me?

dont open the trap door.

evilwolf: Click the middle couchen a few times and then go to the right it will lay on the ground :)

LOL. Laura, you mean after all that something bad happened?

You said 'don't open the trap door'. I thought you had figured it out only something bad happened.

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:20 AM  

i dont get i clicked the diamonds and nothing happened

I'm searching the TV screen for a hidden message - the code input allows four characthers. It's possible to make out letters or numbers in the picture (like the black 5 / S on the right side) but so far no luck.

Thx themer. :P

Good night everyone. Or should I say good morning.

Good luck.

anyone know which cushion to cut? cant figure it out

i wonder if the code is on that paper harry was talking about...

i just restarted like 50 times, and it was a waste:P

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:23 AM  

that harry guy found a paper with a code on it earlier but he didnt remember where and i havent been able to find it in the last hour and a half

rach... you have to click the painting in the first room not the bedroom

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:26 AM  

that makes sense haha its obviously late

i found the last key!!! it was in the cubboard in the bathroom... i dont even know how i found it...

How can I enter the bedroom?

then you can find the paper... but its blank...

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:29 AM  

which side of the cuboard

use the tape on paper... and then stick it to the tv

Just started again...at least I know why I was having so much trouble...if your poster above the couch is red, restart...my was red from the beginning, so hopefully I will get further

the right side.. click along the line

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:32 AM  

what paper i dont have any paper

click inside of the left cupboard in bathroom for sixth key on the line in the cupboard is where youclick

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:33 AM  

thank you

       Anonymous  8/27/07, 12:36 AM  

yay 70% but still absolulty clueless

Hey,do not put the piece of paper with the tape on the TV. Look at the green sign in the bedroom, its red. i dont know where its sopposed to go, but not on the tv, thats for sure.

Well I chopped off the top of the cone and stuck on the lamp, the coffee table lit up and my green poster changed diagram???

hmm youre right... that would make sense since anyway the paper doesnt do anything for the tv lol

Turn out the light again and look at the blank sheet of paper.

I know I said goodnight, but I had to see what would come up after I brushed my teeth. :P

i restarted... and i took out the paper before... and it says 706 on it

hello! I am back but the blog won't let me use the same name again. so now i am pypyip from pearl_y

@redroobar, that's standard, and about the piece of paper on the television, don't do so!!! I think there first has to be something cut out or whatever :)

mine says 437

Still havent got into the bedroom, but did get in the room at the end of the corridor and discovered the code for the painting above the sofa, so have a safe? that needs a code

the number changes each time

the paper does go on the TV but not at this stage of the game... hmmm

Put code from paper (when light is out you see it) in on television which gives code to save in back of you which gives white rubiq piece

i love how when restarting we can now do everything in like 2 min..and before we needed like 2 hours to get to the point where we are now haha

the save is the picture? how do you open it?

I use the save option on every positive action I take. Before I walk besides all posters to see if it's ok, then save and go on :) Poster turned red when placed paper on television, loaded and no progress lost ;)

Now I have my rubiq toy complete :p Useful (NOT :p)

I'M OUT! Thank you guys so much. This was tough.

No, when you have the white paper, turn off the lamps and you will get a new code from the paper. Put that one in on the television and it gives you a code of 4 numbers, which goes into the save :)

Which door is the bedroom? I have a spare key, that doesnt seem to open anything

i got that. but what safe?

So the toilet code seems to be a red herring. That's frustrating, after all the time spent trying to make sense out of nonsense.

Don't speak Portuguese, but could make out something like "the final version will go up to 100% completion" in the end credits.

Behind the colored poster :) Click colors in order of bedroom :)

Ann1, completed? I just got 70%

and HOW get the green block? Under carpet? I can't do that :(

I WON I WON I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont undertand how you found the code... when i put the paper on it goes blank :(

i finished it but am trying for 100% completion

Now I got a space key, by placing the rubiq on the table :)

Guess 100% completion is only possible with \o/ ?

para, it is in the corner near the bathroom

mc blogger, don't put the paper on television, just turn lights off with paper in inventory :)

100% must be through trap door

After getting the key, the rubiq can be taken back from the bedroom :)

Which gave me 74% which means we're going on for the last quarter ;)

ohh alright i got it.. thanks Themer :D

wow i dont think ive ever been so relieved to finish a game as this one... that took forever..

teamwork was key here !! haha thanks everyone

im @ 75... just put the tape on the paper. lol...
i am just stumbling because you can't get to the bedroom with \o/

Hmmmz, then how did you get 75 :p I'm at 74 with tape on paper, in inventory:

paper with tape
remote control
tape itself
key for final door

is it sad that i memorized the color pattern cause ive restarted so many times?? haha lol

im restarting to try for 100

mc blogger, what do you mean? :p

themer... did you slice the pillow aagain?? cuz that gives you 1% maybe thats waht you missed

If that adds percentage, it must have a meaning around this stage of the game :)

how do you slice the cushion still cant do it which cushion is it maybe that will help?

to slice the pillow you have to be in the view with the window... then you can slice it

this is so weird. i redid the whole game... including opening the safe before the sign changed... but it still isn't 100

ok thanks

i am giving up for today (not too bad guys!) awesome teamwork!

@Pearl, 100% must be something with the trapdoor :)

When opening the door with the space key :p, is the game directly ended?

when you open the door without light there is something written on it... i wonder if that has something to do with getting 100%

i just noticed that those dots on the door show up on the piece of paper if you didnt put it on the computer

so now i have 77% thats a bit closer

Cool, going on, it must be something good, it adds 2%!

Still don't place it on the tv (although it adds 2%) I guess that's for later! :)

Use knife on paper with dots and place it on television!!!

yah ... i saved it before i put it on the tv... so now i went back before i did that...

Your doted code the same?

green black green
black green green
green green green

80% how could we use this dotted pattern?

yah it is... but what is it for??

hmm.. i dont know..

but you know what i was wondering about... why the rubics cube is missing the middle

Yes and wondering why the oval on the grey poster is lit up :p I guess we need the rubiq again after using the trapdoor :)

i'm really running out of ideas...

Maybe the dots give a location of a new frequency on the television?

good idea!!

Any idea how, tried binary in different ways, no luck :(

Tried also some combinations on the cuchions and photos :p

yah..ive tried a bunch of things as well..but i'm stuck as well...

i think i might go to sleep...srry to leave you...but its 5 am here hahah this game had kept me up all night!!

I died almost of a heart attack, when I reloaded the game screen in stead of this one :P Luckily saves also works after reopening the screen pfhew :p

hahah i know exactly the feeling

Nordinho is laying behind :p Come on, any people here that want to help us out :(

alright im srry.. i really have to go.. my eyes wont focus anymore haha

good luck !!

im prob gonna come back tomorrow...well later today i guess.. to check

Hmmz we'll see who comes in :p

Thanks Themer. Saved at 80% but no idea what to do with the green black green etc? Been up all night on this, now 10am here! Great teamwork.

The lamp of the keyboard of the PC

Cool idea dora, how those it work out though?

Ok, every time do a row, press enter (the one besides the letters, not the numbers) and the images will change back to \o/ unbelievable!!! :D

Now on search (damn my english is realy bad today :p I had to retype search 6 times!) for the missing middle pieces!

left side→ center.
10KEY'left→right (difficult explain the place)
The number lock → left.
light of the top right corner becomes green.

Three pieces to go, got blue, yellow and green so far :)

Need red orange and white

Only one piece to go :)


Red: window to the outside (right bottom corner)
White: Zoom in on toilet (right top corner)
Yellow: Cut open piece of bank
Green: Plant on kabinet
Blue: Forgotten :$

Nothing rises even if I do the lamp of the keyboard according to television.

Where is orange? :(


Apply the lights of row one, click the enter key with your cursor (changes into pointing hand), apply lights of row two, enter again, then third row and again enter :)

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Rubiq complete and out!!! OMG one of the hardest room escape games I've ever seen! Gorka you had to be with this!!! :p

My orange was at the wall corner where we found the battery, so seems like the locations of them change! :)

Thx all for playing and hints and work on this game!

turn off the lights and look at the code on your blank paper..
enter that code on remote, this will give u another code with 4 numbers..
go to tucoga1, look at the colors at the painting on the wall..
go back and click the colors with that order on the painting above the couch..
enter the code with 4 numbers..
take the key..
go back to tucoga1 and take the cube..
come back and use the key at the door, u re out!

@ Diren, what should that be, it's as incomplete as possibe (not realy because then it should be empty, but anyway) and that's not the complete route ;)

damn!I was sure there was something strange when I completed at 70% something:))

I have changed the green symbol, but I still can`t find anything. Please help..

Thanks! Rubiq complete and out too!

>>seems like the locations of them change!
It was my misunderstanding.
I deleted comment.

I became me in the same way first.
I was able to do it till the picture of all rooms became ,\○/ when input it many times.

Ok, thanks, I just try a little longer then.

ok so i created a blogger account just for this game

i've done everything i can and i'm only at 66%

i've gotten all the sides of the cube, but no centers, opened the safe, have the white paper but after i open the safe i turn off the lights to see the new code and the only thing showing on it is the old code, am i doing something wrong?

rhcpman, when you have the cube complete, place it on the table in the dark for the first escape key :)

i did i tried every table in the dark and i cant get it to stick anywhere

ok so i figured it was probably a glitch so i restarted the game and finished it in about 1 min lol wow ours of my life gone lol now to get 100% and the centers of the cube joy lol

it is 7am no point in sleeping now

Good luck all and thanks. Finally out with 100%

where are all the center pieces for the cube? i know i have the red, blue, white, and green. but what about the rest?

i put the code on the keyboard, then it gives you little squares, you must find them and add to the cube:)

the orange one is above the grey picture, where u found the battery

Hi!Where can I find that white square? And how can I get to the bedroom? 65% now and stuck.

where did u found the white one?

what white square pim? the big one with a hole, or the little one?

I ment big one with hole.

put the choped cone on the lamp, turn off the light, push white button, go to bedroom, memorize colours on the picture, clik the colours in the same order on the picture above the couch, put the code on the television, which is given by the code on the paper

i'm 95% and i can't find the damn white little square, i looked everywhere in the toilet, can't find it, pls, someone can help me?

does anyone know where you find the small yellow piece of paper?

never mind found it, it was in the tear you make in the couch

finally 100% completion, good lord

can't remember for sure, but i think it was in the sofa, where u cuted it


there are so many red herrings in this game. i'm not sure if they are there just to get you to 100% status.

some of the things that AREN'T REQUIRED:
- trap door means nothing
- toilet code means nothing
- sticky tape really does nothing except give you the clue to where the battery is stuck up on the ceiling
- i suppose the cd's help, but aren't necessary to get out
- i think you can still finish if the man changes shape, but not if it's red? (i really can't be bothered trying it out... i've already spent hours!)

Some tips I can think of (without being too obvious)
- once you have a completed rubix cube, the thing that makes the trap door appear? someone earlier noticed that with the lights off, and after you click the button on the ceiling where the cone points the light, there is a box on the coffee table. it has a hole in it like the rubix cube does...
- do something with that, and it gives you a key for...
- the ONLY code that is important is the one on the sheet of paper from the right cupboard in the toilet, you can see it when you turn out the lights
- I think the D3 code just refers to the tile to break... but it's already an odd tile

all these red herrings makes it crazy, everyone keeps twisting themselves into a knot to try and work them out, and in the end for nothing =P I know i did =\

good luck! if you want more help ask me

pls, tell me where the white one is

oh and you don't need to cut the damn cushion

grr.... i spent way too long on this game =D so many assignments which i should be doing

the white tile is in the safe that is behind the colour picture above the lamp. You need to click the colours in the same order as Tucouga I (YRGBPW) and then the code which i mentioned on the piece of paper

also, you don't need to worry about the green and black tv screen... another red herring in conjunction with the code in the toilet

thx jeany, i meant the other square, not the big one, i found it anyway, did u finished the game at 70% or at 100%

i'm not sure, i didn't get to check before i walked out the room

I finished with 70% and 100%.
This is very good game. It's a pity, that I couldn't play with you.

aaaaah...a walkthrough,plz :((

One of the most addictive games at last time!Spent all day with it..
Themer! Without Your comments I never finished this with 100%.
Tnank You!

don't know if its posted or not. but the cushions have to be up when you switch to the right view, in order to get the key. sorry if it is allready posted but didnt want to read through, cause i havent beaten the game yet

also worth a note is i put the white paper on the tv, but i had already got the number.
and thought the bedroom showed a red sign. i still finished the game.
would like to know how to get out of the trapdoor though.

the tape and the code from the toilet are not red herings!!!
you´can do more after you got the key from the colored dice.


i found that bug theresa! ive all items..wierd...lol

ok after u put the rubix cube into the glass thingy. go to bedroom .rubick cube returns in there on table

ok here the ending with 100 percent:

after you got the key from the cube

1.open the door with the key when its dark, you can see white signs.
2.use paper on signs use tape on paper and then use knife on paper(dont forget this)
3.stick the whole thing on tv
4.turn on tv and use code from toilet
5.note the point-combination
6.take cube from other room
7.go to keyboard, you can turn green spots on with the numlock,the capslock and in germna its pos1...dont know whats in englisch.
8. enter the combination(after each combination press enter)
9.now you have the search the rooms for 6 more peaces for the inner part of the cube.
orange: there where the second battery was
white:in the toilet on the right(better close the menue bar for it)
green:on the plant
blue: next to the small lamp
yellow:cut the right sofa pillow with knife
red:in the window with the sklyline

now put the rest pieces to the cube and turn the light off, again go to the bic cube and pt the small cube in it.
take key,go out off trap door

i can only get the first green light to change middle one stays green and 3rd one cant find

ok did them nothing seems to happen though?

Trying to get the 100% finish but can't find the tiny white tile in the bathroom. Been clicking everywhere with light on and off...nothing...help!!

Zoom in again on the toilet ;)

make sure your items window is closed. ;)

wow that was an amazing game...wish i would have stayed the extra 15 min..i would have been done lol...but i was too tired :D

pfff i entered the code with the lights like a thousand times and nothing changes...

01) Light on
02) Over the computer in the shelf completely right blue book - > CD
03) Middle, light blue book down - > blue part of the charm cube
04) CD shelf to the left of the books, right row, lightgreen CD - > CD
05) Over the stereo system click - > key 1
06) Raise all three couch cushions - > key 2 + battery 1
07) Put down all the cushions, something falls to the floor - > key 3
08) click the right lower edge of the table - > yellow part of the cube
09) click between couch and cabinet - > Orange part of the cube
10) In the shelf right above beside flower pot - > remote; completely right on the shelf - > lamp rope; to the left of the plant - > Paper hat
11) in the corner of the room, to the left of the bathroom door, click the corner o fthe carpet - > green cube part
12) on the ceiling, of the corner to the left of the corner you just got the green piece from, click - > battery 2
13) With the three keys, open we the right door of the shelf with the pictures - > hammer; the left door under the TV - > cutter and CD; and the left door in the bathroom - > light bulb
14) In the left bath cabinet is another key, in the middle of the edge that is the rear, right corner of the cabinet - > key 4
15) With key 4 open the right bathroom cabinet door - > take the paper
16) Lower, left corner of the garbage can - > key 5
17) With the hammer, smash the mirror, click on the bottom right of the green poster - > CD
18) With the hammer, hit the tile the is 4 right and 3 down from the top left corner of the room - > red part of the cube
19) click under the edge in the toilet - > key 6
20) With the two new keys, open the right door under the TV - > tape; and the left door of the shelf - > grey cube
21) Cut the paper hat and put it on the lamp along with the string and the light bulb, turn off the lights and look at the piece of paper for a 3 digit code
22) Before turning on the light, click on the white lite up area on the celing - > press the white button
23) A door will appear on the floor and the door down the hall is now unlocked. Go through the door to go back into the room from the first game
24) On the wall, note the order of the colors (yellow, red, green, blue, purple, white)
25) put the batteries into the remote, go to the TV, turn it on (power button) and enter the 3 digit code from the paper - > get a four digit code
26) on the picture that hangs close to the lamp, click the colors in the order (from left to right) to you saw on the wall in the other room - > safe appears
27) enter the 4 digit code from the TV - > white cube piece.
28) Drop all the colored pieces onto the grey cube to make the key box, then turn off the lights and turn to the shelf, on the table you will see a box of light, place the colored key box in the square outline- > get the main key
29) With the lights still off, unlock and open the door next to the lamp, BUT DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DOOR!!!
30) There is some writing on the door, so to make a copy of the writing, use the tape on the paper and then the paper on the written on area. After you have the copy of the writing, use the cutter on the paper to cut out the holes.
31) Zoom in on the TV, switch it on and enter the 3 digit code from before and place the paper on the screen - > note the white/black dot combinations
32) Turn the light on, then it is not so dark. Go the the room down the hall and take the key box from the desk
33) The three posters should now all be green and look like this,
—Now go to the computer
34) the keyboard of the computer has three green lights that symbolize CAPS lock, Num lock, and scroll lock. (from left to right)
35) From the dot combinations from the TV, enter the three dot combinations in any order, and hit return after each combinaton (black dot means a green litght, white means no light). This will turn all the signs to \o/
—NOTE: For some reason, the second code from the TV did not work for me, so if one of the codes doesn’t work, try one of these. First code: (G) green (S) off (G) green, then press Return, second code: SGG, then Return; Third code: GGG, then Return
36) If you have done everything correctly, there are now more cube pieces to collect, the internal pieces.
37) Orange one - > where the battery 2 was; White - > in the toilet completely on the top right when you zoom in (behind your inventory bar so you may have to shrink the bar); Green - > on the pot plant; Blue - > to the left of the small lamp; Yellow - > use the cutter on the front of the right sofa cushion; Red - > in the window with the picture of the skyline
38) Assemble the cube, turn out the lights, place the key box in the box of light, get the key, and use it on the trap door. - > 100% COMPLETE!!

I didn't write this walkthrough, I just found it so I take no credit. I thought I should post it here anyways though.

This comment has been removed by the author.

wow i was really freaked out!! wouldn't ever think of the lock-lights

If you didn't write this walkthrough, you should post the name of the author too !!! :)

@Mc Blogger:

Yeah realy, after I got the hint about the lights on the keyboard I was flying :p

Pocket change----- Thank you, thank you, thank you!. I have been playing this game so long. My husband was hinting around for a divorce. lol
Very hard game, but very enjoyable.
Thank you to the maker's of this game also.

My code in the paper is 3 number???? Help me, please!

@zita, that's right, put that into the television to get code for the save :)

       Anonymous  8/28/07, 5:32 AM  

Cant find the key in the toilet :(
can anyone exactly explain where it is? thank you :)

"In the left bath cabinet is another key, in the middle of the edge that is the rear, right corner of the cabinet - > key 4"

you can put an image of where is key 4? thanks

"In the left bath cabinet is another key, in the middle of the edge that is the rear, right corner of the cabinet - > key 4"

you can put an image of where is key 4? thanks

If you press the flush on the toilet you lose the key in the bowl...so check first
This was an awesome game and without the walkthru I would have gone insane...

what is the 4 digit code from the tv???????????????

Hy guys. It's happening to me that while i'm playing this game the page change... Is it just a problem of mine?

I can't find the keybox on the desk after I could see the dots on the tv screen. what did I wrong? I am stuck, I can't find any middle tiles. Txs!

Ok, I've tried I don't know how many times to get the key from the toilet. Can someone give specific instructions on where it is EXACTLY. Thank you.

Forget it. Had to reset the game and start over to get the key in the toilet

The walkthrough was great. However when it came to going to the keyboard that did not work at all. I only had one green light so I gave up and went out the door. Game Over!

Tank`s for The walkthrough, was great. I went insane. Thank you german, it took me long time playing, but finally i did it¡¡¡. A great game.

How do you turn on the lamp? It wont work for me.


I don't think the computer light changes work if you use a laptop- I can't change the lights and the only thing on the game keyboard I can select is the enter key! Garrr.


Please help me, I cant find the white little piece of rubics cube! I know its in the toilet, but I`ve been clicking everywhere and still nothing. Can someone tell me what tile is it? :)

Close the inventory to get it.

I already did that but cant find it.

AHH! this was hard lol, the scroll lock button is in the wrong spot that was giving me so much trouble!

Read the walkthrough over and over. Anytime I get to number 14, where it says: "In the left bath cabinet is another key, in the middle of the edge that is the rear, right corner of the cabinet - > key 4" Is it possible I have a bug cos theres nothing there at all.

KEYS.....these are the first few that you need to get started DO THESE FIRST before anything else. I noticed you need to click exactly on a line or corner.

View of lamp - lift cushions key and battery key 1
Lift cushions a few times up/down and change view to bookcase (right) key 2 on floor and yellow tile. Floor between sofa and book case (click bottom corner sofa)orange tile
Top right corner of bookshelf (cord) and either side of plant (remote & cone)
Stereo view click near left bracket of shelf corner top left stereo for key 3
Go right doors - click exactly in bottom corner floor for green tile
Enter bathroom - toilet click line bottom of grey edge in the middle key 4
Click bottom corner edge of bin for key 5
Use key to open cupboard (drag and click) get bulb and click the line (back of cupboard right) in line with handle knob of right cupboard door.

Regarding the keyboard....just press keys until you see tiny green light comes on and note its position and the key. When you find all three do the instructions. Zoom out and see if the poster has changed, if not try again. It took a couple of tries.

I made for you a screen of keyboard.
Just look above :)

Sorry Gorka, didnt see the post...

It is a pity that we can't throw the pictures, links aren't so much visible.

where is the hammer pleases

help where is the hammer pleases

where is the hammar pleases

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