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Archelon Code Walkthrough

Archelon Code

Archelon Code HintsArchelon Code is another little puzzle type game. In this game, you need to click a button to see the associated problem. You must have solved the two previous problems to decrypt the next. Good luck and have fun!

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I got 3 of the 1st 4- the third one i get 222 and 175 when i use a binary translator and i definitly cannot translate the second level's 1st clue.... any ideas?

*hint* For the binary clue, you need to make the number into a word. Do you know of a counting system that includes letters? *end hint* ps: When you have the word, use lowercase when entering it.

If this is too vague, I'm just trying to not give too much info for those who like to solve these on their own.

Actually I do not... by all means please tell me what you mean..:) thanks.

To get the answer convert from binary to hexidecimal.

I've got 1st,2nd and 4th

1st: blind
2nd: infinity

Any help on 3rd?

ok, I found all 4

the last one is despair

now mooving to the next column..

Good luck with the middle clue of column 2. For the top clue of that column, keep in mind that it has nothing to do with the binary system. I have managed to find the answers to all the clues, so post if you need a hint or just want the answer.

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am really stuck in the 1st of the 2nd column
i tried TONS of answers but no use >_<
plz plz HELP i'm despirate

got the first five (i'm not sure for the fifth because I cannot verify it), but the sixth and seventh give me trouble...


1: Mark text with mouse to see lines written in background color.
2: Ask Wikipedia what Leetspeak is. Read the text, the solution is in there (if it is hard for you, use the last word of the first line; and write it like normal humans write it).
3: As already said, use Calculator to convert binary to hexadecimal
4: Disable image display in your browser (easy in Opera since there's a toolbar icon for that)
5: Copy the digits into a text editor with word wrap (Notepad will do) and resize the window until the digits form a square. One of the two possible solutions (find factors of 329 to know which two) forms an "image" that looks like a word. You may need to use search&replace to make the 1 and 0 more distinguishable.
6. I used Audacity to make the sound slower, and I think he says something ending in -eeful, but can't think of any English word fitting (I am not a native English speaker).

1: oyvaq
2: vasvavgl
3: qrns
4: qrfcnve
5: ibvq (?)

I can confirm that your answers for the first five clues are correct. The clue for number 6 is very hard to understand, even with audio editing. Go ahead and ask if you want the answer.

*hint in rot13* V unir npghnyyl chg n qrsvavgvba bs gur jbeq va guvf cbfg. *end hint*

ishap #6 plz

In the rot13 conversion, number 6 would be "bofpher". Don't decrypt if you want to find it on your own. For those who give up on this clue, don't feel bad about it, this one stumped a lot of people.

ishap whats the ninth one it has been driving me nuts rot13 it please

The rot13 conversion of number 9 would be cnenabvq. Also be aware that the author of this game misspelled the answer to number 10. There is a double letter in the correct spelling that the author forgot about. You need to spell the word with a single letter instead of a double to complete the puzzle. If you can't figure out what the word should be, think this: gb *oynax* vf jung unccraf jura bar frrf gur nafjre gb ahzore 4

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