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Dassyutu 9 - Tangerine Compilation Walkthrough

Dassyutu 9 - Tangerine Compilation

Dassyutu 9 WalkthroughDasyutu 9 - Tangerine Compilation is the 9th room escape game in the Dassyutu series. Collect the items and use them at the right place and escape. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
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third replay and I always end up with end 1- if someone has any clue about the code for the blue box- do tell me, please ;o)

Hello, am i alone?
foun a key under kitchen
noted 3 and 6 bottles -?
If youtouch the door after found the key because: bad end & game over...

Opened water (sorry my english :)
Founded a pencil...in the fridge

No clue about the code yet

I only got a hair, a key, a pencil and a map.

all i have found is a pencil, a key and a map, now im stuck!

where did u get the map wizard?

under the bin

hair is on the middle lower painting

Whit the pencil -I think- got
a stick ¿? on book/table
got a hair/picture

use the hair on the piece of glass from the table

and then the pencil on that to make a bow and arrow

use the bow and arrow on the tangerine to get some red rope ?

i can't find the piece of glass :(

wizard: it's on the table, to the right of the book i think

i got it thanx tom :)

Im the same
but i dont know what to do
cant the apple

Got a fruit with the arrow on the yellow box

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ok. i think you have to shoot at the tangerine first to get the red thing, after that you can still take the tangerine using the yellow box

can anyone translate the piece of torn diary from the top drawer?

Dumb game. All you have to do is open the door under the sink, get the key, and you're out!

I have clicked all over the table looking for the piece of glass, with no luck. What am I doing wrong here?

There are six endings
The purpose of this game is not escapeing,
but give the girl friend what she likes.

END1: No orange.
END2: Withered orange.
END3: Ordinary orange.
END4: Frozen orange.
END5: Wetted and frozen orange.
END6: END5 with all his mother's sugar-bowl savings, 18666 yen.
(1 en is very difficult to find.)

I have the orange, but I have no idea how to get it wet or frozen???
Help please!
And what is the code for the box???

code for the box is 256

Maybe you shot the yellow box and got the withered orange.
You may want to get it with a stool.
As to the code for the box, 4^4 = 256.
It will be figured out from a memo and a map.

put the lemon from the box in the net and hang this on the tap. run the water and alternately click the water and the lemon 11 times to get a key

use the key on the bottom right sink drawer and get a small chair. use the chair to get the orange. wash the orange in the sink and put it in the freezer. come back and take out the frozen orange

There must be bugs in this game.I click on spots and it makes the sound as if Ive found something but doesnt give me anything.On table, between sink and fridge, on picture of bottle, on stool w/apple. Anyone else have this problem?

2000:book shelf
100:right picture
1000:account book
5000:left side of refrigeratror
500:second drawer
50:right side of green box
10:stool under the apple
5:lowest locked drawer
10000:yellow box

comes to 18665 yen, need 1 more.

Remaining 1 yen may reside in the random place
on the picture's screen.

vbranam1, there is a bug in this game

I don´t find anythink. help me please!!! thank you

where is the pencil? sorry for my english

The pencil is hiding behind the second bottle from the right
in the refrigeratror.

is anyone having this trouble??? I got the key from wetting the lemon in the sink but....I can not exit out of the sink to open the bottom drawer!!!! This has happened every time......HELP!!!

Wash the hand arain.

it's not a bug. when it makes the "bling" sound without visibly getting anything, you're actually finding money.

working link:


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