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TLFMER 4 - The Little Fast Made Escape Room 4 Walkthrough

TLFMER 4 - The Little Fast Made Escape Room 4

TLFMER 4 WalkthroughTLFMER 4: The Little Fast Made Escape Room Part IV is the fourth part of TLFMER: The Little Fast Made Escape Room point-n-click room escape games from Escape Game Maniac, who is the also creator of Head-Fi escape the room game series. As the name of game implies, this game is created little fast. Again try to escape out of the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Have board, crowbar(used), shirt, pants, needle(used), knife, marker, key(used/gone), and voodoo info-that is a new twist.

what? how?
i only have the crowbar, the knife, and the mask of the guard dude

oh and i saw the voodoo knife thing 2

wooden board from the right side of the box.

what mask?

the mask u have to cut august's guard w/ scissors

where did you find the needle?

where did you get the scissors?

oh and y is may's guard moving?

needle's in the hay stack.

in the box
the code is found in july's guards mouth by pressing it a couple times

thanks angelina, got it.

np but im confused what to do now
got: board, needle, crowbar, knife, mask

yeah i am out!

you have to find the shirt and a pair of pants first.

Where in the hay stack is the needle?

middle left sortta

where do i put the nose hair?
i made the scarecrow already

i still cant find the needle, its like looking fo...... well you know

I'm left with marker crowbar and knife. what now? Am I supposed to make the guard notice my creation? how?

i have my voodoo doll ready, i still have a crowbar and a knife. what now?

where does the nose hair from the guard go?!!


1.go straight ahead and click on the little door slide window. when the guaurd comes forward, click quickly on his nasal hair, you will pluck on out.

2.go left, click on the left side of the box. get the marker.

3.go left, click on the hay stack several times, and look carefully on the right side of the stack, you will barely see the needle. get it.

4.go left. get the crow bar from the table.

5.look up. use the crow bar on the celing and get the special knife.

6.use the needle on the may gaurd poster. get the key. use it to open the locked box. get a shirt and a pair of pants.

7.go left. fill the shirt and pants with hay.

8.put the shirt and the pants on the wall.

9.go to the area where the pictures are and click on the right side of the box. use the crowbar to get a plank of wood.

10.stick the wooden plank on the dummy so that it will look like a neck.

11.click several times on the july guy's mouth and you will get the password for the safe. (0718)

12.get the scissors from the safe. use it the cut out the face of the august guard and put the picture on the dummy.

13.use the marker on the dummy's chest to draw a star. put the nose hair in the middle of the star. use the knife. the gaurd will be gone now.

14.go to the door. open the slide window, use the crowbar. you are out.

I'm out too
thanks angelina that was the clue im am looking for

is the needle black or shiny or something? what should i be looking for and where, i have tried middle and left abit and i have also clicked all over for ages.

where is the marker and what is it?

look up for walkthrough.

im outta hear like a deaf kid playin musical chairs!

gah, I drag the marker to the doll's chest and it does nothing! Has anyone else had problems with it or is it a bug?

bill g, i forgot to mention in my walkthrough that you have to look under the table with the safe at the drawings and then you can use the marker on the dummy. you can't use the marker before looking under the table. sorry.

Dark. Fun, but dark.

I found the needle after spreading out the hay. It was light gray. trth is right...hard to see.

oooouuuuuttttttt!!!!! everybody thanks for the hints!!!! :)

thanks for the hints everybody!

i cant get out the guard is still there and i tried using the crow bar

use zoom in for needle in haystack.

Is anyone else having the exact same problem as me? there seems to be pop ups every second, that my comouter is blocking. and i find it really annoyig because i cant play because of this, is there maybe an alternative link?

ahh, it seems that only the direct link has pop-ups, i had to go to the home page then click on the game. :]

My firewall detected a trojan on this game!

I can't draw the star on the voo doo doll's shirt. some one HELP

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