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Anika's Odyssey

Anika's Oddysey WalkthroughAnika's Odyssey - Land of the Taniwha is a new released point and click type adventure game similar to Sprout and Samorost pnc adventure games. In Anika's Odysey you try to help Anika explore her colorful landscape as she journeys to reclaim her beloved friend. Use the mouse to explore your surroundings, click to interact. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. This ones from my place - NZ!!

  2. This game is different. Not quite sure what to do

  3. So sweet. I loved the artwork.

  4. wow, that was a great cartoon game thingy

  5. Super cute! I like Anika' Ta-daaaa at the end.

  6. How do you get past the rabbits that keep turning the log to get to the other side?

  7. click on the hole in the tree then when the one goes in push him in. how do you get past the vines?

  8. im out very cute game. thank's to the maker, it was fun

  9. i cant find what to do with the giant man and the machine!!!is anyone playing right now??plz help!

  10. Cool game being a fellow New Zealander I really enjoyed playing it.

  11. i cant find what to do with the the machine plz help!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I clicked the machine and the gigant more than 3 times. but nothing happens. I'm stuck, help please!

  14. I'm stuck again on the mountain, help plz!

  15. On the mountain, first climb on the path where a goat won´t let you pass, than go up in the cave and release abig rock, you´ll see

  16. im stuck ..cant pass the water jumped on log then a water creature came up an banged his head now im stuck cant get across..

  17. kellyseye,
    try the colored roots left of the tree to look for an other creature

  18. im STUCK! im on the part with the monster whos fishing and the machine. ive click both numerous time and nothings happened! help quick

  19. What goat? I've crossed the bridge and can either move the trailer or go into the cave.

  20. Never mind, I've just found it.

  21. The game wont start! It just shows the sponsors again and again... Not fair, I wanna play!

  22. Okay, I'm at the top of the mountain. I can open the door and let big rocks roll down. Doesn't seem to be doing anything...can anyone help me?

  23. How do i work the vines to get across the river?

  24. Yes, a very easy game and so beautiful.

  25. Lindab: Look at the leaves Get then from all vines in a row

  26. OK, figured out the vines. fed the fish, am standing by the big man. Where is the path where the goat is?

  27. Am I dense? I can't figure out what to do after the fisherman brings me up....Help!

  28. for some reason I am not getting these vines in a row is there an order or something?

  29. nevermind he changes colors I get it, you pull the according color! nice!

  30. So I am stuck by the giant, I got the flower or whatever from the plant, and now I don't know what to do can someone help please

  31. rayneberry; go to the rock in the front-right, in the lake. Click the girl. she'll drop the red fruit into the lake and the fish will come to eat it.

  32. Lindab, click on the ladder shaped stones to go up till you reach to the broken machine. Turn on the machine. After 4 clicks to the wheels, each time the girl will kick of one of the wheels. Then use the new bridge. Pull the wagon up to bridge. Turn on the machine and break the bridge and make a ladder downstairs. Go down, right then up till u see the goat...

  33. Ok first this is a really GOOD game and the artwork its beautiful ok here we go
    -Take the basin
    -Put the basin in the thing that extracts water.
    And now the eagle takes your little and cute bunny well...
    -Take the basin and click in the girl and now click in the basin.
    You jump and now you are in the forest...
    -move your mouse to the right
    -click in the tree with a hole.
    -click the trunk and click again the trunk
    Now a little monsters come and bothered you...
    -Move your mouse to the left and click in the tree with a hole and give another click to the tree
    -Click the red monster
    He goes to the hole and his friends come and they "help to his friend" so...
    -Go to the trunk
    The monsters said you :Goodbye...
    -Move your mouse to your right
    -click in the trunk that is in the river
    -Click in the thing gray that is in the middle of the river
    A ugly monster goes out and he scares.He sticks with a trunk
    -Click in the floor of your left
    You will see 3 vines.(blue red and yellow)
    -Click the red vine later the yellow and then the blue
    A blue monster go out of the tree and he extracts his language.
    -Go to the trunk of the river
    -Click the language
    -Move your mouse to your right and click in the rock of the river.
    -Up you will see a little tree with little fruits click it.
    -Down(where before you were)
    There is a rock below in the river click it.
    -Click the girl
    The giant captures a fish and you take of the fish and you up.
    -Go up
    -Go up again
    You will be where there is machine
    -Click the gear of the up at the right
    -Click the gear down of the other that you click it
    -Click again the gear that its down
    -And click (again) the biggest gear that its up of the left

    -Now click the lever
    The machine will be down the"stair"
    -Click in the car with rocks
    -Click in the lever of the machine
    Now the "stair" brokes and you can go down
    -Click down
    -Click down again and now click right
    A giant goat appears and if YOU WANT you can click it its very funny and cute how she tries to move the goat.
    -Go down and up where it was the car with the rocks
    -Get into the hole
    -Click in the door
    And a rock will go out and throw at the goat
    -Click the hole wherefrom you went out
    -Down and click the right
    And you will up where is the nest of the eagle that takes your bunny
    -Click your bunny
    -click the floor
    Now the stupid eagle came and he wants YOUR bunny but NO!!the mountain takes FACE!! (WHAT???!!!??) and the eagle goes and he leaves a few feathers
    -Take the feathers
    and now you have WINGS!! yeah!!
    -Click the nest
    And you will FLY!!!
    You come to your home and now..
    -Take the basin put it in the things that will give you water and you were filling it with water
    -Dont forget the basin and take it and now go to the door
    THE END!!
    thanxs and its my first walkthrough and SORRY FOR MY ENLGISH!! im not very good in this matter...well THANK YOU!!
    Zirze Ivette*

  34. One addition to the Walkthrough.
    At the end if you click on the mountain-man before jumping off Anika kisses mountain-man. It is cute.

  35. wow..that was slow and was like,, thats not the right move..was it just me..? took me like a half hour to get to water edge..

  36. what is it with this game it loads so far then stops

  37. what a nice little game indeed! anika is so sweet as she hugs her little rabbit or kisses the mountain-man or shrugs when she don't know what to do. not really difficult but so cute!

  38. im stuck...i cant get down off the mountain...i can either go into the cave or move the trailer thing.... help!

  39. 3 questions

    1 why does the eagle steal the rabbit in the first place

    2 why cant i live in such a cool place

    3 wouldnt the paret be angry at her for taking so long and wearing feathers

  40. This was a really fun game. And very cute too. Thank you to Ivette for doing the walkthrough. Dont worry bout your english I understood you. I wouldnt have made it through the game with out your walkthrough.

    Fun fun and cute.

  41. after I press and throw the fruits then step on the rock below the river. Why can't i press the girl? Is there any solution for that?

  42. I loved this game. When I play it after I get up, and I am near the Giant. I click on him to give him a little scratch. Then when I have got rid of the eagle. I hug the teddy and kiss that Mountain-Mans cheek.

    Such a cute, and very interactive game! I like when she shrugs and all those other expressions. A very lovely made game. I love the artwork, characters and how Anika can interact with others even if your not meant to!

    I wish there was more of these games. Or at least more games where you can interact with Characters, Objects and the character your playing as. When your not meant to. This is what makes it fun and cute and all that.


  44. it was really cute
    but i have to say not that fun to PLAy
    but its more l ike watchin a good movie or somethin

  45. i think this game was a bit confusing and i only got to the start bit where you had to deal with those stupid monsters(they got on my nerves) and i didnt know what to this wasnt the best game ever for me but it was nice for my first 2 minutes of trying!

  46. pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssse tell me how do get past the river!!

  47. actually dont worry ive done it just 1 minuet after i posted that message ! lol

  48. How do you kick the huge machine????????

  49. how do u kick the machine?

  50. how do u kick the huge machine??

  51. this is so cool, thanx for the walkthrough

  52. i dont get how you get past the machine bit! PLEASE HELP ME! i looked at the walkthrough but it doesnt make sense! HELP ME! PLEEEEEEASE!

  53. little_miss_drama_queen_12,
    I don't know if you still here (still need help).
    But at the machine you have to click the top right gear (and a lot of gears fall down).
    Then click the gear that is now top right. (again things fall down).
    Then click the bottom right gear, then the top left gear and then the right blue lever and the bridge comes down.

  54. I'm stuck in the giant how can i go to the mountain i already press the right gear down 10X but the left gear doesn't want to click what will i do?!!! please help me!!

  55. i already kick the machine how will i push the left one??

  56. At last!!!! MY sister and i are playing this for weeks!!! our problem is just the machine but after reading your helpful tips we already finish ANikka!!


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