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El Legado - The Legacy Walkthrough

El Legado - The Legacy

El Legado WalkthroughContinuation of El Legado - The Legacy point and click type adventure game has been released. You have to start from beginning to play all game. Compile items, drag them to your item storage and use them at the right place to ascertain the reason why you are confined. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Elza]

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just for the info..u have to play the spanish version to get further...

and now im at the second part..trying to figer out the password..anybody here this far?

Just got that far and now read your post, have been playing the english version. Says the exit is blocked....so i have to do it all over again?????

shade, do you mean the pass for the pc? is " baphomet "

hera..ja u have to play in spanish version to get to part two

byron tnx..but i ment the password for the computer in part two

oh..the passwords are in spanish and are used to locate books

Right...NOW I'm there.....

im probably quiting cuz its already 2:23am here..

so i have a black thing (that i tought is a key for piano) but doesnt work
i have an ipod and an cabel so it can get conected in the computer (in there u put the names of some books in spanish) and now i can click on two books (one in section b and one in c)

but now im stuck..and like i said..its liate

Getting lost in library :-)
Where did you find black thing and cable ???

put yourself in the firts scene where is the dead woman...click left..and once right..so u re facing some books..there is the usb cabel..but it will automaticly conect to palm computer (dont know the eanglish word for that thing)

the u go to the computer room..u have the back of the computer on sight..again..click right..and then dont go into the corridors..but click left..and there it is..on the bottom shelf..on the books..a black thing..

well im going now..goodl luck

exit :)

oh..and here are some "passwords" that are actualy the titles of some books:
-El señor de las moscas (Lord of the flies)(section C)
-Estudio en escarlata (A study in Scarlet) (section B)

there are probably more..anyway when u tipe those in..u can get back to the coridors and click on two books (one in c section and one in b)..and here i am stuck :)

hoping for some anwsers when i wake up :)

I googled for the william golding 1954 book's title: "Lord of the flies"

Thanks! Sleep well.

Am thinking this is a bit hard without knowing Spanish!
Wait for English version?
Will wander round a bit more...

seems like this was posted here before

the code is baphomet he is a god

If you put the documents that you have (the card, the newspaper)in de PDA (just click and sweep), you can take the brown papers in the "el señor de las moscas".
Then, put they in "El quijote" (the book open on the table): it says: remember the four first notes of the 5ª sinphony of Bethooven.
Now, you can use the piano.
I play the piano but nothing happens. Sorry for my english.
Ah! I am spanish, so, if you have some questions...

si yo ai encontrado un pulsador que es isso, yo soi portuguesa

I'm going nuts trying to figure out the password. Tried the booknames in both spanish and english but that doesn't work. I tried to play the piano, but it's broken and I can't click any books. I have the pda with cable and pianokey, but nothing else. Am I missing something???

filipa, un pulsador is this thing that you use when you are in your car and you open the door of your garage. (sorry, I don´t know the english word. In spanish it is mando a distancia: the thing you use for zapping your tv.

       Anonymous  11/6/07, 2:41 PM  

Can someone help me please? I can't get past the very first part! I need a light of some sort but don't know how to get it.

Hi, swedish girl here, posting for 1st time. Been using all ur tips on different games for months, thanx everyone =) Played this one through in spanish, thought I'd help out: Lourdes, a crack opens in the panel in a corner of the salon, a bit hard to see, keep looking! ghcarter7, there's a lighter in a box in the hidden room (the one that opens when you play the piano) Will try to translate the spanish walkthrough, am no expert but think i'll manage this =)

I feel like I am totally missing something. I can't seem to pick up the stick in the stone room.

Is there a trick to picking up anything ??

Ok, translation finished, here's a walkthrough in english! Hope it's helpful.

Walkthrough El Legado - The Legacy

Part 1

- Click where stones meet to the right of lock, pick up a stick (drag to inventory)
- Zoom the gate, use stick to get keys
- Use keys on lock and step out
- Enter cell again and click window
- Click several times second bar from right until it breaks off, pick it up
- Leave cell, click stairs
- Click metal ring on right
- Use iron bar to get ring
- Enter left room, click safe
- Use ring on lock to open (the safe is dark, you need light)
- Leave room, click stairs
- Click stones on floor to the left, click loose stone to move it and take screwdriver
- Go back to room with safe, click to right, use screwdriver on screws that hold chain and take barrel
- Leave room and click back, now click right torch (in front of cell)
- Use barrel to reach flashlight and piece of newspaper
- Go back to room with safe, use flashlight to see code inside (8347)
- Use code on panel besides door at end of hallway

Part 2

- Click to left of first step, take photo
- Go up stairs, to the left is a door you can’t open, keep going
- Take sword, go down and use to break lock on door
- Enter and click left, click computer
- Click second drawer on left, take letter, click bottom drawer, take access card
- Go out and click left, see painting on wall
- Click left twice, zoom in on library clock and click book to the right (it’s a clue)
- Now click fourth book from left on middle shelf (beneath clock), it will open a spring
- Click left, click book on table, take cable
- Leave room, click first step, take battery
- Enter again and use it on computer, type password "baphomet" (name of guy on painting)
- Click key to unblock access to cellar (”sotano”)
- Leave computer and click right, open white door
- Enter, click right, use cable on lamp to mend
- Click switch, click right and click door

Part 3

- Click body, click fireplace, on the right in window is a PDA, drag to inventario and then drag the 3 documents to PDA (you can view them at anytime by clicking pda)
- Go back and click right 3 times, click USB cable and drag to PDA
- Click left twice, click table, read from Don Quijote and a note about a book by William Golding in 1954 (it’s a clue, Lord of the Flies, "El señor de las moscas" in spanish)
- Click right, click towards main door, click left and then right, now click computer, click PDA and key in "el señor de las moscas", it will say it’s in row C case 5
- click right, look towards bookcases, click left and go to row A, on top of books on lower shelf is a small black switch
- click right and click center, go between bookcases, passing through row B and C until you come to a chair, click the book (it’s a Bible open on Isaac’s sacrifice) and click note on table, read (it’s about A study in Scarlet, "Estudio en escarlata" in spanish)
- Go back to row C, look towards exit, in a book on the right top shelf there are 2 templates with holes in them
- Go back to table in salon, use templates on Quijote book matching first holes with shapes on top of each page, read message about 5th symphony
- Go to piano, some keys are highlighted, play 5th white 3 times and then 2nd black. A panel in the salon corner opens, enter and you’ll see an electric board, put in the missing switch to the right and turn it on
- Open box on floor, take gloves and lighter
- Leave room, on table next to it is a candle, light with lighter and see message: The exit, though closed, will open paths ("La salida aunque cerrada, te abrirá caminos")
- To the right, the chess board pieces still cannot be moved
- Go right, click body and drag gloves to move it, click right pillow and take letter opener
- Go to main door, click capital (head) of left column, take scissors and click switch next to door, a secret room will open
- Go back to piano, click cords, use scissors to cut them and read diary page, click Guardar (save) and take lemon underneath
- Now go to library computer, use PDA and key in "estudio en escarlata", it will say row B case 3
- Go to row B, look towards back of library on left case, click a book, it has something hidden in the cover, use letter opener and find a blank note
- Drag lemon to note, a message appears about ”jaque pastor”, a specific set of chess moves
- Go to chess board, now you can move the pieces:
> white pawn in front of king, 2 positions (a black pawn moves)
> white bishop to our right, 3 positions (a black knight moves)
> white queen, diagonally to our left as far as possible (another black knight moves)
> take black pawn with bishop and... ”jaque pastor”. Drag white queen to inventory
- Go back to secret room next to main door, use queen on lock, go out and click gate

And apparently that’s the end of the game so far, hope there’s a seguel….

ugh.. for the life of me I can't find that second book in Section B! It's driving me nuts...

Carrie, you have go till you see sign B, then click bottom center to turn around. It is the book in the center of the shelf on the top of the horizontal stack.

hello I need some help. The only think that i dont know is where the final secret door is. thanks.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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