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Phantom Mansion Chapter 3 - The Yellow Tower Walkthrough

Phantom Mansion Chapter 3 - The Yellow Tower

Phantom Mansion 3 - The Yellow Tower WalkthroughPhantom Mansion Spectrum of Souls Chapter 3 - The Yellow Tower is third chapter of Phantom Mansion Spectrum of Souls puzzle type adventure game from Gimme5games. In Phantom Mansion, your goal is to walk around the mansion using your arrow keys and pick up certain keys that go to certain doors, plus big skull heads and navigate your way around zombies, cracks in the floor, and other hazards. This might seem easy enough, but it gets progressively trickier as the levels go along. Good luck and have fun!

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Goodie, a new one....I love these games that give hours of fun...needs some logic to work out what to do. My only complaint is that the movement is a bit slow.

need help with ''E C Does It''

moo: after you get the skulls and are on the right side, push the top block to the hole on the left, then go up and get the cross. Push the block down with you, then get the bottom block to let you over.

I need help with Switched On - can't seem to get it after hours of trying. Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeee help!

Ryan if you can describe where the door is, I can help you....

Anyone have hints for the last two rooms? I am so stuck.

Wie kan mij helpen met "don't get cross"3e verdieping middelste deur.

I'm stuck 3 floor middle door
"dont get cross".

mariette: if the top switches are
1-6 push boxes to 2,3,4,6. Then on bottom just make them opposite each other. Left top, right bottom or R top, L bottom. Hope that helps!

I have only 6 boxes, so that wil not help.
If I use 4 boxes in the top,
I have only 2 left in the bottom, thats not enough?
I really tried everything, but dus not work.
Must I start at the bottom or on the top.
Thanks for your help I'l hear from you again, maybe?
I'm from Holland, so my language is not so good, but I try, so.
Maby tommorow I am on the 4 floor.
You are out this room?

These games are hard to explain, but I'll try to show you a bit better. I'll use X to show you where to put the boxes and O for no boxes.


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Please help on spiral tap! I've been stuck for days and I'm losing my mind a little!

jennifer, if you tell me what door, i can help. I got bored and played it again.

Please some one, help with "Cross over".

Link goes to very dodgy fake Netflix site.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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