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Wogger Mini Chapter 96 Walkthrough

Wogger Mini Chapter 96

Wogger Mini 96 Walkthrough96th episode of point and click Wogger Mini adventure game series from makers of original Wogger game. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to help the little spaceman wogger. Have fun!

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If anyone is stuck, here is a walk through:

click to the left of Wogger, above his head, he will walk inti a cave and throw out a rope.
Place the rope at the end of the high wore where Wogger came from.
Click on Wogger then the rope nd he climbs halfway down it.
Move your mouse slowly over Wogger and the rope will start to swing, don't click just move the mouse.It swings some more and our hero will jump off and enter a cave on the right.
click to the right and the screen scrolls right, where we see Wogger in another cave.
Click behind him to the left and he will vanish only to return with a stick which he puts in front of him.
Pick the stick up and place it just under the brown stick that supports the roof ( in front of the white "s" shape rock on the ceiling)
Click to the right after the stick once you have placed it and Wogger moves forward. Then click on the small grey rock on the roof just to the left of the "s" shaped rock.It turns into a lever and releases the rock covering the red ladder.
And that is the end of this chapter

too friggin easy. does this come out every monday?

Now, Pepper, when you say, "click to the left of Wogger, above his head, he will walk inti a cave and throw out a rope.", when I click, he walks into the cave, doesn't come out and certainly does NOT throw out any rope! Can you explain that? Is there a bug? I don't understand??? Can you help me?

Freewaydog, what are you doing here? I was trying to help 100??
With Wogger Minis, there are often other hot spots that dont work....so you need to try another area...they maybe mini, but usually have a twist or two

Sorry, I am trying to do other games, besides #100, too!

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I miss Wogger!

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