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Fratboy Girlfriend TD Walkthrough

Fratboy Girlfriend TD

Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense WalkthroughFratboy Tower Defense, not actually, Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense is a tower defence type strategy game from Addicting Games. Frat Boy Austin has a lovely girlfriend. And his fratboy frenemies are after her! Defend the Girlfriend Tower! Good luck and have fun!

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HELP. This game is driving me nuts. Can't make it past 38.

And, here is what doesn't work...

I tried getting a land tower...upgrading it until I can get an air tower, again upgrade, then upgrade another land tower... buy a trap, upgrade all of those... and POOF. They grab the girl.

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To get past 38, start with building 2 Archery towers. Upgrade to max. build one cannon tower upgrade 2 steps. wait until you got 800 and sell your archery towers and build a pilbox tower. upgrade pilbox tower. keep building pillbox and connon towers and upgrade.

build some air towers also

Nevermind, I figured it out.

One magic tower. Until the first air attack, then buy a basic tower and uprgade to damage 100. Upgrade magic tower. Buy an air tower. Buy one more magic tower. Upgrade. Upgrade air tower. Buy third magic tower. Upgrade all magic towers twice, one magic tower three times. Vioila. You win. I haven't tried to see how far I can get after I win. Never used trap box or pill pox, or land only tower.

i cant figure out how to upgrade towers or how to sell it..... and for that i couldn t pass till the 18 wave..


Click on the tower you want to upgrade, and you will be able to see a button on the right dialouge side to upgrade.

BTW- does anyone see any point to using the trap tower?

level 366 and still going.. the key iz placement of each tower, whether it be magic, pillbox or trap tower.. I find the canon towers to be useless.. currently have 22 magic towers maxed out, 15 trap towers maxed out, and 18 pillboxes all maxed.. someone said level 360 you get ultimate gold.. not true.. but still going taken little over five hours to get here..

Well now I am confused... Made it to level 393 and things were going good, 15 creeps left to get by and suddenly they quit coming out... Creep health undefined, cost per unit undefined, money total NaN.. What does this mean, anyone know.. Currently game says level 468.. I am so confused, I can purchase anything and upgrade it, for what?? It counts off the levels it counts off 16 killed per level, but I see or hear nothing.. Is this normal for this stage.. For those wondering, I had 22 magic towers maxed out.. 22 pill boxes maxed out and 18 trap towers.. when this happened... All I can say is ugh... When I register scores on the game I use the nick BostonTom since it don't allow me to use my registered nick of Razzzzman... my previous best till this game was around level 273 score 92k something...

okay i tried to upgrade my towers but clicking on them doesnt work

Ok to upgrade towers you have to click on the lower part of tower.. This will open up the upgrade window.. here is a hint I start with on magic tower and two of the archery tower, I place the magic tower in center section, one archery tower close to it, and one to the right section... I upgrade the archery towers to the level four then upgrade the magic tower.. after that, I upgrade the archery towers to level five, then once I get $800 I buy a pill box and place it in the lower section.. then I buy a trap tower.. by starting with this approach I have made it to level 393 without anything getting by.. I can not tell you all the little secrets just enough to get you started, you have to use trial and error to find what works best along with placement of each.. when I get to level 393 I have 22 magic towers, 20 pillboxes, 18 trap towers, and 6 of the air defense towers... Hope this information helps you out... unfortunately I have not been able to see how far I can get, on the two occaions I have made level 393 the game flips out on me.. I know others haven't had a problem but I get creep health undefined, cost per unit undefined, and money NaN, it will count the levels it will kill sixteen creeps per level, but that all I know, am waiting for site to contact be back as to what iz problem.. btw takes about 7 hours give or take to get that far.. good luck

That's pretty amazing. I am still having no luck getting past Level 65 or so. I tried your method... at what point do you buy the trap tower & air towers.... and where specifically are you placing them... I guess after that I would want to know the order of upgrades...

these are not instructions, these are tips... I can not tell you everything, I haven't been able to get past level 393.. I have made it that far without anything getting by... again after purchasing a pillbox, collet $1000and purchase a trap tower.. these should be in the lower left section.. about 3 spaces apart... ugrade evenly.. you should be on your second magic and pillbox towers before your trap tower is maxed out... for best results utilize the top line for everything... that way you can fit multiple layers... keep things close to each other too.. if this information doesn't help I give up... afterall trial and error is best... It took me weeks to figure this stuff out.. I have given what I will give... those are the clues, and that is my advice... I purchase air towers around level 200 to help with the killing of the flyers... If you have done things right, nothing will make it around the corner of the middle.. let alone get by..

I dont know what levels you guys are talking about, but yeah.
I finished the game, until the last part to unlock animation 2, and with a total score of 10,940, and ranking #6 in the top scorers board XD. Yeah, I have pictures to prove it too, but enough with the Bragging. Heres my guide.

GUIDE: "Who said it was better to just, randomly add and add towers and those expensive units? I tell you, you wont even last until Animation 4 if you do that, so...
What you do is, Build 2 Cannon towers, 2 Archery Towers then upgrade them all, until the next upgrade which are '150 (for the Archery T.) and (for the Cannon T.)'
After you do that, wait until you have a sum of money, to upgrade them all at the same time, evenly. Then add 1 more unit, EACH, to for the Air and Land enemies.
Once you've Done that repeatedly (filling all the green spaces, for the rectangular shaped Land, ONLY!) You will find yourself unlocking the animations til' 2 more are left! So the others are for me to know and you to find out! Good Luck, you guys!

GLITCHES FOUND: Sometimes the game allow those with only one centimeter of life pass your towers... Annoying, isn`t it?

How do you kill the metal ballons. i've had three towers that shoot spikes and i still lost. Also, i find that it helps to place more things near the entrance so that you can keep andding on to the end if things get by. i dont understand how you save up enough money to do what you guys are talking about. My best score is only 9,500.

Razzzzman , I bow to you !

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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