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Rinako House Walkthrough

Rinako House

Rinako House SolutionRinako House is a new Japanese point and click room escape game from creator of Rinako Room game. In this game, you are in a house and you need to escape the house by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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I'm the first one to post yeah.

O.K. got tea kettle, key, pen, coffee, ice cubes, puzzle piece, and a guess make up. no idea what to do with it.

how do you make coffee for the cat?

I think the 'ice cubes' might be sugar cubes, seems we might have to make a cup of coffee but I can't find a cup!

Hi, I'm stuck. I've the your item too

I also have a rolled up newspaper

you should put all ingredients on the table: boiled water, cup, spoon, coffee, sugar, milk

Filled & boiled kettle, still no cup!

red key open left door

Can you help me find the cup and milk?

cup is in the kitchen

found razor knife in kitchen.

Oh yeah, right in front of my face! Oops, thanks slaps!

milk is behind the curtain

Got a strange card from the sofa with squares on it

whats the green key for?

How do i open jars?

Try the door under the stairs!

trying to catch spider.

got spider w/newspaper!!

small kitty gave me a pink credit card for killing spider.

pink card goes to the bedroom upstairs, but you have to scratch off the lottery ticket first...

Any tips on how to get the spider with the newspaper - I'm clicking like a maniac!

Nevermind - got it!

Any tips on Scratching please?

The cat gave me a card when i killed the bug. Now i need a pasword for the door of the second floor.


what I open with green key?
where'is the spider?

un pocito solomente pero si puedo audarte....

I filled the mechanical pencil w/lead but don't know what to do w/it yet. Still can't scratch "lottery" ticket.

voy a fumar!!!!

En la puerta que esta arriba, ocupe la tarjeta que me dio el gato. Y me pide un pasword. Cual es?

Im stuck on the spider swatting...

I made the coffe fot cat and he gave me a green key... now I'm stuck

Where did you get the lead for the mechanical pencil?

I think it was in the laundry room.

I also found some paint. Can't remember where..

Hmm..Just clicked everything in there..Only thing of interest is that blue lock box. Wonder how to get in there..

No lo se, disculpame! no puedo hacer la lotteria!

The green key unlocks the bathroom/laundry room.

I am trying to figure out how to get the blue box in that room open now.

I have the card for upstairs but I can't scratch off the lotto ticket yet.

found something behind the boxes under the stairs, but can't get it.

Anyone know how to move cartons under stairs?

Use knife on green thing to get paper, turn paper over to get key, use key on blue box to get paint I think it's paint, could go with the paint brush...

kevin, click the upper left side of the certificate get the gray key
use gray key to the blue box and you will find something to get the coin and scratch off the lottery(the number is random)

Thanks Cory

The stuff from the blue box is glue not paint think what broke that glue can fix

It's GLUE not paint! Yippee another step forward!

well glue changes eveything Day, thanks

out! too much japanese questions for this game

Yeah I am out

I found a tube in
Blue box

anyone need help just ask

I can't find the coffee??

use umbrella to get key behind boxes.

Josie it is on the shelf by the front door

How many puzzle pieces should I have?

MIssing 5 pieces or maybe 1 of jigsaw!

The final question to escape is
Picture that emerges to the mirror of a/the washstand be what

Twinkle did you get one in the jigsaw puzzle room?

i meant coin behind boxes.

dayhead, no tried curtains et al but no joy!

Ok I have most of this done, but I can't find the pencil lead anywhere in the laundry room.

bah i would find it right when i post this

found it! thanks dayhead!

I cant find the last word. How exactly do you print to exit? I tried Cat in every variation :-/

wheres the lead?

i found a coin down to stairs, but can't reach.
In the bathroom rigth to mirror, open one cube green, but, i don't know for what

OK puzzle done but cat still crying! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

pencil lead is in a cabinet in the bathroom

Ah! i just found out, that the last question changes in every game, so we have to translate the q to find the right answer for every game.

Ok solve the puzzle and now?

I'm missing on puzzle piece - any help?

Twinkle paint brush works great on a blank canvas

Anyone know anything about sliding door? And how do i get a picture on the puzzle?

dayhead, thought so too but won't work on puzzle or canvaz overhead! Have tried "wetting paint" in bathroom but no joy!

I'm with twinkle. I have the blank puzzle done but the cat is still crying and the brush in the box doesn't do anything.

I can't get the spider, it's to fast, have somewone an tip to get the spider?

I'm just trucking along. Putting together a puzzle now.

Stupid me!

have you tried wetting in the kitchen?

twinkle you are brilliant. wetting the paintbrush in the kitchen works.

LoL I am at the door now but I have no idea what the asnwer to the question is.

My answer was cat both times i played

Kevin: you have to know the question to give the answer. Translate from Jap. to eng. on babelfish

Answer to what? No-one is asking a question of me - unless you mean colours by front door.

Hmmm...I'm missing 2 pieces.

I solved the puzzle, the cat still cries... please help!

had to start over, stupid ads! Anyway, finished puzzle & painted picture, cat pushed a button into the wall & now I'm stuck.

where did you find the 5 pieces?? i only have 4, please help

Ok thanks! Found the coffee....I seem to miss the most obvious things! ...still don't know what to do with the glue...

theres a piece in the puzzle room, shake the curtains a few times.

Use the pencil on the notepad and it will give you numbers click the button on how many times the notepad says my number was 1425 so i clicked the top button once and so on

When you have entered the right colourcode (pres bottons 1,4,2and5 times and then pres the squarebotten, a q appers. Translate on babelfish and answer (in english), and then youre out

Ok, missing one piece. Anyone remember where they got their puzzle pieces. I already got the one that was behind the curtain, one that fell from the drapes in the puzzle room. I don't remember where I got the other 2, but I'm just missing one.

ive tried all the combos for the last question, none seem to work!

NOOOOOOOOO! I don't speak squiggly lines! (no disrespect to squiggly lines!)

Definately have to come back to this one later - kids need me! Thanks for all help guys, but my translations are obviously wrong - assuming this is chinese!

try japanese

puzzle pieces:
1-behind picture frame in living room
1-box that falls on the floor under stairs
1-cupboard in kitchen
1-on counter in bathroom behind card
1-curtain in puzzle room

Thanks I just found it. Don't know how I missed it.

So I'm stuck on the door question as well. I can't translate it. Awww, well at least I know I got this far.

The final question to escape is
Picture that emerges to the mirror of a/the washstand be what?
this was the question both times i played the game

I dont' have any question.... please help I am on puzzle solved

"Cat" doesn't seem to work for me. *shrugs*


The I pushed the button the cat uncovered for me and it turned blue...but now I'm stuck again..

help anyone?

if you don't have a question you might have to restart i think it is a glitch in the game


will do

I would like to know if it's normal that the cat still cries after you solve the puzzle? After the puzzle what you have to do?

How do you scratch the lotto tickett?

Anyone still playing ???

After the kitty presses the red button and turns it blue, go downstairs to the front door.

Sorry, still don't got that with the door upstairs...got that pink card but can't scratch it with the coin :(

where do you get the knife to open green thing?

Remember the note pad ?? You should have used pencil on it to revael four numbers. Enter the numbers in from top to bottom. Then I entered the cat.

       Anonymous  1/11/08, 10:28 AM  

Pues vaya, acabo de empezar este juego y me llaman por telefono y me tengo que ir enseguida, intentaré jugar despues

Previous posts very helpful, especially about wetting the brush. Thanks all

How the hell do you get the coin

I think knife was in drawer in kitchen

Slaps, you need the umbrella. To get umbrella you need to fix the handle on the cabinet with glue.

thanks patty, didn't see it before

Thanks Patty. Where do I get the glue?

I'll be around for a few more minutes if anyone needs anything else. Really, prev posts are helpful

i've actually completed everything, but till the end.. there's a pop up message in japanese which i got no idea what it is!! gosh, need a translater!!

Glue is in small blue box on top shelf above kitty who is afraid of bugs.

Sue, if you are looking at what I think you are, I just typed in the word cat

Good luck everybody. There are enough hints in the posts to get you through this.

to get the glue pick the little key behind the papers from the cylinder. The glue is in the blue box in the bathroom where the cat was

To kill the bug: with the paper until the bug goes to he other room of the bathroom, then open the door under the sink: the bugs goes to the right side of the sink: there I killed him

fell like an idiot...I read the comments - scratch the card with the coin --> but its not working!!! arghhhhhh

Help.. I still can't find the pencil lead.. I read the post that says it's in the bathroom cabinet.. but only one compartment opens in the bathroom cabinet and it is empty !??!?!

The question at the front door is different each time.

Translate from Jap. to Eng. on babelfish (google it)

I just pasted the question and had it translate.

My question had to do with a postcard in the hallway.

it's in the cabinet next to the toilet

how can you select the text to translate? Firefox won't let me copy any text.

the answer "cat" doesn't work for me.

1,4,2,5 gives me red, yellow, blue, purple, babelfish tells me: It seems that power source does not enter... it does not move... what are the colors supposed to be?

isabow2,try these answers
blue or yellow or red or 7 or cat

patty.. thanks a lot for the answer. hehe. i guess the question i got was asking what appeared in the mirror..

I'm stuck need to find key to get the glue please help

still can't open the door upstairs so I guess I can't solve the puzzle :(

slaps: to find the key, you will need to use the blade to cut the green cylinder apart. then, u'll see a note. click around and the key is rite behind the note..

tried all those answers & nothing works.

Thank you sue vin

I'm out. My answer was yellow, but it wouldn't accept "Yellow" so I had to use the kanji for yellow and it was accepted.

Ive tried all 5 of those answers and nothing is working for me still.
I can't copy the question into babelfish either.
Help please :(

such a cute game! Babelfish really works for last question!

OK, I give up, where the heck is the notepad I'm supposed to write on?

nvm - found it

was so excited about finally finding the umbrella didn't bother to look further :)

My puzzle is finished, but I can't seem to do anything else, and the cat is still sad.


I think this is my question...but not sure the answer....uuugh

"Something intellectual viewing... the っ which in any case is escaping! !"

I liked this game right up until the end.

I'm with Boater....I need a walkthrough, plz. Somethings I just am not understanding what you all mean. Pretty please?

Diana, you are the Walkthrough Queen! Pretty, pretty please?

use the knife on what green thing and where is it?

I'm writing a walkthrough right now.

please post a scale of 1-10 on this game please

and im back in the pack

Thank you Nanako!!!

Ok, I accept to be the dummest one! I just can't get the damn spider!!!


1) Click pink carpet. Get green scroll container from left shelf. Click on right shelf and get coffee from second to last shelf.
2) Go back until you see the stairs. Go upstairs, and click on bookcase. Get red kettle and pencil from shelf below kettle's shelf.
3) Go downstairs and click to the right of the door that's facing you. You'll see a cat. Click on the cat a couple of times and you'll get a red key. Click on the highest box and it'll fall to reveal a puzzle piece. Get puzzle piece. Open bottom door of cabinet to get sugar cubes.
4) Go back and use red key on door on the left. Go in, get puzzle piece from picture frame. Move right curtain to reveal milk. Click under table to get newspaper. Click under sofa to get scratch card.
5) Click right side to enter kitchen. Get cup near sink. Turn on water, put kettle under water. Put full kettle on stove. Get kettle when you see steam coming out. Click on green drawer near sink to get knife. Open the thing under note to get spoon. Open cupboard above sink to get third puzzle piece. Click on green scroll container, check the item, use knife to open it. Get paper, click on upper left area to turn paper around, get key.
6) Go back to living room. Put milk, coffee, cup, sugar cubes, spoon, and kettle on table. Click on cat and he'll give you green key.
7) Go back to hallway, and click to place behind the stairs again. Use green key to open door.
8) Enter room, click on rack next to mirror. Get paint brush. Open left door, click on cat. Go back to previous room, click on second from bottom green door. Bug will come out. Use newspaper to kill it. If you don't kill it the first time, go into a new door and back to try again. Sometimes the bug will come out of the bottom door of where the cat was standing. Cat will give you pink credit card. Go into shower room and turn on shower to steam up mirror if you want.
9) Click on blue box that was above cat. Use key to open box to get glue.
10) Go back to room with the mirror. If you turned on shower, picture of cat will appear. Click on door with sign to enter the toilet room. Click on card next to the two bottles near window to move card (need to click more than once). Get fourth puzzle piece. Click on cupboard door to get lead for pencil. Check item on pencil, click lead, and click pencil.
11) Go back to entrance. Click on pink rug, click on door on the left. Click on handle, it will fall off. Use glue to fix handle, open both doors to get umbrella and notepad.
12) Check notepad, use pencil on notepad to reveal four numbers 1425. Go back to place behind stairs with all the boxes. Click between vaccuum and left-most box. Use umbrella to get bronze thing. Check the scratch card, use bronze thing (coin) to scratch until you see four numbers (Different each time). Go back into kitchen, turn on the faucet and put paint brush under water.
13) Go upstairs, use pink credit card on door on the right. Input the four numbers from the scratch card and you'll go in.
14) Click on window curtain multiple times to get last puzzle piece. Click on cat, click on puzzle pieces. Complete the puzzle, use brush on completed puzzle. Click on cat again, and he'll reveal a secret button. Push button so color is blue.
15) Go back downstairs, and face the front door (where you had to fix cabinet). Click on vertical panel next to door. Click top button once, second button 4 times, third button twice, and bottom button 5 times (Numbers came from notepad). Click yellow bar.
16) A question will come up. Answer the question using Babelfish if you can't read Japanese. NOTE: In my case, I had to answer the question in Japanese so you should translate your answer into Japanese, then paste it as the answer.
17) You're out!

OK wierd one! I just got as my translation - second go - "no book there was a flower at all". Any clues? Have tried "Heart" "blue" "aqua". ideas ona postcard....

cant find the umbrella!!!!! :(

Did you open BOTH doors of the front door cupboard? The umbrella's behind the left door.

were is the green scroll at beginning of game found everything else the only left shelf show some flowers in a vase?

twinkle, i think your question is "How many flowers are there in the vase?" the answer is "7"
please use small letters to answer these questions.
to use babelfish translation sometimes is a little language barrier

Anyone here..just curious...gonna crack this

how do i put the kettle,milk,sugar cubes,cofee,cup, and spoon on the table???it wont let me!!!


heidi..did u boil kettle?

For using babelfish..how does that work..do u translate whole page..?..copying text isnt an option..i dont want to try it..incase it takes me away from page,..LOL. I would like exact way to do it, if someone knows.

I'd like to know about babelfish, too. I usually can't copy/paste text that appears in games like I can other text. Anyone know why? Thanks!

Does anyone have the same question as me?

"No book there was a flower at all"

Any help would be appreciated :)

Nevermind. I'm out yayyyyyy

I click on the little cat on the laundry room shelf and go back into the bathroom and open the 2nd from bottom green cupboard door but there's no spider. I've tried 10x . Also tried opening bottom white drawer of shelveing where cat is. Still no spider for me to catch. Help! I've done everything else but can't finish the game because I can't get the spider to appear. Help

The spider is wandering between the 2 rooms! If you miss it in one room, you will have to go to the other to hit it with the newspaper!

I zoomed out the door without answering the question and suddenly there was no power for the door any more! Anybody knows why?

I got the following question:

As for color of the illustrated postcards which are in the entryway?

If it's not talking about the "blue" or "aqua" heart, what other postcards are there?

I can't get the spider either marcinella. I've tried for 30 minutes and gone from room, room 50 times.

Go back to the living room and click on the cat that you made the coffee for until he disappears. He reappears in the washroom on top of the cabinet. Click on him and a bubble comes up with a bug icon. Then you can go back into the room with the sink and get the bug.

alguien habla español?

Please, help whith knife

How does one Google to translate. I've never done it before

UGH! finally got the spider, and then i accidently clicked on an ad lost the game :(

       Anonymous  1/12/08, 1:14 PM  

I cant put the milk, kettle, coffee, cup and spoon on the table! And I've boiled the kettle. Help please!

       Anonymous  1/12/08, 1:31 PM  

I couldn't either until I went back to the kitchen and clicked on the note on the wall above where you get the spoon. Then go back to the living room and click on the cat and a bubble will pop up with coffee in it. After that, you should be able to put the ingredients on the table.

have u got the sugar??

       Anonymous  1/12/08, 2:41 PM  

Thanks ghcarter. Yeah I got the sugar and put it on the table but I weirdly couldn't do the other stuff.

make sure i have all ingredients..
coffee-shelf @ the door
milk-behind curtain in living room
cup-kitchen counter
spoon-kitchen appliance
And once u clicked on the cat, he will say he wants coffee..make sure kettle is boiled..and all ingredients go on coffee table

you can't zoom out the doors more then 3 times, because every time colour of the bottom button changes. don't know how to translate question :( none of those answers works 4 me :red, yellow, blue, aqua, heart, seven, 7, cat.... even in japanese :( well...i'm not out but i'm done with this game....

um. i might have missed it but where is the key for the blue box ubove the cat??

were is the green scroll?

nvm found it....

omg im so bad i cant even get past the start! like were to i go when im looking right at that white door with the colour code thingy?!

nvm i got into the living room and i put the coffee sugar and milk on the table what do i do now!

u have to slap the cat with the newspaper..


dont forget to put the spoon too..

hey can anyone tell me where i can find the so called scroll box? i haven't got a clue and explorer keeps shutting down because of a problem with flash :(

if u mean the green scroll box..
it is like a small cylinder box which contain a piece of paper..

when u face the white door.. left side.. there is a shelf on the wall whith a blue heart pic and flowers.. the green scroll box is near there..

hope it helps..

Yo if you right click on your mouse and click PLAY on the menu that comes up, the game will beat itself


I got the same question too:
As for color of the illustrated postcards which are in the entryway

It definitely has to do with the blue/aqua postcard with the heart.

ブルーの絵はがきだ。-->that is the description when I clicked on the postcard.

And the first four boxes you see when translated is "blue".
But it doesn't work! UGH!!

p/s: you can't translate the english word "blue" to jap, cos it doesn't make sense.

Having no experience with japanese on a keyboard, how do I go about entering the text into babelfish? I don't seem to be able to copy and paste it from the game.

no wonder I couldn't find the scroll, I did but just thought it was a book duhhh, now I cannot get the newpaper to turn over to get key helppppp?

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