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Sleuth - Shades of Mystery Walkthrough

Sleuth - Shades of Mystery

Sleuth: Shades of Mystery is an open-ended, detective role playing game (RPG) where you solve mysteries by searching for clues, questioning suspects and interviewing witnesses. Every mystery is unique with different victims, suspects and clues. All mysteries are solvable, in fact there are always multiple ways to solve any single mystery, but player skill and a small amount of luck are necessary to nab the guilty suspect. Have fun!

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I'll try this one..looks like nice graphics..:)

Very Repetative

nice game...
solved my first case!

is there someone else playing right now?

I love this game. I've been playing it non-stop. Until a new Nick Bounty comes out, this is my time killer of choice.

I love murder mystery games like this.

This game is a real stinker, repetitive in the extreme and easy to get stuck in if you run out of skills to use. Nothing more than a choose-your-own-adventure game with freakishly weird-looking random characters.

who ever is making this game is a genius!! seriusly... can't get enough!!!

dalton you don't know what your talking about! this game is great because of the challenge. am i right? if anyone agree then post it... or else... i'm going to feel stupid.

solved my first case and working on number two.

i have solved 2 cases now working on my third. love this game my only evidence on this was torn fabric.

is there a walk through for this game or how can I make money I can't buy any keys for homes.

walkthrogh neeeed walkthrogh

I agree with chelse and dalton... this game is VERY repatative and even though i know who is the killer, I CANT accuse him/her because i need to know the motive. AND SO I ACCUSED THE WRONG GUY. AND MOST OF THE MUDERERS's MOTIVE IS INSANITY.

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how the h e double hockey sticks are u suppossed to find the motive if everyone clammed up i mean i know she did it her shoe print her lipstick and found the murder weapon in her house.... WTF?!?!

There is no walkthrough for this game because no case is the same. If you need help, check out the "Community" heading and click on the "Newbie Questions"

If you get stuck, keep checking the suspect's houses for yellow notes. These contain full names.

Also, make sure to ask suspects for LEADS, not WHEREABOUTS. You can get the whereabouts from the fact checker, the receiving nurse, and the bartenders (may be missing one or two). It's key to get the LEADS and YELLOW NOTES because they help add suspects for you to investigate.

Also, when you level up more, try to level up your CHARM and INTIMIDATION to 5, which will allow you to convince or scare the suspects into answering more questions. However, that may lower the contact relationship.

You should also work on your LOCK PICKING skill. If you do this, you may enter suspect's houses without a key.

TRY TO AVOID BRIBING AND BUYING KEYS AT ALL COSTS. It just burns your money up. It should be your LAST resort.


I have gotten a false accusation charge because of this before. The suspect had motive and the murder weapon in their house, but they had a solid alibi.

Keep in mind that the game is RANDOM. It's GENERATED and so logic (like factoring out probability) does not apply.

       Anonymous  5/30/10, 3:36 PM  

Who is the murderer for the "simple excersise of the exotic room"? I need help!!

       Anonymous  5/30/10, 3:37 PM  

Oh, Nevermind then!

       Anonymous  5/30/10, 3:51 PM  

If I used all of my charm and intimidation, and everybody is clamming up and won't talk to me, how do I find out somebody's motive to accuse them?

       Anonymous  6/2/10, 7:13 PM  

first question... is alibi second is motive for the alibi... third is whereabouts unless the alibi is a merchant then ask about another person motive. this works for the beginner and easy levels all the time for me.

i usually get all the suspects and where abouts first then i ask about the alibi.next i go in the FAKE alibi's house(there may be more than one).then i check the clues to see who's they are.next i get their motive(you can get their motives by going to the police clerk or fact check or ask a suspect).last i bust then .

This game is awesome.I have solved a bunch of cases by now and have been contacted by the doctor who gives me extra cases.I like how you are like a real detective,having your partner giving you cases,finding clues aywhere and proccesing them to find out stuff,checking your case file which has an accurate description of what you have till now.I love files and I love cases so that's my fav game. :D

Also,OMG I have weird cases time by time where Mothers kill their kids and kids their mother.And sometimes other people already know.(Asking proof for someone just uncovers weird testimonies)...

       Anonymous  5/17/11, 2:38 PM  

I agree. ^^

I cant find where you go to see if the gun was the gun tht killed the dead person !!!

Preston the Beat Cop is the Gun Wound expert... at the Tricky Mister.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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