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Sweets of Memories - Girl Version Walkthrough

Sweets of Memories - Girl Version

Sweets of Memories - Girl Verison WalkthroughSweets of Memories - Girl Version is another version of the Japanese point & click room escape game Sweets of Memories - Boy Version developed by SmallHomePage. In this game, you need to go on right places and click on right things to solve puzzles and figure out of the game. Good luck and have fun! [Submitted by Elza]

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1st never been first in my life lol

       Anonymous  2/7/08, 3:10 PM  

im stuuuuck!
got letter, pen, envelope and a 100 coin...

starting from left to right 1st one you have to spot eight differences then it gives you a websight showing a baked doughnut

If I could find the eighth

also no 3 from left used coin and got a key from left machine

can't work out number eight and number nine all it seems to do is fill sink and a light goes on or off any ideas?

Anyone here...playing..so far got.

spotted 7 differences..think u are supposed to spot 8..anyone..?

nmd..of course..duh..lol

this is identical to the last one really...got everything so far..but 2 items

i think i found the number to dial out guys..if anyone is here..just need coin...anyone..?

I used the pen and paper in the room with the girl, then sent letter at Post, now have a thing hanging in left corner of screen and a 100 coin left, any help?

Out, that was odd

out..that was weird..didnt have to do donuts this time...strange..unless i did it wrong..probably..lol

were is the pen? can't spell lol web site hehe

Which one are the eight differences, i only can fin seven, any help please?

1. In the hat, is the shinning spot
2. Again in the hat, at the left where a part is missed
3. An eye
4. "The finger"
5. At the right side of the body, or two tires or wherever it is
6. The white spot
7. One letter
8. The thing that looks like a feet.

Mercedes, Where did you find the phone number?

NVM I guess coin is red herring

This time, the phone number changed.
You have to click the flower between "happy"&"clover", and get the number for girl version.

to get the number go to the website u get after getting 8 differences..then click link on the right side..u willthen see a pic of a clover..in the center of clover the numbers change..here are mine


not sure if thatll help or not..:)

hi i got two numbers from website but neither seem to do anything in phone, i can make doughnuts but it seems to never end and i dont get any myself, what am i missing?

the key is not melting for me. are you supposed to be able to put it uncer the water or does it melt as long as the water's running? also, don't know if phone # worked for me. is something supposed to happen?

ok got my doughnuts silly me u dont close doughnut maker. anyways still no luck with phone numbers so i still have my 100 coin. now when i click on shop i get a close up and a magnifying glass. no idea what this is for. anyone there?

just keep water running and it makes steam, that is what will melt ur key

ok moved magnifying glass about on page and turned it white and black, then clicked on some japanese writing to the left and its the end of the game, so think phone must have worked just i hadnt realised, still had my coin when i left tho. but got a happy end it seems.

I believe the phone number is:


I concur Diana, that was the number I got by hovering over the clover instead of using the numbers that showed up in the letters.
When I out in the phone number it allowed me to make the donuts and finish the game with the happy ending.

Almost the exact same game as the other one.

Out. Yeah, I think that was exactly like the "Boys Version".

As long as you have the car key melted, you can just leave to the parking lot. But there's also the extra step of making donuts and getting the magnifying glass.

I know that keychain trinket is supposed to be two interlocked donuts but it sure looks like dog poo to me. Just saying...

diana and kevin,
i check the japanese website about this game.
1)make a phone call to leave a message to the boy.
2)the last step you use the magnifying glass to find 8 "wish"(願) words and then leave.

do you remember they finally got together when we played the boy version?

       Anonymous  2/10/08, 10:58 AM  

After I defrosted key, I made phone call, made doughnuts then clicked on a japanese character with magnifying glass and they got together.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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