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T's Room 3 Walkthrough

T's Room 3

T's Room 3 WalkthroughT's Room 3 is the third episode of T's Room Japanese point and click type room escape game from Game-Guide. In this game, again you are trapped in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Full]

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       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:32 AM  

straaange game.

anyone playing

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:36 AM  

Yes, this game is weird but ABSOLUTE FUN. This ( buble gum)guy of an earlier T´s room game shows up at the weirdest places

I opened the safe, cooked the rice, broke a window, seen a mouse, launched the room into space ......
really strange

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:42 AM  

There is a key hidden in that ornament above the cupboard, than you can open the bottom part of the cupboard

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:42 AM  

how do you open the safe? and what to do with the two items combined? (the plate-looking thing and that other..) I'm defintetly having a language barrier problem :P

what did I do. This is a strange game my room just fly away and came back the guy on the floor now has a broken leg :) lol

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:45 AM  

btw, I don't have a mouse anymore, there's a guy there instead. Don't know what to do with the cooked rice either.

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:45 AM  

Doesn´t that guy never wake up? That pan must weight a lot.....

when you have bowl of rice, use the thing in from cupboard to make sushi then put that in the plate with the other thing, give it to the guy, get shoes, put shoes on rug, you're out.

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:48 AM  

What does it say on the painting? Every time you click it , it says something different.
Man, this game is strange

no idea about the painting, saw it but no use. probably jokes, dunno

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:49 AM  

Ahhhh, that´s what it is, leafes to make Sushi

opened the safe--the weird guy is inside it. i reloaded the game and then there was another red button on an object that crashed through the floor which wasn't there before. it launched the room up into wherever

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:53 AM  

it wasn't too hard to escape, but oh so strange. anyways, I never opened the safe but I got out just fine. Maybe there's a perfect clear too?

Dang, Einkaldir your quick..It seems Ive done everything but the safe..How do you know which order??

I'm not sure there is a perfect ending, just some red herrings like the safe

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 10:55 AM  

I have the shoes, thanks einkaldier But before i leave: where or what is the code to the safe and how do you let the room `fly away´? That must be fun.

I think the code was 3124 or 3142 (if you imagine the shape buttons as 1234) but it could change.
To launch the room into space there was a red button clearly visible.

the code to the safe is:

blue green yellow red

if you don't have another red button on the floor, you might have reload to get it. that's what i did to play on the second time through

maybe the code for the safe's different every time

Okay, I got out without anything from the safe..But, I landed in jail I think...I guess I cold-cocked that poor fellow to many times..(hehe)..Yeah, this was fun, thank you Full.

Ok stuck I have everything and now just the shoes what do I do with the shoes.

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 11:00 AM  

Ha ha, if you push that red button for 5 times in a row, (why don´t i let the poor man sleep quietly) the other guy from an earlier game shows up to tell you to stop doing that.

nice find full (you're sadistic) =)

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 11:03 AM  

Wow, the buble-gum guy is in the safe as well. (Not chewing bubble-gum this time though, he looks ill)

I think that you need to open the safe to get the second red button

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 11:06 AM  

I have the posibility to leave since i have the shoes but i don´t. Just to find what other crazy things can happen, LOL

I'm out strange but fun !!

strange...the first time i loaded it the red button launched me into space, and the game froze. reloaded and the whole room was empty, save for man with broken leg. now, i've done things in a different order, and when i push the red button, a pan falls on the guy with the broken leg's head.

i've used everythinge except for rice balls on plate and whawt i think is another firecracker?

how to crack the safe?

it seems that i'm missing something as well (in my first inventory slot). hints please!

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 11:11 AM  

It says A T M on that picture as well´where could that stand for?

first inventory slot is for shoes
And it's not the same button that launches the room into space and that makes a pan fall on guy.

ATM ? I've not seen this one, I had XYZ though

ah thanks einkaldir.

i'm hopped up on flu meds and delirious. had forgotten what i pressed.

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 11:16 AM  

I just clicked the rug by accident, am i in jail now because i dropped that big pan on the sleeping injured man?

Fun game, very nice.

Never found anything to launch the room though

oh i saw atm AND xyz before. also, some other kanji. i was wondering if it translated into how you get the code for the safe before.

Yep, Full your in jail..You kept on pushing that button and clobbering the man like I did..Lol..Got to go for now,will come back to play later for different endings...Thanks all... Good game..

Played again, got "special ending", I transformed into superman =)

i'm out~ easy, funny n weird.
you can see chinese letters?
i mean.. if you take out the magazine and click some stain on the floor(below the magazine), you can see some letters and a sentence in the space (below the game screen)
followed this?
雲... 月... 星... 太 blablabla...
雲 means cloud.
月 means the moon
星 means stars
太 means the sun

so you should click the password on the lock following that order.

cloud, moon, star, and the sun.
and you can open the safe:)

if anyone needs help, tell me:)

       Anonymous  3/19/08, 12:14 PM  

Thank you very much Persona non grata That explains the code

Where do I click to make the sushi?

Do you have the bowl of rice and the item from cupboard in your inventory shannon ?

I got the bowl of rice; not sure what item you're talking about. I have a plate with flowers on it, a bowl of rice, and a firecracker.

You need to open the cupboard to find another item. See the message of full at 10:42

Thanks Enkladir. I'll see if I can find it.

Made the sushi....now do I feed it to the guy hiding in the cubboard?

no, the one in bed. put it on the plate first though

Wow....gave the guy the sushi and launched the room into space.

How do I get the shoes?

hey guys..i like these ones usually theyre theyre challenging.."D

ohh..that poor guy..just dropped something on his head..lol..

got a plate from a globe looking thing..with a sushi stick on it..?
glove used
key used
sushi maker used
rice patties.. mixed that with plate..

now im left with plate and sushi on it..fed it to the sick guy and he gave me shoes..

put my shoes on mattress looking thing off to the side and left

that can't be good ending..never even used safe..

I'm gonna try that again

Meh~ for language purposes, here's the most simple walkthrough of the game (i.e. for the most obvious ending... def click around for other fun endings :-P):
Background: Passed out at GG2's (the guy in the cast) house last night after drinking too much.

Purpose: Feed GG2 so that he'll give you your shoes back!

- get the left "firecracker" looking thing (it's actually a food item)
- get the plate on display in the alcove.
- click around on the shrine on the top of the dresser; you're actually wiping down/cleaning the shrine so the "god" who lives inside the shrine is happy and gives you a key.
- use the key to open the cabinet at the very bottom of the dresser. get a tin of dried seaweed.
- click on the magazine (near its bottom edge) until it starts to edge toward the hearth in the middle of the room. (When you clicked on the bowl earlier, what the comments said was that the fire didn't seem hot enough for the rice to cook throughly)
- wait for the flames to die down, things to stop flying around... in particular, wait for the rice to start boiling and blow the top off of the pot
- get the pink glove hanging from the roof through that huge hole in the window.
- use the glove and click on the rice to get a bowl of rice.
- combine the rice and seaweed to make onigiri (not sushi).
- combine the plate, onigiri, and the firecracker looking food and give it to GG2.
- he'll give you back your shoes and you're outta there!

- that sign above the red button on the wall says: "Danger! Don't touch!"
- if you open the safe (persona non grata posted instructions above), you get that button which makes your room fly up like a rocket. Wait a while. It does come down.
- and yes, the scroll changes from one stupid saying to another...

ok this time i got the shoes..played around with safe..theres a guy in there...and this time after opening safe there was glass bottle or whatever..and i hit red button and flew into space..watched it come back down...
and then left..so i dont know..lol

Thanks for the translation Claire..! now it makes sense and i least i know i finished it..lo

Weird walkthrough

I started with moving the magazine into the fire. A firecracker goes off into the window and you can pick up a red glove. Under the magazine is a code (cloud-moon-star-sun) so you can open the safe. Some-one is s(h)itting in your safe !
Wih the red glove, take a bowl of rice, when the pot is open. Take stick left of pot. Take orange-brown plate. Search for key in altar above cupboard. With it, open lower door of cupboard and take sushi-maker (?) Enlight rice-bowl and combine with sushi-maker.
Enlight plate and put stick and sushi on plate. Give plate to sleeping guy, get shoes, put shoes on rug and go to prison.
Before giving plate, click on the hay thing upper left, and another guy comes out. From the middle drawer and from the front cushion pops even some more guys. Also if you click enough times the mouse-hole guy number 4 showes up.
If you hit 5 times the red button, some-one is really mad at you.
I dont understand the comment : my room flew away or now his leg is broken. In my game the guy on the ground had always a broken leg and my room never flew away. I always ended in jail, even by not hitting the red button.
If there is another ending, let us know how.

If you open the safe before throwing the magazine into the fire, you get a red button in the place to launch the room. just wait till the room comes back.

I´ve played the game 4 times and no matter when I open the safe, or how many times, I don´t get another red button!! Great game and really fun, but it would have been amusing to launch the house! Oh well maybe tomorrow!

You must talk to the guy s(h)itting in the safe. And I don't need a translation what he is saying.

Ummm weird, although I did enjoy the pop up guy. Did not read hints above yet but I am guessing I'm out with page to enter info on.

I played again.. This time I did get the 2nd red button and the house rocketed off..But, I ended up in jail again..I didnt push the first red button this time though..If I knew it said "Danger Dont Touch" I wouldnt have pushed it before, thanks Claire. The first game I pretty much beat the guy all to pieces..lol.. Now what was the guy doing in the safe Tosca..lmao, so cute...Fun game..thank you everyone..

"if you push that red button for 5 times in a row"
Haha.....i did what you said,and the guy use a coconut to attack you!

Shushun, is there a better ending according to the panel thing on the right ? I tried to get the four personages at the same time, but always ended up in jail.
Must be a better way out

I don't think that there's a "better" ending... If you notice, this room looks exactly like the setup for T's Room 1... I think that the creator is just setting the stage for a sequel. I played it again and did all the crazy things (got all 4 guys, got the coconut thrown at me, sent the room flying off multiple times, etc.) but still the ending was the same...
Though one curious thing is that one of the comments that the guy in the safe makes is that if you hit GG2's knee something interesting will happen... But I'm clickin' away and nothing's happening... Hmmm...

When I said "this room" looks like T's Room 1, I meant the "jail like" room that you end up in the end.

Hey Shuchun and Tosca,,,well I played again and I end up in jail every time..Do yall know what the guy says to you either right before or right after he hits you with the coconut...Cant be good huh?

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Yeah, i got that to Shawanna, do you know what hes saying when he throws it??

i got two endings
1)in the jail(?)
2)be a superman in the air to shoot the other guy's faces
you just collect all the sick guy needs to him as soon as possible and take the shoes and go out ....walk in the street....and be a superman in the air

the guy said:
i will kill you and use a coconut to kill you because i am very angry!

the panel just shows some japanese style joke,that's all.

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       Anonymous  3/20/08, 6:09 AM  

crazy game oO

after you finish the game
fill out the feedback(name,age(check),gender(check)and send the feedback(left one at the bottom)) and you will get a puzzle. after doing the puzzle,click the coconut and you will see a funny graphics.

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I agree w/ full, its fun but confusing, mostly 'cause i cant read chinese writing:-o

pice of cake im finished already in 5mins :) ***********************

I have all the ingredients to make the sushi - rice bowl, firecracker, seaweed leaves, and plate. They are all in the inventory column. Have done everything else in the room including launching into space! Even been in the safe. I don't know how to combine the ingredients. Everytime I click on the inventory item - it just highlights with the orange square around it. What do I do to combine rice, seaweed, firecracker on the plate to feed to the sick guy to get my shoes?

Thats not firecracker its food..

it combines with plate

then you put sushi on plate

then you feed the guy

has the rice been cooked.

i remember it all went on plate..u may have to dbl click item to combine

or just click one then the other

or there would be an "about item:

on the bottom of inventory

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