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LOSTscape Walkthrough


LOSTscape CheatsLOSTscape is a point and click flash thing, where fans can explore and interact with iconic items from the hit series "Lost". In Lost Scape, fans can also view 34 clips from the show in which the items were used, as well as enjoy sneak peeks of upcoming original episodes not available anywhere else. Good luck and have fun!

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Ok, lets start

hmm not loading

Found 29 of 34 so far.

Hi all.
I have 32 items, but the last 2 - no idea where to look for.

34 - 34, but I don`t know what to do next

I also have 32. No idea where to look or what to do now ? What is the key for ?

Drag the key to the breafcase, next to dog scene, and open the breafcase - there are the last 2, but afterthat I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO

Thanks for the hint to drag the key.

As far as I can see there is nothing to do after the congrats.

Some ideas what is the end of the game, because for me it was only written> congratulations, you have discoverd all 34 items... so far> and I still can play, but nothing else is happaning.

If this is the end - it is a little bit disapointing > ... SO FAR>

Drag the dynamite slowly to the SWAN STATION to discover it - next to dog scene - but don´t know, what to do next.

Wow! After dragging the dynamite to the station I get 35 of 34.

after getting 35 items, the comic book is near the fire. or maybe it went therebecause i left the fire open.
dunno. :((

did anyone see a bottle on the sea when the game was still loading? i clicked it awhile ago and its now gone.

i take that back.
i guess there really is nothingmore in here.

Please, where is the briefcase to put the key? Is it the briefcase with the knives?

the briefcase is in the waterfall ...you have to click it a coulple times

Blimey this is an old game, played it ages ago.

how do you light the fire? thanks, dianne

Apparently, you can pick up the statutes of Mary and drag them anywhere on the screen. Don't know if this'll lead to anything else.

i got "37" out of 39!
i did have 36 our of 39, til i read what someone said about the dynamite.
i dragged it to the hatch, and blew it up...and the hatch was number 37 for me.
also, after i did this i saw that the van was all the way uncovered now.(before, i had *discovered* it, but i couldn't see it.)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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