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The Spy Walkthrough

The Spy

TheSpy WalkthroughTheSpy is another challenging new riddle game by XtremeBrain. In this riddle game, you must solve the riddle to proceed to a higher level. The way to solve each level could be differ. Sometimes you'll need some help to solve them by Searching or Dictionary. When you got the answer, type it in and then click "Submit" or press "Enter". If you're answer is right, you'll proceed to next level. Good luck and Have Fun!

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Thanks Fannar...going to try that now!

Good night :o)

TY vbranam1. Will try.

I haven't even got a 'save picture as' when I right click...hmmm...gonna just move on methinks...annoyed I haven't 'seen the workings' though!

Still not able to get 16. I feel real idiotic right now.

wopybod,,begins with e and ends with t....working on 19 now

Any clues for 18 then?

Got it!! TYVM vbranam1. Now hopefully I can catch up.

Anyone on 19..I am thinking the longest word..Antidisestablishmentarianism.this did not work..any clues

yw woby,,,divinyl an animal with hourglass shape on back...

so far my googling's getting me lots of answers about corsets! Lol

got it on 20..

Got it! Onto 19...

Divinyl,Its a tiny little arachanoid, that bites

Thanks Vbranam1...got that one, now going boggle-eyed over the next! Have tried googling phrases from it, but no luck yet

Im on 22..Think I will have to stop at 25...Got things to do

On 17. Is there a way to flip the image?

For #17...This is a post by fanner jens..
"wooohooo I got nr 17. It is really possible!!!

Okay. Now on 19. Thx for all the help everyone. Let's see how 19 treats me.

Fanner jens posted this at 18:32..The answer is there..

Wopybod...I took a screen shot...but still couldn't see it, even after I'd played with the image...I just stole the answer off Fanner, but I feel bad I haven't progressed on my own :o(

Still on 19...got a bit diverted...but not getting anywhere with it yet.

on #22 ,,was thinking the food pyramid,,but its not working

Me too divinyl. My eyes are begining to strain. Going to keep pressing though.

Still stuck on #22..Any clues??

No, cos we're still stuck on 19!! Lol

Still working on 19. I think I've worn Google out for the moment. Any clues vbran? I'd like to get caught up with you in hopes to assist.

Is the image on 19 a diversion?

For that level it is what I was thinking in a previous post...The longest word in the english language..Its not the one that begins with antidis...it is the other one that begins with pne..

Come on guys...I think level 24 is all there is for now...

Did you get it Wopybod?? and you Divinyl??

Up to 22, so I'm getting there! Thanks Vbranam1. So far on this one tried 'durian'...no bones yet, but early days :o)

Yes, ty. Working on 20 now.

yw guys...I need yalls help #22

On 21. Trying to catch up.

Wopybod,,answer is in the source

OK. On 22 now.

Looking up fruit classes now...but differs by competition, so no answer yet...have tried (singular and plural) apple, raspberry, comice, none right. Tried durian as thought 13 might represent king, as it looks like a playing card, and that is what came up as king of fruits. No right answers for me yet!

Cherry doesn't work.

What have other people's ideas been on 22? If we share what our thoughts have been, we're more likely to come up with it between us...

My ideas are: Food Pyramid,,USDA..(along those lines) so far nothing

No one esle here has said anything about this level..

I've tried every King classified fruit and none of them worked. Banana is the only one visible in the image.

A fruit with thirteen letters?

I'm jealous emily. Throw us a bone.

google the king fruit...
and find it's class

Emily...any clue for 22 would be helpful.

Yes, thank you emily..on to 23

you guys said durian is the king fruit ... right?
so what is it's class?...

yw any ideas for 23?

nvm onto 24

no, not yet..still trying to decode those numbers..

Aargh...net shut itself down! Back on 22, but can't find class yet...though seems I was on the right lines after all eh?

Emily's moving pretty quick..hints for 23(please)...Im tired and ready to be done for the night..

think of it as texting...
2-4's is what letter?

I can't find anything about it's fruit class? Could you help please? I think I helped in getting there, now I'm just struggling with this bit

not getting it..

Divinyl..look up the king fruit with google, then use wiki, then go to class

if you press number 4 two times, when texting, what letter do you get? (h)

Thanks Vbranam1...I had skim-read the whole Wiki article already, but didn't see the 'fact box' at the side!

Ok, up to 24 now...phew, this is heavy going! It's 4.31am here and I haven't been to bed yet!

OMG,, DUH..Thank you so much Emily

yw stuck on 24 :\ ...

yw, Divinyl

Man you guys are quick. I'm now just getting to 24. Was stuck on 22and 23 for a while. Got em though.

Tried XtremeBrain. was sure that was it..NOT

Alright. How are we going to drag this image into the password area? I can't seem to highlight it at all.

no idea...

You notice title (password)..Seems like this would mean to subtract 3 letters..Therefore XtremeBrain. Any more clues??

Tried just dragging "me" into the password, but that didn't work either.

Tried dragging "me" out of XtremeB, but that didn't work as well.

me too wopybod..

Clueless at this point. Anyone have a fresh idea?

I know it was said that the answer to 21 was in the source...but I'm not seeing it

Yeah, its in there Scott..scroll down

can't believe i kept missing that...thanks...

now onto 22

hmm... i'm out of ideas...

Scott..vbran is right. Keep looking. When you find it you'll surely be _ _ _ _ _.

got it...now 23

Great!! We could use your help on 24.

do the numbers represent the letters on the phone keys as though text messaging something?

I was on the right track...got it

Im thinking this #24 answer is right in front of us..Were just missing the heck out of it...

my brain is starting to hurt form this one.

lol..Me too Scott..Been playing this game for many many hours..

do you think there is any clue as to why only xtremeb is blocked in blue and rain.com isn't?

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:22 PM  


which one is 3?

I think everything on the page is a clue..from the title to the highlited text...Its just not getting through to me...

hey everone i'm stuck on level 20, thought it would be holy trinity but that's not right, any clues.
sorry i'm not much help i've been behide from the start.

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Hubcap,,,think of the first thing that comes to mind,,B------ Triangle

level 20 looks like a church with a white triangle in it and the clue is "triangle-name-sea"

Rumors are lots of planes and ships dissappeared in that place..

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:40 PM  

So, if you right click on #24 you can zoom in and move the text around, but still cant move it into the password box...I agree, its got to be something plain as day!!!

thanks vbranam, but this is one riddle game that i am hopeless at, going to need more

The Berm--- Triangle

ok got your second hint thanks again

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:43 PM  

#24, Ok so now I see that you can drag any word down into the password box, but still nothing!! grrrr

yw, hubcap...Good job dianasmith25,,I hadnt tried that yet..Thanks

But now what..

wait a second "bermuda triangle" or "the bermuda triangle" is not working

dianasmith25,,,are you able to actually able to drag into password box?? You got the text out of the square

hubcap...just Bermuda


       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:52 PM  

No, no text out of the square, just the text "drag me in the pass. ect...." could drag all those words into the password box. Even tried zooming in the picture and dragging words into the pic, nothing. you can move around the pic but cant get anything out of it :(

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:54 PM  

I was trying just typing in "me" somewhere within password, like pass me word and so on....still ...this sucks lol

Okay, got what you mean..Still not working though

yes it does..been stuck here for a while now..

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 9:59 PM  

did you get it?!?!

Below is a post from Shaharc at nordinho..Ideas anyone?

<<< does mean go back, but not 3 levels...
good luck, you've almost got it
and you'll kick youself when you do get it, because it is very simple (of course only after you figure it out

No, dianasmith25 Im still stuck..Does that post give yall any ideas? The thing is we all know this...Guess we are all to tired..

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 10:10 PM  

Im thinking and thats about all Im doing LOL!! Im not tired, but this is making me mad....i might go on to try their other game, novice, its a math one !

I really want to get to the temp end.. Only 2 more ...24 and 25..Im thinking here just any second, lightbulbs will go off for someone..And we will be on to 25...lol

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 10:17 PM  

This is making me mad. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 10:20 PM  

grrr...so, we all have great minds that think WAY outside the box to the fact that we can't get one so called simple riddle!!! lol

thats so funny, but oh so true..

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 10:32 PM  


       Anonymous  5/26/08, 10:33 PM  

I'm stuck on 24. Is anyone else this far?

Okay, Im giving up for the night..Been doing this riddle for 8or so hours.. I can hardly keep my eyes open..Will be back tomorrow..Goodnight everyone and Good Luck...(Its Been Fun)

ooops, that post about the other gamesite...was not nordinho...c Im sooooo tired..

I think we are all stuck on 24

I think I am done for the night...my eyes are going cross-eyed

For 18, think of an animal that has the shape of the picture on it's back

       Anonymous  5/26/08, 11:46 PM  

thats what is is. and if you look at the eight lines... so it is a kinds of spider.

Anyone here? Stuck on 24 also, but giving it a go.

Ok have now got well and truely stuck on 18.

Sorry, but I can't find #5. Time zone (GMT-05:00)is highlighted. I'm in (GMT+01:00), but I can't find the answer. Any hints?

gilb which one is #5? I am stuck on 24 so have some time lol.

In #5 you get different time zones. Time zone "GMT-05:00 Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco is highlighted. The question is: "Password is time". It must be easy because there are no comments on it, but I can't figure it out...

Never mind. Got it. Sometimes it's just too obviuos.

Anyone got 24 yet????

#24 something to do with skiing or wakeboarding or drag racing? extreme sport?

I got it, now level 25

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24 is killin me

help with #24???

Look at the source in the past

at 26 now.. stuck..

man, i must be thick. do you mean in the source code or some past level source code?

past level ;-)

one last clue please? Is it the source code for level 23?

I still don't get 24. I really don't understand what I'm meant to look for in the source code??? Can you be more specific please?....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....got 24....thanks

I got it by comparing source code for 24 and 23,

I've been comparing - I can't see anything to put in - it all looks the same..... I am really not good at this source stuff. Please please help.

The password is part of my country 'Germany'.

anyone else on 26? im still stuck!

me stuck on 26 as well...ug

me too

Ok - I've tried Germany, German, etc. I've tried just using the letters of drag me - ie germad..... I've tried just "germ". Really not seeing this - and can't see anything in either source code that says anything about or like germany.....

Sorry - I'm obviously a bit slow tonight....

ok, I help you: the capital

not part of the word 'germany' but actually a part of the country..
look in the source of #23 where it says lv. 24 is ......
down near the bottom

Thank you so much - I realy didn't see that in the source code. I can see it now of course.

lol thats alright. now get to 26 and help us!!

at 26.... weird. Any ideas?

what have you tried? I've tried delete and trash and stuff. I've also tries stuff related to the folders with things in them. And I've tried stuff with the test id.

I didn't even notice the test id and I am comparing to my own mail box. Im in the same boat. What is the giant arrow indicating?

yeah 'ive tried most of that.. pretty much every word on the page, getting frustrated lol

I've been trying things about ending. Like when you've empties your deleted item folder things become unrecoverable. So it's final. And I thought someone said there were 26 levels. And the title says Oh, I did it. So I've been trying words like completed, etc.

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I've tried shortcut keys - like the same one that you need to use for deleting email. I've tried doing them and typing them in....

what else have people tried?

It's not: "clear", "finished", "out","end", "final", "finally", "game over", "trashcan".

possibly??? havent found anything yet

Obviously level 26 is just a placeholder for upcoming levels. If you type in a wrong password in 1-25, you end up with wrong_password.php, but on 26, no matter what you type in you'll always end up on level27.php.

Looks like the game is finished here

yeah thats what i was thinking.. but why confuse us like that? why not say that its the end? lol

and yet there is a clue and a picture, so there's probably an answer

can someone hint at level 25?

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I used the snipping tool and cut off the top and bottom of the shape to get a word.

Scott: take a good look to see the word with black letters on a white field.

honestly...I didn't think of trying that cause I thought it was too easy...I feel ashamed...

When you first start the game it says: Max. level 26 (1 secret). So there has to be an answer to go to level 27, which is the secret level.

Good Morning Everyone...
Thank you Chris for #24..It was in front of us all the time after all.. Is #26 the end? or no

still no idea.. think it is though

I certainly can't work it out.

I think we are supposed to get "temp end" when we can go no further..

at the start page, if you go to 'continue' its got a choice of levels 01-99 ..

I'm still searching the secret...Many ideas, but no results

Really,,I did not see that..I will be looking forward to playing all those levels though...

gotta fighure this one out first! lol.. its taking forever.. and still with no result :(

lol shaeness..your right..

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Good to see I'm not the only one addicted to this!
Well done and thanks for the help guys, I don't think I would have made it this far without some of your hints.

Level 26 it is then...

oh! before, how whatever you wrote in it said level_27 in the address bar, it now has password_wrong

When you hit forward..It says Webpage is expired BUT level 27 is showing in the address bar..

Got to go for now..Will be back..

I've tried running the Thai text on the other part of the site forum through various translator programs. As far as I can tell they're not sure whether there is an active Level 27 yet either so presumably no one has gotten past 26.

yeah i've been trying that and havn't found anything either

Some letters are underlined.
Any meaning about that?

nah they're like that normally.. just shortcuts.. i've already tried alot of combinations with them lol

ok, i'm done for the night.. need to get some sleep, and its 2am.. lol.

i am still stuck on 21 :(

Hey,,,Im back,any news about #26..

Addy,,your answer is in the source.

vbranam1, i realy need your help with lever 3. i read your other comments about lever 3 but i dont understand how you get (b) out of the red numbers. please give me a better hint or explanation?.

gypsyboyva24,,(only use the colored lines and circles)put the red line with the red circle and this gives you a (b) next line is a different color so this would stand alone..so it would be (l) and circles stand alone..Put the last circle to last line of same color,this gives you a (d) so your word is...bl--d

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       Anonymous  5/28/08, 9:44 AM  

i think level 27 was created because when i get the answer wrong for 26 i dont get level 27 in the address, instead i get the dreaded wrong password page

Yeah, ahduhleen..The big question is, Does level 26 need an answer or does it temporarily end here?
I truly do not know. Sure wish someone would let us one way or the other.

Well Shaeness asked on the Xtremebrain forum if level 26 was the last level and the only response she got was this:

"Case #0228058

The problem you reported has been fixed.
Please try again in the same password so you can check if it correct.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the report,
and for helping us make XtremeBrain.com better."


I've tried all the passwords I remember trying the other day, mostly things related to end, finish, delete etc but with no joy.

Yeah me too Faewitch..Level 26 looks like it needs an answer..Your last post..Shaeness got a response from XtremeBrain..That response has nothing to do with the question she asked them...Whats up with that?...We still dont have our answer..

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