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Bowja the Ninja 2 Walkthrough

Bowja the Ninja 2

Bowja The Ninja in Bigman's Compound WalkthroughBowja The Ninja in Bigman's Compound is sequel to Bowja The Ninja 1.It's another new point and click type adventure game from Pencil Kids. Bigman has stolen a deadly missile with plans of using it on innocent people unless his demands are met. Can you get control of the missile, get inside Bigman's compound and escape the compound? Good luck and have fun!

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*How do you get past the big metallic Nessie?


I also at the big metallic, any hint for pressing the knobs??

Second first line
Right down corner
last one is easy


thanks, worked fine!

I'm stuck just after. Can't find what to do :-(

I can't beat this fat guy on the top of the building??



pop = power of posting ;-)
means that you just found the solution after having posted!

ok, now I'm in the scene with water and aeroplain...

Diane e you finished? Stuck now on middle of the right building

ha, you have to kill the 2 little men :-( How horrible!

Done :) What a cute game...

Kurt, you still stuck at the aeroplane scene?

Kurt how dis you pass the fat guy?
I go up shoot antenna and then?

You have to shoot the fatty twice after that while he is stunned so that he falls over the edge

@candy, yes im under water..

@thalie, shoot antenna and then shoot the fat guy a few times, till he fall down.

Thanks Candy! Got it!

what a silly game.

@candy, I'm still under water in a room with "machine" and now I'm stuck....., no plan about the code??

ok, got the code! but I can't go back through the water...

How do you avoid the shark?

need help here, im stuck with the metallic octopus

out off water, now with the plane in a scene with a metallic "ant"?? She beats me all the time...

shoot first at the little fish

To avoid the shark: soot the fish

I'm stuck in water :( Help!

i'm out of water :)

OMG didn't see that fish! Thanks both of you!

Yaeh, I'm out

Lucky Kurt, I'm still in water!
Have done the light thing and now going on and on same way :-(

hmm this 'metallic ant' any is giving me the heeby geebies!

cant get out of tunnel with piston under water. any ideas?

if it's the same place I was stuck in the water tunnel, I just used the arrows and swam out rather than use the piston.

cant seem to use the arrow to swim back to the plane, what am i missing?

Hi... anyone konw how to get past the big metal craeture in the water? I've been stuck here for ages and it's doing my head in!!!

never mind, got it.I forgot the machine

creature not craeture!!!

GRRR! Anyone? Please help!

Try to break his right legs!

I can't shhot at his right leg as the plane is in the way, did you mean the left leg? Thanks for helping!

When you click on the rounds of his right leg, the little man jumps in the water and turns the wheel. So the ant falls.

To beat the final boss: Click one of the bottom joins on the two right legs, and Bowja will dismantle them. Repeat with the next two joints. This will leave the spider's head right above the surface of the water. Click the seaplane and Bowja will use it to ram the spider's head, knocking out one of its eyes. Finally, click the empty socket and Bowja will hop inside, defeating the spider from within.

Wow, that was quite disturbing! Thanks guys :-)

that ninja was cute...ill have five please :D nice game though. thanks for the post :)

sorry thalie, thought i was playin by myself, was stuck on the buttons top of tower.

anyways nite midnite here in aussie..

How do you get past the light panel, which I assume turns off the machine gun. Obviously there are numbers and letters on the tower but nothing seems to happen. thanks

nevermind POP

my fat guy wont fall, damn it! shot him like 30 times already, after i shot the antenna.... i´m about to go up there and have a fist fight.... lol

aight...... nvm! i´m so stupid ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... i didnt climb up there..... lol. these games put a big hole in my brain already..... lol

IM STUCK in the water tunnel - cant do much. Any ideas?

nvm - got out!

Great game. I'm a big fan of these. I hope they make more.

I'm also stuck with the blinking light panel on the guard tower. Can anyone help me

is anyone still playing? or am I all alone here?

I unlocked the light puzzle under water & swam back out to the plane. Now it won't let me board the plane or do anything. What do I do next??

how you do the guard's light panel?!?!? I feel like I've clicked 1000 times!?!?

oh. nvm.... thought something would "happen". I guess not. Pretty obvious now. LOL. My typical post.

       Anonymous  7/23/08, 2:30 PM  

So i'm at the point where you have to change the satellite code and then push the lever. And i figured out that you have to follow the "piping" to see which symbol goes where. I match it up then push the lever and he just walks back to the controller with the symbols. What am i doing wrong?

To get past the fat guy you have to climb up to the top then shoot the satelite

To get past the fat guy you have to climb up to the top then shoot the satelite

how do you beat the second part of the water

how do you beat the second part in the water

what is the password for the thing with the light

hello anybody

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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