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Beatle Room Escape Walkthrough

Beatle Room Escape

Beetle Room Escape WalkthroughBeetle Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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wee.... first..

second! sweet!


I got the normal end without a walkthrough! I couldn't use the cup or get the green thing off the plant on the right.

you have to use the straw (wierd lookink stick) on the cup

ok that was easy.. out!

where's the cup?

Morning all.

i used everything except that green gum on the golf club.. what was that for?

never mind, i found it

pastel> between the 2 tables 1 look like a G

out! that was pretty easy

Gum on golf club was to get coin.

game cleared with perfect ending, though i never saw a beatle in the game. Pretty easy

Out, Perfect End.

Can't find coin...

Coin is in the tall silver container next to the shelf that looks like the number "6".

NVM, found it....anyone find the beetle?

And I can't scratch off whatever's on the plant to the left of the door...

Beginning of the game is all I can think of.

How do you pick up coin?

found the beatle

Where is it dragon?

Don't worry about the stain on the plant pot.

They've started adding things to mislead you, I think.

i don't see the gum on the golf club

Pick up coin with the golf club and make sure gum is on it.

Ok, ty Diana, I was trying everything lol.

Find the gum in the right plant.

to find the beatle unlock the door then look somewhere where you found something earlier

I tried the coin in it, myself, tami :)

Ahh, I did look around the room after I unlocked the door, but apparently didn't look in the right spot. Still got Perfect End so wasn't sure if the exterminator had come already.

I was clicking the gum on plant but couldnt pick it up!

Clicked the damn door, (after I had input code) and still got perfect end without seeing the beetle... I went and looked though before I exited and couldn't find that damn bug lol.

Gotta have the golf club first, before you can get the gum.

after you put the code in the door look at all the places you found things earlier i swear you will find the bug in one of those places

ok - playing again...

Ah there it is! It's where the gum was. Crazy beetle.

is there anything you can use the coin for? or is it just there to confuse us?

Coin is for Perfect End.

Ahhh "Service Temporarily Unavailable"...Grrr

Got normal end all by myself, yay lol

where is this golf club/coin at?

Golf club is under the calendar, right side. Get the gum for the club, then use that to reach the coin.

I mean under as in on the floor, behind the table.

ooh ok thanks, but where is the coin? lol

ok....and out with Perfect End - thanks for your help!

Coin is in the tall silver container next to the "6"-shaped shelf.

coin is in square table thing next to the table that looks like a G

I'm glad I could be of some use with this game. Usually I only find that a game is posted long after everyone else is done playing it.

Ok got it and found the beetle :] yay perfect end

I wonder what the scribbles on the left flower pot were for..

Another cool game. Can't wait for the next one :)


-Click the plant on the left and get the chopsticks.
-Go left and get the newspaper off of the table. Click under the table and get the sushi box.
-Use the chopsticks on the sushi box and see that 47 →.
-Go left and notice the items. See that the 2 right pieces resemble “61”. Click inbetween them and get the sealed can.
-Click the left stool/table and see the way the arrow head is pointing. You get 61 ←.
-Left again and click the calendar on the wall. Place the newspaper over it and notice there are 3 squares cut out. Align the numbers 4 and 5 on the paper with the dates on the calendar. You will see at the bottom that 28↓.
-Zoom out of the view and click to the left of the table. Get the chisel.
-Use the chisel on the sealed can and get 35↑
-Zoom out and click the back of the table to the right side. Get the golf club.
-Go left and click the right side plant. Use the golf club to get the gum. It is now stuck to the club.
-Go left (or right) twice and click the top of the “1”. Use the golf club/gum to get the coin.
-Back to the door and click the grey panel.
-With the clues you go from the room, you can number the arrows from 1 through 8. The pattern will be← ↓ ↑ → ↑ ← → ↓. Click the button and it turns red.
-Zoom out and click the right side plant. See the beetle!
-Go back to the door and click the doorknob.
-You’re out! Perfect End.

Found all by myself except the code for the door, got all numbers though but couldn't find a way to put the arrows correct.

Thanks Diana, now i see that i needed to make numbers from 1 till 8.

I have beatle on the leaf before I'm making arrows on the door :)

"service temporarily unavailable"
I'm so sick of that screen!

I finished without help with the normal end...
I always thought there have to be something with the brigther spot on the left plants pot... but it isn´t...
wish you all a great saturday!!!

woot! done... did it all by myself too! :)

finally did one without a cheat! wee.. but tell me all, how do you guys do these so quickly, I'm always a day behind and I would love to be playing while you are all playing

Easy, Out no help XD

Very proud.

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