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Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Crystal Hunter Episode 2 Walkthrough

Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Crystal Hunter Episode 2

SSSG Crystal Hunter Episode 2 WalkthroughSSSG Super Sneaky Spy Guy Crystal Hunter - Episode 2 Beautiful Gardens is second chapter of Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Crystal Hunter point and click adventure game series from Melting-Minz, who is also creator of another SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy . In SSSG Crystal Hunter 2 game, yo try to help Sneaky find all of the crystals as fast as you can. This time there are 3 different colored crystals scattered throughout the beautiful gardens. Good luck and have fun!

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More crystals!

Morning ladies and gentlemen

Hey hey, these flowers and trees are driving me crazy.

afternoon all

yay I love these games

at least they have colourful crystals

uh oh theyre different colors this time lol

Crystals changed colours! I was searching for white crystals.

Yes, some of the colors stand out. 23 more to go.

man its so hard to see em...oh well gtg bye all have fun

Well I have 17 to go on my first run. Don't feel like going back to the beginning. Although entertaining for a while, it's more like "hunt and click" hehe.

well, i'm glad to say that im officially blind.

Oh well....supposed to be working, but had a quick go..much harder and only got 60 (but am 9th!!!) only because this has only just been posted. What a challenge and lovely gardens!

14 to go!!!! Im not so bad..

67 for the first try, not that bad...:-)

Well on my first run through I got 75/100 so only 25 to go.

Good Luck All

79 found, after my 3rd sweep.
Am going to take a break and come back to it.

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hello all.

15 to go :-)

anyone found a christal on the screen with balloons on water?

Hi just signed up to post been watching you guys for ages. Anyhow found one in the scene with balloons in water at back of pool in water. found all but 4 but looked for like a hour and 42 mins lol

92 but must stop now

I would make a list of crystals, but I must pack my things, because I'm going on my holidays. Good luck and have fun :)

Gorka - you are amazing at these - enjoy your hols!!! Your eyes will definitely need the rest ;)

I found one in the balloon on water page. Click in between 2nd and 3rd balloon to the left of the statue

70 on first go; eyes are pickled!

82 on first (very quick) go around...going to have a second look now :o) Much prefer this to the earlier one, which seemed to be 'click everywhere in case there's a crystal there'! I only got up to 98 on that one and finally gave up :o(

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hello, I found 95 crystals:

1 º screen now takes 1 and 2 star are in the bush on the left side and the lamp on the left side then go to the right 2 nd screen takes the 3 rd 4 and 5 stars that are in the bushes on the left in the road that is the center of the screen and into the roof of the house then go to the right takes the 3 rd screen 6 and 7 stars that are on the wall at the center at the side of the lake and the red tree on the right then go to 4 th right screen takes the 8 th and 9 th stars that are on the floor between the center and red leaves on the crossbar of the pagoda on the right then go to the right 5 th screen takes the 10 º 11 º and 12 º stars that are in the red bush on the left of the green tree in the center and water to the right then go to the right 6 th screen takes the 13 th and 14 th star on the tree are at the center to the lake shore to the right of the kind that is there and on the floor below left of the kind that is there then go to the right 7 th screen takes the 15 º 16 º and 17 º stars that are on the rocks on the left in the water and left to dry on the tree top that this bush red then go to the right 8 th screen takes the 18 º 19 º and 20 º stars that are in the bush yellow left at the red bush on the left to the right of this bush where they took the yellow star and another on the grass above the that this rock into the water then go to the right takes the 9 th screen 21 º 22 º and 23 º stars that are in the grass to the left on the tree and shrub purple on the right then go to the right 10 th screen takes the 24 th and 25 th 26 th stars who are dwelling in the road on the left in the green leaves down the center and the center of the yellow flower on the right then go to the right takes the screen 11 º 27 º and 28 º stars that are in heaven between the two trees that are at the center and bottom right in the red leaves then go to the right screen takes the 12 th 29 and 30 degrees stars who are in the lilac flowers on the right then go to the right takes the screen 13 º 31 º 32 º and 33 º stars who are on the floor to the right of lilac flowers between the two green bushes on the left top of the rock wall in the sky and the center right of the green bush then go to the right takes the screen 14 º 34 º 35 º and 36 º stars that are in plants on the left side in the plants on the right side and into the sky through the leaves of trees on the right then go to the right takes the screen 15 º 37 º 38 º and 39 º stars who are to the left of tree on the left side of the tree down the center and top of the tree's center then go to the right takes the screen 16 º 40 º 41 º and 42 º stars that are in the yellow tree left at the big tree that this tree behind the yellow and left on the floor to the right of the tree yellow then go to the right takes the screen 17 º 43 º and 44 º stars that are in the flowers of roses left at the white flowers that are a bit upper right corner from where are the flowers where roses took the star then go to the right takes the screen 18 º 45 º 46 º and 47 º stars that are lower left on the floor to the center top of the waterfall and above the tree in the center then go to the right screen takes the 19 th 48 º and 49 º stars that are left by the center and center in downtown then go to the right screen takes the 20 th 50 th and 51 th stars who are up in the tree and left in this branch to the right took that tree where the star then go to the right takes the screen 21 º 52 º and 53 º stars who are to the left of the flower in the middle of this right and to the top of the three flowers on the right then go to the right 22 th screen takes the 54 th and 55 th stars who are in the pink flowers from bottom to the left and the red flowers that are at the center then go to the right screen takes the 23 th 56 th and 57 th stars that are on the floor to the left and down on the right button in a flower then go to the right takes the screen 24 º 58 º and 59 º stars that are left at the purple flowers and right inside a yellow flower then go to the right 25 ° screen takes the 60 th and 61 th stars that are left at the green foliage in the center of the blue flowers and foliage in the centre green to the left of the entry then go to the right takes the screen 26 º 62 º 63 º and 64 º stars that are on the floor to among the yellow flowers left on the floor between the center and white flowers on the floor to the right among the red flowers then go to the right takes the screen 27 º 65 º and 66 º stars that are in the flower center and the highest in tree on the right then go to the right takes the screen 28 º 67 º 68 º and 69 º stars that are on the floor to the left down the tree in the fireplace of the home and in the labyrinth on the right then go to the right screen takes 29 th the 70 º 71 º and 72 º stars that are on the floor to the left up in the tree on the left and water down the red tree then go to the right screen takes the 30 th 73 º 74 º 75 º and 76 º stars that are left on water in the red flowers that are above where the star took the green water in the pot that is at center left of the stairs and right in the red flowers below then go to the right screen takes the 31 th 77 th 78 th and 79 th stars who are in the flowers left at the square white this to the left of the door and right into the tree on the right side then go to the right takes the screen 32 º 80 º 81 º and 82 º stars who are above trees at the center of the two roofs in the tree above the head of the right type and right where it sees a hole brown below this rate right then go to the right screen takes the 33 th 83 th and 84 th stars that are at the core in the water between the ball yellow and red ball of the fund and right above the tree on the right then go to the right takes the screen 34 º 85 º and 86 º stars who are below middle ground between left flowers and roses top left middle ground between the flowers roses then go to the right 35 th screen takes the 87 º 88 º and 89 º stars that are below left in the yellow flowers down the center between the top and red flowers at the center of the red flowers then go to 36 º right screen takes the 90 º 91 º and 92 º stars who are down in the circle of flowers at the center top center among the trees below the clouds on the floor and a right at the paved then go to the right screen takes the 37 th 93 º 94 º and 95 º stars that are above left center bottom right between the two white flowers and top right on the white flower then go to the right and………………… .. end

I am sorry my English

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1/2 2/3 3/2 4/2 5/4 6/3 7/3 8/3 9/3 10/3 11/2 12/3 13/3 14/3 15/3 16/3 17/2 18/3 19/2 20/2 21/2 22/2 23/2 24/2 25/2 26/3 27/2 28/3 29/3 30/5 31/4 32/3 33/2 34/2 35/3 36/3 37/3 TOTALI 100


Thank you denia...screens 5, 6, 12 missing one (cant find)
Screen 30 - GN trees top right and PK pink flowers above 2nd bench from left (2 extra)

Screen 37 last one PK pink flowers background upper left

I currently have 98 crystals, only missing the 3rd one Denia found in the boat scene, screen 12.

For Redroobar:
Screen 5 (lake): WH in shiny spot in water.

Screen 6 (wooden walkway): GR left bottom, 2nd bush in.

Screen 30 (pink azaleas): PK in middle dark pink flowers, just left of center. GR right upper corner in tree (I can't believe we all missed that one!)

Screen 31 (house): GR lower right on right side of tree, straight down from outlet.


I found the 3rd one in the boat scene, screen 12: GR one, just above the exact middle of the long white part of the boat. There's a little dark thing on the side of the boat there.

Only one left that nobody has found to have 100!


tell me the cristals that you miss (need), I'll try to help you

       Anonymous  7/25/08, 8:04 AM  

I think I must have missed one of the ones in the pink flowers on screen 12 - I saw the pink one but I can't get the white one!

I love crystals but i rather play a game like the first 1 ... sneaky guy ... more action there :D

Beautiful colored crystals though.

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Redroobar: You are missing a GREEN crystal in screen 12, the scene with the boat, just above the middle of the long white section of the boat, in the grass.

Go to the exact halfway point of the boat, and there will be a little dark spot on the edge of the boat. Just above that is a GREEN crystal, slightly lighter green than the grass.

Omg, this game has been on here since the 23rd..I just got to see it..I LOVE these games..Okay, gonna play now...

Not good..not good at all..only got 72..(to tired).Will play again tomorrow for more crystals..fun,fun

COMPLETE LIST (Thank you figtree)

I have included COLOUR of crystals to help you find them...please post any I miss.
PK - pink, WH white, GN green

Screen 1 - GN left hedge, WH left lamp (2)

Screen 2 - GN path middle, PK roof lower left, WH middle left bush (5)

Screen 3 - GN right red bush, WH edge of pond to left of red bush (7)

Screen 4 - GN grass middle bottom, WH right pagoda roof (9)

Screen 5 - PK left red bush, GN green bush near gap middle, GN pond right,WH middle pond above rocks(13)

Screen 6 - PK right of man, WH mans feet, GN leaves bottom left (16)

Screen 7 - PK left rock, GN below left rocks, WH tree trunk above red bush (19)

Screen 8 - WH border orange/red bush, PK lower edge orange bush, GN above rock (22)

Screen 9 - WH lower left grass, PK upper purple tree, GN fern right (25)

Screen 10 - PK purple/pink leaf, WH centre flower right, GN lower middle (28)

Screen 11 - PK red flower, WH edge of small green tree in middle area (30)

Screen 12 - WH & PK pink flowers, GN half way down top of boat (33)

Screen 13 - WH above green bush middle, PK path by lower pink flower, GN above small grey rock (36)

Screen 14 - GN ferns left, WH misty sky top right big tree, GN right bush (39)

Screen 15 GN base of big tree, WH left of little trunk, WH top middle big tree (42)

Screen 16 - PK left yellow rose bush, GN tree above this bush, WH white flowers below right yellow rose bush (45)

Screen 17 - PK pink flowers middle left, WH white flowers above and right of pink flowers (47)

Screen 18 - WH lower left by black box, PK top of waterfall, PK orange tree leaves (50)

Screen 19 - WH middle left white flowers, GN to right of white flowers (52)

Screen 20 - PK top left tree, WH top left branch (54)

Screen 21 - PK left edge of middle flower, GN above top flower (57)

Screen 22 - GN middle below red flowers, GN lower left pink flowers (58)

Screen 23 - GN lower left, GN far right flower bud (60)

Screen 24 - GN left middle screen pink flowers, PK right yellow flower (62)

Screen 25 - PK lower middle screen, WH left side in blue flower (64)

Screen 26 - PK lower left, WH base of right tree, WH lower middle (67)

Screen 27 - GN right edge dark tree, WH petal largest flower (69)

Screen 28 - GN lower right maze, GN pond left, PK chimney (72)

Screen 29 - PK base of mossy rock, GN edge middle left, GN top left (75)

Screen 30 - GN pink bushes upper right, PK left water pink reflection, GN middle pot, GN trees top right, PK pink flowers above second bench from left (80)

Screen 31 - GN left side middle, PK left pink bush, WH lower right side near bush, WH panel on shed (84)

Screen 32 - GN trees middle right, GN above that one in sky, WH right of brown tulip (87)

Screen 33 - PK water left of statue, GN right edge of tree on right (89)

Screen 34 - PK middle right edge of pink flowers, PK below that (91)

Screen 35 - PK hedge right of greenhouse, GN lower left grass, WH middle below red flowers (94)

Screen 36 - WH lower middle large flower bed, PK right wall, GN below clouds in middle (97)

Final screen - WH grass between flowers, GN top right flower, PK upper left background (100)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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