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Adventures with GIB Walkthrough

Adventures with GIB

Adventures with GIB is an Adventure Game, my very first one made.You are in a park and you help GIB keep the park safe, make sure you examine your items, you never know what you'll find! Collect, combine items, solve puzzles and escape~! It was made by Mercedes who also wrote FeugShui, Cabin Fever, Color Happy, and Carazy House. This game was made with AdventureMaker and is Downloadable. It is free and is made for Windows, and is Vista compatible. I hope you enjoy! Good luck and have fun!

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I hope I posted this right..Sorry Yalcin if i didn't..:D..


wierd... nobody is playing a Mercedes game!! I'm goin' to play it 'cause they are always good

didn't read the whole description... :$

What do u mean Luly?

Are you speaking of the "Downloadable" or the "Children in mind as well"..If that is what it is..I only meant that it's not rated..Anyone can play it..:D

"I made this game with children in mind as well" but I'm goin' to playing, my mind is like a child mind

Aaah, oki. 90%... can't wait!!!!!!!

aawww!! I'm a robot!!

Yes its an adventure..lol..Thats GIB..haha...

I took out that part of description as well..I didn't think anyone would percieve as that as well..:P

Thanks for Playing..~

talk to the cow give her grass and got an apple, found a ladder, fire to hot, and a knife

YAY got a key!!!!!!!!!!

Moving right along aren't you..!!:P

get into the cave, got a long stick and saw the computer

Thats a lockpick..ahaha...

got red key!!!!!!!!

lol.. I read long stick :)

OH NO!!! a piano!!!!!!!

Don't worry..You will find a hint there..;)

got a trowel and a rope (didn't read the name)

Thats Tape..:D

have to go, I'll see you tomorrow, I think

Ok ..take care..Thanks for Playing..:)

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:26 PM  

Is anyone still out there?

Hi Shandra..im here for a bit..:)

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:28 PM  

Hi Mercedes. Stuck on the briefcase and the "tree" with the musical teeth. No clue! Any hints?

You need to find a key...that will gt u into the house..and will help u with briefcase as well..:)

As for piano..you will get a good hint on that one...:P

I would never put any musical notes without there being a strong hint to help..:p


Try going past the gate..the one u lock picked..;)

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:32 PM  

I found a key to get into the dark house and found nothing of interst in there. I will go back and look again.

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:34 PM  

Never mind I found what you were hinting at. Thanks!

Ya...and then if u still need a better hint..just say so...:)


       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:39 PM  

password? where do i look for it?

Did u use items in the briefcase yet..?

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:41 PM  

No. No clue where to use them.

Go where cow is..;)

       Anonymous  8/26/08, 6:57 PM  

Thanks Mercedes for the game. It was fun and cute! I usually cheat a lot but with your hints I got out!

Oh thats terrific!~...Yes i try to keep it to hints..as opposed to just giving the answer..makes it fun for you to play..cause you got out by yourself..!~
Thanks alot for playing..!!~


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Congratulations,Mercedes,the fifth work...but i cant play your new game.><

Thanks Shuchun..:D I appreciate all the help you give me..too..


so stuck on briefcase need more hints please

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did u find a key yet..red one..be sure to check after gate thouroughly..;)

sorry got it,stilling working on the rest ..but having fun TY

seems I should use rope for cow.but does not work.lol stuck again..it is a rope right?

Actually no thats black tape..LOL.but ur on the right track..u use the Trowel first...with the cow scene..Remeber what u are trying to fix..;)

finished yeah...thank for the game very cute, really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. Cheers

where's cave?

yay! it took me a time to realize that ITEMS COULD BE COMBINED. :D
silly apple. :D

This is a really cool game, Mercedes.

I will have to finish it in the near future though. I have to start evacuating for Hurricane Gustav.

However, when I come back and power is back, I'll finish it.

mercedes, are you still here...i just finished downloading and gonna start the game, and no doubt i'll need help lol

well i'm stuck, when i try to put code in the box it says error the my screen goes black...what's wrong ? the code in red key house on the picture ??? 8558 ? i've tried 2 times and it keeps happening, i have to start over from beginning

have to take my dog to vet so i'll be back later on, hope someone will be here then to help me...bye bye for now

have a ladder and a knife...what now?

HELP, please???

Hi there..Bardiva...do u still need help..?

By the way..Thanks for Playing Guys..!~

im sure there is a vry simple way but i cant cut any grass to give to cow i hav a knife & ladder
pllsssss help

You don't have to cut it..only grab it..

and its not far from where the cow is;)

thnx mercedes i knew it had to be somthng simple

yes, please

i have fed the cow grass and got an apple, what to do next?

Don't forget to examine your inventory....;)

i cant figure out the piano thng wheres the hint to it

what happens after you fix the pipe?

You have to revisit somewhere...;)

As for piano..you probably havent' visisted the pc yet..;)

if you are talking about the pool, ive already been there and filled the pitcher with water...still a lil stuck.

is the pc the one in the dark house

Once u fill up the pitcher..u have to use it...then u will enter a cave like..room

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ok just found pc:)

sorry made a mistake..my last response goes for both of you..:D

Bardiva..have u been back to the dark house..?


i tried putting the candle out with the pitcher of water, but that doesnt work?

i cant get the password on pc tried answer to quote but doesnt work

bardiva you have to use pitcher somewhere else with fire

so what do i have to do first?

you hav to reach that high

HI sorry guys for delay..was booted from internet...

yes you have to get something else to help u put out fire ..not candle fire..and its high..so u need something to help u get up there..;)

As for PC its one name..and its case sensitive..

yay!!! im out
great game mercedes i had fun & thnx 4 ur help

mercedes, are you still here ? i'm having trouble with code on box, my game goes black

anyone ? please help me with box code, i found the code i think but when i put code in my screen goes black the i have to start over i've done this 3 times

Sabrina are u speaking of the briefcase?

k, got into the light colored house, and solved the hangman thingy, hint on what to do next?

Once u solve the hangman..you have to go to see another place now...where the fire is..;)

hmmm may be a briefcase, i got it the first house, the one that you use yellow key from apple, looks like a black box with four places to put a code with a button on right

do u mean was?

Does anything else happen..Are u getting any errors..? Does it STAY black..?

Bardiva..go to where the fire was...after putting out the fire..u will see a cave..

yes, first it say error, i click cancel then screen goes black

do you mean where the fire was?

Sabrina..is it possible to tell me what the error said exactly..


Yes where the fire was..:)

ok i will play again and write down everything it says, hold please, brb

Actually Sabrina..can i get u to email me the details..please

My email is listed here..]

Many thanks..keep the blog for just the game..

many thanks

never mind hun, i got it now i can continue playing now...it's my pc with prob...i got a blue screen a couple of months ago, so ever since then i've had probs, sorry to bother you...great game so far as well as all the others you've made

i went back and put the fire out again, and nothing happened

OH..thats great news..Sabrina..!~ THanks for playing it..:D and dilegently trying to play it as well..:P

After you put out fire..do u not see the cave open..

Did u put water in the pitcher..from pool..?

yes, did all that, and it opened up, got the lockpick from it

do u see the difference in the wall ......kinda looks like a door..;)

stuck with tape and trowel, tried to fix lamp lol, and tried digging smiley off the statues teeth lol nothing more i can think of any hints ?

Bardiva..click around in the cave..lol..

Sabrina..At this point you are trying to fix the light in the house..do u see any signs or anything that mighthelp u figure where to dig..?..;)

HEY, feel stupid, yest I did a lot of things, but today I don't remember where cow's food is, anyone can tell me??

Cow food is in the frame where cow is..;)

i see a plce of sofa on floor can't dog, tape not working on lamp

Sabrina...think of an actual "Sign" remeber the park gate..? first frame

Sorry not park Gate..bad wording..i mean where u started the game..is what i mean...tells u what each sign means..:)

ahhh thanks i'll try

I'mi in the same place as sabrina I now wich place are you talking about,bt dn't know what to use on it

go to the beginning..where u started there..that frame with the yellow house like..u will see the big sign..on it..has descriptions of every sign u see...Think of what is "Not working" and go to the sign that suits it best..:)

I know wich is, but don't know what to use on it

I dn't know how to cut the grass

Oh i see..u don't need to cut grass..only grab it..:)

As for the digging use the trowel first then the tape..Is this what u mean..?

Wait..why are u cutting grass..?

i can't find it either, i've clicked every where on sign and around it with trowel lol, i must be blind, maybe try zoom in hmmm

In the frame with the cow..there is an "electricity sign" click it..then Drag the trowel to it...

i've the tape as well

Use the tape after u use the trowel..after u have used the trowel..u will click ..and Gib will say.."You need something else here"..thats whenu use the tape..

got it, thanks, i was doing the other sign, dummy me lol

What other sign..hahahah....the one on the big one u mean..silly girl..lol

I'll be back in 5 minutes guys..gotta go see my horse..:) BRB..:P

I'm back folks..just letting u know..:)..till 9.00..:P

Ugh, I cant figure out the "hangman" password. I have the right words at the bottom, but everything I enter as the answer says "that seems to be wrong".. I have entered the first name alone, last name alone both together,, need a better clue.

glad you're back, can't figure out answer for stickman question

The hangman puzzle is exactly as it appears..Case sensitive..and with spaces..so as u see it..;)

the entire phrase or the authors name ???

The entire phrase..goes into the hangmang puzzle..

i see, i thought we were supose to answer the hangman question lol duh

No u would play it just like a hangman game..guess the answer..to what belongs in the spaces..:P..but that doesn't mean u won't need the answer though..;)

i feel so stupid, i thought i would get something aswering the puzzle but nothing happened

yes..once u entered the answer..it will take u out of the frame..and u will see a paper come out of that silver box on the wall..?

nope, no paper, do i click green button ?

Does the game take u out of the frame..or are u pressing BACK at the top..of the hangman frame..?

i tried clicking green button but nothing, after i put anwer in, the same error thing popped up"which i have to click ok in order to continue" i went out of puzzle frame then no paper appears

no it went out of frame automatical

Try doing it again..and hit the enter button where the answer is..[Blue or green Arrow] at that point u should hear clicking sound..and the game will take u out of the frame of hangman..so u can see what the silver box has to give..~

Make sure you type in the answer in the long box that is there..too..incase u aren't doing that..--then hit blueor green arrow..can't remember which one i used..

Out!! Thanks mercedes, Great game.
Good Luck Sabrina.

Thanks for Playing PigTails..!

it's not gonna work for me, my pc is F'ed up, i'll have to reformat or take it to the doc sorry, i'll try again another time, thanks for your help

Awwe..sorry to hear that..:(.That's sucky..Well I hope it works for you again sometime..:)

Goodluck and Thanks for trying!~


Never could finish the game. I did everything up to opening the cave. I've clicked everywhere in the cave and the door just won't open. What am I missing?

Its a brick on your left side..if u are sitting in front of it here..think left hand side..and he will walk to it as well..its around the middle brick..let mek now..and i will count them if u can't find it;)

7 Bricks down starting from top...and 1 over..:)

anyone still playing ???if so can you tell me pc pass word please

never mind i got it

any hints on how long i'm to wait ?

well, gib is waiting and waiting but for what ? is someone coming or what lol he's getting very bored lol what's gib supose to do ???

Hey Sabrina..are ustill there..?

What are u speaking about Gib waiting..?..Are u in the Cave..if so..click around the cave....If u saw that message outside of cave..he is saying he'll wait there for you to go into the cave by yourself..When ucome out..he goes with u to the place to use the next hint..u get after solving pc password..and playing the game that is on there..:)


That message is meant for u to see before you go INTO cave..but if u already solved the game that is on the pc..then u are good to go..almost done..its the last part of game is the pc puzzle..~

hey mercedes, just got back up, not able to sleep tonight...any way i have put the password in the pc then come back out, someone says to wait for him, now i don't know what to do

says"wait here gib i'll be right bacK"

I can't see where to grab grass from.


ooops sorry for caps

then look around in that same scene

Sabrina..thats not what it says...That's you saying.."Wait here Gib..ill be right back". while you go into the pc room..You tell him to wait..not the other way around..:)

When u figure out the pc..then u take that hint to get out..:)


Thanks Mercedes
I loved the game very much.
Youre skills are improving rapidly. Great ideas for the game also. Keep it up.

Hi Tosca..Thanks.~! THanks Yalcin for allowing me to post it as well..~


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Hi Jared..I've just seen your comment in my email, and wish to Thank you for playing my game. Especially taking the time to view it in such a diffucult time for you and your family..I look forward to hearing from you again, to know you are safe and well..:)

Thanks Again~

Grrrr. Stuck at the X's puzzle on the pc. Is this a "trick puzzle"? Pleeze Mercedes....hint?

HI there..MomofanAngel..

No not trick..lol..do u still need a hint now..You still there..?

Thanks for Playing..!~ by the way..


Yes, Still need a hint please.

Ok place them like this..

Look only at the number 1.

1 1 2
1 2 1
2 1 1

I hope that helps..was hard to do the X's on here..without it going altogether..:P

Thanks Mercedes! Thought I tried that but I think I had it backwards.

       Anonymous  9/6/08, 12:08 PM  

Hint on where red key is?

       Anonymous  9/6/08, 12:30 PM  

got it knew,that screen had something and I kept leaving there

Glad you found it..Thanks for Playing.!~


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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