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Grape Room Escape Walkthrough

Grape Room Escape

Grape Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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well, server full again...... grr...

help ! what do i do with the candle thingy

what is the code of the lamp?

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fridakalo... use the magnifying glass to look at the symbol on the lamp.. and then think of the clock face like a compass...NEWS

now have a lit candle, not sure what to do next

where is the magnifying glass

im finally playing witht he rest of u and the server is full :@

i think it was in the green box... i can't really remeber

or in the box that is locked by the key

where is the candle

im sure the candle was in the locked box

sorry it was in the drawer unit with the green box on the top

wat is the lamp code

Service Temporarily Unavailable
Guess I am going to have to wait :(

i got a red block out of the locked box...?

Sticky that are matches

out ! with normal end

oh...duh...sily me... then where is the actual candle

Two codes in book; read it with the glasses.
cafe=3165 is not working

what's the code for the lamp?

tosca, its: 0396
BTW, still cant find candle. top drawer doesnt open..

congrats joq12

Saintz: take needle from fan and used it at left side of cabinet

yay out with perfect end!

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ahahah... me niether at first...but my lovely posting friends point out that they are matches...

thanx tosca :) thought there was something in the fan, clicked the wrong places..lol

I have grape, code from candle, glasses, loupe ?????

what is that you get from the bottom of the fan?

Moonlight: a coin

additional end ?

Thanks ^_^ ...what's it for? I'm awful at these things >.<

what to do after put candle in the candle stand?

out!!, with additional end..??! ok lets do it again..lol

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where is the green thing for the green box?

haku- light it with the red block

john- look in the small shelf area above the chair on the cabinet. I think... might take a few clicks

1> Go right. Look under couch..
2> get sunglasses. Go back
3> Look beside red cushion. Get key. Go back.
4> Look to the right of the couch between the lamp and couch on floor. Notice the candle holder. Go back.
5> Look at the bottom of the fan. Notice code input and also small symbol. Its too small to read. Go back.
6> Look at fan blades. Notice the tiny needle at the top left. Take it. Go back.
7> Go right.
8> Look at clock. Notice the that 12 has been replaced by a 0. Go back.
9> Click on left side of the cabinet near the top. Notice the small whole on top right. Use your needle to unlock the draw. Go back
10> Open top draw. Take candle. Open bottom draw. Look at the underside of the shelf. Take the paper.
11> Look at the bin. It moves.....its nothing...ignore it!
12> Go right again.
13> (desk scene) Look at the small shelf just above the chair. Take the green star thing. Go back
14> Open the locked box with the key. Take the box of matches.
15> Open book on top shelf. Its blank. Use your fancy red sunnies to read the page. Notice CAFE=circle, up-triangle, down-triangle, square. Go back.
16> Go left. Use your green star to open box ontop of cabinet. Take the magnifying glass.
17> Go left again. Go back to bottom of fan. Use the magnifying glass to read the tiny print. Notice that its a clock with the word NEWS in it. Think like a compass. North, East, West, South. Think back the clock. 0396 is the code.
18> Take the coin.
19> Go back.
20> return to the candle stick holder. Place the candle and light it with the matches. Hold your paper to it to make symbols appear.
21> Using code from book and the totally obvious face on the door to see that the code to the door is FACE. Exit for perfect end.

Hi all, having problems getting into the game? I guess ill keep trying

thx, Obsidian Moonlight
I clicked there a few time already just not the right spot lol

so what's the point of the grapes and coin?

suddenly u'll be able to grab the grapes, if you take it, you will get additional end

that's what I got from the message from the paragraph at the end of the game

ahh bummer... page wont load.

YAY many refreshes later im in!

Oh i want to play this GAME!!! hate error 503... *grmlgrml*

YAY I'm in too!

I just wanted to say that this was my very FIRST escape the room that i did by myself! (not including those little kid ones lol)

*fans self*

I'm a bit excited!

Love this series!!!!!fun & easy

Waaaahhhh. I've been getting error code for 5 hours now! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

i wonder if there is a perfect end. Did anyone find a use for the vent to the bottom right of the door?

Keep getting Error 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable whentrying to load this game.

Could someone explain the 'shapes' code ? The book showed the symbols "circle, triangle, upsidedown triangle, square". The candle showed same shapes, but in a different order. How do you get the code "FACE" from that? lol

And out! Love these games!!

Lisa: The code in the book shows the symbols and the word CAFE...this is how they correspond: circle=C, triangle=A, upside-down triangle=F, and square=E; match the letters to the new code on the paper in your inventory and it spells FACE. :)

just view door type FACE and out lol

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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