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Pumomo Walkthrough


Pumomo is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Gyon. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. There are two endings in this game. Good luck and have fun!

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Oh goody, new game! Afternoon was getting dull.

bit of a pixel hunt. got 2 keys, book, number, note in chinese and an axe. cant break anything yet....

broke the mirror and have a 3rd key

mornin..... got every item but cant work out colour code for door

just missing one number. top right in my inventory.

also have some sort of handbag, but cant open

where did you find that last number daryn?

cathy, pink 4 is in window when opened

hey, did anyone get the top drawer opened??

i got a key from the open window but be blowed if i can find the 4. finger getting sore from clicking.....

i got the first key from the mirror, second off the vase. where is this 3rd key?

it changes each game i think, i got a number from the window, but it wasn't a 4...

started again and the 2 was in the window so still missing the 4

i had a purple 2 in the window.... and a blue 5 in the draw..... where are other #'s?

Numbers: lipstick, cork, window and vase.
Maxi what i thought was the 3rd key ws actually the cork screw

i got a number out of one of the bouquets of flowers on the floor

pink 4 in flower bouquets.. (howeva spelt)

found it, thanks! what a pixel hunt! now how to work out the code?

green 1 on lip stick, thankig you cathy

So i got everything, but what do we do witht he numbers now...? Do they have something to do with the numbers of objects int he room or maybe the japanese note...hmmmmmmmmm

so where i this cork screw? i could surly do with a wine myself, Oh I'm drinking champagne this eve, almost better i dare say!

cork screw under the couch

Yellow 3 on the bottom of cork. Use corkscrew on one of the purple wine bottles on the table, the zoom in on the cork.

The corkscrew is the first thing you find, looks like a key in light blue, i thought it was a doorknob..X.x

i think we need to wait for someone who can translate this note for the code....

still missing cork screw i guess? or maybe 3 things? have bag and Jap words on bottom row???

anyone get the handbag open ??

i thought the corkscrew was a weird key...
just had a look and they are stuck with the code on nordinho too

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no daryn, and the axe is gone so cant even break into it.
yukky handbag anyways....

the code is about japanese holidays...so it's 48135

from what i see ont he note and how the words are in order of five i'd bet the clue for the code is there...wish i'd taken kanji lessons......................grrr

maxi, you click the right cushion down the bottom part

i just randomly clicked around the bottom of the couch and it worked

shuchun your a legend!

green 1
purple 2
yellow 3
pink 4
blue 5......


Wow and i thought the colors had something to do with the objects and how many they were...silly me

and the handbag was not necessary

i have to brush up my japanese. ><

Where is the axe please? I cant get the number off the window. Have all others though, and no hand bag.

i'm out with that code... so what was the point to the numbers??

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are you all out already? I'm not 'getting' shuchan's tip...???

with you cathy, i'd not use that handbag either. major fashion clash with my style!

suchun said that the clue was about Japanese holidays, so the code is 48135, i don't know why though

hmmmm, shuchan's code didn't work the 1st time but did the second.... so how does the code relate to the #'s and coloured stars?

axe inside green beauty chair

hand bag is crap, you don't want it, phillipa

there are some japanese holidays(sorry,cant translate all the hoidays' names into english)
March--pink--4(card number)

so the order is 48135

the note from green book is written some japanese festival holidays

not with you linda. corkscrew was last thing i found, tooo pixel hunt-ish, clicked around couch for ages before finding close up with corkscrew in it.. found most every thing else first!

Oh, Shuchun, it almost saddens me to think english isn't "broad" enough to be able to interpret the festival names. I love chinese interpetations of english sentiments, they're always so much more respectful and honourable... if only we engleshie could learn.

i think they have English names but i have to check "Wikipedia"..but i dont have much time right now ..still have some other errands to care...sorry!

       Anonymous  8/28/08, 2:14 AM  

Goodmorning. Let's give it a try.

lets give it a shot! :)

got 2 keys, a book & page from the book, numbers 5 & 4

got a hammer too..

sorry.. broke mirror n found another key

used brown key on drawer n found scissor..
used pink key on window n found number 2..

used scissor on gift n got pink bag!


Go 1 time on the right. Click the third flower on the left from below to above. Take the key attached to the card. Go 1 time on the right. Open the bottom drawer. Take the package with 1 symbol and the number 5 above. Take the Green Paper. Zoom the Green Paper. Open the book. Take the paper with the inscription in Chinese. Select the key. Open the top drawer. Take the scissors. Go 1 time on the right. Open the stool green. Take the hammer inside. Click the bottle red plate with black. Take the second sheet with the symbol and the number 1. Go 1 time on the right. Select the scissors. Click the box on the right. Take the bag. Click 2 times on the bouquet of flowers resting entirely on land. Take the third piece of paper with symbols and the number 4. Go 1 time on the right. Select the hammer. Click 2 times the armchair right of the sofa. Take the nail. 2 Go to the right. Select the hammer. Break the mirror. Take the key. 2 Go to the right. Select the key. Open the window. Take the fourth sheet with the symbol and number 2. Go 1 time on the right. Select the nail. Click on the cap of one of two bottles. Take the cap. Zoom on the stopper. Click the cap. Take another sheet with symbol and number 3. Go to the port. Click the box next to the door. Enter the code: 48135. Click Ok.

Cute game, Thanks for the translation of the note Shuchun..

try the other ending:bike ending

after inputing the code,dont click ok button instead of taking the pink hand bag and you also can see the door has already open ...so just walk out the door...bike ending

I still don't understand the code. Will some please explain it. I guess the numbers are the months explained by Shuchun april-4 august-8 january-1 march-3 may-5. But how do you get that order? Why do you start with april?

can't get in to this game.. says file locked

Thank you for the hints and walkthrough. Thanks for the translation Shuchun without it, I will have never end the game.

       Anonymous  8/28/08, 3:39 PM  

Thank you, catdog, for your walkthru. I did not get the order for the lock, but now I do! Cute game!

hey! awesome! tnx fr the walkthrough!

       Anonymous  8/29/08, 6:48 AM  



The piece of paper reads in JAPANESE of their festivals:
ビンク(pink 4).桃の節句 (Momo no sekku: March )
ブルー(blue 5).端午の節句 (Tango no sekku: May)
グリーン(green 1).入学式 (Back to school ceremony: April)
バイオレット(violet 2).お盆 (Obon: July/Aug?)
イエロー(yellow 3).お正月(New year: January)

so if you go according to the numbers, it'll be Apr,Aug,Jan,Mar,May.
That's 4,8,1,3,5th month of the year.

Out with handbag in my hand :D

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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