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Art Class Escape Walkthrough

Art Class Escape

Art Class Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by 123bee.com. Student artist Harry is trapped in the art room by his art teacher.He has to complete certain tasks before escaping from the room. The hints regarding the tasks to be done are given here.Help harry to complete the tasks and escape from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  9/25/08, 11:23 AM  


Let get it on!

oh cool, I'm here early... hope I can help some!

I hope this one isn't as quirky as the last on 123bee released (haunted house escape)

let's plaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy :)

ooooh yeeaahhh!!! no timeee!!!

yeah new game, have fun ;)

got 2 papers, a pencil, a glass and ssttuucckk

and a hammer, a painting tray, a chat,

break the sculptute with hammer, and put the paper with the triangle on the chat

I have a pencil, water color tube, piece of paper, hammer, glass of water and painting tray... stuck!

found water color tube

used the color tube on the painting tray

found a paper on a drawer on chairs

first time poster

found pencil, paper knife, water color tube, painting tray, hammer, triangle paper, star paper, chat, finger of statue, painting and glass of water.
Used hammer on statue to get finger, put star and triangle on chat. Paint on painting tray. Stuck

Anyone else playing in Firefox. I can't see the game. Reloaded a couple of times.

you can use the pencil on the painting with the mouse

excuse me luly, what is a chat?

Yikes... I'm stuck and I have to go get my kids from school... I'll be back to try again later! Good luck!

I think "chat" is supposed to be chart, just a typo

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 11:47 AM  

i put the triangle on paper tube

i broke the 3 windows with hammer

i put yellow paint in aquarela

Use the pencil to connect the dots on the green painting in the side room for an equation.

broke windows with hammer

fietssleutel, where did you find the knife?

sry, chart!! where's the knife??

Use screw on easle. Then put a canvas on it. Then put paper with trangle on the canvas.

what screw manonzin?

Hm..not the paper with triangle..dunno what I pu on there...

Screw is under one of the student tables.

knife is hanging of a students chair

use knife on the paintings with the dots.

I can't seem to use the screw on the easel?

Use the screw on the bottom not the top hole.

Can't find knife!

don't see knife on any chair...

knife is on the middle right chair, closer to you. click on the back of the seat

bottom left chair I think.
You probably have to paint the parrot from the second window...

use glass of water in painter's tray too.

Argh! Still can't find knife

put paper on easel and put the picture with parrot on it

what about that connect the dots? I think I can figure the first 3 numbers out, but not the shape on the right

where is the brush to paint with

use knife on connect the dots picture

I've tried using "Mars" on Sam's locker since it's the missing planet in his painting but no luck...

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:08 PM  

Where is the triangle paper please

besides connect the dots on the gras picture behind the bureaus to to get something

oh the shape on the right for the pencil picture is an X

Hi you guys's. knife is for the numbered dots painting. you get the square for our painting in inventory

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:08 PM  

random, it's an x

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:09 PM  

Where do you get the canvas/paper to put on the easel before you put the picture of the parrot on it?

I must be slow today, cuz I cannot find the knife...

sunkist, they are right next to the easel

I'm still awefully confused, I majored in math but I don't see what it is supposed to be, stupid dots!

after putting screw on move it up then click on one of the papers on the left side to get parrot on the paper afterwards

for knife: just click on one of the studentchairs in front of you. on one of them the knife is under a peace of tape

what's with the quotation on the mousepainting? i tried several numerbers for the closet in that same room, but no luck

You have to slide the screw up the easel stand (after it is screwed in) and then you can pick up the canvas on the floor.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:12 PM  

I don't know if it is buggy or what, but I've tried clicking and dragging every canvas and I can't get any of them


start with one dot and try to connect to the next. don't hold down on the pencil

now help me find the stinkin knife

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:13 PM  

thank you for your help, i finally got it

Has anyone done anything with the finger?

The knife is killing me!
hm..bad choice of words?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:15 PM  

I have square and star papers, can anyone help me find the triangle?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:15 PM  

I have the star and the triangle pictures on the chat, it looks like we need one more

id say the hint on the board at upper corner on the right side is important

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:16 PM  

wheres the square picture?

that helped. the knife is at the back/bottom of a student chair. click the 3rd from the left (center row, right side) then click near the back of the seat for the knife

Im confused is what everyone calling a knifeb by any chance might be a pencl, or look like a pencil?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:17 PM  

Triangle is either in locker or desk draw

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:18 PM  

thanks icon. the square is on the dot pic to the right of blackboard. use knife on blank spot

Icono, i already gave a hint for the third peace of paper... you need the knife and use it on the dots-painting in the classroom!

we need to open the closet in other room; i think there is more paint in it.

u have pencil and knife

ok, where exactly to use the knife on the pic? i cut up the whole damn thing, cant get no freakin square thingy! ARGHHHHHHHH

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:21 PM  

knife looks like pencil but it's yellow while pencil is red

where do you click to get behind the bureaus? I can't seem to find the spot.

ok... ha ha ha ha. nvm, been cutting the wrong pic lol
brain fried! lol

i see the numbers 7 5 6 in the dot/mouse pic, but not sure what the right side is might be a 2??

you have to use the knifes on the painting named 'numbered dots'

Ok, I'm about to quit this game!
No knife for me! Clicked just about everywhere!

thanks random. i swear that the knife just appeared there this time. it was NOT there before...

It looks like 7 (weird starfish thing) X 562, but 3834 doesn't work on locker nor bureau.

3934 I mean.

This comment has been removed by the author.

The painting "polka dots" has 7 red dots, 5 blue, 6 green, & 2 yellow & the tiny x. That is the same as the big paintings 7 x 562 code.

oh 7?? i was like its a "one" not "seven" :D

I'm totaly stuck now. what's with the student lockers? some of them stay closed but you can type letters next to their names. but where are the clues??

I also counted the colored dots on the painting in the room with our parrot painting, you never know..


has anyone found a brush? or more colors other than yellow?

what are we supposed to do with the finger from the sculpture?

maybe we have to color the number on the painting

whats this connect the dot picture evryone is talking about? is this the same picture as the one we cut the square out of?

OMG! Got the knife! You had to click lower!


the connect the dot picture is the one with grass and a mouse (in the second room).

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:34 PM  

I think Elizabeth is right on. I also think you can translate the colors from the clock above the blackboard. I've tried several scenarios with no luck, but maybe someone else can

The connect the dot is the one with the mouse.

I have no brush, and only have yellow.

Each locker corresponds with the name on one of the paintings.

You can zoom in on the chalk on the chalkboard, but I haven't been able to do anything.

The pointer turns to a hand on the numbers on the mouse painting.

left side was already open and i used the finger on the drawers of the desks and got star for the chart

i dotn have a picture with a mouse? i have the polka dots, the eyes, the space thing and the height weight thingy

Addy: the dots in the picture with the mouse in the other room. When you connect them right the painting is changing and you'll see 4 numbers and an X. But we're still looking for the issue of it

like this game although i'm totaly stuck now. waiting for clues from you guys...

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:38 PM  

now that ive put the picture of the parrot up, i can't click on the eyes painting

another question?
what windows am i supposed to break? i dont have windows OR a finger

The left side opens without any code. The right side needs a code. Anyone figured that out?

the missing planet is Neptune, but that's all I've got that hasn't been mentioned yet

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:40 PM  

Did anyone else notice that the mouse looks like its at the start of a maze and all the numbers are connected? Can we use the yellow to look like "cheese" at the end or somehow take him through the maze?

Oomsippy, left side was open already. I still can't open the right side.

I'll have a closer look at the paintings which correspond with a name on a locker, i didn't see that untill you said so

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:41 PM  

angeleyes, just FYI-I got the star without the finger. I only have one locked drawer, it's the third one in the front row.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:41 PM  

On another site found codes you can put in the lockers to find more paint & brushes, jerrys 0007
sams 0008
agnes 0330

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:44 PM  

Jerry 0007 because there are 7 red stars, I just tried 7

Of course. Jerry's painting is called red stars and there are 7 of them. Type 0007 into Jerry's locker and get three colored thingamajigs!

use key found in sam's locker to unlock desk- 3rd in first row

0330 is clear, but way 0007 and 0008?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:46 PM  

thanks carm!

carm thanks! don't know how you found those but I used them - lots of painting supplies

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:48 PM  

I finished my pastel coloring! 1 down... can't figure out how to paint bird

unfortunately I still can't paint the parrot

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:49 PM  

use the binoculars out of the middle window to find colours

use pastels found in locker to color star, square, and triangle

the colors of the bird are at the middle window.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:50 PM  

did anyone try to decipher the clock above the blackboard? I think it's red x blue,green,yellow. Just wondering. I think it's the code to the closet

Use 3 colored rectangles on square, triangle, star thing and then put it in the space to the upper left of the blackboard.

Use the binoculars through the smashed open middle window to see a parrot (so you know what colors go where).

I can't seem to get my brushes to dip in any of the paints, though

I mixed my paints with water to make three more colors, but still can't paint bird.

only the middle brush dips and you have to combine paints before you can paint the bird.

did you make other colors at the palette. you must have 6 colors. 3 available. 3 you have to make.

switch smallest paint brush with the magic wand

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 12:54 PM  

To paint the parrot, first you need to open the painters try and squeeze all three colors in. Then you have to make purple, green, and orange by mixing the primary colors. You have to dip in one color, then click the middle, clean the brush in water, then dip in the second color, click in the middle, then click again to mix. When you have all 6 colors, it creates your painters pallate and will open in the upper left hand corner for you to paint with. You can only paint wiht one brush, the middle one

ok, i think i painted the parrot just like the one outside... can anyone paint the eye??? cant paint it....

where on earth are there windows?! :(
i feel dumb

First time poster.
Let me try to get up with you all.

right, have joined all the dots and got a 7 (or 1??) a 5, a 6 and an x

god knows what it means though!!

Can't get his eye green!

I couldn't paint the eye, only around it, and I did the pastel shapes, now it says it is painting. I've used everything put the finger

I hung my picture with shapes and pastels next to blackboard.


they are at the first room and coloured. at the left side

oh right, duh.
stained GLASS windows. i was wondering what the purpose was. thanks ebru :D

what does magic wand do?

have my pastels done, have my parrot painted and now i'm really stuck. this far into it and I feel like quittin'

you're welcome andy.

ı painted the parrot but cant figure out the colours. we only see the back of the parrot.

Does something happen when you have the parrot painting right?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:05 PM  

what are your bird colors?

I have a red head, yellow beak, green eye area, then green orange and yellow feathers and dark red tail. And that's not working. anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


not yet. i have my parrot painted as near as I can (seeing how all we can see is the back of the bird) and nothing has happened for me.

those are the colors I have as well. even tried switching oange and yellow tail fathe nd d hea t yelow and every comb of thse, can't do anything with it. And the locker won't open

Painted parrot..hope its right! Have magic wand but it won't fix the sculpture I smashed earlier. HELP

I can't get the parrot pic right either.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:08 PM  

where is magic wand? and did anyone get into John's locker?

I feel stupid, but...I got the red, blue, and yellow paints, mixed the green, orange, and purple, switched the small brush with wand, looked at the parrot through binoculars and yet I still cannot paint the bird...did I miss something?

where is the wand,please?

i painted the parrot but nothing happens. anyone allready opened the closet with a code?? I can't figure out the number and what's with the mouse painting? I already tried several numbers, argggg

Has anyone managed to finish the parrot and put it on the shelf yet?

magic wand is on the first rooms wall. it is the painting at the right, with an artist on it.

Nope..tried different colours on the head. Even tried the magic wand on the parrot..nothing.

how did you get a wand??

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:12 PM  

I found the wand. It's to the right of the black board. someone's painting with it. click it with the small paint brush.

Will anyone help us with the parrot colors?

blondzombi my parrot has wings that are red, green, orange That's what I see outside..but then again nothing happened


change it with the smallest brush

sowa John has a painting? can't find it.. we still need to open the closet, john's closet, get the parrot of the easel and what else?? we're missing some stuff in our inventory..

finally got the wand thanks. anyone see johns painting? what are we missing. it should not be that hard.

What's with the small cupboard by the schoolboard? Can you get anything from there?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:18 PM  

I think John's is the dots we got the square paper from.

did we ever use the finger for anything?? also notice we need to mend the statues according to the directions on the board.

maybe the parrot painting will be john's. just an idea

When you are in the room with the desks, can you use the down arrow to turn around? I have to hit the right of the screen.

what does mending mean?? I'm dutch and don't know that word.. has something to do with the finger we have??

I'm getting frustrated about the closet with the code, arrgg

BTW my pastel painting doenst match the one one the wall. Did I do anything wrong?


       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:23 PM  

no matter what I can't paint the parrot's eye

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:25 PM  

i'm pretty sure the parrots tail is that purple/red color not bright red like the head

no elizabeth.
there is a down arrow. but cant click on it. we can go the other room just clicking on the right side of down arrow and clicking the door.

the mouse puzzle has tubes connecting the numbers 7562 (order if X is red herring) or 7X562=3943 neither of which opens John's locker or the bureau

@IRIS mending=to fix

gah!i cannot do the parrot!i have all the paint colors, the wand, looked at the stupid bird...now what?this is bugging meeee

thanks manonzin.. oké so we need the finger, but where??

to get the pastel right, you have to look at the picture at the left side in the classroom

the games of the last week/2 weeks are very tuff don't you think?

Ok, so I have to do the whole f*#king game all over?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:29 PM  

I have a feeling we're going to find glue if we ever get the other two things open

I wish there wasn't a timer so I didn't know how much time I've spent on this.

I just noticed my parrot has changed colors!

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 1:30 PM  

manonzin, i think you're okay if you got all three painted and can hang it by the blackboard. it doesn't look the same far away, but it does if you look close up

Ok, I'm taking a shower.
Hope you guys will have gotten further by then..

manzonin, my pastel shapes are in a different order than the painting on the wall, but the colors are the same. Are you colors the same and the order wrong?

Yup, just wrong order..ok so that's fine?

i enjoy a challenge, but this game is draaaggggiiinnnnggg on to long.

Manon, did you put the pastel next to the board allready? Can't you change the colors anymore?

My back and bottom are acking after playing 115 min. already (the time you're playing is above the inventory)but i want to escape or else i did all the clicking for nothing, hahaha

has anyone finished their parrot yet?

i put 7562 in the closet i dont know if the right side opens but the left opened

oh my god, i just went to put a paintbrush back and clicked the stupid advert along the bottom by mistake!!! gotta start from scratch :( might save it for tomorrow

can someone please post a partial walkthrough?? this game is driving me crazy!!

Has anyone noticed that the guy on the weight calculator painting, has his ass nude ?

tosca, you're so funny..

just started the game?? you're always the queen of walkthroughs, so come on, please help... i want to go to bed, i'm very tired

everyone enjoys a pair of assless pants ^_^

anyone finish their parrot yet?

i even calculated his body mass index but they didn't work

locker codes: Agnes clock 3:30=0330;Jerry seven red stars=0007;Sam Neptune missing planet (8th)=0008; John...numbered dots is missing dots in 8 & 9 columns, 5 & 6 rows the grid is 11 x 7 code is NOT 0077,0073,8956,8596 who can help????

hey guess whos an airhead?ME!!finally looked in stupid tom's stupid locker...stupid.found the parrot.

I don't know if I'm starting to see something in the dots painting, but it looks like there is something poking out of the top of the painting in two spots.

I flipped through my logic text, no 11*& grids :(


finally got the parrot off the board

Dear gamers, thanks for a nice evening and all the hints. i'm stuck at the same point as you are but i have to go to bed. I'll have a look tomorrow, may be you will get out in the meantime. Lots of succes and good night/morning/afternoon?

Bye, Iris

7562 is in the grass painting - The Polka Dots painting shows Seven red dots DOWN - 5 blue across top - 6 Green across middle - 2 yellow at bottom. Anything to do with Numbered Dots you think?

Goodnight Iris!

So what's the right colours for the parrot?

and then paint the numbers on the mouse picture

oh... try using binoculars on the numbered dots painting...

got a new paint tray.

Thanks Jennyjennjenn!

bens2000us: how?

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