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Surprise Birthday Party Walkthrough

Surprise Birthday Party

Surprise Birthday Party is another Korean point and click type room escape game by Banjang for bangtal.com. "My daughter's birthday is on Sep. 24th. We prepare a surprising birthday party for her that she has to get out of the room by finding items and solving puzzles." Good luck and have fun!

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hello, just starting now

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:07 PM  

Hey all, just starting.

Hi, just starting too.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:15 PM  

got some stuff, playing on...

I think the clock hands with the numbers give a clue to the painting. WIll try it.

Yep, got a yellow thing

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:19 PM  

im already almost done wit the game i jus cant figure out the code for the computer
also the painting
its 3 on the upper right, 1 on the bottom right, 1 on the upper left and 1 on the lower left
if i remember correctly
its been a second since i did the painting

I got a code off the mirror, but I dont know where to put it - its four numbers

so far I have used a faucet, a battery, and a glass. I have a hose, pair of gloves, a cel phone and a glass of hot water. Kind of stuck now.

got half a key

Hot water goes in the bowl thing under the green mirror. Click button, get code. Stuck with gloves, hose, cell phone, book

and half a key

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:24 PM  

the code goes in the phone thing and it gives u a key for the computer

take the faucet and put it on the sink 2 get hot water
put that in the big container in the room wit the mirror, lazers, and books turn it on and ull get the numbers for ur celly

The code from the mirror works on the cell phone.

uniquenika001, how did you figure the painting out with the numbers from clock. please explain.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:25 PM  

oh u need the battery for the celly too
i forgot where i got that

where is last piece for game?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:26 PM  

i didnt even use numbers or anything i jus looked at the picture and figured out that everytime i touched the wrong place it would go back straight so i jus kept goin until it feel off

Look at the hands of the clock. Numbers will come up that correspond to the corners of the picture, Then click the picture corners as directed.

push red button on wall with gloves, when no lasers are in the way.

stuck with partial web address on computer for code..

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:28 PM  

r u kidding me!?! the password for the computer was wat came out on the paper! UGH IM SO DUMB

Hi everyone, new to this blog. Has anyone took the red ball out of the chute with lasers?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:29 PM  

thanks for the picture code.
computer has the code, must use key from water thing on it.

Geeze unique you dont have to be so insulting...

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:32 PM  

cant figure out floor puzzle. anyone?

hey guys! just starting

Any help for playing the game with the tiles/dots on the floor?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:33 PM  

oops nevermind! lol.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:33 PM  

how was i insulting?
unless i was insulting myself
i said IM so dumb...

Alice - can you give me some help please? WIth the floor game?

theres a cord behind the plant, which goes in the wall compartment, with the red dot...it will drain the water in the bowl..and u will get the second part of the key!

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:35 PM  

yea im stuck at the floor puzzle 2 :p

elle have you found a way to get the key parts stuck together? I have one empty space in my inventory, and cannot work out how to play the game on the floor....

trying to play yut game now

I can now only get the flag to stick on one dot... I soo dont understand...

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:37 PM  

Nope cant figure out floor puzzle.

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:38 PM  

dang yea im stuck -_-

yes..you have to move the red flag to 4 dots on the gameboard...then it will give you a spot to put the 2 different key parts...then OUT!

got piece for game on computer after intering password, it shows you the game plays. I got the order of 2, 4, 3, 1. But I don't know how that applies to the game. my flag is now moved up one space. anyone else?

Ok two different dots in a row now.. working on the next dot..

Yay! Out!

how do you put the key together?

Three dots, working on fourth..

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:42 PM  

im right where u r jen
i have no clue wat 2 do next
maybe the computer does somethin 2 the game? *shrugs* im lost
any ideas??

You can't put the key together until you beat the stick and dot game. Use the clue on the computer and the book to know how many dots to go for each of your 4 moves.

Nearly out - got the key frame thing from game!

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:43 PM  

wat?!? how???

Out! WIll hang around for a minute to help

OMG, I can't go back to look at the computer clue again unless I click in the password. again

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:46 PM  

still stuck on floor game. my first was 2 so put flag in two spot, next should be 4 tried moving 4 spaces in every direction, but nothing. ramdom clicking spaces and nothing. Flag should move right?

well i just cant work this floor game out, any help?

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:47 PM  

AHHA!! nvm! got it!!! YAYAY IM OUT!
oh and phillipa *hope i spelled that right* i read back through the posts and realized i posted that RIGHT after u posted ur thing about the computer
totally my bad i didnt even c ur post b4 i posted mine

Yeah Jennifer, that part stinks. This is the first time I've played a game with you all, normally I don't find them until the next day! I'm having a lot of fun!

Ok, for the flag game. First dot two up, then next to the one in the top right corner, then the top left corner, then the last one is on the \ somewhere - it doenst go red, the key mould just comes up.

do you have to move the flag counter clockwise using the numbers (or moves) from computer? My flag just keeps jumping back. should I be moving the flag horizontaly?

im stuck with u alice, tried everything

Unique, its all good...

In my flag hints, you are moving anticlockwise.

How do you get the hose in the box with the lasers? I've tried clicking all over.

Also, where do you use the gloves?

where are the gloves

Lori you have just answered your own question. Also theres a post on here already about where to use the gloves...

thanx philippa, didnt think id ever work it out!

thanks philippa, everyone.

use the gloves on the red dot..when theres no lasers in the way..then hook the hose into the circle on the back wall in that compartment

is there more than one ending? i got the good! ending! ?

Thank you!!

Oh got it on the floor game. Follow the order of the game pieces that shows up on the computer and use the book that you took which explains how many dots you should go. Keep in mind that you can go 2 directions when you're at the corner :)

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 8:54 PM  

should the flag move? Philippa good clues Im just dense, I guess.

The game pieces on the floor is the one that threw me off because I thought that was what I should follow to move the piece LOL The "Hint" box on the top left corner actually refers to the computer...

Alice, the flag should move. You have to click it and get a black box around it each time you want it to move. You know you have the right dot, when it sticks in place and does not go back to the start.

Im playing it again as I never used the hint off the computer and I wanna see how useful it is..

I personally didnt find the computer hint that helpful - but then I couldnt really be bothered to match it against the book....

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 9:00 PM  

thanks Philippa, that helps but cant get it to %#@&ing move. sometimes it doesnt go back, but wont move. Im going to go try some more.

Alice, you have to click the flag, then the dot you want to move it to, then the flag again, then the next dot etc..

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 9:04 PM  

thanks phillipa.
Duh, click flag and then dot. I was just clicking the dots. ok now its working, I was just getting ready to refresh thinking it was my computer when all along it was me!

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 9:07 PM  

philippa you are my hero!

Not a problem, you should be able to finish now, im going to go and cook tea! Bye all and luck to everyone!

Aww shucks!

It's not that hard really, one of those red pieces means a dot, so if your hint has like 2 of those red pieces then you move 2 dots (1 red piece = 1 dot etc). If you don't have any red pieces you move 5 dots.

And just read in the order of 1 to 4 what the pieces tell you on the computer and then you have your path.

how to get the second part of key from fishbowl?

I can 't play the floorgame, it won't start. Computer is on, have two half keys and stuck...

Ops, found it. Thanks all!!!

       Anonymous  9/25/08, 11:16 PM  

I got out. I don't really know how I beat the game. Just luck.

I must be missing something basic ... my game won't start. Can anyone help?

hi,i've been reading your posts i need help
where can you get the other piece for game?

What's the password for the computer, please? I don't understand the hint of the book.

fill the glass with hot water, then put the water in machine under mirror. Push button, mirror will give a code. Use code on phone, you'll get a cipher key. Use key on computer. Get code from computer.


Computer gives code. Use this code on computer. You get piece from computer and then you can play the game. Computer gives hint about how many places to go forward on gameboard. (2, 4, 3, 1)

where is the red glove??

@ sweeti
Its under the basket-thing in bathroom

thanks got it..
cant finish the game can move 2 4 and 3 dots..when i try to move 1 i go back to start

hello!first time posting!now I feel really stupid but I can't understand the password for computer...can you help me please?bloob,what do you mean with "computer gives code"?

ok. thanks. But where is the 4th stone for game?

@ sweeti. Last move = to the middle of the 'game-board'. Like south-east. Hope you know what i mean.. cant find the right word for it.

@ simona. When you put the cipher key on computer, you'll see a paper with an url on it. That is the pass. Put it in.

@ babe. After putting in the password move through the screens. Then you see a stone. You can take it.

Could someone please tell me why i still can't play the game?

I have two empty spaces in my inventory nr 6 and nr 12.

Am i missing something????


Bloob: no, there is nothing???

there's a perfect ending, look at the hearts before going out.

babe, when you put the url in computer, cick on the bottem right side of screen of comp. You'll see an 3 and an 4. In the bottem-middle is a stone for the game.

where do you find the faucet for the hot water?

nvm found the darn thing

how do you use the code on the phone? i have no place to enter it

come on guys where are ya?

Finally out on my own, got
Perfect ending :D

@ tal ... did you find the battery and put it in ?

To get picture of the wall, this worked for me ;

Top left, Top right, Top Right, Bottom right, Top Left, Bottom Left.

Put the battery in the phone first, then type in the code.

Is there more than one ending to the game? Mine said "Good End."

Let try to explain the floor game.

The book you find shows you what the stones look like how you move. Read it first.

Once you get into the computer, you'll see two pages. The first page has four of the stones, two showing red swirls. That means you move your flag two spaces on the game board. The next move shown is 4. When you click to the next page, you'll see the third move is 3. There are five pieces in the last illustration. Take the piece closest to the bottom. You'll see you last move is 1.

Go click on the game on the floor. You must click on the piece you took from the computer and then click on the pieces at the top of the game board for the grid and flag to show up.

You must click on the flag, before you can click on a circle on the game board.

Once you've clicked on your flag, click on the second circle, going up, from the bottom right.

Always make sure the flag is still highlighted. Moving up count 3 (to the up right corner) then 1 to your left and click on that circle only.

Still going left, click on the circle in the top left corner.

Now follow the diagonal going toward the center and click on the first circle.

That should open up the compartment with the area to put in the two pieces of the key to make it whole.

Click on the whole key.

Hope that helps.


This was a cute and fun game..Thank you Shuchun..That floor puzzle was a bit interesting..Thank you mlmaietta@gmail.com for your explanation of it...Sure worked for me..

anyone playing? got everything, but can't get ball with gloves. I highlight red gloves, wait for the laser to stop and push red ball, but nothing happens, what am i missing?

i cant get those numbers to punch in the cell phone.....

i'm back, anyone here?

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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