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Twelve Dragaon's Room - Twelve Signs Vol. 4 Walkthrough

Twelve Dragaon's Room - Twelve Signs Vol. 4

Twelve Dragon's Room - Twelve Signs Vol.4 is the fourth part of Twelve Signs series games point and click type escape the room game by Twelve Dragon's Room . In this game you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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I have enjoyed these in the past, but looks like we will have a language problem!!! Hello.....

oh wow..here at the beginning!

ready, set, strain the eyes.

hey guys! anyone here?

so i got a key from under the sofa, a black note with japanese writing and two golden balls with astrologic symbols on it... now stuck.

Got four balls and a tail and another note that give the order of the zodiac signs

Woohoo...let's go!

Used the tail to get the key

Found another key and have two robot thingys...need the red key

Hi, were is the 2nd one?

the four balls i have show Libra (Scale), Sagittarius (Archer), Aquarius and Leo. anyone get another? Where do you get second key?

found it

Got the red key and need one more gold ball..

Anybody out there....

Check the shelves for a key!

where exactly on the shelves should i be looking for a key? i can't seem to find it anywhere?

also, is there anything we can take from the bull figurine? i couldn't take anything.


Got the six balls placed, wished I understood the pass on the lamp and the black note? Think I am stuck as I have done everything and need to open the door...

lets play! =)

I can't find the last ball!
so far I have the ones for Aries, Libra, Sagi, Leo and Aquarius..

where is the last one?

can you et anything off the bull? it seems strange that you can't when you get get something off all the other statues

missing 2 balls with zodiac signs on them...got red key, used. Placed 4 balls, any help?

The last ball is tricky...you need to search with the lights off!

look to the right of the bull

feel like i've clicked all over for red key and last 2 balls...help anyone???

The bull is so you can find another ball near him...

got 3 balls, a tail, blue key, 2 black notes, a robot thingi.. wat next?

whrs the 2nd key?


The red key is available when you have all the robots and the lights off....

found it! Thks for lights off redroobar!

Ty Mrs. Joe and Red...got the last two balls....need door code...can't read japanese...:(

how do you get the 3rd robot? i was presuming it was in the red box, haha

Sadia you need the green key next from the shelves...

Chelsey it is not in the box...have you placed your two robots and turned off the light?

i only need the last ball, got that one with the lights off and that near the bull, so i have aries, leo, libra, sagittarius and aquarius. Where is the last one?

At last you are all catching up...need help with the door code. Tried several combinations from the zodiac signs and numbers...

yeah sorry - i tried it anyway. and now have the thing on the wall where you put the balls.

thanks tho

Getwittermond...think it was in the box with the red key?

Ok, there's Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Sagi, and what else?

third gold ball still missing...aaarghhhh!

i cnt seem to find the key.. n the balls too :(

jst have libra, aquarius n leo :(

no, i have that one too - thx redroobar :(

Third one down on wall i mean...have 5 already. Just that last one. tried searching without lights also...

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Last one is cancer..got so excited I found it, I forgot where I got it from!!

Try the sofa with the lights off

the only one i need is the bottom one on the wall. i got the one when the lights was off near the couch

Could the code be as easy as the first letter of each sign in the order on the wall...as the note starts with Jan?

eww i'm reconstructing that sentence. While the lights were off i found one next to the couch.

Are there 2 when the lights are off?

whrs it between the gama n beta box? iv clicked everywhr on the wall :-S

Ahhhh! Sofa w lights off! Yay redroobar!

i got it! replayed and see that i have made a mistake, one is behind the left cushion on the sofa and one with the lights out RIGHT of the sofa.

I was just thinking the same amy...Libra-L, Leo-L, Aquarius-A, Aries-A, Saggitarius-S, and Cancer-C. It's not callas...lol

thankyou gewittermond

i thought of the numbers corresponding to the letters in the words, so 2+Aries is R and so on... i'm going to test that!

tried is with the zodiac signs in order of the roman numerals, ex: Libra=I, Aries-II, Leo-III, Aquarius-IV, Cancer=V, and Sag=VI. LALACS, not it.

Tx Tami, did it work? lol. I'm too tired to google it. Got thru the whole game alone till the code, since comment 15..time for bed. Good luck all!

What are the "b", "a", and "y" for on the little machines?

does anyone understand what's written on the first and the third note?

Hasn't worked yet Amy lol...

Thought it might have been scales or libra but just a guess..& a wrong one

where did you find the 3rd note?

Note 2 is the first and last zodiac sign. So I tried the numbers next to the signs in the order they appear on the zodiac list, didnt work. Tried letters. Glad you are trying now...I am supposed to be working!!!

This is chinese isn't it?

i think the third note shows how to "translate" the signs into letters, but i don't understand it :( not giving up though!! :)

japanese i think

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In searching for Japanese, I can't match any symbols...yet when I search for chinese(trying to decode black papers 1 & 3) I can match some chinese characters.

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fair enough. there were a few characters on the thing that you put the balls on that i remember from japanese in yr 8...haha, maybe they share some characters

grr.. im still missing on the balls :( n the red key.. whr is it??

no, third note is in red-key-box, sorry

Sadia...turn the lights off, if you have your robots place..try right side of sofa and picture on wall

Maybe they do...I can only match a few, not all, so I bet it's not chinese...maybe kanji?

Thank you find it.

Hmmm, don't think so...I am not a very good translator lol.

wat abt the red n green keys? whr do i get those? i hv only 1 robot, placed it on gama box!

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Sadia...read comments above they will tell you where to find another key...

I tried the first letter of each sign's animal also, libra-scale, so used S, aries-ram, used R, came up with srlwca...it's not crawls, although, oddly, it can be rearranged to spell that...still working...

I tried for the pass:
number of the sign (1-12) in position of the roman numerals (7 1 5 11 4 9)
letter of the signs in position of roman numerals (LALACS)
letter of the number of the sign in order of roman numerals (gaekdi)
Didn't work. I hate htat we cannot copy the notes to a translator.

nope. Tried all zodiac signs' name too, leo, no, cancer, no, etc.

Anyone else getting anything?

i'm looking up japanese characters - i have some of each word translated into english letters but in each one so far there is one symbol i can't get so i can't translate it to english

thnx red.. got the 3 robots, got all balls n placed them in the gray slots.. umm, now wat :-)

that (aabove comment) was for note 1.
the ones on the wall are far too complex!

I don't see anything yet on Nordinho either:(

Well the Japanese should be home from school by now....hope someone logs on!!!

is anyone using sound? (i'm not) the note at the top says "* Because sound comes out, please note."

if you put it into a translator

Chelsey the ones on the wall may be the zodiac sign name in Japanese! Like saggitarius is a long one!

is saggitarius - according to babel fish

sorry can't help more! gotta go..good luck all!

chelsey - 日本語 means japanese language

bahaha... woops must have copied the wrong thing

doradora translated the notes on Nordinho!! Not sure what they mean tho:)

①All roads lead to Rome.
③Hope, wish, desire...

wall panel:
The left is justice.
Forgive a crime.
Now Last1 second.
The right is courage.
Sword of the wisdom.
Cut evil of the world.

Thanks Doradora!!

maybe they're ordering the star signs by characteristics?

anyone still here?

yeah.. here n trying to figure out wat to do!

So we are pretty sure the password is letters and not numbers right?

nope! m still doubtful on tht :-S

and what does it say on the lamp? there is a "PASS..." should mean something, too.

I am pretty sure that IS the password...I can't translate? anyone? Shuchun? HELP! :)

nebula is password I think

it is definitely nebula!!!!

ok i'm out but i'd like to know how you get that password out of the game... it's only half fun when you don't get out by knowing how

OMG! TYTYTY...but how did you get the password?

i cheated, got it off nordinho

When I translate "nebula" in babelfish, it looks nothing like the pass on the lamp...

Where on Nordinho? I have been watching them for hours lol:)...where is it on there?

Nevermind...went back and found it...after A LOT of clicking:) Thanks...have a good night all:)

first page - from doradora

please, could you be a bit more specific... where on the shelves is the second key?

now I know what power of posting means :)

I was clicking the sides and it appeared, possible on the underside of a shelf, so click all the edges there abouts. hope that helps, cause i don't fully know myself and don't want to restart

yeah, somewhere on the upper left

I can not find the thierd note, who can me help?

did you check the lid of the red box?

out ... pop, power of posts tyvm all :D

can someone post a walkthrough please? i've read through all the comments and they don't make sense to me!!

have tried turning off the lights but can't find anything near the sofa?

1. Walk through:
2. Click sofa. Collect black Card on right.
3. Click left cushion. Collect ball.
4. Turn Right
5. Click top ornament, click top of ornament. Collect Ball
6. Click middle ornament, click right pole. Collect Ball
7. Click bottom ornament. Collect Tail
8. Click top of left upright. Collect Green Key
9. Return to sofa. Under sofa collect key using tail.
10. Return to shelves, open box. Collect Globe.
11. Turn to door view. Click Statue. Collect Ball on right scale.
12. Click right box. Open. Collect Globe
13. Turn to Wall and Circles view. ‘Check Item’ the globes, match to boxes.
14. Door view, click top box, on wall on left (lightswitch)
15. Wall with Globes view. Collect Globe in Middle. Click Red Button.
16. Click light switch.
17. Add third Globe to remaining box.
18. Click Light switch. Turn to third globe. Click picture, Collect Key.
19. Sofa – far right corner, Collect ball
20. Click Light switch
21. Open Final box with red key. Collect Ball and Card (in lid on left)
22. Turn to wall with the two globes. Insert balls to picture (will only go one way)
23. Go to Door Type in ‘nebula’ press input. Door opens

No idea how some of this is worked out, but there it is. Ish.

Know that there is another card but I cannot remember where it is, I am sure someone can tell you with and add the number with a part b where it should be ☺

Hello ! I can't get the ball which is to the right of the sofa. Where do I have to click precisely ????

I can't find the ball on the right side of the sofa. Anyone else having this problem?

I found the third card under the base of the lamp.

Is anyone still playing??

hi dreamspinnergal
the ball is on the right of the sofa not on the sofa and you need to switch off the light first.hope this helps

       Anonymous  9/23/08, 12:37 PM  

thank you for the hints

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what does click top of left upright mean lol?

click top of the left pole on upper shelf

sorry,cant help in time that i still dont have time to play this game entirely..the lamp note means input "english or(and) number" for the pw.
besides,the japanese in this game is beyond my japanese knowledge so thanks for Dora's comments.

       Anonymous  9/24/08, 6:23 AM  
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       Anonymous  9/24/08, 6:23 AM  
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       Anonymous  9/24/08, 6:27 AM  

Oke, I'm out. found a lot of things on my own. Only the password i couldn't figure out. So Nebula it is.
But why? I always want to know why.

hi all

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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