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The 19th Escape Walkthrough

The 19th Escape

The 19th: Escape is a new point and click type room escape game from game2p.com. Use the mouse to inspect the rooms and interact with objects. Use your inventory to store and select items that will help you escape. Good luck and have fun!

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a new game great

oh yeah !

I m stuck. I need a light it s so dark inside :-) (sorry my englisch, i am german)

good morning
I'm stuck on the code :lol
we have 19x19 on the wall
X on the key
and -4 on the code pad

So far I found bloody letter, knife (used), cup, screwdriver, hook, knob, wire

well, I'm out ! too easy...

Hook and wire combined to get key

MegiPoland, you've got one more number on the bloody letter

Stuck on the code too. Still having a hard time reading the note even after washing it off.

ah, used water on the letter

out, nice but too easy :D

Do we all have the same numbers?

X - key
3114 (?) - note
-4 on keypad


Hi Diana, got the same numbers

Funny, even if you click an empty box of a used item, it still shows up.

Hi Diana
code is 3471

Yeah Diana, but the X on the key is not important. Just solve 19*19-4+3114

Ah, got the code.

I am out. I write a walkthrough.


The 19th is a story about a man
that forget everything, when he wake up in a horror place, you are that man, and try find a way to escape from that room.

Use the mouse to inspect the rooms and interact with objects. Use your inventory to store and select items that will help you escape.

1. Get the letter and cup from the table. use the cup and fill the water in it and then open the letter inventory and drag the cup to the letter inventory and you get the number +3114.

2. Collect the knife and the security box, use the knife cut down the wire by drag the knife to the wire. and after you get the wire, go to the window side and collect screwdriver, click on the window and collect another item then use wire to combine it.

3. Then go to collect the last metal item that you can find in the room, and use it to close the water, click into it you can see a shiny thing inside it, then use the item that you combine with the wire to get it, it is the key of the door key box.

4.Use you screwdriver to open the security box, after open you need to input four number, 3471 ( 19x19+3114-4 )

5. Then you get the key box, use the key you have found to open it, and you will get the door key.

6. Go to the door and drag it to the door to open it, that's it, you have escape from the room...

Hi all, where do I put the code

Always the same, as soon as I post I work it out. Thanx anyway

       Anonymous  11/30/08, 3:07 AM  

Morning ( or evening) all, easy game, but a nice way to start a cold, rainy sunday-morning ;.)

You need to magnify your screen to 400% to read the number on letter properly and do the math...

hey everyone :)

just starting, I'l try to catch up

any aussies??

ooh yeah that was fun

i am having a hard time combining the hook and wire.. anyone else having that problem?

       Anonymous  11/30/08, 8:11 PM  

I've played better games.

Easy game, out to be continued :-)

I DONT GET THIS GAME 22222222 confusing!!! help

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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