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Escape Library Remake Walkthrough

Escape Library Remake

Escape Library Remake is another point and click escape the room game from 2keysGames, who is also creator of Escape Magenta Room, Escape Pink Room and Escape Library games. Rupert is being arrested by the Military Police, and he must escape the room before they come to take him away. Harder than the first. More items to find and more places to use them. More fun and more challenging! Good luck and have fun!

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Yeah! New game!

Lets play!!!

I wonder what is different from this game than the first one...

Opened the bag with scissors


Got 2 puzzle pieces from the table.

good evening

so far found 5 puzzle pieces and a warhead

Hi all.

Hi everyone

another one from a box with beers. A number puzzle piece, I mean.

Hi all just starting

opened long olive box with scissors, got piece of weapon.

hi all, got 5 puzzle blocks, brb making coffee before completing this game..

Eight puzzle pieces and magazine for pistol and the grenade launcher

One in garbage, one in cocktail drink on the table. Use the straw from the garbage to drink it down first.

still need7 pieces

Number six is under the tablecloth, the table folds.

there is one in the big purple book on the right

One under couch cushion.

Go wild with the scissors and there are two under the table cloth

Piece on bottom right corner of painting.

one in still life picture, near lower right corner

cant find anything anymore.
red, where did you find the magazine and launcher?

One in the red stool. Use scissors.

Stuck with 8 pieces, any ideas?

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thought i tried the stool, but now I've got it!

I mean 9 pieces, thanks Diana!

Magnifying glass in brown book. Upper left bookshelf.

Think the magazine bottom leftish bookshelf.
Did you check the flaps on the table for another?

also you can move the ladder, window and lamp, but nothing happens there...

found magnifying glass, no magazine.

Move ladder to look on top of bookshelf

diana, have you found a use for the magnifying glass yet?

something on top of bookcase??? can't get to it thou...

yeay! dead bugs...

Not yet, lis.

Use straw to get the piece on top of the bookshelf.

found gun inside bible

gun in red book on table, use scissors

good one Tanja!

This looks fun!

u can use the magnifying class on the pistol

thanx tanja

use magnifying glass on gun from bible

I swear I tried to open that bible a million times! I remembered the gun was in there from the first time.

You can get a close up of the brick wall above the grenade box..but haven't figured out how to break the bricks yet.

code on pistol for the safe

Magnifying glass to close up on the gun.

thought number on gun might be code for safe, but doesn't work for me...

need 5 pieces to go

worked for me lis...try another way

nvm got it, it's backwards..

need 4 pieces now!

hmm must be a way to load pistol, got box of bullets

got a bottle of mineral water out of one of the boxes. cant seem to do any thing with it.

first time posting

need 5 more tiles

One card taped under the shelf in safe. Can't get it though..

Scissors maybe?

finally found the magazine and put all the bullets is.
But can't seem to put this in the gun..

Oh you don't need scissors.

tnx tanja, i just clicked it...
still need 3

Stupid me, didn't have room in my inventory..

Btw, if you close the safe and then open it again, you put the code the correct way the second time. Well, for me anyway.

got it, just click it

Lis: Where is the magazine at? >_<

Had to start again....where was the magazine?

i clicked somewhere in the left bookcase, 3rd row from top (hope i explained it right..)

You don't need to put the mag in the gun. If the mag is full, just shoot. Get more bullets from the box if needed.

Help please, I have the code for the safe from the gun, but don't work, anything to do before, please a hint

Ah I wasnt going silly!

you don't need to put the magazine in the gun to use it!
Haven't got anywhere, but i did shoot!!

Can only seem to shoot the metal door.

Reverse code...

Found the magazine!Left bookcase, the third row from top, blue book that stand alone!

trying to shoot the lock from the metal door. No luck yet!

I dont have the magazine yet, but try shooting the brick wall next to the Sad Sack poster? I'm still convinced there's a reason for the close up view.

Use up all the bullets.

What do you mean, left bookcase. I only see one bookcase

Hmm, looked like I saw something at the bottom of the bullet box. Not sure now.

Think close up view of brick wall is for warhead.

OOOPPs shot the light with the safe!

Aargh! Why can't I pick up the magazine? Clicking the book does nothing for me.

Haha, shot out light in the safe room.

I can't seem to find the magazine. I've been clicking all over the blue book in the 3rd row. >_<

I hope not, but I think we have to get rid of all the bullets!

I don't get it, I'm still not finding any magazine, even though I'm clicking on every blue book i find

ok, what to do with the "tatta"....

Secret brick in the wall behind the table.

Nanako, the bookcase have four "parts". Sorry for my english...

FINALLY got to the bottom of the bullet box!

So, I have to click on a blue book on the left most column? I'm doing that and not getting the magazine

hmm i think we need to make a handheld grenade here with pistol???

Hmm, I'm shaking her boobs...

thank you redroobar for the hint

tnx diana, missed that one (and still 2 others!)

Same here. Cannot get the magazine from the left side, third compartment down, blue book...tried all blook books - nada.

Blue books...sorry. lol

Can someone please provide a screenshot on where to click?

the magazine was in a brown book, second bookcase from right and second from top

One card in box with beer cans, click on the beer so it go up in the air. Another card under boxes, take the two closest the corner and you find a card.

Still need three cards.

omgoodness, dont know what i clicked but gotta start over...grrr

that's quite the kinetic magazine cover

Need 2 here.
Did you get the one in the brick behind the table?

I thought the magazine was closer to the shelf (rather than books) and on the left section one from top?

My code for the safe don´t work, I will go now an look back later if there is a walkthrough...

diane e that happened to me...pain for us Aussies!

accidently clicked the add next to the screen
have to start all over

i did get the one from behind the table.
And i guess the location of the magazine is different every time..

Found the one in beer box, missing two now.

Goodmorning everybody! There's no better way to start an early saturday morning ;-)

Got to go...get ready for a night out!!

Did you looked all the boxes? I found one piece under the cans in the box, but don`t remember which one

bye red, have a nice night out!!

Thank you Jacqueline....

Any luck with two missing pieces?

None here. Trying the stones in the safe room.

me neither...

I've been clicking the bookshelf, it still might have some items..

t seems that the magazine is in a different place each time

Hope no one is confusing the location of the gun magazine with the porn magazine.

My pistol don`t shoot what I must to do? I fil the magazine with bullets and nothing happend

is the porn mag on the book shelf too?

You can only shoot it in 2 places.

No, porno is someplace else. Gun mag is in the bookshelf.

all that shooting for nothing that counts

I think for me the magazine was on the second shelf from top the first big violet book

There's a porn magazine? Oh dear.

well, good luck, I accidentally clicked out and am not card hunting again. nite.

Think I'm gonna take a break and come back later. Good luck all!

so...where is this porn mag?

Porn magazine is in the box of bullets, if I remember right. Use all bullets to get it.

,agazine is second shelf down on the left 4 th book in its a small purple book

I can only shoot the metal door? Is there another place I am missing?

Yes, the porn magazine is in the bullet box (after you use them all)and it has Diana's display pic on the cover...lol...sorry Diana

ok, still missing 2 pieces.
But this is where I found the other 14:

1) Right bottom corner of picture
2) Under tablecloth
3) Secret brick behind table
4) fold down the table
5) Under boxes
6) in box with blue cans
7) In garbage bag
8) In cocktail (use straw)
9) On top of bookcase
10)In stool (use scissors)
11)In purple book top right corner
12)under couch cushion
13)In safe
14)Under shelf in safe

Anyone found somewhere else?

lol red where abouts in aussie u from? perth here... can someone plz explain how to get the one in beer box?

still need 3 more tiles
someone an idea?

I found it at the bottom of the box of bullets.

Perth too, in the Fosters beer box, lift them up...at the right I think.

diane, you need to click all the cans fast (at least the ones on the right) and then you see a white corner

Got the same ones, lis. Started to move the puzzle pieces to left side and trying to find the correct order..

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didn't had the one under the boxes
was tricky, had not enough space

this is frustrating!
Playing for 1,5 h to find 16 pieces!! aarghh

What happened to the cat? >_<

elsie, I was wondering that too. It was so cute..

ok...so I have been trying to get a puzzle piece from the girls boobs for 5 minutes. i'm guessing there isn't one there. or is there?

if there is, i haven't found either

Are we all stuck on 15 & 16?

I'm thinking the cat is in the box we're trying to open. Just a thought!

I have to leave. Back later. Hope you guys have found the last two - I hate giving up. Cheer and good luck.

i guess we are..
Gonna take a shower, maybe clear my head and make room for some new ideas!

i'm getting borred of it

Ok...so I just tried to give the girl on the cover of the magazine $2! She didn't give up any puzzle pieces! LOL

I stuck too with 15+16,it is crazy

Bored is right!!! I think we're all there!!! We've been at it for almost 2 hours!

Do you need to use all items in these 2keysgames? So far I haven't used pencil, money, Tetta magazine and water.

You're not suppose to waste the bullets. You're suppose to pick up all the boxes in the room and shoot the fruit and bottles that's in them up.

I despaired in such a way, that i have investigated the cat....with straw and scissor grrrrrrr

ugh nevermind, just shoot the fruit in the box one of the cards is inside it.

Josh...you don't need to shoot them...just click them with your hand.

how do you do that with the apples?

Well I couldn't get the card until I shot all the peaches. I tried clicking them, but I couldn't get it.

Josh, what side of the box was the card?

i lost all of the bullets, so i have to start all over again?

I can't find anything under the peaches.. left, right, middle?

Are you saying that because I used all my bullets making patterns on the door I'll have to start again...noooo. And I wish I hadn't shot the light out in the safe room too.

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Josh u are the greatest, but i can't catch the piece, any trick??

lol you have to shoot the pears when they are in the air.
and since i have only a few bullets left grrrrrrr

After you shoot all the peaches you have to click on the box and then the card pops up

all out of bullets. ;__;

Thanks Josh...ur a doll! Having to start over for bullets! YIKES!

yes, the card pops up, but i am to stupid to get it. It gos hig and higher and..........in the box again

Gabi I'm still working on that part myself lol


me too

Started again too..

I'm back!
Looks I have to start over because of the peaches...

still not getting the card from the peaches

is there a trick to catching the card from the peach box???

aarghh, having trouble finding the gun-magazine again... Just keep clicking...

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ok, found it and started to kill the peaches!

After starting again I'm missing THREE pieces. Checked every place twice but can't find the one I had before.. :o(

Same problem, after a restart I can't find the magazine...and of course my code has changed...sigh

TexasAG did you shoot all peaches?

how do you catch the piece from the box? It keeps 'flying'

i'm going to wax my legs, maybe the card will stick to the wax

lis, that our great problem now, we don't know how to get it

tried to catch it with the empty glass, but no luck

Oh no! I should have read the latest comments first... Really did my best to waste all the bullets, only to find out you can't do anything with the magazine and should have used the bullets on the peaches! Well, starting over like the lot of you...

yes...i shot all the peaches and the card just flies in the air

use the empty glass from the table to get the "flying" card from the box of peach

also tried to close the window before it falls back in the box.

is there anything else we can shoot?

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