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Number Room Escape Walkthrough

Number Room Escape

Number Room Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by 123bee.com. "You are caught in a room where everything works on number basis. You will have to escape from this place by doing various calculations with numbers.Use your intelligence to escape from the room." Good luck and have fun!

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Cool! New game day! lol

Oh no. I prefer coming in at the end where I can cheat off all the comments...lol

No inventory items and I'm already stuck.

Can only move the calendar pages.

another new game.cool!!

A few of the numbers on the calendar are written in red.

same for me.on calendar numbers 0 june(6) 9 2 are red

Numbers & Math!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh... I'm awful at these

And the word June is too.

My take from red numbers, including the month is 0692

And January is missing?

nvm....silly me

good afternoon all!

Welcome to our math hell Dejavu lol

there is also a red +
does that mean we hav to add the numbers

oh nooooo!! I suck at math!! LOL looks like we'll be here a while.
I was hoping for an easy one after dying in that submarine like 9 times!!!

AND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha, just kidding!!!!

I tried 0962 in every code spot and got nothing....

wish it was that easy ree ree

Of course the better question is: Are we supposed to find the shapes for the lockers? And, if so, which code works on what locker?

there are too many lockers and no hints on how to put them

You can put up to twelve numbers and/or letters in each one...oh dear. This is going to be tricky. I tried JUNE92, JUNE11, no luck.

Sunday is red on every month. think that has something to do with it. Sunday would be 1st day of the week. ??? just guessing.

Tried multiplication on each one also with no luck ie: 5 square X 4 corners or 5 triangle X 3 corner

is it me or is there no space for an inventory

I think you may have something Dejavu.

Maybe we have to add 1, per red sunday.

that would be 17 + 12 which would be 29

does the red plus sign on the wall with numbers mean we have to add numbers? The wall thing is not clickable

There seem to be an awful lot of round shapes, and square shapes, in the room. Anyone tried counting them into a code? Seems too hard.

Nope, that won't work anywhere either.

I'll brb. I'm going to go smoke a cig before I put my foot through my monitor lol

Maybe number of sides of each shape matters?

I think the calendar codes should be used on the square locker, because that's the shape of the calnedar.

Either that or the middle table lock box which may contain a good clue to the rest of it.

i tried adding the 29 to number of sides of shape and their number
it doesnt work

Oops! Just saw your comment, ReeRee.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 9:48 AM  

hi all

hello everybody! first timefor me :-)

every one is stuck with nothing ????

Morning all!

i've got no idea... what about you all... do any of your ideas work?

After listening to this music.... I'm waiting for this boogie man to give us a clue.....

maybe the numbers have to be arranged and written.first date then day week month and so on
gonna try

Yup stuck with lots of nothing except 6 needed codes, 17 numbers from calendar that add up to 29 and no math professor playing the game. LOL

Tried everything I can think of, maybe the best way to get out is to close the window and hope that a new game gets posted? :)

Okay, the 123BEE site says "You are stuck in a room where everything works on a number basis. You will have to escape from this place by doing various calculations with numbers. Use your intelligence to escape from this room."

Waaaaaah! I don't have any intelligence. Maths degrees anyone?

nope just a waste of time

Oh man, this is tough. I have no idea about math!

I'm going to Google search the game and see if any other sites have at least a small hint.

box in center of room seems to have no limit to how many numbers you can put in. I put all 17 numbers in then 29 then just kept hitting one. quit when I got to 30 numbers.

bad idea to not even throw us a bone to start... hide a freakin' screwdriver or something.. lol

My highest math grade was a 76 so I'm not going to be of much help. sorry! Ill go check nordinho see if they are playing there. brb

LOL Christine!

At least they could have put a bed in the room with something under the pillow!

lol... yeah, where is the trash can ?

Nordinho only has 3 comments, looks like they just got started too.

no trash can, no screwdriver??? I'm confused...LOL

I just tried to do 29 squared which was 841 and then when that didn't work in the locker, I multiplied by five (the number of squares on the locker) which was 4205, which still didn't work.

well... i DO have a math background... math majors aren't gonna help here...lol i have tried phonepad numbers for june... the # of each letter in the alphabet.... need a screwdriver!

They better be happy I'm not really trapped in their room here, or they'd be cleaning up one hell of a mess lol.

on the instructions page they hav written have fun
yeah right, doing maths is FUN

itismissy, if math majors can't help then I think we are in BIG trouble!!! LOL

or a hammer ?!!

WAIT! The clock is red and it is set to 2:10.

Wonder if that is anything.

What does the colon (:) mean in math?

why is the music as if we are in some horror room.its the curse of the maths room or something lol

Okay, my hubby is working on all sorts of things here. One of his ideas is to take the first rows (Sunday dates) going down of each month, and then write them across and add them up...hope it works.

has anyone else noticed the font change between various months. if you translate the amount of months that repeat the same font size, you get 42321, but it doesn't work anywhere.

Go Hubby Go!!! LOL

The zero is in red, and so is the Sunday. Does this mean add all columns going down, ignoring the reds? We will try now.

anybody specialize in rocket science??? we're ALL gonna break the monitors if it's something like 1234

has anybody seen, that the numbers on the calender have different sizes? maybe that means anything?

It would be nice if the maker had left some type of hint that so we could at least get started!

Can't make an escape game any more boring than by basing it on numbers.

This one isn't for me. Good luck.

Sorry, clock is set to 1:50

It's hard to think with this cork in my ear to keep my liquified brain from running out.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:09 AM  

Hi everyone! Good to see you.

@ Jared. : means ratio

I just got here, but this looks bad. very, very bad.

Hey blondzombi, good to see you again and yes, very very bad!! lol

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:11 AM  

ive even tried all sorts of numbers upside down, no good

Looks like the folks on nordinho are waiting for us to figure this one out. My brain hurts!!

the folks at Nordinho are just as puzzled as us!

ok this is to say about the calender:

"Sun" is always red
Jan: red 0 in "2009" small numbers
Feb: small numerbs
March: small numerbs
Apr: small numbers
May: big numbers
June in red letters: big numbers, red 9 (Tuesday)
July: small numbers
Aug: small numbers, red 2 (Sunday)
Sept:small numbers
Oct: big numbers
Nov: big numbers
Dec: small numbers

So what can we do with these information?

I think I've wasted enough time on this horrible game.

Seriously, this is just sadistic!

There's no hint to get you started, they don't even throw you a bone to give you confidence.

I'm going to find something more fun to do than finding the answer to an equation for "recreation" lol.

Good luck everyone.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:16 AM  

Hey Dejavu!

This is ridiculous. I have absolutely no chance at this without looking over your shoulders. Gonna play x-mas eve and will be back to see if there's a breakthrough. Good luck!!

Okay, tried adding up all the dates on Mondays, leaving out June because that is Red....no luck. Also noted that May, June, Oct and Nov are in large font...but no ideas. The clock 1:50 means 1 is equal to 50...

Personally I am lost. Seems like you got all the info together though. good job!

Sandz, hubby having any luck?

Wait 1 is equal to 50?

That means that the previous calculation of each sunday should be changed to adding 50 for each red sunday.

So it wouldn't be twelve it would be 600 so the number would change to 17+600=617

Tried multiplying my answer by 50 but still no luck. However, I still think the red 0 is telling us that anything in red means 0. But there are far too many variables in this game, it could take forever.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:19 AM  

well, i did my job, i clicked everywhere i could, im bad at math, so im leaving, good luck all

Blondzombi, have fun with the christmas game. I did that one a little while ago. I did miss locked inside so I think I'll try that one while ya'll work on this. I'll check back in a little while.

Good luck everyone.

1:50 can also mean 0,02 (=1/50)

I tried 2 9 6 0 and 2 9 06 0 but it didn't work

Nope. The clues are too amiguous. We have 1:50 ratio...and maybe everything in red is zero (maybe), and we know the answers lie in the calendar but that's about it. If we ignore Sundays (red), that leaves six days of the week, and there are six boxes dotted around (excl middle one and door). Can anyone go from there?

lol! Just when I thought it would be easier without a language barrier! Math is supposed to be the universal language!

i tried all numbers + in calender
+months with number 28070 droped reds etc. :) no worked

sorry, meant to say 'including'

Well, I think the best idea tonight would be for us all to meet in the next game....... where we can feel brainy again.

Aug29 is wrong!
Input 0626&29=062929 to the one of the lockers.

just noticed something....

the red numbers are the same as the year in the calendar.


I can't believe the clock has anything to do with it since it is so difficult to even see

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:27 AM  

Hey, is this game some fun or what! Nice going 123bee!!!

just noticed that the color of sunday is a shade darker than the the numbers that are red
maybe there is no need to include the sunday
or am i just overthinking this and going mad by staring at that calendar for so long

In august there are two 23 but no 29.

Ooops sorry 069229.

Have you noticed that all but the wall keypad and the stars are alpha numeric entry

xenon you are a genius

Nice find Xenon, but now we have a new mess. lol

awesome xenon!

and what about the whit numbers and the red cross? maybe this means, that we only have to add... no "/", "*" or "-"

The panel 1234567890+ is the clue of the last question.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:35 AM  


hey all, I'm back. I see we are still stuck but it looks like you guys have been having some good brainstorming. To bad the person who made this isn't around to give us a hand.

I'm beginning to think this game was designed by the FBI...they need more code-crackers...lol

circle = -625

next one is 1461

circle locker = 5000

Next is 1461 (triangle)

Oops sorry, notty

what do you mean notty?

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:42 AM  

1461 or 5000 doesn't work for me.

Dont move to the next one until you know the answer for sure. I just did that, and when I went back to the triangles, I cant get in again...

oops! Sorry! 5000=square locker!

so far
star = 069229
square = 5000
circle = 1461
triangle = 252
this is what worked for me
stuck on floor locker now

they dont work for me either. only got the star locker open and dont get the math in there either.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:43 AM  

you have to reenter the code for stars if you leave

1461 = circle locker

5000 worked on the squares, figured out the answer - triangles were 1461 which worked....but now stuck. Can't remember the sum in the triangle one and cant get back in.

You can get back into the lockers. Just reenter the correct answer.

PLEASE dont tell me everyone's codes are different!!!!

Haha, I was muddling up all my shapes...

252 for the triangles. now what?

1461 worked fo rme on the circle locker

Sorry all. Brain scrambled.

Notty, what was your answer for the triangle one? I can't even read the writing.

anyone got floor locker.im confused by the hint in triangle locker

5000 square, 1461 circle and 252 for triangle. but what now?

All of my doors close after I open them....

Hi, any1 still around...just starting :-)

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:49 AM  

floor locker= 1461+15=1476

1476 for the floor safe. it's the answer for the prisoner 1 + the 15 that is the clue from the square one.

thnx elbottso.i was adding 30

77418 + ???

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:52 AM  

I got 77418 + ? for the last one can anyone help?

add them up and it's 77718 +?

last code is 77463

This comment has been removed by the author.

oops, typo meant 77418.

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:56 AM  

Thanks nottypomy, but why + 45?

Oh my word. I am numerically great (yeah,right!). Thank you Professor nottypomy!

Don't believe I will ever lock myself in a number room again!!!

Going to have some Saki now....

Glad you guys are smart or I'd never get out of that room!! Thanks a million times for all that work!!

add 45 from wall(1+2+3+4+...)

       Anonymous  11/20/08, 10:57 AM  


Enjoy the saki reeree, I think I'm going to go find my bottle of vodka now!! See ya'll next game!

thank you:)
but would not have done it without help of xenon on first and last code

I think we beat Nordinho this time. Yay.


i think i may change professions now... math does not seem to be my thing lol even though gamemaker seems to think i am numerically great

xenon.. u r my hero


if u type in 069229 on the one wit the stars is opens. theres a series of equations::

ractangle -2425= -circle

solving one got me the answer that the circle = 625

Wow.... you are genius... I like math but did not understand more than 1 thing in this game... You are my heros :)

that was a brain twister...nice though!! tnx xenon for the initial code(069229),helps me go through the game... you are so damn great!!!hooooraaaay

oh my, my brain is freezing just looking at all ur comments!!! i'm not even gonna try.. i need a screw driver and trash can :D

I like math, but I was lost. I only escaped because i got all the hints from you guys. So TY all.

just starting.. ^_^

       Anonymous  11/21/08, 2:11 AM  

UGH! I hate math!!!

Numbers Room Walkthrough

Go to the calendar.

Note the number ‘zero’ marked in red color.

Go to June month in the calendar.

Note the month ‘June’ marked in red color. It denotes the 6th month.

Note the number’9’ marked in red color.

Go to August month in the calendar.

Note the number’2’ marked in red color.

In the calendar, number 29 is missing in the month of August. Note it down.

Join all the numbers which has been noted till the present moment.

The number is 069229.

Use the number to open the star locker.

Find out the value of each shape and add the values.

The value is 5000.

Go to the square locker and use the value to open the locker.

The locker contains a letter.

Read the letter and find out the number of days.

Number of days: 1461.

Use the number to open the Circle locker.

In the locker, there is a 3x3 number game.

Fill the empty box with the number.

Find out the numbers and multiply it.

The answer is 252.

Go to the triangle locker and use the number to open the locker.

The locker contains a puzzle.

Find out the answer by adding the results of letter (1461), and the added value of the 3x3 number games (15).

1461+15= 1476.

Go to the floor locker and use the number to open the locker.

Do the calculation by adding the answers and the clues.

The Calculation becomes 069229+5000+1461+1476+252 = 77418.

Add 45 to 77418.

The answer is 77463.

The door opens.

Thanks all for the hints, couldn't make it without you boys and girls :) To late to think, its 0:34 ... off to bed now, sleep well bye.

dear god that one sucked


Go to the calendar.

Note the number ‘zero’ marked in red color.

Go to June month in the calendar.

Note the month ‘June’ marked in red color. It denotes the 6th month.

Note the number’9’ marked in red color.

Go to August month in the calendar.

Note the number’2’ marked in red color.

In the calendar, number 29 is missing in the month of August. Note it down.

Join all the numbers which has been noted till the present moment.

The number is 069229.

Use the number to open the star locker.

Find out the value of each shape and add the values.

The value is 5000.

Go to the square locker and use the value to open the locker.

The locker contains a letter.

Read the letter and find out the number of days.

Number of days: 1461.

Use the number to open the Circle locker.

In the locker, there is a 3x3 number game.

Fill the empty box with the number.

Find out the numbers and multiply it.

The answer is 252.

Go to the triangle locker and use the number to open the locker.

The locker contains a puzzle.

Find out the answer by adding the results of letter (1461), and the added value of the 3x3 number games (15).

1461+15= 1476.

Go to the floor locker and use the number to open the locker.

Do the calculation by adding the answers and the clues.

The Calculation becomes 069229+5000+1461+1476+252 = 77418.

Add 45 to 77418.

The answer is 77463.

The door opens.

hey all!

I dont like this game. I kept closing it because the sounds made me think someone would come in and murder me. (creepy i know)

Thanks for the walkthrough

P.S. This game deserves to die (well maybe that was a little violent)

       Anonymous  6/30/09, 9:45 AM  

that game was easy....
the only part that really stumpped me was the end where you had to add the 45. but other than that. simple math and logic.

you add 45 because if you add all the numbers from 0 till 9 (0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) you get 45

go to the thing with stars! click the white box and type in 069229 then click ok! then go to the thing with the squares click the white box and type in 5000 then click ok! next go to the thing with the circles and click the white box and type in 1461 then click ok! then go to the thing with the triangles and click the white box and type in 252 then click ok! next go to the one on the floor and type in 1476 then click ok! then go to the door and type in 77463! then the door opens and u won!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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