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The Red Shoes Walkthrough

The Red Shoes

The Red Shoes is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from mghouse. In this game we have to find the red shoes. There are two ending. Good luck and have fun!

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wow 1st. let's go.

Yes new game!

So far i have hammer used on rock.
Stick used on tree with leaf.
pencils used on book with flower.
Now i am stuck :s

Ow and screwdriver from drawer on picture.

i'm brazilian

ow found axe behind the house.

Hi RENATA i am from Belgium.

What's the point with all the notes that we cant bring with us?

hi all, i think the notes are for the numbers of the colour dots from the treasure box.

furta i think you have to find where to put the password and the notes give us the answer.

I did not figured it out yet.

use the axe on the cuted tree and there will apear a place to put the code



Renata i didnt figured it out yet.

good morning, just got here

Good morgning. It's 3 pm. in Tromsoe, Norway. But we have polar nightes here, so we dosen't se the sun before january... But it gives us lots of time to be inside and play games :D

The colours are important as well. I haven a code but don't know were to use it..

LockT on the tree stump i think.

How did you figured out the code?

cheers feminin21 :))


LockT how did you figured out the code?

I don;t know the numbers for two for sure but maybe we use the sequence of colored notes.

I solved the problems on the coloured papers and the book gives you a clou about the order of the numbers

color order looks like purple blue red yellow green. think purple is three ,think blue is zero, red card has me stumped same with yellow and know green is one, H one Y

I still dont get it!

I have the same....Lock can you give us a hint on the yellow and purple

I solved the blue, yellow and green clues. Haven't figured out red and can't find purple.

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Purple is in rock that you smash with hammer from cabinet

nevermind, found purple. Have't a clue about solving it.

hi, i am from Holland
Yellow: 8+1+9=18 etc

Purple note is in the rock on the beach. Use your hammer on it

bake76 purple is on the beach. use hammer on stone

lockt did you get the axe behind the house? hints for yellow?!

oi RENATA ja descobriu algo novo?

I think:::: green is one
yellow is 7
blue is 4
red is 5
purple is 3
but can't open the trunk

LockT use the Axe behind the house with tree stump.

       Anonymous  11/21/08, 6:39 AM  

I cant find the yellow clue!!

yellow in mail box

Have the notes and figured out blue and green, but how in the world did you figure out yellow and red?!? Help.

Hi, look behind the tree trunk?????

Hallo all!I'm from Italy The code green is 1,red is 9 and blue is 6.But the others?anyone knows?

I don't get purple either. It looks like it could be 1, 2 or 3.

55 to 10 and 27 to 9. Still stumped. Guess I should have paid more attention in math.

How do you get 9 for red?

yellow is 8

Yellow: Ad the numbers in the circels and you find a new number. Ex:17 = 1+7 = 8
14 = 1+4 = 5 5+8=13

How do you get football + baseball = 29?

hi everybody, what about:
Behind the stomp where we have to insert the code?

Theres an envelope behind the tree guess we need somethin to go into it but yea i cant get the code when someone figures it out please post it!! Thanx

I figured red was 0. 9 players in baseball and 11 players in soccer=20

LockT perhaps I'm thick, but I do not see a viable pattern there to get the answer.

For red: the number of players.11 for soccer and 9 for baseball.11+9=20..oops maybe is 0

I think the clue behind the stump is to help out with the yellow card.

bake76, that's as plausible a rationale as anything else. I was trying all kinds of alphabet games with baseball and soccer/football.

code is 24081

btw: football (soccer across the pond) 11 players, baseball 9 players, so I think red is 0

Finally found the axe but now the code is not working.

So yellow is eight then?

out and thanks for the hints I was just 2 numbers off

yeah!!24081 works! thanks Aloña

OK, so now what?

ok, now what! i've got the code right but nothing opened.

beccamik share please!

I think: yellow is

Do you undestand what i mean?

lick trunk again and get red shoes
and put them on doll by the tree and then put in the envelope

After placing code in stump..click ok,,click again for key to chest..

great little game..Thanks Megi

I mean click not lick....sorry

the code is OK, but what now? Is that all?

I don't see any red shoes

i click it and click it but no red shoes!

I have put the right code in it but if i click it again i see only where to put the code.

Take key from trunk to chest in the house for the red shoes

You have to put the shoes on the doll and send it away, i am out

After entering code in stump you get a key for chest in the house..You get the red shoes from the chest..Put them on the doll outside by the tree

Yeah, something missing. I input code, get OK but cannot get any key.

pinter :)

me too Bill!

Bill click ok,,then click again,,box goes away and key is on top of stump

OK, that was bizarre. It finally popped up after inputing the code a dozen times.

finaly got the key put i had to put the code in for more then 1 time.

The box never went away after clicking okay. I input the code, had to manually close the box and then clicked on top of the stump, like I did a bunch of times before with no luck, and it finally showed a key. Not sure how or why.

And finally out. Glitchy little game.

Hmmm, dont know..I did have to click ok 3 times before box went away...Didnt have to re-enter code though..

you must go back and come back to get the key

what about the other end?

there are 2 endings, i only got doll end

I'm not seeing where to use the axe. Have tried all over the tree that doll leans on, back side of tree, and logs in fireplace.

       Anonymous  11/21/08, 10:44 AM  

sunshine: go to ur right so u see the next screen.. there is a stump.. use the axe on the stump

Thanks for hints, I got doll ending.


From the get go click right.

Grab the crayons in the plants.

Then click to the house and go behind the house, clicking between the mailbox and the house in the green, and get the axe.

Come back around and click the mailbox and solve the yellow note by adding the digits not the numbers. Note the solution to the yellow note. You will need to note the number and corresponding color.

Go inside the house and click around to the Drawers. The left drawer has a screwdriver and the cabinet has a hammer. Get both.

Turn around and click the picture then click it again and use the screwdriver on the screws. Click away the cover and the picture to reveal the blue note. Solve the blue note by getting an average, and note the solution to the blue note digit and corresponding color. You'll only need the blank digit.

Click out and pick up the cane and the book. Open the book to the end and pick up the red note. Solve it by substitution (think of the players on the field and add them up). You will need to note the solution to the red note. Digit and corresponding color.

Now click out of the house and back. Turn right and find the doll under the tree (it will come in to play later on). For now knock the leaf out of the tree with the cane. Pick up the green note and solve it. That "ONE" needs no explanation. Note the number and corresponding color.

Now go back to the beach. Break open the rock with the hammer and pick up the purple note. Solve it for what the sun equals. Noting that symbols across, up/down, AND DIAGONAL equals 6. Note the solution and corresponding color.

Now whip around to the house and go inside. Open up that book and go to the page with the flower. Click the flower and use the crayons on it. Pay attention to the order they color the dots. Purple, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green.

This is the sequence in which all the solutions will go. If you didn't write them down go back and do that. Purple is at the beach, Blue is behind the picture, Red is in the book, Yellow is at the mailbox, and Green is at the tree.

Now go back to that doll tree and click right. You should see a stump. Apply the axe to the stump and click on the stump; a combination will pop up. You know the combo! The five solutions to the notes. Enter them in the right order (Purple, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green). Now, back out and click the same stump and pick up the key.

Go back in the house and turn around. Click on the little lock box. Use the key to open the box and viola, the red shoes! Get the shoes.

Go back to the tree and put the shoes on the doll. Now, pick up the doll, and you're finished.


Purple (at the beach):

= 2
The diagonals equal 6, therefore the sum of three suns equals 6. A sun = 2.

Blue (behind the picture):

= 4
Do an average of 700 and 100 and get 400. The question mark is therefore 4.

Red (in the book):

= 0
The number of players on a soccer field is 11 and in baseball 9. Substitute and solve. 11 + 9 = 20. The question mark at the second digit, 0

Yellow (in the mailbox):

= 8
Add the individual digits in the two numbers that give the answer. There is a clue behind the stump that may help if you don't get it. That clue is only for solving the yellow note.

Green (in the tree):

= 1
What's missing in "h---y"? ONE.

Good game ... i loved it !

I don't know if I am stupid, or this game is glitchy, but I SWEAR that there was no screen to the right of the tree! lol

Thanks Suchanangel for taking the time to reply. You really are an angel :)

       Anonymous  11/21/08, 8:50 PM  

Gack! Another math friggin game. Not going to continue even with the walkthru.

in the site for japanese version, the author said that: エンディングは2つです, that means there are 2 endings(エンディング), what we got is only the doll end

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found on other japanese site that there is a "photo end"

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For photo end, click envelope (behind tree) before giving the shoes to the doll.

is anyone here?

hey people I get it the code is 24081 a person already said it but I just got it, wow lolz

       Anonymous  11/27/08, 6:34 PM  

I used all the comments to solve this...so any one that posted a correct comment....thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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