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Escape from the Oval Office Walkthrough

Escape from the Oval Office

Escape from the Oval Office is another new point and click type room escape game by Shatteredgames. "Help George Bush escape from the Oval Office! Click on objects and parts of the room to interact. Click on blue boxes behind inventory objects for more information." Good luck and have fun!

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In the desk view with the chair, click right side of desk, the wood part. It's down there on the floor.

thanks wopybod, i think kitiewink might be onto something

sabrina when looking at computer printer is on bottom right of desk, click bottom right corner

lol 2salesguys, dont know if i'd go that far, glitchy or incredibly brilliant..who knows, but he sure has a lot of us stuck here..I liked loren17's explanation pretty good, "you can check out any time you like but you can never leave"..lol..makes sense

I just searched other sites that feature this same game, and all their posts are the same as ours. every one is stuck at the password and the left wings. Not sure if this game actually has an ending, or if this is a weird glitch.

going for a swim. Will try back later to see if anyone has the password. Good luck.

I think the intent is to drive us all as crazy as GWB.

i cant find printer,please help.just to see a new feature in this game might give me some hope.lol

going for a swim! :-) that i would like to do as well but i guess here in sweden i have to wait a long time to do so

Trev...in computer view, click bottom right corner (below the text box and everything).

i can't view of the shitten farten printer LMAO ! thinking i might try back later, bye bye everyone

Jessica, please can you tell me the exact spot to click on the desk to find the printer? clicking like crazy and nothin. Is it in the same screen where you can see the coffee cup and a little blue and white thing to the right of that?

I can't find that damn printer!

simtagous, yes.

wow,cheers wopybod,would never have got that,not that its of any use.


Simtageous, if you are looking at the view of the desk with the chair on the right and the computer in front of you, if you click on the right side of the screen it should take you to the printer.

For the printer..in the view with the chair, mug and computer, click BELOW and to the right of the white text box.

for the printer, get the view from behind desk not zoomed in on any particular thing and click bottom right corner. Chair red phone computer and coffee cup will all be in view

Hi everybody.I´m back from cinema-hoping you have solved the game yet-but you already stuck at the same place as I was when I quit:-(

for printer:

in the desk view, with computer and glass and phone, click the very right corner of the screen under the inventory

oh i get it, under the items boxes on the right corner, i see printer, think we might need some paper, maybe toilet tissue ??? gonna try, or in the shredder

I think everyone should be able to get the printer by now. LOL.

OMG! finally got the flippen printer. you have to actually click all around in the blue color way off the screen. Didnt even know you could click down there as part of the game! Not that I have any idea what to do now!

Thanks for answering everybody:D

anyone got a walkthrough?

no luck, even tried cutting the pet goat book

it was pretty sneaky how the printer was hidden, maybe there's other stuff hidden the same way

you can go back to the shreddar and open the lid, i cant pick anything up but this game is a pixel hunt so maybe there is something in there we can use. What you think?

I´m frustrated.I want to play again but can´t reach the bathroomkey anymore....

yeah,i agree sabrina,i'm checcking other places under inventory.

liam i tried that with thw shredder, no luck for me, buy iy looks like a glob of something in there

Maybe the password is wow2000 after the last wing has been found... I mean it does say PSWD = Wow2000.

Any hints for me?

excuse my typos

Hi guys! I come back to check on your progress. Aparently none of us have worked out the password yet. I restarted the game and found something weird. This time I got my right wing from behind the desk (near the right of the chair) but not from under the coffee table. Also the right wing is brown this time. My previous right wing was sort of olive colour.

maggie, broom key is under left cushion of sofa

yea sabrina, and what about those other drawers, why don't they open?

ok can't get the friggin wing from the couch area, or key from the couch. tried everything clicked like craze in frustration. so i'm officially stopping.....

Hi ruff nice to see you again.maybe thats why i can´t see under the table...

ruff i got my right wing from the desk, so where's the left wing? and the key to the bathroom, could that be in a different place too?

i didn't tealize this was still a live game...could the pass word be "chads"

have it too-on the dest-but where is the bathroomkey now?

michele, you have to zoom in on the sofa, click top right corner of sofa

bathroom key is under left cushion of sofa

hey-and now the is a printer-that wasn´t there bevor---have they change the game?

arghhh sabrini i did zoom in, but no key!!! even tried the scissors on it

HEY! Just restarted and got brown wing from desk. I KNOW that wasn't there before.

I am frustrated too. I have been working on and off on this game for 6 hours already. I tried:
3034000 (flip over sideway)
WOW2OOO and swapping other O and zeroes.

None of them is correct!

michele, you have to be zoomed in on the table like you were to find the wing, in the same view click center of cushion it will lift up there's the key...unless each game is different which seems to be the case

did you try chads??? lol!

@michele-how did you zoom on it?the place i zoomed bevor-doesn´t work for me yet

i think it's different cause the pillows are not lifting up. maybe i should go to the desk, since the wing and key where in the same area of the couch, maybe it will be like that for the desk. and my wing was brown too

The brown right wing was definitely not there this morning. I guess the author is changing the game to quick fix some bugs.

hi michele!

i presses near the top right of couch. the zoom in effect i got was that the cabinet behind got bigger and weird, and the couch got a little closer

your right i was starting over new as well and got the right wing from the desk beside the chair. but what i now dont get is the left wing which was before under the table,... thats all so strange

click top right of sofa corner to zoom in, then click left / center of bottom of table just above the text box, in that view click center of left cushion, also find wing under the table in same view

Hi Jess!!!!!

I'm still trying to catch up but I can't get the wing that is supposed to be by the couch, How do I get it?

i'm gonna screamm guys, not working!!!

don't click off of the sofa, more like in the middle of right corner of sofa

top righ corner, sorry i feel like i'm not being able to explain it better, kicking myself

if this helps, I got the key by zooming in once (right mouse button) and then I could click the left cushion and it came up and I found key and some change

I have restarted and I was able to get the key under the left pillow. I just did a lot of clicking around, it was sort of in the middle of the left cushion on top. I didn't zoom in.

any help for the wing by couch?

Michele, try turning away from the couch view, come back and click the middle of the left seat cushion. It happened to me that I must leave the current view to sort of reset things.

UGH. I'm back to where we all were before!

k there are definately 2 versions to this game.. I reloaded it in another tab and I can now find the printer on the right side of the desk. and the right wing is no longer under the table but on the presidents desk.

just back from my swim guys and i see we are no nearer to getting the password. Will this game ever end?

Jessica, I think the wing by the couch has "disappeared" in this new version with the brown wing from the desk.

I think the hypothesis about printing out the left wing and cutting it is good -- otherwise why would there be a printer -- but I am not having any luck with the password this new go-around either.

Ah-thanks ruff-It´s good to know that wedon´t have to zoom in now-but why does the autor change something that worked?

Fun true historic presidential fact: The middle solid panel of the desk in the Oval Office was added by FDR so that people couldn't see his wheelchair under the desk.

Just thought ya'll would be thrilled to know that. LOL.

looks like i'm restarting cause you help Jess didn't work and crispin restarted sooo..
Jess ur not allowed to finish!:) til i catch up:)

i quit, bbl, good luck everyone

I'm taking a break, be back later. :D

i also play a 2nd time and now I can't find the crown. it was in a book left shelf, right? does anyone knows which book? (first time posting)

ok-I catch up-the idea with the wing and the printer is great-but we stuck on the same place like bevor-the password...

lol michele, I have the version with the wing on the front of desk I guess

Yes Crispin, we've all seen national treasure 2

ok restarted went to couch and it still wouldn't work, i might just have to quit....

wasauchimmer, what do you mean by the crown?

I restarted, not I can't get the printer view.

@michele-the key is still under the coach-just click on the pillowswithout zoom-it lift up then

michele I had to try on the couch for a while before it worked for me

Oh wait, now you dont have to click off screen for it.

i found it. btw it was not the crown, it was the twig (?) sorry for my english, i'm german

Why does it say"the door is totally locked"when you click on the bullseye,on dartboard,when their isnt a door there?

jess better come over here and click this friggin couch for me lol!!!!

its all good wasauchimmer
Michele I'm not sure I can do that! lol Where you from anyways?

Did anyone ever figure out what to do with the sissors?

I guess we are getting tired of looking for things again when we restart. I list below the steps to collect all other things before we get stuck with password and left wing:

** warning - spoiler **
1. Click desk, take silver key. Click eagle wing on right of chair. Click left window, take eagle legs. Click right window, take valve.
2. Turn right, click left book shelves, take scissors. Click right book shelves, take picture, then click top middle red book for olive branch. Inspect picture, click it and get arrows. Click top moulding of door to zoom-in, take shield.
3. Turn right, take screw driver, use silver key on picture to reveal TV screen.
4. Turn left, click panel under right book shelves, use screwdriver to open panel, get document.
5. Click right twice, click middle of left couch seat cushion, take copper key.
6. Click dart board, take blue dart. Click balloons, take orange balloon. Inspect balloon and use dart on it to get eagle head.
7. Use copper key on bathroom door. Open cabinet to get Wii remote. Click just along left side of toilet bowl to zoom-in the pipe, use valve. Click valve to drain toilet water. Take “W” button from toilet bowl.
8. Turn left, turn on TV, use Wii remote on TV. Zoom-in TV screen, use Wii pointer to move around to see names. The bottom left guy in orange shirt is named “4202”.
9. Turn right, click dressers under teddy bear, click pad lock and use code 4202. Open drawer and take handle.
10. Turn left, click shredder, install handle, put document in shredder. Click handle to shred. Open shredder and take wreath.
11. Turn left twice, click desk, click keyboard and use “W” button.
12. Press white button to turn on monitor.
13. Now we are stuck with password and left wing.

Very Cold Rochester, NY. but grew up in NYC

ruff thx for that, but when i read #5 it gives me false hope lol!

oh m ffn g! the pillow lifted!!!!!!

michele, are you still stuck with your couch?

hey was just on nordinho and the creator posted a link to the most current version of the game.


I'm sorry it is so cold there, I'm in Hawaii and it is like 80 degrees right now!!

Just seen that too..gonna re-start..Password is wow2000 all along..

does nobody know what to do with the sissors? it is the only thing in my inventory and I am just missing one wing from the eagle

Yep 2 salesguys, it seems the game was still in beta testing..

Oh jessica-i´m jealous...here it is 0°C

501 posts,is this a record?

New Site where creator made:

I hope we don't need the wii-game on tv once more. i've lost the key for the picture ...

@2sales--geat but this is our game...

brrrrr Maggie, I do miss the snow though

jess, i'm sooooooo jealous. but gonna come to hawaii in 20010 for my husbands work mtg

Players there is a bug in the game your playing..It was beong beta tested..Its not working correct..You have to play from this website..the new corrected version:


your gonna love it Michele!

so I've reloaded the game on the new site but still can't find left wing and password still doesn't work.

Vbranam1 I hate to have to start again! you sure we have to?!?

I will start it in a new window, cause I hate to close this one...lol

vbranam1, I restarted using your link. The password wow2000 still doesn't work.

v1, are you sure? i'm gonna hang just a bit to see who confirms, i believe you, but.......

But vbra-i tried your version-and Won2000 didn´t work eather...

ugh!! yes you can believe it.. I already confrimed


go there and read the threads for urself... the creator posted it himself.

@jess-i miss the warm sun-and here it is no snow:-(Maybe the next days I hope...

Dont know yet. Im still collecting the presidential seal parts...hang on a sec guys..

I just tried the "new" version and none of the obvious passwords work. :(

OUT!!!! i cant believe it :-)
i played the new link and it works very fast!

But yes, the previous version we were playing was still being beta tested...All the bugs hadnt been worked out yet...

Enough for me... good luck to you all

ok so I started over in a new window and there is no change from the version I started with, and the computer password doesnt work and I STILL don't know what the heck to do with the stupid sissors!

and I still have no left wing

well all, gotta go without finishing, xmas party to go to ...get some cosmos, to ease the frustrations :) ruff,v1,jess,sabrini, everyone: THX!

Gah! what's the PW then?

i didn't need the pwd. it's enought to do the puzzle.

wasauchimmer where are both of the wings at and where did you use the sissors?

see ya later michele!

michele, enjoy your party, see ya!

I haven't use the sissor. i move the right wing (from table) to the puzzle and don't know what happend, the left wing was there too.

michele-have fun...

and have a cosmo for me! :)

wasauchimmer, are you really out or are you just joking? If you are really out, I need your help please!

well that's wierd, good for you, but mine says something is missing

I'm not joking! i didnt give in a pw, i only push the red button when finished the puzzle and there is a hole with ladder and than: out

Jessica, mine too, "something is missing".

The creator is posting over at Nordinho and it does look like we have to have the PW. I think getting out without it is a fluke and I think the game is glitchy.

for me it says there is something missing,too...

I've official raised my white flag. I am going to have dinner now. Good luck everyone!

I'm trying to cut everything with the sissors, there has to be some reason that we have them

okay, i think, it's a bugg. i try it once more. only take the wing from the table, move it to the puzzle, move back and all the things are in the puzzle ... this can't be the right way, even when it's working

Well, in the new version, I cant find the eagles feet now..

bye ruff, hopefully we will have figured out something by the time you make it back

Jessica, if you are still hanging around, please try to see if the middle window will give us anything.

Creator said on Nordinho:

oh hell, it's a new bug with the computer. I think I know what the problem is, that's the first version this has cropped up in. My apolgies

I will try and fix it before it's time to put the baby to bed

You guys have been super helpful. I think this game got a high score on newgrounds because no one even tries to play them all the way through!

hi is any one sill playing, I tto can not zoom in the coach,, uuggh and tried the password and nothing and I am playing on a mac so it does not matter

so start all over again?!!!How many times had I done that?Too often I think...

bums. Off to make Sunday lunch. WIll try again when its fixed. bye all.

Hi bet...wing chances place-its on desk...and you can lift up for key without zoom in

I'm starting to wonder if we have to move the chair somehow to get the other wing. If you zoom in on it the left wing looks the same as the right, and after you take the right one they are different

hey all. sori i been quiet all thdese hours reading your comments. but in the new version of the game did anyone notice that it looks like the left wing is also there on the desk made of wood beside where the right one was but the chair is in the way. how to move the chair?!

sunday lunch?-where are you from?i will go to bed in a few minutes...:-)

OMG Crispin, your kidding...Okay, I will come back when game is totally bug/glitch proof...lol
c ya later guys..

haha snap jessica!!!!

gritlet we are on the same track, that is exactly what I was thinkin!

New Zealand. Sunday 12.57 here. Lovely hot day.

maybe we can cut the chair up, I really want to cut something with these stupid sissors!....lol :)

hi, no luck getting the left wing, oh well

kiwi almost same here almost 2pm here and a beautiful warm day outside!

at least i know i wasnt the only one thinkin it!! now its driving me crazy ive tried to cut up everything in that scene! cant move chair or cut it

Jessica, Where are you from?

oh-make me all get jelouse.i´m from germay...it´s a cold night here...brrr...

bye Vbranam1

hey crispin: look at my profil, there is a picture of the first and last scene of the game. i played it once more and every time it's the same. it doesn't work correct.
an now, i go to bed .. good night everyone!

see you vbranam...

Gritlet I been playing this game for a while now and can't believe I just noticed that

Kiwi, I'm in Hawaii

im from Poland and it is night here and winter :)

i wonder if we will finish the before xmas lol

see ya wasauchimmer, I'm glad that you have been able to make it outta here!

good night wasauchimmer!

probably not..lol. I guess we just have to wait until they fix all of the glitches and bugs in this game first.

im in ireland and its raining as usual!

Hi gritlet. it might be raining there but what a beautiful country.

how many ppl are still here?

yeah i guess but i live in a city so its not that beautiful here lol

I'm still here trying to cut something with these sissors

Im still here,and i'm not leaving without a straight jacket and four men in white coats.with i think wont be very long.lol

Tried the shatteredgames version but still the same - no left wing and the password still not working .... time to chuck it out as a bad experience???

"man, what a nice chair, i wonder if i could...." CUT IT!!!!!

Ok I am going to bed too.it could take some time to fix the problem-i will finish the game tomorrow if it works then...good night or nice day to everyone...it was fun playing with you as usual...good night

Guys, if you click to the bottom right of the desk there is a printer, hope this helps!

have a good night maggie!

I tried the new version, but I could not find the key for the bathroom. The couch is not giving anything. Is there a way to know, if a game is "beta-proofed"? I'd like to keep back then.

I am so with you Gritlet!!!!

are the printer and the sissors and the password the only things that we have found that we really haven't been able to use yet?

Ok a last note from nordino from the auther:

You guys are great -- my husband has offered to put the baby to bed himself, so I am working on this.

I don't want to rush it out because if I do that, I'll inevitably cause a different bug somewhere else. I'll repost the link when I'm satisfied I have it working. I know some folks won't want to play it again, and I do apologize, but for those that are willing to give it a shot, I really appreciate your persistence! Thanks.

ok my index finger is officially numb and eyes are square :(

ok with tht post i officially have to postpone playing. will be back tomorrow. night all z z z

friwi, you dont need to zoom in on couch in new version to get bathroom key,just click middle of left cushion.

see ya later Gritlet have a good night!

I am going to go check what Nordinho has there, brb

I really liked the idea about the oval office and all the little jokes about GWB. The new version even had some new, like the one with the pretzel. I always thought about it while tying to catch the right pixel. But nevertheless this is the worst game I ever had and I would like to know in advance if I am used as a guineapig for testing new games.




aaargggh...a day in futility that i will never get back...should've been warned.

do you have a flag over door between shelves

This is the latest comment from dgjertsen on Nordinho

You guys are great -- my husband has offered to put the baby to bed himself, so I am working on this.

I don't want to rush it out because if I do that, I'll inevitably cause a different bug somewhere else. I'll repost the link when I'm satisfied I have it working. I know some folks won't want to play it again, and I do apologize, but for those that are willing to give it a shot, I really appreciate your persistence! Thanks.

So we just have to wait to play, if we want to get anywhere :)

This comment has been removed by the author.

This is the latest comment from dgjertsen on Nordinho

You guys are great -- my husband has offered to put the baby to bed himself, so I am working on this.

I don't want to rush it out because if I do that, I'll inevitably cause a different bug somewhere else. I'll repost the link when I'm satisfied I have it working. I know some folks won't want to play it again, and I do apologize, but for those that are willing to give it a shot, I really appreciate your persistence! Thanks.

So we just have to wait to play, if we want to get anywhere :)

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