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Cap Escape Walkthrough

Cap Escape

Cap Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by Gamershood. "You have to find the missing beer bottle and get out of the apartment before your parents get home." Good luck and have fun!

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here we go

I am FINALLY in a live game. FINALLY!

doesn't look like a good game.

Yay, I love finding things!!!!

All those drawers are making me dizzy >->

Love the pic on the wall

LOl, yeah, found 2 caps in those drawers..only have 4 so far

first time for me to be in a live game.

Ok so i found 6 cup´s and now i´m suck.....

Found 7 caps. What's next?

hi Vbr,
finally see you in a live game but i dont have time to play this game. have fun!

Found all 9 caps! Done!

       Anonymous  1/30/09, 7:14 AM  

Have only a few minutes to play, Im on a break so I hope this is a short game. Going to catch up.

       Anonymous  1/30/09, 7:16 AM  

Also, hey vbranam nice to see you again.
Shuchan, I made a gamers hero poster using your icon and sent it to escapegames 24 to pass on to you but it kept getting returned :(

Well hey Shuchun, its been a while,,,wish you could stick around...good to c ya..

first time poster from aussie.. not a very exciting game though :(

Hey there Alice,,,man, havent seen you in a while...How have you been?

very good to c ya..

This game is making me feel stupid, cause I still haven't found all the caps =D

have 4 so far!

A terrible game, and I'm stuck on 7. No good at all...

Seems like there should be one in the pic...dont see it though

2 are in difficult to find places i.e. where the wall meets the floor. Good luck!

hi Alice,
Thx for your encouragement and i will notice Yacin that the submitting link is still broken.

six so far...

Got 7 so far...

i can click just behind the table with the bread on it and find a gap between the wall and floor. i cant do anything with it though

Isn't that Peter Dougherty with Obama? That cracks me up. But no cap :(

got 8...zippit,, I didnt know who that was in pic with him..

1 behind butter.

hi all

Got 8 now, as far as I remember.
2 in drawers.
with stuff on plate
behind cupboard
2 in gaps below skirting
under rug
under sofa

       Anonymous  1/30/09, 7:26 AM  

four caps in first screen... what a relief this is after the Spanish Escape! Now if I could just find a beer...

has anyone picked anything up besides a bottle cap yet?

       Anonymous  1/30/09, 7:27 AM  

Thanks Shuchun. It was my way of sa thanking you for all the help you give. We would be lost with out you.

V,Im doing well, job hunting, do you think I should remove playing escape games, chain smoking and cussing in my resume personal achievements?
I have 6 caps.

ah butter thanks elana

Hi all, i am now only missing 1 cap......... it will be the 3rd cap in the inventory? any ideas

And im out!!!

was under sofa!!! thanks adrian

Nope, joegrant just beer bottle caps...Im missing the 7th place cap..


under sofa?

Missing the 8th one. Help?

ugh. missing one cap.

lol.. Alice, you sound like the person I would for sure hire!

im missing one cap.
the last one.

yeah, all done! Thanks to all of you for the help in past games...even if i was there days after it actually took place! And thanks to all who post them! Ciao!

I'm missing just one!! AHHHH!!!!

Are there any caps in between the radiator parts? (Or whatever they are called).

Thanks for the hint about the sofa, that last one has been driving me crazy!

       Anonymous  1/30/09, 7:32 AM  

One more thing then I have to return to painting my kitchen. I used to work with the terminally ill. During their last days their hands would do actions that they did during their lives..ie..if they sewed they would sew, music.. they would play an insturment. When my time comes I think my hands will hold an unseen mouse and I will be pointing and clicking away. LOL
ok back to painting... Good luck to all....

None in the radiator, I checked that thing for a looong time!


missing 2

1 behind butter
1 in grapes
2 in drawers
2 in skirting board
1 under sofa

Maybe yall can tell me where Im missing my 7th..

1-under dish
2-last drawer on left
3-7th drawer on right
4-behind butter
5-under sofa
6-corner by the door
8-floorboard left side of table w/chairs

Ok. No on the radiator... WHERE under the sofa???

(I'm starting to feel like an idiot...)

I have 8 caps and am stuck

check the rugs...

..1 under near corner of rug in room with wardrobe

Finally! Got them all. There aren't any in the radiator, or any in any hidden spots in the drawers.

cheers zippit

and out...

I already had the one under the sofa!! hahaha!!!
I was missing the one under the floorboard next to the table/chairs...

I AM an idiot!! hehe!

Thanks everyone for the help! :)

vb, look on top of the chest of drawers.

Hi gang! Anyone remember where the last cap (ninth) was found?

Joe, Just so glad I could add something useful! LOL! Now I'm really going. Good day, all!

Yep, got that one

one behind chest on the left side.. missing the very last one?

Oh sorry, you had that one. Um, I think you're missing the one under the rug

JoeGrant,,,1 under near corner of rug in room with wardrobe

30/1/09 16:35

Cant seem to find this one...

vb, you have to move the corner almost at the very bottom of the screen

out! Everyone who is missing stuff:

2 in drawers (not sure which ones)
1 behind wardrobe (click on top centre of wadrobe)
1 on plate with grapes
1 behind butter
1 in skirting board near door
1 in skirting board somewhere else (sorry cant remember!)
1 under nearest corner of the rug in room with wardrobe
1 under sofa

out.. was missing the last one on top of the chest

1. bottom, left drawer
2. right hand drawer, 7th from top
3. under couch to left of table
4. corner where floor meets wall b/w door and Obama picture
5. behind butter on table
6. under lima bean (grapes?) on plate
7. under rug corner closest to you (hard to click)
8. to left of click where floor meets wall
9. ???

Omgosh, that was it Bill....Thank you very much...Got all 9 now and out...Thanks everybody..Thanks for posting Shuchun...Thats was a fun game...

Where is the fourth one?
Have eveone else.

vbranam1...its quite hard to find, just keep clicking on it..

Neverfind, power of posting. Found it.

eek -- spelling!
click = clock

I don't have one on top of the chest; do they differ by game?

9.table food corner wall left

kitkat fox look on top of the chest

out! thanks everyone. missed the one behind drawers.

i bet your all missing the 9th under rug, it is under carpet edge that u can see in room with cupboard you have to click just above bottom of screen - sneeky

Ah! wrong spot. The last was behind the chest and not on it!

click in the middle on top of it

thanks all!

Thank you JoeGrant...Got it...

well, they should get a new tag for this kind of game
called "pixel-hunting"

I have all of them, except #8. Is it one of the ones under the baseboard? I've checked both corners; one by door and one by the table with food; and I can only find one there. Is there another place along the wall I can check?

It's always such a crap shoot, when you ask questions, after everyone has finished the game.

Never Mind! LOL. As they say, "Power of posting!"

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I can´t find the third one :cry: would you give me a hint how to find it? because I think is a pixel case (sorry my english)

I´m actually gonna believe in the power of posting! jaja Thanks anyway..

hi,anyone here? I guess I am the only one who plays at night.

Gr8 game !!!
Waiting for next one at first week of February !!!

hi there, those are mine:
1 - inside the 10th drawer on the left
2 - inside the 7th drawer on the right
3 - under the sofa
4 - on the corner where floor meets the wall aon teh room with the president picture
5 - bihind the butter
6 - on teh plate with green balls on teh table
7 - under the brown carpet (the angle near you..
8 - ???? Please somebody help me!!!
9 - Over the cabinet (wardrobe)

found the 8th in a crack on table food scene on left of the table, where wall meets the floor,
see you next

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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