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Grow Tower Walkthrough

Grow Tower

Grow Tower is another funny puzzle game from Eyezmaze, who is also the creator of Grow series."You click the panel and makes things in field grow.You would complete the game when all panels' level would become Lv.MAX.You have to think about the order since there are deep relations with each panel when they are growing. " Good luck and have fun!

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whats a live game? oh and second!!!!!!!!!yay XD


hi michele
i like the series game..cute games

very cute! so after you build one tower and the pieces on the right have numbers under them, what does that mean. do u know?

very cute and my fist live game! anyone who needs a hand just let me know, i'm done!

I'll give you a hint. The first one to use is the little box with the red button

i made it to the max with all things and WHAT a cute display!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i did it with no help good luck all


- box
- yello thing
- bricks
- fold
- dirt (ground)
- pot

I don't get it..
But thats allright:P

       Anonymous  1/21/09, 1:35 AM  

Ha ha, this is one of the funniest games i played lately, lol

       Anonymous  1/21/09, 1:42 AM  

Cute game =^^=

too too looo.. hello everybody.. I'm ready to follow your steps.

Tee hee ... I feel like a baby... try again... what a wonderfull world ... always different...

Yeah I did it ... without checking comments (ha ha)!! Nice to see my brain is not totally useless. Cute game .

I love these Grow games!

Oh no! My tower transformed into Growtron, defender of the Growaverse!!!

This was so cute!

Wow, very fun game! I enjoyed it.

Hi all :-)

Very cute and thinking game I finished it :-D

well that was kinda weird?!?!

Such an action packed game here :~) ZzZzZzZz

Love these Grow games :) Graphics are awesome and love the different combinations you can create, some of them quite funny too :)

That was fun! First grow-game I solved all by myself :) no need of silly "cheats."

same here, solved it without spending hours & getting frustrated... at least there was some logic to this one!! seemed like yonks since a new grow game appeared & now I'm sad I've done it already ;-)

So, are the little guys on the congratulations sign facing us or do they have thier backs to us.... hmmmm

i cant get it can you help

the have their faces to us because other wise they would hit each other

I have to try out this one!!

Quite delightful ending. Took me a while doing different combinations.

What a cute game, i'm glad i can light a light easier at home LOL
I love the flower fireworks :D

here what is it:
the metal box
yellow pot
the island
the pot
and last the little green & yellow creature

box with red button
yellow thingy whatever it is
brick block
the earth piece of land
the flower pot

now you should get some little cute creature if you don't, reset and try again, once you do....just well click on it and you will see this great grow tower!!

walkthrough for grow tower:

1. box with the red button ( second to the last)
2. yellow something (the middle of the choices)
3. the bricks (last)
4. soil (top)
5. the pot (second from top)
6. this option will only appear after you finish the 5 steps... the option is a cute little alien (middle)

I wont tell you what will happen during the steps... just do it, and you will finish the game...

The order goes, grss, bricks, yellow pot, red button block and the plant pot and rain goes in the pot the yellow pot presses the red button and it does it's own stuff and it says congradulations at the end!

there's actually three ways of doing it that up above that i sent or red button box, yellow pot, bricks,land the pot and a creature should pop up or all that but not the creature and the land and pot swap them and theere you go!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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