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Andromeda Gate Walkthrough

Andromeda Gate

Andromeda Gate a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Twelve Dragon's Room games. In this game you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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This is an awful pixel hunt. I've only got a white ball and letters A and D. I give up, this is much too difficult.


There are 4 endings to this game.

You start off in the Pink room (some might call it Red):

Click right.

When you see "White opens red," click the "d" in red to reveal the "a" ball.

Click right twice to find a door.

When facing the door with the sign next to it, click the column a little higher from it's base to find a red button.

Push it.

Go through door.

White room:

At the column, you can find the red button around midway (close to top), push that.

Go to your right and click on the white rose at the bottom of the bush to find a white ball.

Click right.

Pick up Pink key on floor and unlock the Pink lock. Now click the green lock (once to zoom in), find the clickable area near it's left and click, you will find the green key. Unlock green lock.

Black Room:

Place white ball on stand and take the lance.

Go right.

There is a clickable area right under the picture frame where "r" ball is. There is another ball in the lone black rose near the bottom left of the bunch.

Take statue and go right.

There is a ball located in one of the roses in the arrow.

Use the lance on the podium to reveal a chain. Take it.

Four roses now appeared. Click between the second column of the roses to find a button.

Pick up axe.

White Room:

Go right.

Use axe to cut the chains.

Take chain and the ball from bottom of harp shield.

Go right twice.

Use "O" chain (the chain on your left in the inventory) on the rose bush.


Click the base of the right column to find another ball.

Place black statue on alter. You will be given two choices. Choose the right option to avoid drowing yourself.

Take statue back.

The triangle chain is used to break through glass.

You can either break through the glass on the gate in the Pink room, or you can use it to break the glass on the "You" picture hanging up in the Black room where you got the Black statue from.


Here are the endings...

Bad Ending:

You get this when you choose option 1 after placing the statue on the alter.

Normal ending:

You get this after you placed the statue (color change or no) and spell out And r o me d a on the gate after you have broken the shield around it with the chain.

Better Ending:

You get this after you have taken the statue from the Alter area back to the Black room, pressed the buttom under the picture frame, placed the statue in the light, and placed the statue on the gate.

Perfect Ending:

You get this if you decided to use the triangle chain on the "You" picture and place the "And," "me" balls there.

thnx for the gr8 walkthru catalyste!!this was a good game:)

walkthrough anybody?

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