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DooDoo Pipe 1 Walkthrough

DooDoo Pipe 1

DooDoo Pipe 1 - Hurly-Burly in Wood is another new point and click type adventure game from DooDoo.ru site. Animals in a wood quarrel. Live behind fences from each other. Also the electricity has for some reason disappeared. The goal of game - to try to restore it. Good luck and have fun!

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ooo lets see what we have here.

Rarely do you see a name more ripe for misinterpretation...

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:36 AM  

I don't think I would like to smoke one of those.

So, I can pick up a birdhouse. That's all so far. If you try flipping the switches, the animals talk on the phone to the other animals. But they're not speaking English (or any other discernible language).

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:40 AM  

Haha, this game looks like great fun. I´ll get my son from school now and than play together around 6

Scratch that. Found a passport, can go on now.

hi everyone!!i see im in time for a live one:)

I have what I think is a passport, broken birdhouse, a coin basket of fruit

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:42 AM  

Danmax, give the notebook to the guard at the right first

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:43 AM  

Notebook, passport . Whatever

now also have a lighter, a bottle, a pipe and exchanged the gold coin for a silver one

Hi everyone! I will try to catch up!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:45 AM  

I have a passport, birdhouse, gold urn, picnic basket, bottle, and barrell. What to do now???

Okay, gave passport to moose, have collected a bunch of things and advanced to a camping scene. I put an oil barrel on the fire (made by using birdhouse and lighter) and I think I put the fruit from the fruit basket in there (although I might have just emptied it, I don't know).

i have some stuff like a broken birdhouse passport(used) friut basket lighter pineapple bottle can thng and a golden thing.gonna try them out everywhere

Where'd you get a coin, Bouncy?

gave pineapple to panda and i got a trumpet:)

The coin is on the ground somewhere, it changes evertime I use it, you need the gold coin to open the gate where the monkey in the exchange booth is.

now filled the bottle with water from the river/stream don't no what to do now though.

Apparently the trumpet goes on top of boiling water on fire...

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:50 AM  

You can fill the bottle with water in the creek and put the tuba on the barrel that you put on the fire. Stuck.

i did the can on fire and put friut in it.i can also put the trumpet on top it!!no idea what use that is!!
also gave coin at exchange and got silver coin

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:52 AM  

Oh! fill barrel wit water then put on fire then put on tuba.

arrr yes filled the barrel thing with water and put it over the camp fire, then used the birdhouse and lighter on it

hi all where did you find the barrell

sorry i ment the pipe...

Anyone figure out what we are doing over the campfire? steaming fruit? but i can't get it back out. Also, any ideas on how to fish?

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It's near the camp area Tinna. jow do I get the trumpet?

obviously I ment to write how not jow lol

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 7:59 AM  

Bouncy, give pineapple to panda bear get tuba

give pineapple to panda.

give the pineapple to the panda and you will get the trumpet
still can't find the pipe

give pineapple which is on table next to fire to panda(put in hat)

thanks Alimax

Okay, I found the coin and used it on the gate, but then when I realized I couldn't do anything, I left...and now I can't get back through the gate. Do I need to restart?

Hi guys, i am starting.

i showed the moose my passport and he raised his glass.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:02 AM  

Danmanx, You can find another coin on the ground in one of the views. it changes everytime you use it.

ok Tuba now has steam and water dripping from it, still can't do much else lol

you can bounce the branch on the scene with rabbits
don't know why

No one has made anymore progress?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:07 AM  

how did you make the tuba drip water. I bet you could fill the bottle with whats dripping out and fill the mooses glass with it. Maybe we're making booze in the barrel?

ummm i clicked on the first lamp in scene after crossing gate and got a grey card thing.i can also open valve where squirrel is but he keeps closing it

grr, i think i'm going to start over and see if sequencing makes a difference.

hey i got the dripping water too.just leave the steaming tuba on for a while...move around scenes.should start dripping soon
gave it to moose and have blue passport!!:)

I'm not sure what I did, I just went back to the camp scene and it was just dripping :D
I've just restarted as I had already filled the bottle with water from the stream and couldn't get rid of it.

can't do a thing. these games are hard! Anyone making any progress?

Notty, I can't find this "grey card thing" you're talking about. Where is it, exactly?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:14 AM  

Oh no Bouncy! You can dump the water back in the stream. Guess I should have mentioned that before.

had too start over as well. i also filled the bottle with water...

Okay, I have the bottle filled with drip water, but how do I give it to the moose?

How long until steam comes? I've had my fruit cooking for awhile! ha

I've filled the bottle with the water from the tuba butcan't seem to give it to the moose, I must be missing something or doing something wrong.

Bouncy do you have to get him to raise his glass first?

i dont remember the sequence but i clicked on lamp(the first one) in scene after crossing gate.i also clicked the squirrel guy holding the valve.it opened(was not happening before) and i saw the grey card in inventory
you can use it to open the gate at far right in the same scene

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:18 AM  

You have to show your passport to the moose then he raises his glass.

Any ideas why my tuba won't steam? i started the fire, added the fruit to the barrel and covered it with the tuba.

Figured it out Notty. I think you just have to open the valve, because the squirrel is holding the card and when he screws down the valve, you're distracting him and you can take it.

thanks elbottso, now have blue passport.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:22 AM  

once you use the gray card to open the gate in the same seen you can move up above the gate to the bears office where there is a slot machine. Still cant make booze with my tuba gonna restart.

Used blue passport to open other gate, collected a saw and used it to get a piece of pipe in the scene with the monkey and a frog.

Used silver coin to get oil from the petrol pump and put it in the tractor.

Also have a pretzel from the sleeping pig.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:28 AM  

Argggg! Why can't i make the booze. I could really use some about now!!!

do i need to put water and fruit in the barrel to make it steam? I can only seem to put the fruit in there. but i can't get it to steam, i've tried three times now!

you can collect water from the stream using the barrel then add the fruit.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:31 AM  

Alimax, Is you fire burning with the broken birdhouse. Because mine is steaming but not dripping the booze.

now in the bears office.

the hand icon appears when near the lamp bulb, i wonder if you can turn it off take the bulb and use it in the lamp that isn't working outside.

YOU ARE A LIFESAVER BOUNCY! THANK YOU! i kept trying to pour water in from the bottle!

in scene of petrol pump theres a feather next to bird on top of sign of supermarket.give that feather to bird in booze making scene and he goes to the other bird.after moving round i noticed that there were baby birds in the nest as well.i dont see the point of it till now:)

Take oil drum. Add fruit. Click on stream with drum to add water. Put drum over fire, put birdhouse underneath, light with lighter. Put trumpet on top. It's advisable to have left something to do here, so you can go away and do that. Otherwise just explore the other screens for awhile, then come back. The trumpet should be steaming fairly quickly (if not immediately) and eventually it will drip. If you can no longer remove the trumpet, then it is dripping. Place empty bottle on the drip to collect it.

If you've already done all that, I don't know what the problem is.

i haven't seen any frog. what scene do you meen?

go up from petrol pump for frog scene
gave silver coin to cat(or maybe orange) and got orange

No problem Alimax and ty about the feather thing Notty.

Tinna in the scene with the petrol pump the is a road that goes up the side, somewhere around there the up hand icon appears and takes you to the scene with the monkey and the frog.

Also on that bit the hand icon appears when you hover over the muddy water but haven't been able to scoop it with anything yet.

ty nottypomy
try to figure out how to use yhe pipe...

In the muddy water scene you can also make the monkey dance :-)

Aha, there's another screen to the left of the petrol station. You can get a rope and get growled at by a buffalo.

i got an orange from the cat in exchange for the silver coin, but it only works once

It seems that you must put the fruit in the barrell before you put in the water.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 8:50 AM  

any luck making boooze? I still can't get it and I've tried every way i can think of. What am I doing wrong. Anyone else having this problem?

before you have to give the passport to the mooze, than the water come from the tube

i hate when i don't make any progress. i just keep walking around i circles

I gave you all the steps I went through elbottso. If that's not working, I can' figure anything out for you. Sorry.

The pool is empty in the Monkey and Frog area.

elbottso, i did finally get it. i started over. i collected everything i needed for the fire. then i put the birdhouse down and used the ligther. then i filled teh barrel up and put it on teh fire then i added the fruit and then the tuba. it immediately started to steam. then i missed around and got the coin and the card from the beaver, played a few rounds on the slot machines and by the time i went back it was dripping and i could use the bottle on it.

in the scene with the sleeping piig (why is he still slseeping i put gasoline in his car) there is a birds nest where the hand appers

i apperently writes too fast... misses a lot of letters, sorry

the panda looks like he is in a trance or he has been drinking too much fruited water

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:04 AM  

Okay I have everything so far and I'm at the frog and monkey scene. Obviously they are waiting for water to pump to them but don't know what to do from here.

I think somthing needs to be hung on the branch above the squirel and then we need to shake the branch to knock him out. I have no idea what.

You can hang the pretzel on the branch and a squirel comes out. I have no idea what animal is at the valve. I was calling that animal the squirel.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:07 AM  

Yeah I thought that as well I tried the rope and the saw to cut it down but the squirrel is a champ.. Don't know what to do with him

you can empty a bottle of water in the dry lake by the monkey and frog but don't know why yet. it dissaperes when i go to fetch more

You can give the squirrel that urn/vase in your inventory, and then if you take the pretzel away he drops the urn. I'm assuming we need to have him drop it on the...gopher? I don't know what it is.

michi-thanks for the tip. i have in a trance like the panda waiting for the fruit to boil and drip.

when the squirrel comes out you can also put the golden thing by him. it makes the brach dip a bit more

After the sqirrel takes the pretzel, put the samovar/teapot in the same place. The branch begins to snap.

I vote for Gopher.

do the pretzel thing give the gold thing to the squirrel then attach the rope to the end of brach- then take pretzel away

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:14 AM  

You can change the cat s plate with your basket...

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:14 AM  

I must be doing something wrong.. I put the pretzel on the stick and the squirrel came out and I gave him the pot and if I try to get the pretzel he runs off and drops the vase. Now I tried to give him the pretzel and after he took off try to put the vase on the same spot but it doesn't work

Azize, I can't find where to put the rope. There's no place to click on the branch except the pretzel...

Been trying that Azize. Whereabouts exactly?

Right on the end of the branch wher it forks!

There's no clickable area there Azize. I can't put the rope there.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:18 AM  

still can't attach rope do I do this before I give the squarrel the vase or after?

I had to click down by the fence to hang the rope.

Ah. got it. Thanks Todd.

The fence broke.

sorry was frantically clicking away thought it was the end of the branch!

Okay, now got two bits of wire from fence.

hi all I'm still here, just had to restart a couple of times, as got stuck so tried different things

if u explore a bit then go back to the scene again the two rabbits go and you can get there stuff!

leave and come back to get banana and shovel.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:23 AM  

After the fence breaks you can leave and come back and the bunnies are gone and you can get a spade and banana. There are also some pieces of broken wire on the fence.
I dunno what next though.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:23 AM  

okay i got the banana and shovel from the two bunnies..Now what? Tried to give it to the frog and monkey but not accepting.

on the scene with the bull at the gate, theres something behind the tree anext to/above him but can't get it with anything yet.

use the shovel to dig between the fence! thats all i got!

finally some progress.thnx azize n todd too:)
i need to have dinner.be back in a bit

put banana in nest

fill hole with water

After the fence is broken, leave the scene. Come back and the rabbits dropped their banana and shovel. You can put the banana in the bird's nest above the tractor, but stuck after that.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:28 AM  

I have beem playing this !@#$ing game for 2 hours. Despite all your tips, I can not get the tuba to drip booze. Just so I'm clear, you use the fruit from the picnic basket in the barrel full of water on the fire made from the bird house. You put he tuba on top, it steams from 2 places. Where is the booze supposed to drip out of?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:28 AM  

What about the wires?
Near the bottom of the furthest away broken bit of fence.
Anyone found a use for those yet?

if it doesnt drip click back and forwards between scenes until it does

oh no elbottso! It will drip from the mouth piece. how long are you leaving it in place? are you going to other scenes while you wait?

Elbottso, it drips from the left side of the trumpet (when it's on top of the barrel). It's a LITTLE hard to see, but it's there.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:31 AM  

elbottso, you have to leave the scene and explore or something before it drips. Try going past the goat a few times.
It drips from the mouthpiece.

The water will drip from the mouth piece. You will see it when it happens. I had problems too. It worked when I put the fruit in before the water.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:33 AM  

After you fill up the hole with the water what is next?

How do you fill up the hole with water? I tried filling it with water from the bottle (after filling it in the river) but it just disappears after I try to get more. Any suggestions?

as michi earlier,give the moose the passport and then it will drip

elbottso, you must give your passport to the moose so he raises his glas before the tuba starts dripping i think...

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:35 AM  

The hole you dig with the shovel can be filled with water of the bottle.

How do you fill the hole with water ?

not the big hole, the hole that was dug with the shovel. you can fill it with water from the bottle.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:36 AM  

Quest were not filling up the pond by the monkey and frog we dug a hole by that Beaver that won't let us turn on the water. By the fence we broke you dig a hole with the shovel and you get the plastic bottle get water go back by the ditch you made and you feel that with water.. Not sure what to do next.

Quest--I think they meant the hole you make when you dig between the fence in the scene with the squirrel.

How many peices of pipe do you have? I only have one that I got with the saw.

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       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:38 AM  

Helleluja!!! Clicking back and forth between the scenes did it! Thank you all so much!!!

Oh, I see.. you dig the hole between the two poles where you find the shovel. Then fill THAT with water. I thought you were talking about the hole next to the monkey and frog.. haha my bad!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:40 AM  

Todd I have one piece of pipe not sure what to do with it.

Not sure if it was already posted, but you can pick up the wire pieces to the right of the little trench we all just made.. not sure what to do with them yet though.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:41 AM  

I can only imagine that we probably have to provoke the squirrel to cross the hole in the fence that is still under electricity due to the water.

well totally stuck, I still have orange, wires, grey bowl and pipe still unused

anything new anyone? This is such a long game!

in the frog scene, the hand disaperes on the antennas in the back ground

I think we need the lighbulb from inside the office maybe to put in the latern near the fence but no idea how to get it

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:45 AM  

I haven't been in anyone's office yet... Where is this?

would love to know why the heck we had to put the banana in the nest lol

The officy bit thats part of the scene that we just broke the fence

Hey, here's a question. We all put gas into the tractor, but did we ever figure out why? Cause I know I haven't done anything with the tractor after putting in the gas...

ok all I have to go now and get the kids some dinner, good luck to the rest of you.
Will be back later to see how you all got on :D

Denita, in the scene with the goeffer and the water wheel that can move up, when he goes to push it back down, take the key card in his left hand. that allows you to go through the gates north of the same scene.

Just peeked on Nordinho. You can get a torch from the fruit machine. Pull the lever and then click the blue button on the left. You can then advance the fruit. 4 raspberries are required. You should hear a sound, back out, click the dial to get the torch.

somebody help me,i played the bandit in the bear scene and cant get out of it.

At this point I tried to blow up the Gas with the lighter. As with everything else right now I had no luck.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:50 AM  

if you look at the signs near the beavers pumping and the angery bear.. They both show no walking.. I figure we must ride past these points.

Use the torch on the tractor to get a spanner.

None of my blue buttons are clicking... which one exactly?

Rambler: Is there a trick to the slot machine, or is it just luck?

Rambler, what blue button? i've been messing with that machine and i can only get 3 of a kind! Is the button one of the lights? i can't seem to find it.

@ Rambler- where is the blue button

Rambler,can you tell us more about the blue button? I am not seeing one.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 9:55 AM  

okay I got the flashlight from the office and it did a countdown if you don't close the volt.. Anyways went back to the truck with the sleeping pig put you flashlight in the engine and you will see a wrench. Pick that up.

Click on the fruit. You can advance it.

I'm beginning to feel a little silly, because I can't figure out what to click! lol. I've been clicking like crazy and not a thing has advanced. Any help?

Okay, there are two rows of square buttons and you need to note the blue button on the left of the bottom row. After you pull the lever, click on that button, you should see a hand appear. I just clicked like crazy so I'm not sure how times is correct. Then, when the fruit stops spinning, you can click on the fruit in between the yellow line to advance them.

Okay, the blue button is one of the rectangular lights. When the wheels are not spinning, there are three blue ones. When the wheels ARE spinning, they all blink different colors. However, you should click the button that matches where the furthest left blue one is when still (so I think it's the second column, second row). Then just click the wheels until they spin to show 4 raspberries. ;)

ok once u have the spanner you can use it to stop the beever from turning the wheel back down

Oh! That's the trick right there. I kept clicking AFTER the fruit was done spinning. Thanks for the tip!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:01 AM  

How do you get gas for the tractor?What do you put it in?

Nice job Azize. Go back to the water pool. And the cart will move to the pig.

I have the piggy on the tractor now, but he won't drive it despite me tempting him with the orange.

Todd any ideas on how to get the ractor moving once the pigs on it?

Elbottso, put a silver coin in the petrol pump and collect the petrol with water bottle.

There goes the monkey and the pig! whoooooo!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:05 AM  

How do you use the spanner exactly?

oh no... I can't find another coin to get back through the gate ?????

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:07 AM  

Christine, just go on searching, there is a coin in one of the scenes.

and I'm right where you guys are but STILL have no clue how/ where to get the pipe

press the wheel so it gos up and before he can wheel it back down you put the spanner in the way to jam it

christine make sure you check all scenes. one its on teh chair in the camping scene, one its in the tree with the next, by the mean ox. just keeping looking around.

Thank you for explanations about the machine, DanManX. Anyway, clicking the blue buttons doesn't seem to change anything, I never win !

I went back to the office and let the timer run out on the safe. An alarm sounded on the Boss Bears watch blinked and he walk off. I have no idea why.

ok.. duh.. I just realized that there was another scene (frog and monkey) .. found coin AND pipe

thanks estelle

@Pascale: You need to click the blue button while the fruits are spinning. If you do, you can move the fruits by clicking on them once they stopped.

Pascale. When the fruit stops spinning, click on the fruit between the yellow lines. Advance them all to raspberries and you should be able to open the safe.

I meant : the blue (rectangular) button.

Cheating with this machine seems completely useless !

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:14 AM  

Thank you, Azize!

How do you get the car working?

There is now a wolf in the bears chair. I have no idea why.

lool try the lever where the horse is theres a kangeroo or something where the boss bear was sitting before after you sound the alarm

Todd, I think he might change the code to get in... the key card to get into the office may not work anymore. Unsure though. What to do after pig is on the tractor and there's gas in it?

Ok, after i opened the vault i let the timer go all the way down and it alerted the bear who left. when you call back there is a new animal in his spot but i can't find him in any other scene and now i can't go back into the office. So i don't know if it was the right thing to do or not.

Thanks a lot, Rambler10 ! I've got the torch !

I still cant fill the hole with water any help PLEASE!

After you set off the alarm you are locked out of the office.

Well done Pascale.
Now all we need to do is figure out how to get piggy to drive that bloody tractor. I've tried kindness with the orange and brute force by bashing him over the head with the pipe and bowl. No go either way.

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