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DooDoo Pipe 1 Walkthrough

DooDoo Pipe 1

DooDoo Pipe 1 - Hurly-Burly in Wood is another new point and click type adventure game from DooDoo.ru site. Animals in a wood quarrel. Live behind fences from each other. Also the electricity has for some reason disappeared. The goal of game - to try to restore it. Good luck and have fun!

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man we've been playing this for hours!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:25 AM  

You still here Bouncy?

Yes, Rambler, the pig is still sleeping !
What orange are you speaking about ? I had a banana but no orange.

You can buy the orange from the cat Pascale

This is starting to make me go a little crazy.. There's too many dead ends! I know you can remove the wrench and the water stops flowing to the pond, but to no significance. And the storks had little babies, and a hand appears on them, but also no significance? argh!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:28 AM  

this may sound idiotic, but how does one put petrol in this tractor?

just realized that i've been playing for 2 hours and 45 minutes... think it is a record of mine. getting quite bored just now since nothing seems to happen

hello there fellow escapers. first time posting. i think the item to the left of the engry bull is a piece of the sleepy pig's tractor. no idea on how to get it though.

Once again, thank you Rambler ! (-:

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:30 AM  

i cannot for the life of me figure out how to put petrol in the tractor!

im back and caught up to you all and now stuck
cant get tractor to work maybe the pig is too heavy for it:D

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:31 AM  

nevermind. iam quite certain i may be retarded. just figured it out

Jill: Get the silver coin. Put it in the gas pump. Then take empty bottle and put it on the gas nozzle. When it's filled with gas, go back to tractor and put it in little pipe on the left side of tractor.

Jill, have you got the empty bottle ? If you have it, use a silver coin on the petrol station and fill in your bottle. Then use this full bottle on the tractor.

This whole time I was think there was going to be a break in the pipe that we would use the pipe section for. Since the pipe fills the pool could there be another use for it?

how do u make pg ride the truck?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:36 AM  

ok so i see the bowl (at the fruit stand) but how do i grab it?

Jill, swap it for the fruit basket.

well, i give up now, am so very hungry... meaby i will check back later. godd luck to you all

Okay, is this game EVER going to end? Seriously, what the crap? Now most of us are locked out of the office and we never figured out what to do with that lightbulb we couldn't get, but we're probably gonna need it... And it seems like everytime we figure something out, 5 more little mysteries pop up! It's like 24 or Battlestar Galactica, but slightly less boring...

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:39 AM  

thank you rambler! =)

Azize and Estelle I can't figure out how to use spanner to jam the wheel turning off agaon. Any help pls?

you can place the empty fruit basket on cat's scale.

Yeah, I don't think I can take much more of this. I never was a big fan of circles and all this game is doing is making me spin.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:42 AM  

ok got the spanner in place, and the frog jumped in the pond, and the monkey took his contraption over to the tractor, climbed the tree, ate the nesting banana, woke the sleeping pig who climbed behind the wheel and am now stuck, haha!

Here are the hot spots that I can do nothing with.
-Item above the bison
-Baby Bird Nest
-fishing poll

These are the items I have no use for.
-Orange,bowl,wire,&the pipe section

Things that are starting to make me mad.
-How to move the pig
-How to get past the bison
-What is the phone for
-What is the fishing poll for
-what is the cart for other than to wake the pig.

Anyone have anything else?

Aaaaaaaaghhhhh, I just refreshed the wrong page:-(((((

Aaaaaaaaghhhhh, I just refreshed the wrong page:-(((((


Todd, I think you got everything dead on! lol

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:48 AM  

ok so the monkey is still in the tree and the pig is sitting on the tractor but cannot go further! argh!

Can anyone help pls where to put the spanner to jam the wheel I cant get it to work

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:50 AM  

I've been playing this game since 10:30 and now it's almost 2. Nordinho is no further than we are. What is it going to take to end this game. It better have one spectacular ending.

ok im going off on a wild tangent.... i think the signs are saying no humans allowed and the monkeys face is a hot spot so we're suppose to somehow cut the monkeys head off and put it on so we can get past the bull!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:51 AM  

just had idea, maybe....we have to make a lightbulb for the post. bits of wire, the pipe (for a base) maybe some type of glass (bottle maybe?). just a desperate thought

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:51 AM  


It only seems to be possible to place the spanner when you put it immediately after having turned the wheel.

It is placed at the left side of the wheel.

Gruesome, Azize, but very tempting. lol. I think you're right about the no human thing.. the pictures on the wall next to the buffalo show humans hunting him with a spear. maybe we need to find or make a spear and stab him? lol

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:53 AM  

ksbreaktime...click the valve very quickly then grab the spanner out of your inventory, then click the valve again, should prop it up so gopher cannot turn it back

Do you think we were not supposed to set the alarm off? It seems that we need to fax something to the fox. When it cuts to that screen the only thing that change the pointer into a hand is the fax machine. there is a fax machine in the bear's office but it doesn't turn the pointer into a hand. Also, I think its curious that we can still retrieve most of the items we have used. The tuba and the banana were not retrievable after we used them. Do you think there are multiple uses for items?

Just trying to brainstorm and GET OUT OF THIS RUT! this is by FAR the longest I have ever spent on a game and it is driving me crazy!

SOMEONE HELP US! Shuchun...did YOU figure this out?

I'll take the plunge and hit F5 and NOT set the alarm off.. I'll let ya know what happens. lol

Thanks Quest!

what to do with the pigy?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 10:59 AM  

alimax you're a bloody genius! never noticed that bit about the fax machine before, now the question is what to fax?

It seems like the hotspots remain, even after you use them (like the monkey used to be a nest).

Use the orange on the id card and then give it to the bull and he lets you pass

Can someone post a walk through please?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:03 AM  


       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:04 AM  

I'm starting over and seeing what I can do different.

grab camera and take a pic of the wolf

nacsmot, thats genius!!and i was about to quit and leave

Thnx all for help with wheel still not got it but will keep trying

Ah nacsmot you are beautiful!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:05 AM  

in the scene with the fox and bear relaxing on the terrace, there appears to be some kind of nut or bearing by the table leg but cannot grab it! ARGH! i am getting so fed up with this game

You're a genius! lol I'm glad you came up with something, because I'm not noticing anything different with not setting off the alarm yet.

camera? where?

nacsmot you're a genious! grab camera (by the tree, left of angry bull) and you can take a picture of the fox and the wolf.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:06 AM  

Christine what camera? where did you find it?

fax the picture to the bear, wash of the id card in the river, go back to the bear's office and take the bulb and put it in the lamp outside

send th picture by fax. thr bear will get it!

camera is behind the bull after he opens the gate

After you paint the id card ornage, even if you didn't set the alarm off, it won't let you through anyway... hmm..

nevermind, got it and faxed picture to bear.

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:08 AM  

ok got the camera but cannot take photo! i feel so bleeding useless!

pipe around phone.

use the bowl and the sawed off pipe piece to cover the bears telephone

bowl on top of that

fax it to the bear.. covered phone with pipe and bowl and now my goat can't phone the bear... ok, that all sounds very strange.. lol

Figured one thing out after restarting twice: If you DON'T set the alarm off, the bear will never go back to his office and the fox and wolf will never be seen together. lol oh boy

took pictuer of antena tower

I took a picture of the electrical tower but don't know waht to do with it.

give it to the stork

k, now nobody's phones work... And this helps us how?

gave it to bird, it took off and i lost it!

give the picture of tower to right bird

took a handle just below pipe on other side of pond

handle under right side of antenna after birds move in

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       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:18 AM  

attached handle to tractor and contraption and pig drove off! hooray!

There goes the tractor! go piggy!

can charge the tractor

got a handle ?

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:20 AM  

generator is now in between gates, used wires to connect to fence and is now running!


finally the tractor drove off.yay!!

Hmmm, let's play again. YEAH RIGHT!

"To be continued..." Let's hope not...

ok mhy brain must of turned to slush after all that how did you get out>??

lmao azize, i was about to type the same thing haha. noo ideaa

there is no electricity!

and out !!! wow.. what a game

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:24 AM  

That had to be the longest, most frustrating game ever.

got the thing to run but not out.what dumb thing have i missed??

i think it was clicking both gate handles

with the bulb in the outside lamp that is

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:25 AM  

leave the scene and come back. Just like the booze.

don't know which is necessary but I opened both gates and had both horse and goat use the phone.. out

woooooowww! well that was an anti climax!!!!! but glad its finally over!!!! Quest make sure the levers are down!

please help me! my tractor doesn't charge! I put the lamp in its place!

clicked on both goats and suddenly everything lighted up(thats the whole world you know!!)
now i can sleep in peace as i hav restored electricity to the world=)

Ahh!! every time i try to click both levers to put them down, the go back up too quick! am i missing something??

Okay, I'm not understanding, I have the generator hooked up to the lamppost in the first screen. What now?

ah, the lever!

Am i supposed to put a light bulb in the spot near the gopher? or am i supposed to reconnect the wires i broke by the gopher? lol i need to finish this!

Pull the lever on the right side of the generator!

Hey, anyone who's out, you wanna share the wisdom? What do we do after turning off the generator? I don't know what brilliant flashes you guys had, but I'm not getting it! :P

Sorry, after turning ON the generator.

I did.. now it's just making some annoying noise lol. oh no! I must have missed something.. crap!

       Anonymous  2/12/09, 11:31 AM  

oh thank god in heaven its over

Oh come on! Please? I'm begging here! I know there's a new game, but seriously! We worked so hard at this, don't just leave the rest of us hanging!

OK i figured out what i missed.. maybe it'll help you too DanMan: dip the I.D. card in the river to make it turn white again, then you can get back into the office with it. Then take the lightbulb from the lamp. Back out one scene and put the lightbulb in the lamp near the gopher... then i'm stuck again lol. help please?

if you have the generator on and put the lightbulb then go through both gates once and click on the animals guarding.i did something like that.not sure of exact sequence though.hope it helps:)

the stork wont take the picture from me . Which stork do I give it to ?

THANK YOU QUEST! After putting in lightbulb, then go back to first scene and flip both switches down.

got it! after you do what i just said, THEN click both the levers by the gates at the generator.. restores power blah blah blah.. finally done lol

lol that game just used all of my brain power for the day.

I can only flip down the left switch. How do I get the on on the right?

Light bulb in, Generator running. Can not flip down right switch.

Help for some reason I cannot find the nest to put the banana on..
Can someone help

thx, guys for all the help, I was all the time playing with you, but didn't post. Every time I figured something out, it was already posted for a few minutes :) I was never been able to get out without you smart guys! THX!

todd...go back to the seen with the bear and the fox and put the piece of pipe and metal bowl over his phone so that he can't answer it...

arrrrrrrrrrrrrgghhhhhhhh all these comments with no walkthrough.

ok i need help i have

Can with water and fruit in it
Tuba on can
gold thing
fire made using
passport used
and grey card

i need a walkthrough and where r more coins

Hey everybody! Im where everybody else is.

You find more coins all over the place, as you use them....am ploughing through the comments and slowly getting somewhere. All I can say is start reading from the beginning. If I have time I will do a walkthru.

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Got out and doing walkthru

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from lazylaces.com posted by pinkoysterpearls! thanks Pearl!

1-grab the broken birdhouse and red passport and show it to the goat on the right

*Note: gold and silver coins can be found in different scenes and can exchanged at the booth

2-get fruit basket, lighter, gold teapot, pineapple, bottle, and metal barrel

3-place birdhouse in the campfire site and light it

4-put metal barrel in stream to get water, put it over the fire, put fruit from basket in the barrel

5-put pineapple in the hat and get the horn from the panda bear

6-put horn over barrel, show red passport to the moose, fill the bottle with liquid drippling from the horn's mouthpiece

7-show red passport to the moose and give him the drink from the bottle and get the blue passport

8-show the horse the blue passport, get the pretzel from the pig, get the saw from the tool box

9-put the basket on the scale and receive a bowl, give the cat a silver coin and receive an orange, get the feather on top of the roof

10-use a silver coin to get gas in the empty bottle

11-give feather to the bird in the camp scene

12-use saw on the end of the pipe in the frog/monkey scene, put gas in tractor, get rope from bull scene

13-use a gold coin to raise the gate for beaver/fence scene

14-put pretzel on branch, then the teapot, use rope on fence near end of branch, and take back the pretzel

15-turn the wheel and get the id badge from beaver, use the badge to get to the bear's office

16-click the slot handle on the safe and click the blue rectangular button on bottom left, rotate the images to all raspberries, and open safe for a flashlight

17-let the timer on the safe run out, get the wires, banana, and the shovel (beaver/fence scene)

18-dig a ditch at open part of fence, fill bottle with water, fill the ditch with the water

19-put banana in bird's nest (pig scene), use flashlight on tractor and get the wrench

20-click wheel and place wrench under it to keep it in place (beaver/fence scene)

21-go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are


COINS...these are found all over the place. When you use a coin, you need to search for another one. Use the exchange to change to silver/gold depending which side you are on.
I will name each area, so you can find your way around.

Allow bear to wander around and let things happen until there is a storm. You end up at the BORDER POST. Collect WOOD and BROWN PASSPORT. Give passport to goat and go right. You collect a COIN at the EXCHANGE barrier.Go right.

Go to moose and panda. Collect FRUIT BASKET (tree), GOLD TEAPOT & LIGHTER (telephone).

Go right to CAMPSITE. Collect BOTTLE (beside tent), BARREL from doorway and PINEAPPLE from table.

Fill BARREL with water from stream, and place on camp fire. Put WOOD underneath and ignite with LIGHTER. Add FRUIT from basket to barrel.

Go left to panda. Put PINEAPPLE in hat and take TUBA. Go back to BARREL and place TUBA on top.

Go back to moose and touch his antlers. Go back to fire and the mouthpiece should be dripping. Fill BOTTLE.

Go back to moose. Show PASSPORT. He raises his glass. Put liquid from BOTTLE and he gives you a BLUE PASSPORT.

Go to the EXCHANGE barrier and put GOLD COIN in slot and go up to PARK. Click ground hog and as he turns the wheel, steal GREY CARD from his hand.

Select GREY CARD and click top right doorway to enter OFFICE.

Play the slot machine and as the wheels turn click the bottom left square blue button. You can now click the fruit and individually move them, until you get four raspberries. A tone sounds. Zoom out (cursor far bottom right) and click wheel under poker machine. A door opens. Collect FLASHLIGHT and allow the alarm to go off. CLICK THE TELEPHONE. You go off to another scene of the bear and fox and the bear answers the phone and rushes off. You are now in the PARK.

Exit PARK (cursor far right bottom) and keep an eye out for the next COIN. Go left to border post and found GOLD COIN. Go back to EXCHANGE to make it SILVER (you need silver on the left side of the border and gold on the right).

LEFT OF THE BORDER to collect stuff.
Collect SAW and PRETZEL from sleeping pig. And using FLASHLIGHT in tractor get SPANNER.

Go left, we can do a few things here, that can be done later.

Give SILVER COIN to cat and get an ORANGE.
Collect FEATHER from nest on roof.
Exchange BASKET for a BOWL on scale beside cat.

Go left to BULL crossing and collect ROPE.

You may visit the monkey (cursor up beside eve of house). And see PIPE and empty pond.

Go right past the BORDER and find COIN (found SILVER COIN by moose table). Exchange coin and enter PARK.

Hang PRETZEL midway on branch. Squirrel comes out. Add GOLD TEAPOT and branch sags. Put ROPE on the left end of branch. Take the PRETZEL and squirrel runs away, the pot falls down and the rope breaks the WIRE. Collect POT and WIRE.

Return to CAMPSITE and give FEATHER to bird. Fill BOTTLE with water from stream. Found COIN on chair in campsite.

Return to PARK. Collect SHOVEL and BANANA. Dig trench between posts and fill with water from bottle.

The next bit is fiddly, but necessary. Click the goundhog and IMMEDIATELY he turns the wheel grab the spanner and try to jam the wheel.

Exit PARK and go left through blue border. COIN in tree beside tractor. Go to petrol pump and put in coin, and then use bottle to collect the petrol. Go right, put petrol in tractor and BANANA in nest in tree.

Go back to cat and find COIN beside cat.


Up cursor at corner of eaves of house. If you turned the water on in the park the pipe should be spouting water. The monkey moves to the tree beside the tractor, with his generator below. The pig wakes up and sits on the tractor.

You can go back to the POND and cut off the PIPE with the SAW.

Go left. Use ORANGE on GREY CARD and show BULL. When the barrier goes up steal the CAMERA in the tree.
Go left and take photo of wolf.
Photos in inventory and select it and put it in the fax machine. Scene changes to OFFICE and PARK. Not a happy bear!

Exit PARK and return to CAMPSITE and wash card in stream. Did you collect a COIN from beside cat?
Enter PARK and you can now enter the OFFICE (with washed grey card). Take LIGHT BULB and exit to PARK and put bulb in lantern on post on far left.

Exit PARK and go left through blue border and up to POND. If you need it there is a COIN. Take photo of antennae. Photo appears in inventory. Exit and give photo to bird on nest.
Return to POND and there is a handle on the far bank under the pipe. Collect HANDLE.

Go far left to bear and fox (use orange on grey card) and place PIPE and BOWL on the telephone on the table.

Exit right to the tractor. Put HANDLE between tractor and generator. Pig drives off to BORDER. Put WIRES on round plug on left just above the Z sign. Turn on the generator (handle on right). Click the lever on the left border post, and then the lever on the right border post. Phone calls are made, but cannot get through! The lights come on........PHEW!!!

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Just spent a couple of hours doing the walkthru, just posted it and found someone has copied another one from somewhere else....what a waste of time!!!

That's a great walkthrough Red! I'm sure it'll be copied onto other boards.

This game above and beyond escape games and even though it just chewed up 3 hours it was still kinda fun to play.

pick up the feather in the stork's next and take it to the stork next to the tent.

1. Pick up birdnest and red passport on ground. Show passport to goat. Go right.
2. Sidenote: look for coins. Coins are apparently randomly placed on different screens. If you use a coin another will appear randomly somewhere in the game. Coins come in silver or gold and can be exchanged for one another on this screen. I will list locations the coins appear in for each screen. Go right.
Coin location: Between fence post and gate.
3.Retrieve gold pot on table. Retrieve basket of fruit in tree. Retrieve lighter in phone booth. Go right.
Coin Location: on ground to the right of the table
4. Retrieve bottle next to tent. Retrieve pineapple on table. Retrieve barrel in front of barn. Use Barrel on pond to fill with water. Use nest on firepit. Use lighter on firepit. Use barrel of water on firepit. Use basket of fruit on barrel of water. Go Left.
Coin Location: On chair
5. Use pineapple on hat. Take Tuba. Go right.
6. Use tuba on barrel. Go left twice to scene with monkey and gate.
7. Use a gold coin on the box on the tree and pull lever. Go up.
8. Turn the wheel with the rat standing behind it. When he begins to turn it back click on his left hand to retrieve a grey passcard. Use passcard on door in background. Go up thru door.
9. Click on slot machine. There are two rows of buttons at the bottom. Remember the blue button in the second row second column. Pull the lever and the buttons will flash, click the button mentioned while the wheels are spinning. Now when they stop you will be able to rotate them by clicking. Click each wheel until they all display raspberries and you will hear a click. Step back and click the wheel at the bottom of the slot machine. Retrieve the flashlight. An alarm will be activated with a countdown timer in the upper left. Let the timer run down and the alarm go off. You will see a cut scene of a lounging bear being alerted. You will be automatically moved one screen back. Go down.
10. Go back to screen with the barrel on the firepit. It should now be dripping from the tuba mouthpiece, if it isn’t leave and come back a couple times. Use bottle on dripping tuba. Go left.
11. Use red passport on moose. Use bottle of liquid on his raised glass. Retrieve blue passport. Go left.
12. Exchange gold coin for silver with monkey. Go left.
13. Use blue passport on donkey. Go left.
Coin Location: On ground in front of gate at right.
14. Retrieve pretzel from pig and saw from toolbox. Use flashlight on front of tractor. Retrieve wrench. Go left.
Coin location: In tree in foreground.
15. Retrieve feather from nest on roof. Use basket on bowl behind cat to retrieve bowl. Use silver coin on cat to retrieve orange. Go Up
Coin Location:On ground next to cat.
16. Use saw on pipe to retrieve pipe. Go down and go left
Coin location: In front of tree
17. Retrieve rope in branch in upper right corner. Use orange on grey passcard. Use orange passcard on ox. Retrieve camera in tree at left of screen. Go left.
Coin location: On ground in front of ox.
18. Use camera to take picture. Use picture on fax machine on table. Cut scene of bear receiving fax. You will be automatically transported back to scene with the rat.
19. Use pretzel on tree branch (at about middle). Squirrel will appear. Give gold pot to squirrel. Use rope on fence below tree branch. Take pretzel. Fence should break. Take wire from broken fence. Click on wheel with rat behind and before he can turn it back use the wrench on the wheel. Go down and go right twice to scene with barrel.
20. Give feather to stork. Use orange ID on pond to retrieve grey ID. Use bottle on pond to retrieve bottle with water. Go left twice to scene with monkey and gate, use gold coin to go up (if you don’t have a coin go look for one in the locations indicate, switch with the monkey if required).
21. Retrieve banana and shovel from ground. Use shovel on ground between post where the fence is broken. Use bottle of water on trench you just dug. Use grey passcard on door. Go up.
22. Retrieve light bulb from lamp. Go down.
23. Use light bulb on lamp in foreground. Go down and left back to scene at gas station (w/ cat).
24. Use silver coin on gas pump and then use bottle on gas pump. Go up.
25. Monkey and frog will leave and you will be automatically taken to scene with pig. Use banana on nest. Use bottle of gas on tractor. Go left and up to scene with tower in background.
26. Use camera on top of tower to retrieve picture. Go down. Give picture to stork in nest (Note: there should be chicks in the nest or this won’t work. If there isn’t leave the screen and come back until there is). Go back up. Retrieve metal handle at right of screen. Go down and left to scene with ox.
27. Use orange on grey passcard again and show to ox. Go left and use the pipe on the phone on the table. Use the bowl on the pipe to cover it up. Go right to scene with pig.
28. Use metal handle on tractor and trailor. Go right.
29. Use wire between wheels on fence and generator. Pull handle on generator (lower back). Pull the levers at each gate.

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you can put the basket behind the cat (dont know what the bowl you get is used for...)

Can someone tell me were to find the coins cause every seen I have been in I cannot find them?

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Can someone give me an idea as to were they found the coins as I can't see any?

`hey!is the discussion over here?no other ideas how to get porky movin??? i`m so stuck!!!

go to frog/monkey scene

use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

attach handle to generator and tractor

use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

use the wires on the generator and click the handle

use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

click both handles where horse and goat are

go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

I used the orange on the office ID and gave it to bull. Got the camera from behind the tree in bull scene.

I used the orange on the identity card and gave it to bull, got camera behind tree, took a picture of fox and wolf, stuck.

       Anonymous  2/14/09, 6:47 AM  


1-grab the broken birdhouse and red passport and show it to the goat on the right

*Note: gold and silver coins can be found in different scenes and can exchanged at the booth

2-get fruit basket, lighter, gold teapot, pineapple, bottle, and metal barrel

3-place birdhouse in the campfire site and light it

4-put metal barrel in stream to get water, put it over the fire, put fruit from basket in the barrel

5-put pineapple in the hat and get the horn from the panda bear

6-put horn over barrel, show red passport to the moose, fill the bottle with liquid drippling from the horn's mouthpiece

7-show red passport to the moose and give him the drink from the bottle and get the blue passport

8-show the horse the blue passport, get the pretzel from the pig, get the saw from the tool box

9-put the basket on the scale and receive a bowl, give the cat a silver coin and receive an orange, get the feather on top of the roof

10-use a silver coin to get gas in the empty bottle

11-give feather to the bird in the camp scene

12-use saw on the end of the pipe in the frog/monkey scene, put gas in tractor, get rope from bull scene

13-use a gold coin to raise the gate for beaver/fence scene

14-put pretzel on branch, then the teapot, use rope on fence near end of branch, and take back the pretzel

15-turn the wheel and get the id badge from beaver, use the badge to get to the bear's office

16-click the slot handle on the safe and click the blue rectangular button on bottom left, rotate the images to all raspberries, and open safe for a flashlight

17-let the timer on the safe run out, get the wires, banana, and the shovel (beaver/fence scene)

18-dig a ditch at open part of fence, fill bottle with water, fill the ditch with the water

19-put banana in bird's nest (pig scene), use flashlight on tractor and get the wrench

20-click wheel and place wrench under it to keep it in place (beaver/fence scene)

21-go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

Anybody still playing?

I can't seem to take picture of the BEAR and the FOX. Is this a typo? Where is a wolf? HMMMMMMM

Ok Got picture of tower. What can Ibe doing wrong?

I am unable to take a picture of the fox (or bear) but I have been able to take a picture of the tower. Any ideas? Is there a specific point where you must click with the camera? Does the camera work or does it need batteries? I tried all places it seems, from distance, closeup, up, down, between... nothing, picture won't be taken! HELP!

OK I know what I did wrong. Got scared by safe alarm and closed door so bear never got to his office which meant I couldn't take picture of his Mrs cheating on him with the dog and fax it to make him exit his office so I could take the lamp. Easy, once you've understood it and used the walkthrough all the way through! LOL

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That was the HARDEST game EVER!! omg I thought I was gonna smash the laptop haha. Good game, can't wait for the other one.


I'll have to restart tho

       Anonymous  2/15/09, 9:07 AM  
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1-grab the broken birdhouse and red passport and show it to the goat on the right

*Note: gold and silver coins can be found in different scenes and can exchanged at the booth

2-get fruit basket, lighter, gold teapot, pineapple, bottle, and metal barrel

3-place birdhouse in the campfire site and light it

4-put metal barrel in stream to get water, put it over the fire, put fruit from basket in the barrel

5-put pineapple in the hat and get the horn from the panda bear

6-put horn over barrel, show red passport to the moose, fill the bottle with liquid drippling from the horn's mouthpiece

7-show red passport to the moose and give him the drink from the bottle and get the blue passport

8-show the horse the blue passport, get the pretzel from the pig, get the saw from the tool box

9-put the basket on the scale and receive a bowl, give the cat a silver coin and receive an orange, get the feather on top of the roof

10-use a silver coin to get gas in the empty bottle

11-give feather to the bird in the camp scene

12-use saw on the end of the pipe in the frog/monkey scene, put gas in tractor, get rope from bull scene

13-use a gold coin to raise the gate for beaver/fence scene

14-put pretzel on branch, then the teapot, use rope on fence near end of branch, and take back the pretzel

15-turn the wheel and get the id badge from beaver, use the badge to get to the bear's office

16-click the slot handle on the safe and click the blue rectangular button on bottom left, rotate the images to all raspberries, and open safe for a flashlight

17-let the timer on the safe run out, get the wires, banana, and the shovel (beaver/fence scene)

18-dig a ditch at open part of fence, fill bottle with water, fill the ditch with the water

19-put banana in bird's nest (pig scene), use flashlight on tractor and get the wrench

20-click wheel and place wrench under it to keep it in place (beaver/fence scene)

21-go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

You can put the orange on the card (the one you use to enter the bear's office).
Click and drag the orange onto the card. It turns your card orange and then you can pass the bull (far left gate), by showing the orange card to him.
To enter the bear's office again you'll have to wash the card, though.

       Anonymous  2/22/09, 6:35 PM  

-grab the broken birdhouse and red passport and show it to the goat on the right

*Note: gold and silver coins can be found in different scenes and can exchanged at the booth

2-get fruit basket, lighter, gold teapot, pineapple, bottle, and metal barrel

3-place birdhouse in the campfire site and light it

4-put metal barrel in stream to get water, put it over the fire, put fruit from basket in the barrel

5-put pineapple in the hat and get the horn from the panda bear

6-put horn over barrel, show red passport to the moose, fill the bottle with liquid drippling from the horn's mouthpiece

7-show red passport to the moose and give him the drink from the bottle and get the blue passport

8-show the horse the blue passport, get the pretzel from the pig, get the saw from the tool box

9-put the basket on the scale and receive a bowl, give the cat a silver coin and receive an orange, get the feather on top of the roof

10-use a silver coin to get gas in the empty bottle

11-give feather to the bird in the camp scene

12-use saw on the end of the pipe in the frog/monkey scene, put gas in tractor, get rope from bull scene

13-use a gold coin to raise the gate for beaver/fence scene

14-put pretzel on branch, then the teapot, use rope on fence near end of branch, and take back the pretzel

15-turn the wheel and get the id badge from beaver, use the badge to get to the bear's office

16-click the slot handle on the safe and click the blue rectangular button on bottom left, rotate the images to all raspberries, and open safe for a flashlight

17-let the timer on the safe run out, get the wires, banana, and the shovel (beaver/fence scene)

18-dig a ditch at open part of fence, fill bottle with water, fill the ditch with the water

19-put banana in bird's nest (pig scene), use flashlight on tractor and get the wrench

20-click wheel and place wrench under it to keep it in place (beaver/fence scene)

21-go to frog/monkey scene

22-use orange on badge and show it to the bull, get camera, take a picture of fox and wolf and fax it

23-rinse off badge, take picture of tower (pond/pipe scene), give picture to the bird, get handle (pond/pipe scene)

24-attach handle to generator and tractor

25-use badge to get into office and take light bulb, put bulb in lightpost on the fence

26-use the wires on the generator and click the handle

27-use orange on badge, show it to bull, put pipe and bowl over the phone

28-click both handles where horse and goat are

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doodoo piep is awerid name

I found a feather above the super market and gave it to the other blue crane, he flew back to the supermarket but that's where i'm stuck.

Just a question what was the fishing stick for then?

       Anonymous  9/28/09, 11:28 PM  

i need a full list of how to win this.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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