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Garlic Room Escape Walkthrough

Garlic Room Escape

Garlic Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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wow live game :-)

Yay! Live Game!... found odd puzzle

Hi all! Any ideas with the stones?

found a green and blue stone and a screwdriver

got two cabinets opened, yellow and red, have hammer and opened panel in the cabinet I opened with the red key

where did you found screwdriver, please?

Have found 5 garlics, blue,red and yellow keys,(used) hammer (used) knife (used) and 4 stones. stuck

for the bix with the puzzle - use flashlite at the book

for the box ... , sorry

the same here oakley

I have five garlics, a screwdriver and anything else. What to do now?

i found the screwdriver around the cabinet with the yellow keyhole...

Where is the green stone?

Where is the flashlight?

I discovered myself. Thanks anyway!

thx for screwdriver tip. opened panel in cupboard.

Hi all, just startin! I hope I didn't miss much

green stone is behind bed thing.

What do I do with the hammer???

And with the knife??????

hammer is for hitting the window in a cabinet and the knife is to cut down the calendar

knife - cut callendar
hammer - broke glass on the cupboard next to the door

What to do with the Otelo game?

Thanks, Jorge!! (where are u from? Jorge is not a common name in the English language, right? I'm from Argentina...)

I'm stuck... saw the Text clue behind the panel.. saw all the stones... have 5 garlic and nothing in my inventory. I also got a gray chip thing off the teddy bear and put it on the puzzle near the door... have no idea what it is or does.

hi everyone, started a few mins.
so far got
a blue key (used), screwdriver (used), a black coin???, a red key (used), a cutter (used), a flashlight, a yellow key (used), a hammer, a green stone, a yellow stone, a red stone, TEXT, 5 Garlic

teddy's right eye...

Juliana, I`m from Argentina too. From Mendoza.

i got 3 stones and a flashlight

Hi julianna, I am from Texas, US

...put in the "circle game" on the floor

what did u do with the bear

hmmm that board game has to have more to it.

used hammer on glass and got a blue stone.
used the black dot on "chess".

take his eye

Hi, tequilmes!! I'm from Buenos Aires!

Ok. I've got 5 garlics and nothing else on the inventory... Got the stones (all) and put the black chip on the game by the door...

Now WHAT??????

Red stone in calendar Juliana.

Sorry should have refreshed my comments first!

@ Alexis, click the left eye of the bear, then u got the black dot.

well? I've tried to see numbers on the stones, but no luck. help?

anyone..is there any use for the chessboard thing next to cabinet in door view? or the teddybear?

       Anonymous  3/31/09, 7:49 AM  

i think game on floor means to count triangles in each stone, but code isn't working for me

@ Nhiladred:

click on the teddy bear's eye. Use that black chip on the game on the floor...

take the teddybears right eye and put it on the chessboard

When I placed my black piece it made a triangle. Did anyone else place theirs differently?

The game is called Othello, not chess.

Stuck on doorcode. Bah.

I got a triangle too...

Actually there are 3 triangles...
One big black one, a small white one in the center of the black one and a medium one to the right. Any ideas?

Do you think that you have to count the triangles that are on the stones?

I can't find the knife?

thx Juliana and liza..and greenmama for the game name..u can learn something everyday

yes, but suppose not every triangle...

the code could also have something to do with the colors of each stone (the green "t" has two different colors)...

tried counting the number of triangles on the stones and came up with 5674 but it didn't work.

i got 5784 but didnt work...i think not every triangle should be counted. have to do with otello

       Anonymous  3/31/09, 7:56 AM  

Count the triangles on each colored stone and use the TEXT clue for the order

i've tried both colors and triangles, and even if the angles in the stones resembles some numbers ..and nothing worked out

didnt work

Oh! Got it, POP

The door code is driving me crazy!!!

recounted and got 5684 but still no go. Chiefritis were you able to get out by counting triangles?

Use the teddy eye on the game thing by the door. But I cant fint the knife..? Anyone?

there are 3 shades on every stone, light, dark and darkest...

and out/ does anybody need help?

Shimi, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Help us!!!

Sindre i don't remember exactly which one it was but you got it after finding and using a key. The blue one maybe?

Shimi - hint for the door code, please

what triangles to count?

look carefully at the text clue...

I got 5684 too. Hmm, I've counted and recounted about 20 times......

got it!

Sindre the knife is the cutter thing i guess, and Shimi yes please some help!!

ok now i counted dark triangles and got 2331 but that didn't work so i'm off to the light shaded triangles now...

I'm sorry, Shimi... Maybe I'm just too stupid but I don't get your clue... hehe

I've tried many different numbers. Can we get a little bit better clue?

       Anonymous  3/31/09, 8:05 AM  

6845 is the code for door :)

valentina, you need to count the triangles on the stones you found

not text..but exit

yes i know, but didnt got the right number, doing it again


Sindre, you will find the knife on the bed, just need to click the right spot

Thanks, Justme!!! =)

Now I can go and have lunch at peace... ha ha

See you all later!

Cant find the grey/black key or whatever I need

TY Justme!!!!!

TEXT=EXIT. Perfect end.

didnt realize that green T is actually I...out!

How did you get that justme? just by counting all of the triangles? I did that like 20 times?! Maybe I forgot how to add?

thank you for all the code hints, I'm finaly out

YAY! Out! Thanks.. I can make pasta with my garlic! LOL!

Thx Shimi, never thought that, tnx everyone for the hints

I love Sakura games.

OOOHH. exIt got it. grr...

Yea, can't find knife either

Ooh, now I understand. Thanks for the hints!

Damn that was a hard one. I'm eating pasta with garlic bread for dinner haha. But I didn't get the garlic part of this game...

       Anonymous  3/31/09, 8:15 AM  

you're welcome!

feeling so dumb.. only have 4 garlics, cannot find blue key or cutter..please help

I am silly and alone.. =(

nevermind.. find out -.- blue key on top of bed, click left upper part

i dont understand

oh, the TRIANGLES only!

omg this is so hard to figure out...!
"I" especially hated it!
am "I" too "T"ricky?

       Anonymous  7/24/09, 3:52 AM  

where is the blue key

cant find last garlicccc!!!?

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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