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Nevermore 3 Walkthrough

Nevermore 3

Nevermore 3 is the third episode of Nevermore , cute adventure game from 2dplay. Help Olek, our intrepid little hero, as he ventures deeper into the beautiful, wonderful world of Nevermore. He's looking for treasure don't you know - not just any kind - but the sort of treasure that will save his village! Left and right arrow keys to move and space bar to jump. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  3/24/09, 10:41 PM  

they moved it to their general game site....and then you can't find it...Oh well...

H3||0 @|| im gonna give it a try, hopely not to cheezy

game is working fine for me, to start we must click "moon" thing in the beginning


Hello everyone!

anyone? besides jumping up and down, what exactly is the object of this game?

I got inside the sky car and it started to move. I don't know how. I stood with the cat then stepped on the winding knobs and the car moved.

Oh you just have to face the way you want to go..duh

I got in the sky car below the cat, and moved to the right. Met a creature that invited me to explore the moors. Kept walking right, ventured down and left into a cave to get a green hat, then kept moving right. Jumping up and onto/over obstacles til I climbed up a screen (just after the two wood platforms, one with a rock on it) and got into a pipe. But can't seem to go far into it.

I am trying to go to those swirling white wormy things flying after the bridge scene.. Can't go there..

ok, after pipe I kept jumping platforms to move up another screen, and now I'm at the Upperlands. This is fun!

Myrie, you can get there. I think you have to jump into the tree to be able to jump down the other side.

RC how did you get a green hat?
how do you get things in this game?

okay, RC thanx, will try

I really have a hard time jumping to get on the logs. I haven't found anything

I am now at the scene with the rock monkey, the monkey eyes are blinking wildly!

whew! had one bad fall, but an finally at the upperlands..

I would like to know where to go after I go on the bridge after the monkey part.

to get the green hat, I think it was one of the first screens of the Field (to the right of the welcome creature). You came out on a hill with boards propping it up. Once I jumped off it, I went under it, and disappeared under the grass for a while, but it took me to a cave with a green hat. I just walked over it, and then I was wearing it. I don't know if it's important, cuz now in the Upperlands I'm trying to cross a gorge, but keep falling into a sewer, where I picked up a gas mask.

once you get past the part with the log platforms lifting you up, you'll see an up arrow. Just keep jumping up a few screens (you'll have to jump back and forth between on whatever you can) until you're on a cliff edge and you can walk right.

OHH gee! I was just trying to cross that sewer with the green hat.. so let me see if I can go and get it.
thanx.. I can see that sewer is a real challenge!!! the cat is waiting at the top..

I got the green hat too. In the beginning I went under a rock or something it had bars and someone was fishing.You can go further than the bars so you go past the weird weasle that hides. That where the hat is at.
Now I'm at the upperlands.

oops I meant withOUT the green hat,not with it..

Your right RC after you fall in to the sewer you get the gas mask. Now I am in some moss land.
This is a strange game

everytime I climb past that sewer thing, I cannot get out of the pipes to the other side.. if you do not fall you get stuck on the pipes.. I wonder what I have to do to get to the other side.. I have tried to get to the cat but that is when I fell.. I am leaving that cat alone..

In the house when you climb the stone steps all the way up you end up talking to a bird

after falling into the sewer and climbing back up about 8 times, I finally figured it out. Jumping your way past the sludge spitter is easy if you time it right, but on the next screen you can't get past the pipe. So you go back to the sludge spitter to climb up to the board above it. To get up there, you'd think you can jump on the board/lever that the cat is sitting on, but I kept falling off it. You gotta jump onto the top of the metal thing that comes down to the sludge spitter. From there, you can get onto the board. (hope that explains it)

       Anonymous  3/25/09, 12:40 AM  

that was fun and i am finished, took two hours to play, just find your way through the course, just some thinking to do. enjoy! need to go to bed it is 3:40 a.m. til tomorrow

Bye cathy.
@anyone did you have to go back to bumblebee to get glasses for the bird or should I continue

got the glasses at Bumblebeets, had to talk to the weasel... I managed not to fall down that sewer.. but on the way back to the bird in that house I have fallen several times..

I'm on my way back there now... (grrr.... gorge again!)

I am on the balcony of the "big bird's" home.. I am looking through a telescope..

@RC I feel the same so frustrating

grrrr! is right RC

hey, when you manage to survive and make it to the big bird's "roof" balcony stay on it go left and see the telescope, then go right, jump and look.. I see a big fat bird, and a woodpecker.. cute..

okay went back to bumblebees and got the glasses after I spoke with the bird.
It was easier climbing the pipe this time. I waited till it went down them jump and kept pressing jump and he did. I didn't fall this time. I gave the bird his glasses and now he sent me to the balcony. So I climbed the bookcase up and jumped.
So lets see what's next.

oooh, thanks Myrie, I missed that! I'll see if I can get back up there again. Now I got past the gate, went down and I'm looking for two guys...

I don't know what to do after I talk to the bird a second time and see the telescope. I can't pass

After you have spoken to the big bird in the house, the one you gave the eye glasses to, and seen what he wanted you to see through the zoescope, then explore to the right a bit, go back to the big bird and talk to him and he gives you further instructions.. okay..
He will open the bridge so you can go on, right...

cool, R C, we are in the same place now..

Done =) Rode out on the Purple Ghost. Love to help anyone having problems, but took longer that expected and gotta sleep =)

whew!! R C did you figure out how to climb to the rooftop, to fix what the two guys told us to fix?

I got back up to the telescope rooftop, kept jumping to the right, landed in a building, pulled a lever, got down, kept going right, and eventually fell back to where the two guys were. Climbed all the way back up to the telescope and am trying again. I've got to get better at jumping!

sucks!!! I pressed a wrong key on the computer and lost the game.. gotta start over..


@R C me too. I hate jumping don't know how to get to Mr. Gosher house or whatever

ack! Start all over?!?! I don't know that I would! This game is fun, but it can be tedious! I'm so sorry!

I found my way back down to the drawbridge (that's where I fell before). But right now I'm kind of stumped as to how to get it down. I know I need it, to cross at the right height for the next screen, but I have no idea yet...

believe it or not, the second time around as been super fast for me.. I am already at big bird's home

mishna, to get back up to Gosher's house (he's the one that needed the glasses), just get back to the big ladder you came down and keep jumping up. Once there, go back up to his roof, but this time go right instead of left. Then more jumping from platform, to roof, to platform, etc.

@RC how do you get to the dumb house. I can't get up to the white stairs.

have you spoken to the two guys yet? when you do, you go back to the left and you come to the stone tower. There's a big ladder that you came down, and there's some white stuff you walk through. Instead of walking through the white stuff, jump over it and you're on the ladder. Then just keep pressing space bar to jump up. Is that where you are?

@R C Okay did it. Got to the house and pressed a button opened the bridge down now I'll see what's next.
Thanks R C.

Now I am where I left off before, trying to get to Mr.Grocher's roof....

I`m in the mines, but can`t get the lights on, please help me. I don`t know what to do.

cool, I am in that house way up yonder :) got a blue hat on now..

gosh, what am I supposed to fix again? I forgot..
I still inside the little white house wearing my new blue hat..

@Dreammama I don't remember mines. Is that when you climb the oil pipe and then for in? If it is you just get a mask there and climb back out. look at post 29..if it's the pipes you are up to

greenmama, what mines? are you at the end of this game or the beginning of it?

Nevermind got the lights on, but now i`m stuck with the waterfall in the mine, help me please when all of you get here.

Yay! I've got the blue hat too, but now have no idea how to get into the mines. Or the toolshed, for that matter (or is that where I got the hat?)

Dreammama, I wish I could help but you're further than me. How did you get to the mines?

i made it to the door at the end i think, but now i don`t know how to open it.

@ R C. I don`t remember exactly, but you need to fix the bridge over the rooftops with the batterie you will find in the tool shed of those two creatures at the table.

went back to the big bird's home, went to his roof and back towards the right and jumped the broken roof and finally!!! got the battery, yey

@RC after the batterie from the tool shed which way do you go.

I made it trough the door, you have to light the bubbles in order.

Thank you! I had tried to jump that broken roof 5 times, and just figured it couldn't be done. Now I've got the battery, the miner's hat, and the drawbridge is down! Off to the mines to get my treasure!

I`m out, bye.

I'm in some old excavation place. Don't know how to move around yet.
@Dreammame is that where I need light?

mishna, make sure you get the miner's hat too (in the toolshed with battery), then fall through the toolshed, and jump back to where the drawbridge is.

Mishna, yes there is where you need it, when your in the greyish gap, jump up to the right, a door under you will open and you can go right just walk past a switch an the lights go on then walk all the way to your left and fall down

got some strange codes in the lowest region of the excavation site...

@R C got it thanks.
I am now in the excavation place I stepped on a stick and it open the fence I jumped through. I turned something on and found a yellow gem

what do I do with that water coming down inside the deep part of the excavation site.

@Dreamama did it. Not I'm at some waterfall.

Is there a way to figure out the order of the bubbles?

I am really deep in that excavation site, I knocked down a cart and kept going until I am met with a strange lever or rock wall, have no idea what to do..

Order of bubbles, first on the left, third, big one, second

have to go now bye all

@Dreamama Oh thankyou. I'm so sick of this game.

whew! thanx Dreammama, I am finally out to the next scene...

@Dreamama Thanks I'm finally out. Cute ending.
Thanks for the tip.

cute game...
Once you make it to the end, and see the bigger picture. I enjoyed it afterall..
hated falling down though..

let me go now... bye all.

bye Dreammama!

bye R C

@RC hope you are out.
Nice playing with you and thanks for you help also.

R C, I do hope you are out...
those little light balls in the depths of the excavation site were a bit challenging but Dreammama put the sequence here and it worked just fine..

good luck to all.

Bye now.

dreammama, thank you for the order of the bubbles! After all I'd been through, the trial and error was plucking my nerves!

Myrie and mishna, it was fun playing with you and I couldn't have done it without all your help, so thanks!

Believe it or not, the game was totally worth it. I loved the ending! And to think, this whole time the cat was actually a squirrel!

Good night all and thanks again!

How the heck do you do anything here? I got the hat, then what? I can go all the way to the right, until there's some water but absolutely no where to go. I can't jump high enough to get up there.

Gut stuck at the telescope. Can jump up and down, but that's it. ANNOYING

oggologgo, you can jump on smaller subjects first, like stones or tree branches and then rejump on the bigger ones
and I don't understand how to pass the place you reach after you get out of the white house. I got out of the white house than jumped over another white building and now I'm in the place where there is a log hanging above and a steep slope I have to climb on, in order to reach the log I have to jump to upper board, but I can't reach it, could anybody help me please?

how do you get in the pipe

give me a walkthrough please

fell into some kind of underground place. can't get anywhere. managed to turn on a light down there. but there is absolutely no where to go. just great. there is no way I am starting over. retard game

picture is way too dark. can't see sh1t in underground despite having turned brightness on my screen all the way up

Wow...if you can't figure out the game and don't like it, then close your browser and move on. No need to be nasty and childish.

hey, guys, I really don't understand how you managed to pass that place with log hanging above, please help!!

OK, just a hint to help others that are having a hard time jumping places (as I did till I found this out):
- If, instead of just hiting space, you HOLD space, the jump will be a LOT longer-lasting. So you hold space down while directing Olek (your character). That will get you places a lot easier!

Finally arrived at the bar

Okay, I'm at The Old Excavation, where there's a thought bubble saying "If only there was some light down here..." Now what? Looks like Dreammama gave some sort of instructions, but I didn't understand them. Anyone else know what to do now?

       Anonymous  3/25/09, 5:23 PM  

Koitus: You and I are in the same boat. You'd think the light on the mining helmet would be of use... but no such luck. Any progress? I'm completely stumped. Help from anyone would be MUCH appreciated!

Once you've gotten to the point where it says you need light, you're in a tunnel. Turn around (go back to the right) and come out of the tunnel, into the clearing. There's the tunnel above you (that you came in from), a black floating block next to it, and a platform higher up, then a platform on the right side. Jump across all of these, and the last platform on the right has a lever. Walk past it, and it will open a door below you. Jump back to the ground, walk right, and when you walk past the light switch, it'll turn on.


Click white ball.
Go right.
Get out and talk to birdie.
Right. At animal go left to take green hat??? I dont know why that is.
Go right. JUmp via stones over river. If, instead of just hitting space, you HOLD space, the jump will be a LOT longer-lasting. So you hold space down while directing Olek (your character). That will get you places a lot easier!
Via stone jumpin left tree than jump in right tree.
Via tree jump over wooden blocks.
By the balancing logs: jump on the bord, jump left on top, jump right, above logs and now with some timing, jump at right . Go up and jump ON pipe. Than left and right jump up and you are at Bumblebeets. Talk.
Jump over the two bridges. Not that difficult, for the second : right right left right.
Dont pass Moss gate. Jump the balcony and go up in the house and talk to 'weesel'
Back to Bumblebeets to collect glasses.
Give gasses to weesel, climb booksheves and jump to the left on roof. See through scoop on the left.
Back to weesel, back to scoop, back to weesel.
Down and ricgt to Mosstown. Talk to everyone.
Back to weesel, at tower jump ladder.
Jump on roof and go right this time.
You will fall trough roof , go left and click OK.Right, you see a bridge thas is open. Fall down and back to the roof of weesel. Right.
Now you must jump over the gap in the roof and get to the balcony. Go in and find helmet on the right and batterie on the left.
Fall down and jump to the right over roof.
Come at the bridge and change the brownie thing at the lower platform. Now you can cross bridge.
Jump your way to the right.
Go right you fall ddown, go left, no light !
Jump your way up to the right , there is a object with red lights, pass it and take yellow 'torch'.
Go left.
You fall down, there is a little platform from wich you jump up to the left. jump to turn on the light.
Go right and change switch. Go right. Obstacle. Go back left and put the lights out. Go right.
Fall into waterfall. Furtherdwown.
Obstacle, go back to the lights and jump left to the switch, machine will fall.
Right.Obstacle. Go 1 screen back and jump the lights off; Order of bubbles, first on the left, third, big one, secon, fourth.
Right.Jump over totem, R L R.
Climb on bird

I hope you dont fall down to much.

Where I say : jump your way up to the right : Use the black dots to jump on.

       Anonymous  3/26/09, 11:59 PM  
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       Anonymous  4/6/09, 11:07 AM  

Has anyone else gotten the bunny mask? cuz I did.

       Anonymous  5/2/09, 10:13 AM  

i cant get him to get up on the thing like in the picture above :(. i can get it to move, but i can't get him on it.

I'm stuck on the "order of the bubbles" - don't quite really understand. Is it the bubbles or the lights? Help! I'm so close to the end!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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