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Paradoxon Walkthrough


Paradoxon - The Flash Game a point and click type room escape game. "Solve the riddles to get the password for the computer, after that you can test your game and upload it. In this game you need to use your brain to solve 12 riddles. We even made a walkthrough, but only use it if you are really stuck. Remember, all the riddles have a solution, so don’t give up too early." Good luck and have fun!

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My own:(

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:25 PM  

Hi im here to help if i can...lol

Hi, wow looks quite hard

Live game?

Oh, yay! I've never played with anyone before, lmao

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:29 PM  

cant wait to play

Wow, this is complicated, lol

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:30 PM  

yay first live game

Yea this is my first live game too, and damn hard!!!

lmao what a lovely choice for our first. I'm trying to figure out the chess puzzle... no luck

Yea same this is very hard!!"What's now" is irritating me

Hi everyone. glad to find a live game!

Heyya, Dejavu! Maybe you'll be able to get this, lol

just starting

Sorry Taylor but I have no clue!!! looking at riddle 2 with all the "right" terms and cant seem to get anything figured out????

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:39 PM  

newbie here...the chessboard spells headache but don't know how to make it work

Same! I tried the rubix cubes as well, no luck!

OMG YOU WERE RIGHT luciebone! Type that in the pass box!

*boone I meant.

Can't figure out secret's though

riddle 5 "What's now?" the present? today??
riddle 4 probably spells headache because I'm getting one!! LOL

Anyone figure out anythign else?

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:42 PM  

i've tried using headache with P and S and nothing happens

wooh...lots of questions, no answers...

I put headache in the password box but do I push the P or S button??? nothing seems to be happening?

For the "right c..." right click

P button. It should add to your score thing.

What's now password is WRONG

He is the second but who is the first... this is confusing me! lol

for the riddle with the cubes the password is: passwordbox

using the same logic as password, the secret would be deafhead, but that doesnt work?

thanks freaky!

oh wait it did work

lol Andrew I got that one too ^^ The wrong thing, but you beat me to posting

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:49 PM  

chessboard - password is headache and then hit the "P" button - the code number changes

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:49 PM  

riddle 5 the password is....wrong

your welcome taylor, guess that was the only one that i could find out

Hi, all! I'm having a headache too! :)

i wanna good ole screwdriver!! even with the walkthrough cheats, my head hurts. i'm more visual, so i wait for the next one...good luck

Haha sorry Taylor...;), has anyone come up with the "X" riddle

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 4:51 PM  

what I really hate is this new method of posting a comment...it takes too long. I want the old way back.

I'm determined not to cheat on this. And no luck on X yet, lol

riddle 1 has something to do with the x's being letters but I still don't get it?

This is... weird. Kind of illogically logical, or the other way around...

i think im gonna wait for a walkthrough :)

In the X riddle, if you count up the number of letters you can type in the password box, its 26, and thats the same number of squares on the X,O box...you need to type the whole puzzle out to make X win but its hard!!!

On riddle 2, there's a word missing. Brown, on the wall, above bed. It's written "Right c...".

ok, got all the riddles. then typed # in computer. now I'm in room in computer and have collected the c button, an arrow and a blue paper with some computer code??? i am sooooo confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't get it, Andrew. Can you explain a bit?

Yeah, feline, right click. It gives you clues

Dejavu, please share your knowledge!

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:03 PM  

i'm with michele-with-pug. we need a screwdriver. or a key. or maybe a hammer.

there is a walkthrough, go to the menu and select it- but i still don't understand it!

glad to hear it lucieboone!

Right click? Where? If I right click on the play screen, all I get is a box with "settings" and "about adobe..."

Im not too sure if it's correct though im still trying to work it out

Oh, well it's supposed to come up as element, which is the password

Hi all:)

Answer to cube is toward.. if you look at letters in the positions mentioned.

I just used the walkthrough hints then typed the code number into the computer. Then you go into the computer game.

I'm in the computer!

I'm reading the walkthrough, but can't get the secret on riddle 1. Any hints?

Ok Taylor so you are with me. There is a blue paper that I think gives us the info to put into the computer to get to the internet but I can't figure it out.

Taylor how did you get the 'X' code?

X code was cheating and teaching. Had to cheat for it

ahhhh got the secret of the second riddle.. but dont know what it is in english

riddle1 with the x's and o's. each box is a letter of the alphabet. figure out the letters then mix them around to find a word. There are two possible words you can use for the password.

what is the element "H" called in the chemistry????

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       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:13 PM  

for riddle six, you can drag the letters from the top question. not sure what they spell yet

Gack... I had chemistry class today, and I still can't remember. Hydrogen maybe? Helium?

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:14 PM  

hello everyone, going to see if can catch up

OK, I gave up on the secrets and moved on to the computer. Let's see what happens now. :)

Me too Taylor but once I saw the clue it made sense. I did it anyway to make sure the answers were right. Any progress with the computer game?

It's hydrogen freaky!

YEAH! taylor thats right!!!

hydrogen for secret riddle 2

Nope, still stuck on the computer thing

secret for number six is secrets! i think

yep, it is!

I didnt get any of the secrets!! I suck!! LOL

@freaky, it's "hydrogen"! And it works!

Thanks Taylor for the only two secrets I now have...lol

Taylor, you're right! Secret for 6 is "secrets"! Lol! Thanks! How did you get to it? What about the computer?

I really dislike leeching on others, but I am missing some brain cells, so...

still stuck here in computer game with an arrow. the C key from keyboard and a blue paper and a note from the creator that confuses me.....

I have 4/6 secrets, trying to figure out the X puzzle secret

Taylor what is the answer to riddle 6, not secrets the normal riddle, And has anyone worked out the X's thing

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:23 PM  

i'm stuck with only 2 secrets and the computer is givin me a headache

guess thats the most stupid question ever, but where is riddle no. 6??? i just can find 5...

all I can do is put the arrow on the exit door.

I forget the answer, sorry Andrew >.< It may have been rategame. Riddle six is on the bulletin board freaky

I'm trying to figure out the secret for riddle 3 (rubix cube), but no luck so far.

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:25 PM  

taylor how did you get 4/6. what are they

omg thanks taylor, i was so blind

Andrew, riddle 6: "rategame".


I got the chessboard one, the right words one, the rubix cube one, and the numbers one. A few I had help on.

Chess: deafhead
Right words: hydrogen
Cube: towards
Numbers: secrets

Taylor, how did you get 4 secrets?

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:29 PM  

taylor how did you get 4/6. what are they

Ok, I'm still messing with the computer game. I put the arrow on the door then was trying to figure out what to do with the other things. thought maybe I needed to take them out of the game with me so I put the blue paper on the arrow and it disappeared?? The "C" wont go though. any thoughts?

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:29 PM  


Taylor, "towards" doesn't work on cube...

Thanks for the hint with the blue thing Dejavu.

Guess we're stuck at the same spot then.

Taylor, for cube secret is "toward", not "towards", but you got me there, so, thanks!

Click the exit arrow on the door!

And it might be toward then, feline ^^

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:32 PM  

whats the code for the computer?

After picking up CRTL button in the next set of rooms, combine it with C.

Oh! In the in computer game, put the arrow on the exit door, then the blue note on the arrow and click it (or the door)and you enter a new room!

Then put CRTL+C on the arrow, get new arrow

Put the new arrow on the new rooms door, you enter yet another room

Oh, Taylor, you got there before me! As usual...

Thanks taylor now I have the c and control buttons. Control button wont let me use it though?

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:35 PM  

Taylor.... Computor code?

the code for the computer is 757285

I got into some weird white room, picked up both left and right arrows, combined them to get a down arrow, put arrow on screen and clicked, it took me back to the rooms.

And out! Will stay if anyone needs help

I lost my key!

crap... got all the way to finding a key...hit the exit game by mistake!! aarrrggghhh!! Lost key!

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:38 PM  

757285 isn't working???????????????????

You'll get the key back once you get into the white room. See post 113 ^^

put key on door with 2 windows and get another arrow and OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoooo!!!

happypuguna the code for the comp is the score that u get from the codes

The code is the number of points you've scored, happypuguna

Taylor, clarify it for me, please! I get the key but don't know what to do with it. When I click it, it vanishes!

now back to how to get out of the REAL game???

Woo! Dejavu and I are both out now ^^

Oh, now I found the door and I am at the white room. Now what?

Well, yeah, that's posing a problem for me, too. The key will vanish feline, then you have to click the arrow on the door until you get into a white room. Take the right and left arrows used to navigate, combine them, place on screen and click ^^

Feline in the white room click the left and right arrows to get a down arrow and put it on the bottom of white screen.

Ok, thanks Taylor. I don't know how, but I'm out too! U-huuu!

Oh, no, I'm not...

ok Taylor now that we got out of the computer game how do we escape the actual room game??? Oh and I only have 3/6 secrets.

I have 4/6... I assume we have to get all the secrets.

What happened? I got to the white room, got the left and right arrows, combined them to get a down arrow, put the down arrow on screen, got another key, clicked the down arrow and it said "Congratulations!". I clicked the "exit game" and was sent back to the riddle room!

I am missing secrects 1,3,5?

Same thing happened to us, feline.

Riddle 3 is toward Dejavu

make that 1 & 5 just got 3

Ah! I'm sooo confused! Anyway, before I die from brain exhaustion, I would like to thank Taylor and Dejavu for the help so far.

So you're stuck in the same place as me Dejavu?

And glad to help feline ^^

Open computer.open game.pick up C on keyboard.
pick up arrow.
pick up blue paper.
go to new door.put arrow on door and put blue thing on arrow.go to new room pick up ctrl.combine ctrl and c .go back to 1st room and put ctrl+c on arrow and get new arrow.go into 2nd room then use new arrow to get into 3rd room.pick up key.go back into 2nd room and unlock door .then combine the 2 arrows and u finished computer game, now im stuck!

You are very welcome feline. Wish we could figure out the rest.. My brain is fried!!! LOL

If, after winning the computer game, we click "internet", there's something new on the top right corner, but I can't read it.

       Anonymous  3/30/09, 5:51 PM  

Oh no....i thought when i escaped the computer, that was the end of the game! There's more! Oy.

OMG... I figured out the internet icon thing on the computer!! whoo hoo!!! I still can't get out but at least I fiugred out something!!! LOL

Probably, we must upload something on the internet screen, but what? I've tried combos from the blue note (from game in game), but no luck so far...

What do you do Dejavu?

I have secrets for ridlles 2,3,4,6...

What have you done, Dejavu? I've uploaded something, too, but I guess it's not the same as you, or is it?

I have those as well, Andrew. And how do you upload?!

Ok, hopefully you wrote down the info on the blue paper...if not I have it.

Title: pardox (it's the name of the game you want to upload)
description: flash game.

Instructions: info from blue paper

catagory: escape game then it upload.


has to be typed exactly with no spaces.
still stuck in room though!! LOL

I've written "room6", then under it the description from the blue note "(root.room6.gotoAndStop();", then under it "exit". Now have a different screen. What about you, Dejavu?

Oh wait, nvm. Now stuck again

oops meant Hit upload!! lol

Is it "pardox" or "paradoxon"?

I got a screen that says Thanks for Playing and the creators info... then it says 'back'

I'm the same, Dejavu

sorry feline it's paradoxon..the name of the game we are playing. been a long and bad day for me and I guess my typing skills are suffering... lol

so...now what? need secrets 1 & 3 can anyone help?

You can type anything you want and it will show the same thing, i think we have to work out the secrets

Don't you mean 1 & 5? 3 is toward

Oh, it says exactly the same as my upload, so I think it makes no difference...

Andrew..you mean I did all that thinking for nothing??? LOL

I do think we need all the secrets to get out though.

I would like to find a padlock or some code box to type the "nono1013" or something...

I'd be happy with a screwdriver and a hammer and just take the door off it's hinges!!

Hahaha LOL sorry Dejavu, im gona admit something, this is a """""hard""""" Riddle!!!


oh no!!!! just clicked in the wrong spot and lost my whole game!!!! aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! cant do this again!!

Anyone out yet? Just teasing! I'm still stuck here!

went to menu and instructions since I'm not in my game anymore and it says "You don't need to complete the secret riddles. They just unlock something".. ???

OUCH Dejavu! >.< I'm stuck too!

Maybe the door? lol

I'm just thinking. we downloaded a game to the computer right? is there a new icon? maybe you have to play your own game again??? just a thought? figured I'll stick around anyway and see if I can help. and see if y'all ever get out!! lol

Im sure this is going to be the harderst room escape game ever.

Did anyone figure out what's written on the upper right corner of the internet screen?
Dejavu, don't leave us! We will help you get back to our stucking spot!

I don't see any new icons :(

I zoomed in, it just tells you you're logged in as Zsoca64, you have (forgetnumber) points and all that

Neither do I :(

Dejavu, no new icon shows up (I've played the in game again to check).


Gah. Frusteration, much? lol

Oh, thanks, Taylor. *Sigh*. My hope is dying!

Same here feline! It's so hard!

Taylor: Fudge-what? Are you allucinating?

Sorry, typo...

I'm sooo brain-dead here...

LMAO feline!

It's another word for a curse ;)

No, I'm not leaving. Just had to put my daughter to bed. She didn't want to go. It's been a bad day for us. Our dog passed away today and she's pretty upset..me too!! So she wanted to stay up so I had to actually take her up to bed tonight. but I'm back now!

Did you notice there's a list to the left? The scroll-like thing, left of "Code", on bottom.

Ahw, I'm sorry to hear that Dejavu.

And... nope lol

Oh, Dejavu, I'm so sorry about your dog! I'd be upset, too, if any of my pets passed away...

Oh, wait, the scroll. Yeah. Doesn't say much helpful stuff. Saw it in the beginning.

Taylor, to the left of "code". Maybe it's a hint or something?

The item 5 on the scroll is "test game", which we have done, but it's not checked.

ok. so I'm trying to catch up. thanks to all the notes I got all the passwords. Now just going thru the computer game again. I'll be with y'all in a few min.

It wasn't checked in the start, either, lol.

I'm loading the main page of the game on another window. Let's see if I find anything useful there...

Thanks for the kind words about my puppy. She'll be missed.

Ok so I got the computer part done. have nothing in inventory and didn't bother with the secrets since we don't need them. Now I'm lost. What "scroll" are y'all talking about?

Oh, good news, Dejavu! We'll wait for you! (Of course, since we are sooo stuck! Lol!)

Hi all!

Heyya Ruff!

Hi Taylor, I gotta work fast to catch up with you guys.

Oh! I found the secret for riddle 5!!! I did it!!! It's "*****"!!!

I think I'm all caught up.
I found the scroll. Thanks feline.

I think I'm caught back up...aren't I?

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