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Gotmail Prank Walkthrough

Gotmail Prank

Gotmail Prank is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Gotmail. In this game, you are locked in a room and you have to search the room for items to find the way of escape. Good luck and have fun! If you are not a member of Gotmail, to play this game you must register here Gotmail.jp

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Gotmail Prank Walkthrough by Xuemin:

1. click on the Window blinds couple times until the key fall out.
2. pick up the key to open the lock on the desk drawer
3. get the scissors in the drawer
4. use the scissors to open the box in the dresser near the sofa
5. take the cat out of the box, and cut the cat tail and get the battery
6. use the scissors to cut the wires behind the TV to get laptop charger.
7. go to the sofa, click on the sofa leg 1st(have to), then the remote will show up, get the remote from the back of the sofa, and click on the back again, the anther battery will fall out
8. go to bookshelf, put cat on where dictionary is and get dictionary
9. use dictionary to get PSP on the higher shelf on the wall
10.get the pepper from PSP and combine it with dictionary to get the password
11. use the password on the safer on the lower shelf on the wall to get mouse
12.put the batteries into the remote and select it, go to TV and turn it on, get the DVD
13.get the batteries back and put in the mouse, use mouse, DVD and charger on computer, to get files, use the password in file 1 to open the lock on the desk drawer
14. get the SM game card in the drawer
15. use the SM card and batteries on the PSP to get user name
16. get the batteries back and put in the mouse again to use laptop, open the second file and type the user name in cap to get he password for the door safer
17. open the door safer and get the door key, use key to open the door
18 out

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yay new game

cool new one!! trying to load and get in

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 9:35 PM  

hi mishna. I'm still trying to figure out how to get into the game

Gotmail game <3 We're being spoiled <3

I love gotmail!!

Guys, you have to register to Gotmail and then login on the Japanese page. That's how I got it working (lucky I remembered my pass...).

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 9:37 PM  

is this one of those we have to register for to play?

Oh!I need code.

Yay, it's out!!!

Time to play. Thanks GMail!

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 9:39 PM  

i'm a HUGE fan of the GOTMAIL games,
but i can never log into to play them!

why on earth would they do that to me?!

whoo hoo! game time

Hi everyone.
I'm in the gotmail website. Trying to get in too

hi e1..live?...hope so...

Crap...I meant Got Mail! Hahahaha

hello all

Now,got a key for the drawer

please register to play this game. check the registered link in the game description.

Wow...certainly is taking a while to load.

Just got in and started looking around. Great graphics. Only bad part is language barrier.

i forgot my password...but now loading...and loading

Found a key!

I've got a remote and one battery - anyone else find anything?

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 9:49 PM  

I tried to register using the link above and at the regular gotmail site address... it just says "*mail error!" when I enter my email address... :((((((((( I can't pway wit you all :((((((

Ok, got key, black cat, and battery.

Found a remote and a battery!

Shuchun is it the backroom register. I followed the link and that is where I end up.

Where was the key Catalyste? thought I had clicked everywhere!

Game is freezing on me :(

Nevermind - power of posting!!

Black cat?

Lot of work to go to just to play a game. Does this mean I am addicted to escape games? lol

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 9:53 PM  

and why am I zozkatz now instead of just zoz? is this some sort of parallel universe?

curtain for the key

In the box!

There is a battery in cat's tail

Black cat is in the box in the cabinet next to the sofa.

I can't find the remote.


remote. click the couch

Click the couch back

So I have two batteries and a remote.

The scissorscan cut a box ,the cat,tape behind the TV

Have an adapter.

after you register, you should got a notice mail from gotmail and then you can play the gotmail registered games.
load the game after you got the mail or you just try to load the game first.

My remote won't work on the TV? Anyone worked it out?
Plug the cord in the computer

@Catalyste ,me too.but the vedio said there is no power

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 10:00 PM  

oh, me, here I am up at 1 a.m. and I stumble upon a live game and I can't play! Oh, well, I guess worse things have happened. Have fun, everybody... I'm going to sleep now.

Unplug and then replug Black (top) and the White. Now you're able to turn on TV.

which line will lead me to the register one?
I ended up registering to a backdoor games thing..
I cannot find where to register

Adapter is for laptop!

Got a dvd

Myrie :check your new mail


I did but it let me to a renew password area of gotmail.
I keep ending up in some backdoor games section.. but the game Prank is not there

Have black plugged into top, white into bottom, can't turn on tv. And plug for computer won't work. Am I missing something?

Got dvd and put it in computer and stuck

DVD is in the player under the TV. Get power to it, then you can open it, remove the DVD and maybe put it somewhere else in the room :)

Myrie, just check your email and confirm. After that just come back here and click the link.

I turn on the TV and DVD then use ed remote then got DVD

Replace the Dictionary with the cat, and you'll get some code.

after input your new e-mail and password, click the link for the game in this page

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 10:08 PM  

How do you turn on the tv once you get the batteries on the remote?

Coffeenut - plug them in then press the power button on the TV

Put the DVD in the laptop

Cat takes the place of a book...

Ok, got power to computer. Was clicking in wrong place. Duh.

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 10:09 PM  

nvm. thank you!

Click on the red spot that's on the wood of the TV stand right above the DVD player. That's where I clicked to get power.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I think we need to get the batteries back, but I don't know what to do

but the code on lap top...mmm stuck!!!

Thanks thomasmum. Sometimes the easy ones stump me, always looking for the difficult lol.

mishna, just login to Got Mail and come back here and click the link.

got a mouse

Where do I click on the couch?

click at the back of couch

ling, just zoom the remote, click the bottom to turn it over, open back, and click batteries. They should come right out.

mmm anyone mmm where to use the code on laptop?

A mouse Henrique?

Throw the dictionary at the PSP looking thing (take batteries out of remote).

It took long enough and very very complicated gotmail website... too much of a hassle! but now I am loaded.

i think the mouse was in safe near the PSP

the math in computer is 108?


after you register, just click the link of "play this game" on EG24 ...
sorry so late to reply to you cause it's my lunch time.

im having trouble using the laptop any suggestions i have the mouse,its next to laptop.

Did anyone get the card from the top desk drawer yet? I don't know what to do with it.

@ Shuchun.Thanks shuchun. I'm in finally.

Ok...I obviously need an infrared device to use the mouse, because I can't use the laptop even when the mouse is selected.

chuck any hint on code for top drawer?

Catalyste, did you put the batteries in the mouse?

Put batteries in mouse then set it next to the laptop on the left

sorry i worked it out i needed to battery

great. enjoy this gotmail game. Nice game to play.

Nhiladred, use code from computer.

ive clicked all over the back of the couch, cant find remote!

restarted the game and cant find remote again in couch

Chuck, the code from computer? The math? I tried the answer for the desk drawer and it didn't work.

Cathy and Henrique - i think i clicked the cushions and they came forward to show the remote

Chuck - is the code 108?

thnx chuck, i wasn't clicking at the enter button...plop!!

put it in the psp to get another code for pc

Yes, 108 then click where it says enter and the light will turn green.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks Shuchun!

nope, have clicked every square inch of that couch, cushions arent moving and no sign of the remote. is there only the one view? this is so frustrating!! i dont normally struggle with these games

ta for trying to help thomasmum

oop, nvm, again I was clicking the wrong spot. Maybe I should shush now lol

Nevermind, I had to place the mouse next to the laptop (left of).

I was hitting the red button not the word!! Stupid me!!

Hi Xenon
thx for the help in another japanese game yesterday.

Out! Thanks Shuchun, that was a fun game.

108 wont work here and I can´t find remote and battery anymore from couch. A bug?

And out!

finally got remote!!

i put the code from psp but dont know what else to do, mm nothing happens...any hinit?

Same here thomasmum. Some reason that button just wouldn't click. lol

OUT!! Yippee - thanks for all the help

and out. good game thanx for all the help guys. i just think next time the person who locks me in a room should leave enough batteries for all devices.

Nhiladred, make sure you get the uppercase/lowercase correct.

i think you should get clue in your game not just input the 108---this is a game which need the correct order and you move on next step.

I cant get code to work on computer either (the one from the PSP).

you need first click on couch foot

enter code from psp and click continue

Was that it?

thanx coffeenut!! that was it

thx coffeenut...helped me out too!

No problem, guys. have to continue my lunch.

Np. I did the same thing.

Just remember to click "Enter" and not the red button on the top drawer.

It's sneeky like that.

can anybody tell me how can i register myself on tht link srry..i dont understand japanese..:(

happily out!!1 love gotmail games!!! thax for posting Shuchun

And out! YAY! Thanks for the help everyone. Now time for sleep or I'll be useless at work tomorrow.

gamegal, click link and when you click login, a new page will come up. at the top it says register now.

Thx Shuchun I was clickin the word instead the button now worked and I´m out,

gamegal, just click the pink button where a person would normally log in. Enter in your email address and click the button.

After you've gone through all that stuff, check your email to confirm. Make sure that you're logged into Got Mail, and come back here and click the link again.

what the code for the white box above the plant in living room

thank you Catalyst and Henrique
for your comments 59+60
I just saw them..
I have been playing the game now but did not link here. playing on that side with the comments page opened here..
worked out for this game.

No problem Myrie! :)

mishna, code for the white box is located in dictionary and PSP.

You have to throw the dictionary at the PSP in order to get it.

my laptap is opened (in the game) but how come I don't get a code from the laptop? I see three files there, one with letters on it..

ive got a word on the psp, but when i put it into the door nothing happens, its all upper case and ive tried upper and lower. nada

Cathy, when you get the code from the PSP, got back to the laptop and click the second file.

got the code from dictionary and psp but it is not opening my drawer...

nvm, didnt realise i needed to use password in computer. this game most definitely needed 2 sets of batteries!!!

but out, good game

Myrie, the code from the laptop is later on after you've figured out the math equation and entered it into the top drawer (make sure the click Enter and not the red button).

nvm that code was for another thing.. did not know I needed that mouse

my files in the laptop are useless.
@Catalyste my psp doesn't work I put batteries in it.
I did get a paper. It that what it is for?

Myrie, that's the code for the white box.

thanx Catalyste..
oh dear! a math equation!


thnks so much for the help finally i got registered ...:-)

mishna, you need the cartridge for the PSP.

It's located in the top drawer.

Go to the laptop and click the first file. Solve the math equation for the code.

OUT!Thanx everyone.bye :-)

Yay for gamegal!

Bye ling! :(

so the equation is the code for the top drawer?

@Catalyste I got it now. Thanks for your help.

@ mishna: no problem!

@ Myrie: yes.

(9x6) + (18x3) =

wow these people are really cheap on the batteries.

once I have the code for the door to exit do I need anything else. My code that I got from the PSP screen is not working on the door..

mishna, I totally agree!

Myrie, look at the PSP code again. It resembles the screen you get when you open the second file on the laptop. You have to open that file.

@catalyst I did everything and got masato...so why can't I get out?

Catalyste, I keep trying to type it into the laptop 2nd file but it is not doing anything.
Should it be capital letters?

MISATO is not the code for the door. It's the password for the second file.

Sorry, MASATO.

nevermind, yes, it should be capital... got the door code now

@Catalyste Oh:) lol

I am free!!! yippee!

Catalyst, thanx for sticking around to help.


Yeah it's all caps.

What I'm trying to figure out is...what's the prank here???

No problem guys! :)

This game, with all its "signing in" hassles ended up being a GREAT game...

LOL, Catalyste,
I guess the Prank is, we got locked in...

@Catalyst. Okay I'm out...
I think the prank is that you have to use the same batteries...those cheap-o's lol.

Thanks for you help Catalyst :)

We get locked in all the time! Lol

One day, someone is going to make an escape game that involved throwing a chair at the window and climbing down the fire escape!

What if there was a prank where you were so drunk that you locked yourself in the room and forgot that all you have to do is UNLOCK the door! lol

Bye.. catalyst see you in the next game.
thanks Shuchun for the game.

@catalyst. Good one lol. I would try the door first, I always do. I would be out.
There a new game called 6 rooms, I'm heading there

Yeah, that's where I'm headed!

The English login page for Gotmail is http://www.gotmail.jp/backroom/index_e.cgi

       Anonymous  3/18/09, 11:58 PM  

I love Gotmail's escape game,
the picture is great!!

Thanks Shuchun! Great game!! These guys really do some nice work.

how do i get the DVD.
i got to the point of turning on the tv.
batteries are in the remote.. can not get a DVD.
tv and dvd player turned on..

POP i got it!!

Found one battery on couch but can't find the other ..help please anyone

finally checked everything in inventory and found it ..thanks anyways

okay really stuck now can not find mouse.

Think I need a walkthrough besides not finding mouse can not even turn on computer...not sure what I am doing wrong ..help if anyone is still here. thanks


out so quickly.wish it was longer!!!!lovely game

ok i scrolled forever and no one mentioned where the mouse was, so here it is..
code from dictionary=code for white box on shelf which contains the mouse. don't forget to use batteries on it.

OUT with some hint help, but great game. wish GOTMAIL would consider having an English version of their games, I'd have so much more fun id i could read the comments and clues.....

wish I could get in to play.
I tried to register said it was an invalid address so then I tried to log in thinking maybe I had done it before and that didn't work . Course i can't read Japanese so I don't know what it is really asking for in each box and then what button to click.

Very good game. Nice graphics. OUT!!

Anyone care to write a walkthrough? I'm stuck...got the PSP, put batteries in it, but can't find the mouse, and the computer files aren't clickable...help?

The mouse is in white box. Enter code.

Thanx Cecepons...I knew that, but I never noticed until just now that I could put the dictionary code and the code on the piece of paper together in my inventory...so I just inferred the code from looking at both separately, and inferred wrongly, lol. Since I put in the right code, everything went smooth until the end...I'm out, yaaaaay!

Quote: "Lori said...

wish I could get in to play.
I tried to register said it was an invalid address so then I tried to log in thinking maybe I had done it before and that didn't work . Course i can't read Japanese so I don't know what it is really asking for in each box and then what button to click."
I've also the problem to get in the game. I log in but then I don't know which link I should click to start the game because of the japanese signs.

Where is the other piece of paper?


Ugh I cant read Jappanese how do I register??

How about a walk through for registration?



1. go to this page http://sns.gotmail.jp/
2. click the 2nd green button (with a key image), it brings you to a new page
3. enter your email in the "メールアドレス " box of the new page and click the button
4. go to your mailbox and open the email from Gotmail
5. click the link in the email it brings you to a password reset page
6. enter your password twice and click on the button to summit
7. go back to the page in step1 to login
8. once you are logged in, find your game

Prank walkthrough

1. click on the Window blinds couple times until the key fall out.
2. pick up the key to open the lock on the desk drawer
3. get the scissors in the drawer
4. use the scissors to open the box in the dresser near the sofa
5. take the cat out of the box, and cut the cat tail and get the battery
6. use the scissors to cut the wires behind the TV to get laptop charger.
7. go to the sofa, click on the sofa leg 1st(have to), then the remote will show up, get the remote from the back of the sofa, and click on the back again, the anther battery will fall out
8. go to bookshelf, put cat on where dictionary is and get dictionary
9. use dictionary to get PSP on the higher shelf on the wall
10.get the pepper from PSP and combine it with dictionary to get the password
11. use the password on the safer on the lower shelf on the wall to get mouse
12.put the batteries into the remote and select it, go to TV and turn it on, get the DVD
13.get the batteries back and put in the mouse, use mouse, DVD and charger on computer, to get files, use the password in file 1 to open the lock on the desk drawer
14. get the SM game card in the drawer
15. use the SM card and batteries on the PSP to get user name
16. get the batteries back and put in the mouse again to use laptop, open the second file and type the user name in cap to get he password for the door safer
17. open the door safer and get the door key, use key to open the door
18 out

To all those who have had trouble with the couch, i think you have to have clicked the foot of the couch ( front, right) befor the pillows move....

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