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Scappa Dal Bagno Di Walkthrough

Scappa Dal Bagno Di

Scappa Dal Bagno Di WalkthroughScappa Dal Bagno Di aka Escape From The Bath is another point and click type room escape game by Tony Stani. In this game, you have to search the bathroom to find items and some clues for solving puzzles and escaping from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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live game?

Ah. crappy game. :P

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:11 AM  


       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:16 AM  

If you click the end of the toilet brush, it turns into a screwdriver.


You can also open the lipstick.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:18 AM  

And the panel to unscrew is underneath the carpet.

Lift the bath mat and use the screwdriver.

with the screw driver you can open the panel under the carpet

Hello and bye bye. I´ll turn back later.

haha oops

Hi all, I'm with you!

Don't forget to flush the toilet.

hi all

got the shapes in the mirror!

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:21 AM  

When you cick the lights on the mirror, a sequence of shapes shows up.

flush the toilet and the key winds up under the rug in the place opened by the screwdriver

Figures on the mirror.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:23 AM  

alright!!!!a live one

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:24 AM  

Green circle in bath tub.

i cant get screwdriver to work,
is it click and drag or highlight,
either way I cant do either

So the colors are then: Green, Purple, Red, Yellow...

Triangle COULD also be black...

how do you open the lipstick? and where do you click to see the green circle?

ok, i get it now I dont have to do either just have the screwdriver means I can use it

Got it!

meme - just click the screws - they should just come out of the screwdriver is in your inventory

"I wanna be loved by you"

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:28 AM  

alright... I'm officially confused.

I got this dripping sponge out the tub. What to do?

What is WOLTY?

I'm gonna get me one of those toilet rolls. They don't run out!!!!

Marty, the sponge is a shape code you get from turning on the mirror lights in the right order.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:32 AM  

There are only four shapes, but five squares. >:(

Gottcha! Thxs Diana

One of the shapes has two colors...

panel under the bathrur. use screwdriver made from toiletbrush. unscrew panel, flush key down toilet. it comes out in the compartment under the panel. open panel by door. now stuck.

I cant do anything.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:35 AM  

Chanel No. "5". the fifth square is yellow.

When you get the shapes on the mirror, look around the room for those shapes and the corresponding colors (one shape has 2 colors), then put the colors in order in the panel next to the door.

not fair cant get in boooooooooooooooooooooooo

ok now number code for cabinet to get

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:37 AM  

Oh... thanks. :)

oooooo my god finally in with all of u, ty so much for all the help i have got from each and everyone. holla from new york

Code in desk.

Aha thnx Diana.

Oh boy Now got a new code under th toothbrush after doing the colour code by the door

my first live!! i'll try to catch up

How do you know what order to do the lights on the mirror?

first time posting ty all for everything u guys do and all the good time i had with all your comments.

hot water in sink Steams mirror. I wanna be loved by you!

Sorry back and forth here, haven't worked much on the code.

Any idea for the code?

Phoenix, click the first light and then another one. If they both stay on, you're on the right track, if one turns off, try a different sequence.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:41 AM  

Feeling kinda dumb... can't do the lights part.

still not getting the door code. help?

This is ridiculos, it's taking me forever to post today. Harrumph, bah humbug.

Any idea on the code yet?

Can someone help me with order of colors, the triangle is throwing me...

Triangle is the lipstick: red AND black

Sponge, Toothbrush, Lipstick, Lipstick, Perfume. That is the color order...

A good WC paper. Never finish.

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 9:45 AM  

Maybe the code is the number of times you had to push each square to get the colors?

wynjara, it's pretty easy, click one of them then another, if it goe out, start again and choose a second. Keep going until all lights are yellow.

how do you get the water from the sink hot.
can't see the symbols.

My lipstick was white and black.

Thank you Diana, i was putting in wrong order.

I googled the song and found that it was
written in 1928. but not working

The code is from the movie with Marilyn Monroe "Some like it Hot". The song in the mirror "I wanna be loved by you" is in the movie. The movie came out in 1959.

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Ahh, usually hate doing "research" for games. Thanks, butterflie!

thanks diana...I couldn't open the lipstick

My order for door was
circle line triangle square
triangle had two colours

Good call Butterflie!

My pleasure Diana-you've helped me more than you know in these games!

Birth and death dates for Norma Jean don't work either.

thanks butterflies, out now

Rambler- look at comment #69

Ahh, well done butterflie, just seen your post.

Boo boo be doo....

Hi all,
must be dense here.. I put in the colors in the right order (I guess: green / purple / black / red / yellow) but what is suppose to happen? It seems nothing...

Lis-if you have the right order the hot cold panel should light up and then go to the stink and turn the hot faucet on to see in the mirror from the steam

hmm, not the right order than!

i swear i tried all posibilities, but didn't work 'till now!

ty butterflie that work for me.

out, tnx all!

Thr other color for the triangle is not red. Look for another triangle when the lipstick is open

I can't get my lipstick to open! And i guess the color code won't work until i do. any specific place i have to click?

nvm. got it open and the color code completed.

thank you all! I'm out..sorry i didn't give any help but first time posting and my dauter is sik with flew

great game nice end SMACK

I can't find the colour code !
I've got :
- circle : green
- antislash : purple
- triangle : black and white (when the lipstick is opened). I've also tried white and black, of course.
- square : yellow

It doesn't work !

Pascale try green, purple,black, red, yellow (that worked for me)

I can't get that to work, let alone black/white and black/red or vice versa doesn't work.

sorry red, black

Thank you Tonia... but I should have said that I have already tried green, purple, black, red, yellow and green, purple, red, black, yellow and none of these works !

Tonia75, it doesn't work.

me neither greenmama

thank u tonia! got it!

Hi all, only got a white page?? where to start the game??

put green, purple, red, skip for now, then yellow. Go back and change the 4th one slowly, then it will eventually go.

strange..i did it again and it worked. did you take all the steps before that?

you have to play a little with the colors

help? it doesnt load, only white page and on top a yellow sign. did it start immediatly ??

Yep, I did, didn't work, didn't work, then I did the step in my #100 post, then it worked. I don't know what the 4th color was.

nothing sara your comments have helped me before many times

Try refreshing sue.

well bye bye from greece :-)

Finally, the colour code worked, I don't know exactly how... I clicked one more time on the 3rd or 4th square and it worked...

walk through plz

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:07 PM  

okay, got the color thing and made it say "i wanna be loved by you" on the mirror. any clue about the code on the cabinet thing??

       Anonymous  3/3/09, 2:13 PM  

oh and i think the color code was green, purple, red, black, yellow.

TY Butterflie!!! With all the search engines, I just didn't think the answer was going to be so easy to find!!!! lol! I should have known.....doh!

i give up, all the hints above not helping. put the colour codes in and nothing happens, nothing changes on the panel and the water isnt getting hot, well nothing is showing up on the mirror

dont like this one

just starting.....

G'day Michele, what's this one like? I just had some fun with AdventureX.

hey martin, i just finished that too. but I'm stuck here with the color code for the door. i got the colors but i can't get it open. and i can't open the lipstick. tony's games are sometimes buggy...

the above posts talk about it, but i have the right colors but it's not opening..

okay got it. i understand. since the fourth button starts out black, and the color for the fourth button is supposed to be black, you have to scroll through all the colors and then end up back at black to make it work

martin...where r u? ...:)

It wouldn't let me post :( I had to restart Opera. The lipstick colours I used were red and then scrolled through the next like you did Michele. Oh well, at least I was snogged by Marilyn.

lol! kool-----

Seems to be some confusion about the colour code. This is how it worked for me:

The symbols are:

circle, line, triangle, square

For me that would be

sponge, toothbrush, lipstick, toiletpaper


green, lilac, red, white

the fifth is the perfume (chanel no 5) which is yellow.

code is 1959
marilyn monroe-I wanna be loved by you

walkthrough please?

Solucion en español.

1 click en el centro de la taza del baño y luego presiona el boton que esta en la tapa al lado derecho, el agua del baño drenara junto con la llave. flecha izq.
2 click en el mango del cepillo para lavar el balo que esta a la izq. despues selccionalo del inventario y presiona debajo de la base del mango para que se convierta en desarmador.
3 presiona los focos del espejo para prenderlos todos en el siguiente orden y apareceran unas figuras geometricas: primero y segundo foco de lado izq. luego el tercero del lado derecho, luego primero y segundo del lado der. y a final el ultimo del lado izq. toma nota de las figuras para que busques los colores que les correspone( circulo-verde-esponja, diagonal-morado-cepillo de dientes, triangulo-rojo-lipstick, cuadrado-amarillo-perfume)
4 click a la drecha del tapete que esta en la tina de baño, luego toma el desarmador del inventario y quita los torillos, quita la placa y toma la llave.
5 usa la llave negra en el cadro que esta junto a la puerta al lado derecho, usa los colores de las figura del espejo (verde, morado, rojo, negro, amarillo)
6 abre la llave izq. del lava manos y con el vapor del agua en el espejo podras ver el nombre de una cancion de Madona (I wanna be loved by you) del año 1959, este es el codigo para abrir la puerta del mueble que esta a la der. del lava manos, toma la llave azul.
7 abre la puerta y veras la foto de Madona y con esto ya sales del cuarto de baño. SUERTE.....

great walkthrough just one problem don't speak spanish


I don't know about the game itself, because the link doesn't work for me, but the title is not spanish - it's italian. Different languages, from different countries...

Oh, now I see. Sorry @reddc! You were talking about the walkthrough... Shame on me!

feline you might just be right lol as maybe it is in italian the walkthrough, as it just looked like spanish but what do I know hehehe havent travelled much

       Anonymous  3/10/09, 5:15 AM  
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