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Diamond Escape Walkthrough

Diamond Escape

Diamond Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by 123bee.com A stolen diamond is hidden in the room and fortunately you have found out the place. You will have to take the diamond out from the room by executing the needed actions. Good luck and have fun!

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stuck, stuck, stuck!!!

@Dejavu , i did it too :) tried throwing everithing on it!!!

tried that too Dejavu,desperation made me do it rofl worth a try though

Riana, I seem to only be able to get back to first room in i go round till the opening is on my right then click once to the right, then down. did that make sense?


maybe there is a secret panel like in the first room? I've been clicking everywhere with no luck.

bored too, ....

@dejavu tried that too. dumb thinking, i know, but i even tried throwing the needle and keys, but nope.
and yes, im feelin better too

The folks at nordinho are stuck in same place but one of them said her floor is a different color? Not sure what she meant but my floor is light blue with the dark blue under the red ball.

@Dejavu: I think so. I tried it, but I still stay in room with red ball. If you press down arrow or left arrow, it looks the same, I am in the room with the window to my left then only.

@Dejavu TNX, it worked 4 me 2. i have a purple light on the floor in the 1st room as well

Feh. I'm wasting my morning on this.

I can't get back to the first room either

oh my god oh my god oh my god, i want to shoot myself! i as SO bored. Get my out of the room. Please!!!

Riana, I also noticed I can only get back when I am in the scene with the lights on the ceiling.

Did anyone notice that in that scene the light is shining on the floor on either side of the red ball? it almost looks like their is the outline or reflection of those two lights there. Could the light blue color be water?

i just hope the police will come to arrest my and get my out of this misery.

Dejavu, I see the refection too


Know what? While we have been spinning in circles, they posted two more new games? maybe we should try those and come back to this later?

one of the gamers on the other site said she is so frustrated she is trying to electocute herself and can't even get that right!! I feel her pain!! LOL

The room is a trap. the whole place is gonna explode! Get out of here as soon as possible. Leave nothing behind. I am serial!!!

wait, you actually can get back to first room dejavu??

Yip, this is getting REALLY frustrating!

the new games are another "smelly kitchen" game and Nobitas room 2. Think I'll go play the kitchen game, then come back and see if we've gotten anywhere.

thanks shellzbellz61878, got it!! to get to first room I just click to the middle lockers and back out

im off to the smelly kitchen escape...see you soon, hope you'll solve it by than

Yes Jinno but it doesnt seem to help.

My daughter forgot her lunch box, be back soon. Good luck!!!

im going too, see ya

aahh I see what you guys mean, now have the red ball in the middle of room and I too can not go back to old room!!

I can't back out of room with red ball :-( I tried all arrows, first right, then down, or double right then down, and left and down, etc. I AM STUCK! But anyway, doesn't seem like it's done anyone else any good being able to go back to first room

Red ball ? I can't see any red ball !

ok, i too will try this later, have to get some work done - aauggh good luck all, hope you figure it out!! bye bye for now

I don't understand why people keep speaking of several rooms with lockers ! As far as I know, there is only one room.

@bet: Cheers!

just popping back in to see how y'all are doing?

@ Pascale: There are two rooms, once u deactivated the camera, got access card, you can go into 2nd room (panel behind lockers)

I'm frustrated with the red ball

@ Dejavu: Still stuck in same place :-( I started the kitchen game, but it was a very pixelly pixel-hunt, so I came back here

I'm stuck in the room, how do you get back to the first one?

Riana, I just finished the kitchen game. going to try the other one now but I'll keep this open to see if we get anywhere here. Don't worry... I'm not leaving y'all hanging! :)

Thanks Dejavu! The more heads, the better! But like one guy in Nordinho said: 123Bee still up to standard, he was scared they got better and aren't buggy anymore. But we can all sigh a sigh of relief - no changes in sight

Nordinho also no further than we are

hi guys, has any body noticed that the 6 coloured lights appear to have both an 'on' and off' setting.
I've been trying to click in an order. But, perhaps we need to have certain lights on and others off?

Gah, I was hoping you all would have come up with something by now... I guess I'll have to start my actual work after all!

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:06 AM  

played for 90 mins now, no progress, I'm only getting frustrated

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:08 AM  

switching the lights doesn't work, tried all possibilities. Trying the other lockers now

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:08 AM  

My only thought are we have primary color and we have to mix the code somehow, and i have also tried the colors in the order of the rainbow, and i still have not figured out how to get back to the 1st room

ok and now out of nobitas room. pretty easy till the last code. how are we doing here?

Tried opening all lockers with first key, with needle, with second key. No luck. Tried all kinds of different combo's for coloured buttons (on and off, and in certain order). No luck. Getting back to first room = buggy. Some people can, others can't (on Nordinho also). Don't even know if it is necessary though. But will be very upset if it was necessary and I wasted all my time in this one room just because I am stuck there

looks like most of them gave up on nordinho too. We need the game creator to give us a hint so we can finsih this game!!

Most other creators jump in to give hints if they see we are really, irrevocably stuck, but 123BEE not. I don't think they've ever given any hints, as far as I can remember.

I couldn't get red ball no matter what buttons I pushed or how many times and was stuck in locker room, so i restarted - no change. Where is the red ball??

I think you are right Riana. Well I've been at this for 2 hours. I really have to get some housework done and get to the post office before noon so I think I'm going to give up on this one. It was fun spending my morning with you though!! Good luck if y'all decide to stick with it! See you later. ♥

Hi guys, im back.

zoz, you have to push the orange button only in the locker to get the red ball in center of room. Then you are stuck forever!! LOL

@ zoz: I opened the locker with the key, pressed all the buttons to on, when I backed out of button scene, red ball was there. It came out of the floor (the part that kept on changing colours) on a pedestal

Hey Kerenusha, I was just about to leave but it seems there are still a few brave folks here so maybe the housework can wait till later.....lol

ito get back into the 1st room you have to be able to see all three locker walls and then click really carefully, dead center of the down arrow.

Same here Dejavu. Have a nice day. Mine's already gone though. 17:20 here now. But at least it was fun talking to you guys

I'm still convined that the reflection f the lights is because that thing is filled with water and if we can drain it we can get to where the wires are and cut them to turn off the current... just can't figure out how to do that. Anyone got a bucket?

see you soon Dejavu

@Riana - thank you tytyty! I swear I had pushed all those buttons. Now I can be stuck with everyone else.

btw, I changed the way I post comments from AIM to Google and it's soooooo much easier and sooooo much faster

I'm back and I see we are all still stuck :(

awe shoot... I stay a bit longer!! LOL

really buggy, lost my needle, but still have blue key, wire snips, access card & fancy key.
Can't find anything new in 1st room though...

@Dejavu - thanks to you as well (just saw your hint) is it as hot in NC as it is in VA?

not odd for 123bee game Siouxzana. I still have my blue key. I'd lend it to you if I could. try going back to where you first found it. maybe it is back there agian. that happens sometimes with their games.

@zoz: YW! Not that it's going to help a lot - because after that there is nothing else to do

ah, that's sweet, it's good to share.
Wish the creator would share a clue!

i tried clicking the arrow exactly in the middle to get back into the first room. I'm just frustrating myself even more sigh

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:25 AM  

i would say the game is buggy, not very funny

your welcome Zoz, not that it helps any because now your stuck with us!! LOL

It's only 73 here right now but it was 91 yesterday. Spent the day on our boat on the lake. It was awesome!

Dejavu, yep, frustrating as this is, very difficult for us addicts just to up and leave, hey?

I finally got back to the first room I'll click around in here for awhile

Riana, I think we all need a meeting!! LOL do they have Escape Gamers Anonymous?

glad you finally got back in Julse...I couldnt find anything else there but maybe you will have better luck.

Hi. My name is Riana. I am an Escape Gamer... LOL


@juselhan, i'm clicking around first room too. there must be a pixel somewhere that someone hasnt hit yet

That picture in the first room is still bugging me too! It has to mean SOMETHING?? doesnt it?

notice something weird....that changed.
Went back into 1st room one time and there was a dark diamond on the floor. Just gone back in again and now there is a pink square there (like the one in the locker room but without the red ball)...glitch...I will explore.

lol, and Hi Riana and welcome to our dysfunctional family!

click, click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click.....

mine first room has a blue square on floor like the one under the red ball.

is everybody still here been playing this games not realising its still live im stuck with all of you

At least you guys make my day worthwhile! TY!

my floor (under the damn red ball) doesn't change colour...how did you do that?!?

still cant use the down arrow when looking at picture and briefcase in first room either. I bet that is where we need to go to get the electricity off.

Not like this stupid game!

ok i have been stuck in this room with yall for a while .. have played to other games 1st... is any1 still stuck here or have u all died from being confined for so long

@ Simona. It only changed colour before the red ball came out, not after

I think I'm alive...perhaps I died and my ghost just keeps on clicking.

we must have missed something in lst room.... but when restarted i could not find anything different.... r we trapped

just found this on the 123bee website. so maybe we wait till tomorrow?

Diamond Escape Walkthrough

Dear Viewers,

This game has got released just now!
The walkthrough related to this game will get uploaded within another twenty-four hours.
Until then have a great time playing this game!

ah, now, I've gone in and out of locker room a few times and I'm back to the black diamond on the floor in the first room again.

slowly withering away janee, slowly but surely, lol

my square in first room is purple, as is the one under the red ball. the purple square in first room stays in the same place on the screen no matter what view I take. Definitely buggy. Is that square even real or stuck from other room;

what are the yellow circles in the window, under the camera?? hint maybe?

I think it's prob just a glitch...boo hoo!

those cirlce seem to be in another room. Would be nice if i could break the freaking glass!!!

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:36 AM  

so I see you all found out so thanks for all the hints :)

I've tried everything. I've taken a good chunk of time up trying every color combination I can think of

So we have to wait a whole day for a hint?
Forget it!

i still can't get back to first room, and i will NOT start over! @ zoz, like the name change of the creators - real fitting!

woe bee gone!

no one is out qute.. still stuck where we were when you left.

123bug says "Until then have a great time playing this game!"
F*!*ing Sadists!!!

i guess that may be the whole idea.. we win if we wait 24hrs for rescue

second name change: Even better!

i think we are destined to be stuck in this room forever lol

Riana, you have to point in just the right spot, in the middle of the arrow. Quite a pixel hunt.

ROFLMAO @ zoz... I think I'm done

I've stopped trying to do something, I'm just chatting away now. Tired of clicking the same places over and over and over and ...

wooehoeeeeeeee a new game guys!

Good bye everybody. see u in 24 hours :)

does any1 have a match..... we could get fireman to come the will break windows & walls to us out

Well, i hate to admit defeat but whe it comes to 123bee you sometimes have to. Have a great day everyone and I'll check back here tomorrow. If they put up a walkthrough I'll post it here tomorrow morning. I have 15 min to get to the post office or my package wont get out quick enough. Have fun!! Bye! ♥

Well another new game has posted... goin to play it.... c yall when i get back

I just accidentally clicked out of the game - my computer is clearly trying to tell me something. CUL8R every1. I'll come back tomorrow (maybe you'll all still be here?)

@julselhan: Thanx, but still nothing. I've zoomed my page to 200%, clicked the bottom middle, middle middle, and top middle of the arrow, still nothing :-(

ttfn guys...good luck

Yep, I'm done also. See you 2morrow! Have a good day/night everyone! Been great playing with you!

im done too ill try again later see if anybody has got any further bye all :)

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 8:48 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

I'm sure a glitch will come to light tomorrow when creators post the walkthrough. Won't be surprised if that's the problem

BTW they posted another new game

playing the compound for awhile see ya.

If I do a close up from the ball and back up into the first room then my diamond is in the floor of the first room but if I do a turn in the second room and then go back to the first room I havce the colored square in the middle of the room....if that makes any sense..just an obsevation..not sure if it maens anything

Im back... this is funny 330 post & still not escape... lol

Dear Viewers,

This game has got released just now!
The walkthrough related to this game will get uploaded within another twenty-four hours.
Until then have a great time playing this game!

this is what 123bee tell us, so maybe guys , U know we should keep clicking till then...
BTW its my first post here after been stucking with u for 2 hrs, And I thought maybe If I post , then Power of posting help us , I mean someone clever here , not me ... @.@

After mooving loker what is the code to enter the 2nd room PLEASE I can't read it on the card

you don't need a code just put a the key card on the panel

Is anyone still playing?

Just came to have a look-see. Everyone still stuck awww. @Pitxun: You don't have to put in a code, just put card on top of panel, and it will open

I will have to check back tonight or tomorrow on this one, it's just taking too long. Bye

Thanks Riana !

stuck with you ...

but I wonder why in suitcase and diamond picture vieuw (first room) the down arrow doesn't work ... Well surely and arrow that would be active at the end of game or one of famous bug 123buggy.

is it still live? i try to catch up....

yes Riana, we still stuck, But guess what , After all that time, I think I strat like the Music :D

i think im stuck a little bit earlier than you all...

i got the needle, openend the case and got stripper. put the diamonds to the right colour, got key and killed camera. now i have the card and dont know what to do next, to get into the other rooms - help!?

@amg.... right side if bookcase and it will slide

oops thats "click" on right side of bookcase and it will slide

@ kitlat: thank you...

ok, do i have my needle now on EVERY door???

left side suitcase > a needle to open suitcase..
in suitcase > a wirestripper.
Drawers vieuw... look the wall ... above the middle line near ceiling there is a code box with three diamonds... my code was Red Green blue... take the key.
zoom next to camera... there a trap .. open with the key.
Use wirestripper to turn off camera (cut two wires).
Use needle on drawers .. the second from bottom right.
Take card.
Click somewhere at the right bottom of drawers case. It moves and reveals a code pad. put the card in front of the pad.
The wall opens... go in second room.
Many drawers..
First note color sequences. Take the key on the floor in the left corner. turn left and open the second drawer in the last column of this left wall of drawers..
A color pad. Input your color sequence.. a ball appears in middle of this second room..

There we are stuck..

SORRY BAD ENGLISH;;; but hope it helps those who come in now.

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 9:59 AM  

Just a thought, but I don't have time to waste on it. It seems that any sequence you enter for the colors, you get the red ball. Perhaps this is not right. There may be a color sequence that doesn't cause the ball to come up, or it comes up without the forcefield.

ok, thank you grenadine. im stuck where you are.

i pushed green red blue yellow purple and the ball appeared.


and i can leave the room without problems

sorry wrong .... i cant leave the rooms...

okay i figured this out if the box on the floor is blue and you push the blue button while it is lit uop blue the red ball comes up same for every color

to leave the room ... In the vieuw where you see the three walls, click a bit at the right in the arrow bar.. that works for me .. but ...yep... it is tricky and sometimes the colored square follows in the first room.. it's a bug..

Well I meant : to leave the SECOND room ... In the vieuw where you see the three walls, click a bit at the right in the BOTTOM arrow bar..

Very stuck so I have time to correct my comment. LOL;;

Now I have to prepare dinner.. my family is hungry...

Bye and gook luck to brave escapers.

Definitely a bug. I've clicked every single pixel of the back arrow to get out of second room, but NOTHING. Still stuck in 2nd room

i give up - this seems to be end- and useless...

Wow, just put my kid in bed and thought to check the game again. Can't believe nobody got out yet! Hmmm, probably not worth trying right now then...

@Riana... Read #153, Gre-nadine tell what exactley you should do, It work

Been playing for ages, stuck with everyone else and only just realised I'm on a live game!!!!

@Gre-nadine & Sarah: TY TY TY TY !!!! I've tried clicking on every single pixel of the arrow, but did not want to work. If you click about 0.25cm to the right of the arrow in the arrow bar, it works!! Whoo-hoo!!

im back to try again

@keldos, still a waste of time. Not even one step closer to escaping than 2 hours ago. Now I'm gonna put off my computer and go read my book and go to sleep! Will see what 123Bee posted in their walkthrough, and hope for the best

Any word from nordinho, or 123bug?

Nordinho just as stuck as we are - 123BUG no walkthrough posted yet

Yep.. I got 2 minutes before my dinner is ready so I take a look here ... and ... nothing new..
I would have a good book too, Riana, and read quietly.. lol..

Well tomorrow creators of the game will give walkthrough... phew.

Goodnight all of you.

whoa, The Compound was pretty challenging and long, but at least there were no bugs and we got out!
@Sarah, if you're starting to like the music I think it's time you looked into that Gamers Anonymous Riana was talking about. you could say "hi my name is sarah and i'm addicted to Game Music"


Hi from over at Nordinho.net - I keep checking here to see if anyone has got any further, at least we're all stuck together :)

i have found a number on the access card, but don't know what to do with it...


Well i just read the last 50 or so comments, not sure if i even want to get into this game. Although it seems that everyone is still pretty much at the beginning, just got into a room with a ball.

how did you get that anat? just zoomed in on the card?

yea just zoomed on it...

I tried going back and punching it into the panel where we swiped the card but nothing happened. Although I'm not sure if i was pushing the correct numbers because its not laid out like a normal number pad. I can't zoom in when i right click for some reason. Have you tried it yet?

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 12:57 PM  

Hrm I pressed the order of the colors that the floor was flashing when I first went in the room and the ball came up. I think it comes up no matter what, and to remove the force field involves pushing the right code in.

Been playing for 1½ hours now.
Stuck with everyone else. Tried all lockers, and all colorcodes. Nothing...
BTW it's 22:05 here in Denmark...

If you zoom in really close to the keypad where we used the card you can make out the numbers but nothing happens when you push them

In the zoomed view where you found the key,
drag and drop the key under the door of the locker.
Then you can break the key.

Maybe we have to activate/deactivate the keypad somehow???
Also tried to put together red/blue wires from cam-panel with all items, but.............nothing.

AHA!!! Then you can open another locker. Oh my God, progress.

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 1:30 PM  

broken key opens door in the middle screen, middle row, second from the left

Get a piece of wood and with it get the key in the electric field. Woohoo.

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 1:31 PM  

oh man, I'm out

Julie, what did the key in the electric field open? I can't find it.

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 1:33 PM  

new key opens a drawer on the right side (don't remember which one) get switches, then a puzzle on the red ball. I think you can figure it out from there!

xenon you're the best!!!

After break the key, I got to open a new draw and get a wooden chest, with this wooden chest you can take the key behind the red ball. Open another draw and turn off 3 switches. Solve the puzzle and get out !!!ufa....

I'M OUT!!! Wow. What a colossal waste of time. I can't believe it took so long for so many people to figure out. Unbelievable.

One of the toughest 123bee games I've ever played...

Out! tnx Xenon!

came back to see if there was any progress and there is thanks xenon im eventually out what a tough game

xenon youre a genius.. got a precious escape after that... YESSSSS!!! at last i can sleep good tonight XD

OMG xenon thanks so much! OUT finally!

Did I escape from this room ??? YEAHSSSSSS !!!! I do !!!

TY Xenon for break key hint !!!!
(comment 376 - 176 on this page).

Now I can sleep. GOODNIGHT.

Help. Which draw does it open to get the puzzle? Is it in the first room or the ones on the wall?

OMG this has been live for 10 hours!!!!!

Thanks xenon and others. Finally out. Couldn't have done it without you. :)

       Anonymous  4/27/09, 4:23 PM  

Xenon is the best in those games. 3 hours played, nearly 400 posts and everything we needed was Xenon. Well done!!!


Go right and zoom on toolbox. Take IRON NEEDLE behind box and open box with needle.
Find secret box ABOVE, at the right of cupboard, in the middle.
Put diamants red green blue and take KEY.
Find box right of camera, open with key and cut the wires.
Open in the zoomed cupboard (the right, second from ground) locker with iron needle.
At the right of cupboard, remove cupboard.
Use Card on keypad. Go in.
In the left corner there is a KEY.
Go left and use key on the locker (fourth column, second row)
Put in a colour sequence and go out.
Red ball appears with key.
Now go to the place where yopu found the key and use under the door of the locker. You'll get a broken KEY.
Take it, zoom out and use key on drawer (second row second colomn) Take WOOD.
With wood take the KEY next to red ball.
Go right and open locker (third row, third column). Change the three switches.
Now do the puzzle on the red ball.
It should look like a diamant.
Panel opens and take new diamant.

i opened the panel and dialed to colored button combination but i can't turn back again:( my ball is red and floor too how can i go to first room and escpe this game :D

wow, glad I came back and Xenon you are awesome.
Tosca thanks for the walkthrough. made it easier for me to get back where I was when I left. can't believe this game stayed live for 10 hours!!!

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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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