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Escape Geek's Room Walkthrough

Escape Geek's Room

Escape Geek's Room is another new point and click type room escape game by juegosdeescape.net. Finally, you have a date! However... you are a geek, and as such you spend most of the time locked in your room with your precious geek stuff. You already forgot how to get out of the room. Solve geek misteries, search the room for geek objects and geek clues in order to escape your geek room. Good luck and have fun!

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Ah nice!


Link isn't working.

Hey all, I'm with ya!

im stuck.. haha typical
i have a battery hammer zen and a screwdriver with no handle

yep. link is down.

found a CD used it now have a knife

Hmm, my link won't work either.

used the knife.. got a key

when I used the CD I got a screwdriver without a handle

hmm found a phone.. used the battery.. after that i was able to use the hammer..
now to figure out what to do with what i found.

Finally a simple room escape game.

hiii everyonee hope #u havin fun, just wonderin if this game is live?,

oh live game and I have to leave!!

Yep! It's still live

my name is Alice so I should be able to follow the white rabbit..lol

Have hammer, screwdriver w/o handle, and follow the white rabbit. Something in wall, but don't know how to get it

KEY is the key...


woohooo live game, link wasn't working but is working now!

use hammer on wall

I have a phone but no battery... helpppp

"key is the key" sounds like it should be something to do with the keyboard, but clicking everywhere & no joy

how do you use the hammer?

battery is on the shelf next to robocop

hi everyone!!i dont exactly know where to follow the white rabbit...
have screwdriver without handle,cd and hammer

battery on shelf with models

hey geeks!

link is working fine!!

Darren you are on the right track. Sound.

okay, and stuck with screwdriver, hammer, knife, zen and thing in wall

Found the screwdriver(left speakers) but not the handle, anybody ??(and yes i used the CD),lol
Liv, I think battery was in the bin, not sure though..

>greenmama, just realised you must be talking about the thing behind the mesh, cant use hammer there, its for another part

Ok, found that out, which wall do I use the hammer?

where's the phone?

I found handle on side of bookcase zoom in hit with hammer or screwdriver panel opens

ooh key in right bunny ear, use the knife

just click and panel opens but cant figure out how to put handle on screwdriver

well i have a phone that doesn't work. from the previous comments it seems there are a lot of people in this situation?

Thanx "a", guess I'll have to restart as my hammer is gone...:(

thank you, Jasedman...i found it

my hammer is gone?

panel won't open for me, where exactly do I hit and where's the cd?

and where's knife?

no, saintj u can do it with the screwdriver..

What to do with screwdriver? (click on handle and then put the screw thing on top)

thnx a..took me awhile to find right pixel...my hammer got stuck but i clicked around to make it go back to my inventory
still do not know where on wall to use hammer

hmm, can't get my to join either a.

knife is on desk next to computer

I dont think you need hammer to open it. its on the right side near front at bottom of book case.
cd is green in cd rack by computer

CD is in the CD-rack, the bright yellow CD-cover.

and i have a blank spot where my hammer used to be.

u have to zoom in on the bookcase a little on the left side on the bottom.. just keep on clicking ;)

on the side of the book case, click the lower left

alimax, somehow open the handle, then the screwdriver part

highlight the screwdriver handle so its on screen, then drag the driver to it

i mean on the right side, but on the right side and then left bottom, lol

need an access code? I thought it might be "key" but not working for me.

what do we do with screwdriver?

finally got handle attached to screwdriver you have to highlight handle but it never popped up and then for some reason it did.

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 8:49 AM  

I lost my hammer when I hit the darth vader poster, but i then clicked on poster and it fell.

oh no! now its trivia! time to google!

Anything for the code?

Finally..got proper screwdriver, thanx all!!
nxt question.., lol: how to get the blue thingy behind the grid???

you have to double click on bottom left corner of object to zoom in
i got knife after putting cd in pc

hello? What can i do now i finally have a screwdriver?

screwdriver is for the grid on the wall, I put it on the left, keep trying, it took me a couple times

I'm out! I'm a tried and true geek!

access code
follow the white rabbit
the key is the key
luke I am your father

what does this mean?

use the key to open the wardrobe.Then there is a message on a T shirt hanging there

key is key, song by Nirvana?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anyone got some Glue?

I can't make the screwdriver handle stick.


Greenmama, nice one, worked first time. put the point about halfway down on the left hand side of the grid

Do tell Alimax how you escaped.

thanks greenmama..
I had it the first try after i read ur post.. I thought i tried it already, power of posting huh!
Now the code, i tried 539 for key, and 5533999 for key on cellphone and KEY and key...

knife is to cut ear of rabbit not pillow

who was the first programmer alimax

I'm out by using Google!

ok, so the weird sayings just lead you around the room. eventually you get "key is the key" and when you insert the pen drive it asks you for a code. Spell out KEY on a phone and those numbers are the code.

ada lovelace

I tried that alimax.. that's 539 right?

thanks I was trying to type in key.

oh, make sure you click enter on the keyboard.

oh oops, i had it right.. but i clicked away.. i didn't see the next :S

Where exactly is the knife? I have used my CD and cannot find the knife. Help?

Typed in God as first programer but it wasn't right but he was wasn't he. LOL

Ha! Got it!

Linda B Knife is in the jar on the table in the opening scene

fibonacci is next

Stick it in the rabbits ear lol

i don't understand the question with the particle or strings vibration, whats the answer?

thanks alimax...tried lady lovelace, but it didn't like that

Particle vibration: boson

It's "boson"

Ali!! whats the number for the particle/string vibration?? lost my question and so cant check google anymore.. :o(

what is it? :P

"Most famous cube ever"???

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 9:04 AM  

i've typed in fibonacci, Fibonacci, and Leonardo de Pisa and it won't take any. what am i missing? I'm using the enter key on the screen...

@ LindaB
"There's no spoon" :)

I'm glad you're having fun with the game.

and out!!google really helps for the final questions

I can't input the answers... after the first programmer... I just keep getting the blank screen (in game computer).. with "Next" at the bottom.

What am I missing? or just more glitches?

@ zoz
it's the year he died.. 1250

@zoz: you need to type in the year of death of Leonardo de Pisa.

Its the year of his death but still searching for date.

you have to click on the screen carib beano..

Whats the most famous cube?

without google, i don't think we'd have had a chance. cheers guys, my first live one, and great fun!

Thanks for "boson" (number...lol)
I thought for the cube it was rubik's cube..must be wrong..

Thanks Noa LIsa


It is proven I Am Not A Geek. Have no idea what third question means :{

yeah i tried that.. and rubiks cube and rubikscube, but it must be something else.. something even more geeky?

type rubik
what's the next one, wolverine's skeleton?

sorry saintj, didn't mean to leave ya hanging. I went and played another game real quick. Glad you got the answer.

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 9:09 AM  

now I can't get back to the computer screen or pick up the flash drive. too buggy and I've got guests coming over any minute and the house is a mess so... good luck all, have fun, thanks for the help, i'll catch you on another game!

its just rubik

Most famous cube ever Ice is not the answer :}

rubik's doesn't work for me Darren!?!?!

thanks darren.. finally out.. but no geek ;)

admantium won't work

rubik's is correct

these are the answers i remember:
ada lovelace

it's really not that buggy zoz, i think the usbstick is in your inventory again.. but have fun with your guests :D bye


adamantium is for wolverine's skeleton

sorry, adamantium

adamantium is the last answer

No probs Ali :o), still thanks for getting back to me !!!!

Wolverine: adamantium

Well thank you all for your help.
Still would be googling with out you.
Have a good one.

oops -- for Rubik's just type RUBIK only

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 9:15 AM  

ok, I couldn't give up. I just had to pick up the flash drive from my inventory, even though it was onscreen in front of computer. Now, I am OFFICIALLY A GEEK! Like anyone needed proof of that?

Thanks ALL!
cu on the nxt one :o)

i'm out. thanks.

Finally... am out.

am I last?
(after discovering it first?)

Yah boo sucks!


Seriously though thanks for the tips
( and listening to me moan about the glitchy stuff that took ages reclicking and reclicking).

how do you put the cd into the computer? are you zoomed in?

Updated version: now without the hammer bug.

Yeah, i´m out too, but i don´t find the cellphone.
Where is it, please?

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 11:32 AM  

i've tried every pixel beside computer.i cannot find the knife.please help!

Onesteanca - in the cup next to the computer

Where is the hammer? And the phone?

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 12:59 PM  

how do you get the memory stick out from behind the grill thing?

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 1:48 PM  

nvm found out how.

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 2:08 PM  

I've restarted five times. I get the hammer, CD (used), knife, screwdriver (no handle), battery and that's it. I can't use anything. I can zoom in on the bookcase but can't get it open. I can't cut the rabbit's ear. Unless it's a pixel hunt and I'm just not hitting the right one, this game is riddled with bugs. I'm out of here.

I'm with rittenden. I This game has too many bugs.


no matter how much i try, i can't get that damned panel open...
so i think i'll have to quit.

yes, I'm with you guys, can't get the panel open, could somebody tell us exactly where the spot is?
@rittenden: I think you have to do things in the right order to make them work....
ph, anyway, this game is too pixely, not really my taste!!

       Anonymous  4/16/09, 4:17 PM  

Okay, I've compiled this walkthrough from all the hints everyone gave, with hopefully a bit more detail on where to find some of the pixel issues. Hope it helps!


1. click on top of trash bin to view inside. collect hammer. notice spoon in cup on desk, and blue item behind grid. go right.

2. click on left speaker to move covering, then click on upper speaker to get screwdriver w/o handle.

3. click on bright spot in CDs, about 1/3 of the way up in the column closest to the wall. collect CD and put in white computer on desk. screen says "there is no spoon."

4. click on action figures to zoom in on shelf. collect battery from atop the post in center of shelf. go right.

5. if you look closely at bookshelf, you'll see a dark square near the bottom on the side. click on it, and it should zoom in on the bottom corner. look closely again and you'll notice a light rectangle on the side, if you follow the bottom line on the front around, it lines up pretty well. click on this to open it and collect the screwdriver handle.

6. click on the dark grey square around the handle to view it, then drag the screwdriver to it to put it together. go right.

7. click the back right corner of the bed (closest to wall) and click on the white piece underneath to collect "Zen." Click the button in the middle to show message "Follow the white rabbit." go right.

8. notice that the spoon in the cup has shifted and is not a spoon, but a knife. collect it.

9. use the screwdriver on the left side of the grid to collect the pendrive. go left.

10. use the knife on the right ear of the white rabbit poster to collect a key. go left.

11. use key on closet door and open to show hanging t-shirts. click on the shirts and one will move out which says "Luke, I'm your father." go right.

12. click on the "Darth Tater" poster and it will fall to the floor. use hammer on broken wall and collect cellphone.

13. with phone viewed, drag the battery to it and it will turn on. click on the screen envelope to show message "KEY is the key." go right.

14. drag pendrive to computer, and it will zoom in on the computer screen. type in the access code (539, or KEY on a phone), and use the enter key on the game's computer keyboard to enter it. click on next to advance to the questions. to input answers, you must click answer, then click on the screen so you have a "text bar". type in the answer, then click next for the next question.

15. who was the first programmer in history? - ada lovelace

16. year of death of the mathematician who named (click continue) this numbers: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... - 1250

17. particle or string's vibration patern that has an integer spin. - boson

18. the most famous cube ever... - rubik

19. what's Wolverine's skeleton made of? - adamantium

20. Congratulations! You've unloced the door!! Click on the door to open and you're out!!

Happy Gaming!

still live???

It does have bugs. The knife sticks to the cursor and it is very difficult to take it back. It doesn't work on the ear of the bunny while it is stuck on the cursor... the way it works is just by dragging it to the ear. It was a pain in the ass. Not nice :/

link does work

Hey all - just a heads up. Picked up Conficker.e while playing this game. May not have anything to do with the game at all. Just wanted to warn everyone. McAfee Stinger will remove the virus, but I had to download it to a flash drive on a different computer to get it on here. It blocks access to security websites.

been clicking near bookshelf for ages but cannot find screwdriver handle?

cant get the screwdriver handle !!!!! >:Z

does anyone knows where it is? EXACTLY WHERE IT IS!!!


hate pixel hunt!!!

im quiting!!1

tnxt guys!

if you think this is cool
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some day angel
will rule ecape games 24!!
help me rule!!

tee hee, kinda funny....

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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