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G-Sensor - Boo's Hotel Walkthrough

G-Sensor - Boo's Hotel

G Sensor - Boo's Hotel is a new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Hilg, who is also creator of Sensor and Wizard Taro game series. In this game, again you are locked in a hotel and you try to escape the hotel by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!
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the 2 and the five seem to be made of arrows and are opposites of each other. fits with the idea of symbols that mean open and closed. by the way, stuck with picture and beer mug like everybody else.......

janee318 Oh thanks xD

im gonna restart... mayb we did something out of sequence

nice to see u all
what's up inreal life?

yqw Miri... hurry up & get where e1 else is... mayb u can figure it out

I think we are all stuck on the same point again. And I have a terrible headache.

so thats the code for bathroom:
8x6x2 = 1296
and you get a... silver thing

Miri, thanks a lot, now, I've got the second part for the device near the tall cabinet !

but, whats now with this picture?! o.o

How lucky, still live the game. Anyone noticed that the symbol above the door of the toilet changes. When the door is closed, the symbol is red, when the door is opened, the symbol is blue.

I'm about to cry...all alone in this room and no clue to get out...

Miri, I don't know... I've even tried to put the photo in the bowl of the toilet...

how did u pick up tea cup and guet picture?

Els I think those are 2 different symbols,one into the bathroom and one above the bathroom door...but still don't know what it means...

when u look at wardrobe/cupboard thingy and try and look up it says 'lets make it turn and a state of a photo

pascale i have tried this too..
so now i have to know how to block the hole in toilet..

looked at the picture & the screen i see no differences. too bad the toilet doesnt have water or i would drown my self.....

Miri close the seat... that blocks the toilet.. lets u stand on it

Miri, I think that blocking the hole of the toilet is only a matter of closing the cover to stand up on it and access the panel with the code.

i got it. follow the arrow pattern of the 2 and the 5 in the foto. open and close the wardrobe doors in that order and something happens...

janee318 thanks i didnt think about that..

brian more explain pleeeaase

brian can u explain!!

what brian??? tried the pattern & it doesnt work

i think the finale of the game is a reference to how much time we waste playing. very cute and fun game....

does someone know the code for the hanging yellow box in bathroom ?
(sorry my english is clearly very bad today... this game use my brain at 95% so it lefts not much more .. but hope I'm understanded). ahem..

Brian please help

brian how do i do that?

open the cabinet doors in the order of the "arrow" that forms the 2 in the picture. close them in the order of the arrow that forms the 5.

brian if cupboard is numbered
whats the order?

Gre-nadine... read post #120

not easy to explain. the line stroke of each number terminates in an "arrow point." do the pattern starting at the other end.

briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan don't go away...explain pleaseeeeeee (I'm going crazy!!!)

gre-nadine did you see the red and white cups clue in the closet?
it is another code for tv after you put in the code you get a clue.
After that put fork under the tv on white spot and turn light switch on you get a code.
And this code you have to use it with the tv clue you get.
And that is the bathroom code.

OOOO somthing did happen but what for

Thx for photo hint Brian, took 2 tries but am out now. Great game,great graphics, well done creators.

I've done it brian, now the doors are locked, huh?!

malfi - i don't know that part. i finished the game and can't see the picture anymore. i think the 2 might be 6 8 7 5 4 3 2 1. the five should be done similarly.

oh sorry :D im out!

Brian or Silver - did you open with the 5 shape and close with the 2 shape?


open the doors following the 2 and close them following the 5. Brian you ROCK!!! OPEN: 68754213 CLOSE: 42135687

yes am out!

Also out. Really nice game! Thanks for posting, and thanks for all the hints.

after the cabinet trick, look up.

Brian, you're brilliant ! (-:
Anyway, I'm not out : the cupboards doors won't open anymore, but nothing has been opened.

look at photo and follow 2 towards the arrow point, then do the same with the 5, the rest is easy after that :d

Thanks Brian, you're brilliant!

i have been playing these games for a while and always appreciate the help on the board. this was my first post and am glad i could contribute.
i guess i have wasted enough time on this fun to be able to figure something out!

Now, I'm out ! I liked this game !

and out yeah, ty brian

@ janee .. well I did it .. I read post 120...a half hour ago

My bathroom is opened, but there is a yellow code box hanging in the bathroom... it is this code I need... or maybe it is just the same code... but 1296 doesn't give reaction on this yellow code box ..

oh no.. i'm not out..
if i look over the cupboard i can see that the wall opens behind me, but when i want to go to this wall.. theres nothing!

see you all again in 2 hours when a new game is posted!

yeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!out!open following the 2 shape and close with 5,then click the cabinet and the secret panel opens...

Use something from inventory in the wall opening above cupboard, then all will make sense :d

thank you e1... i will stay around to help any1 who needs it for a few

open the secret panel above , take lever for toilet and ouT!!!!!!!!!!

ty brian
but dont get a congratulation message!
is there somthing wrong

OMG I am out!!!

Brian is ace, joslokin is brill thanx evryone fab game i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Keep going youcef, just a couple more steps and you will be free

@ Feminin21 ... I did all that you say. But that is to open bathroom and my bathroom is opened ...
what is supposed to do this yellow box ?

Nothing happens...

WOW! Great game. Thanks Brian and SilverBrumby!!! That was fun.

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 6:47 AM  

where's the green bottle?

Gre- u need to put the fork on the light under the tv & also put the code for the teacups in the tv it will give u a weird screen with zigzags & xxx = . u will be able to put ur code in box at that time... click under the #s once u put them in & it should open

SilverBrumby I got a white screen and clicking dont chage anything

In last cupboard to open under tv Justme.

Read through all above posts, all hints are there to complete this game :d

can someone please help me find the 3rd bottle I have red and blue and one with battery in

I'm out, but still had 3 empty spaces in my inventory (spaces 2, 3 and 4).

@justme bottles,, behind plant, in wardrobe, behind chair, & 1 in cabinet

Drats youcef :s, hope game hasn't frozen on you.

After entering code for cupboard, 2 and 5, step back then look up, click space above cupboard, this should zoom into it, good luck.

Ruth 3rd bottle inthe last door u open

3 empty spaces ar where the color bottles were before placing into the box.

Ok Janee and feminine.. I did all that you say a long time ago... and you know what ? That didn't seem to work because I just didn't click the box itself after input code into it...
Now... I'm confused... I got my five...

Anyway... thanks thanks thanks...

@ ruth get magnet from window thing.. (red & white thing). turn bottle with battery in it sideways put magnet on bottom & get battery out. put batterys in remote. turn on tv then start placing codes from window. 1st one is on yellow glass i think

Nearly midnight here, so must away, good luck all, everythig you need is in above posts.


SilverBrumby I did all that and use the object in bathroom and then...... all become white... am I dead?

Ah...thanks SilverBrumby...I can relax in the knowledge that I have indeed completed it now! Lol

Omg, finally Thank You Bryan..Great game, Thanks Megipoland..

I feel so dump but for the life of me I can't find that @#@# last bottle... Thats I I need

youcef.. when i put the lever on & flushed it moved the toilet & gave me a secret passage under it

Oops,sorry, meant Brian...

The green bottle is in the cabinet under TV far right.

well its no question to reload I will postule am out...
yessssssssssssssss am out thanx to u all guys

@ruth.. it is in the far right cabinet looking at tv.. u have to enter codes in tv to open those

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 6:59 AM  

been reading posts, but dont see anything about how to get into last cupboard. hmmmm....feeling a bit dumb today. lol

All the answers are posted along the way... gl 2 all who enter.. I will stay for only a few more minutes then im out of here...

janee318: not for me but nevermind.. thnx
and hope seeng u in a next game

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 7:02 AM  

I inserted the 2 and five shapes to the orange box, pressed a button and got a photo of the scene, but don't know what to do with it. Can anyone help?

Has anyone made any sense of the two red and blue signs above the bathroom door (inside and out)?

@Justme.. look @ the window click curtain then it will u can knock over glass.. it gives u another code

@Korianteri... open the wardrobe following the 2 arrow then close the wardrobe in the 5 arrow sequenses.. it will change the wardrobe handles

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is every1 getting out now... i would hate to leave if som1 is still stuck

any1 else need help look at all the post... mayb yall wont be here as long as we were when it started... hagd e1 & gl2a

Duh, I still don't get the order to click the door of the cabinet :( please help?

I'm (of course) Still stuck with ward robe code .. doesn't seem to work.

I click the door in a right order but nothing happens.

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 7:14 AM  

it wont let me do anything

Ok I understand ... NOt to get out of zoom vieuw after opening doors following 2 ... only close all doors of cabinet and then open doors following 5.

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 7:17 AM  

nvm reloaded page and it's working [=

ahem... my comment 302 (this page 102) doesn't work more.

Oh Yeah, BTW, Thank You juslookin for simplifing::

juslokin said...

open the doors following the 2 and close them following the 5. Brian you ROCK!!! OPEN: 68754213 CLOSE: 42135687

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 7:23 AM  

thx getting thru it now :)

and finally ... TADAAA ...OUT !!!!

Thanks for Help!!!!!!!!!

finally out. :]

And a great thanks to Megipoland for this game !!!!!!!

A walkthrough??? im not going to read all this 309 comments!

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 7:47 AM  

where is the third bottle to open bathroom door?

help I'm stuck in the toilets

where is the 5

Is this still live? after all these comments must be a tough 1 just waiting for it to load.

ok so i clicked the start or go button at the begining and now have a white screen.

refreshed now its working

HELP!!!!! please.............. i can not enter the last code to get in to the cupbored to get the last bottle :( how fo you open the window in the picture?? please help befor i pull out all my hair

nevermind i forgot the key

according to nordinho you must click the tall cabinet doors in order of the arrow shapes

it worked.

The panel above the cabinet opened where you will place mug which open again and you will get lever for toilet.

correction on my comment about arrows. the arrow shapes are on the postcard.

im out woo hoo nice little game


@ Megi
thx for posting Hilg's game which is one of my favorite authors.

just a little...

yeah, joepie, let's play

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 9:09 AM  

still stuck with last code and cant input the code into yellow box. Pic in bathroom is now turned down after taking screw out. Need help now and my brain is tired. lol

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 9:09 AM  

slowly getting thru last bit. lol

haha flush! and out...

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 9:22 AM  

finally out! lol

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 9:23 AM  

thanks all! :)

is any body playing this game stil, r we all in the bathroom stuck.

I am Out!!!

I am playing, but must reloading

Hi, @alkmar!

I need help! I have read all comments and I am stuck with a pitcher and a Picture card. Haven't a clue what to do with it...

omg, thank u everybody for the hints left on the board, i went shoping came back and i read the hints, i am finally outtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt of the toilet. THANK U ALL .

How'd you do it Darikamanee? What do I do with the pitcher and picture?

Teejay, have you already opened and closed the wardrobe doors?

still live?

im out - so if there are questions...

hi feline, good to see (read) you! by the way, Ilike your walkthroughs very much!!! (read comment escape hotel) But I am sorry I have to quit because husband and kids and myself are hungry... and after dinner I have a little work to do. Try later in the evening. Good luck and maybe you can help Teejay! See you!!

im working on a walkthrough...

You mean the cabinets? Yes, they're closed. I have a beer pitcher and a card/piture. I got the card picture after I put the thingy from the bathroom cabinet in the yellow box beside the cabinet.

@amg, that's good, since I don't think I'm writing any more walkthroughs anymore...

Teejay, try opening and closing the wardrobe doors. Open them according to the 2 shape, then close according to the 5 shape.

@alkmar, thanks for the support!

Guess I'm ignorant cause I can't make heads nor tails outta the number symbols.

Teejay, there are 8 doors on the wardrobe. Think of each door as a corner of the numbers.

where is remonte controll???

I'm still here and stil trying...My head hurts.
Thanks Feline for all your help...

@ tee: im still on my walkthrough - its a little work... i will post the first part now.

Angel, remote control is in top left door of wardobe (needs to zoom in).

Teejay, you're welcome! I'm still here to help.


first we take all stuff we can get without solving puzzles...

click on chair => zoom to chair
click on sitting-pillow => take battery
click behind chair => take blue bottle
zoom out twice

turn right, you see a big cabinet, click on it
open all doors
take golden Z from bottom right
take bottle with battery from middle left
zoom in upper shelf an take remote
close all doors

zoom out and turn right
zoom on flowers and take srewdriver
zoom out and turn right

open grey doors
take magnet
close doors and zoom out again

now it becomes a little more difficult:

turn left (look to tv)
to switch on the tv, we need a remote. the remote needs the batteries, but one of them is in a bottle. we need to get it out of the bottle:

take a look at the bottle with the battery. click once on the bottle. then use magnet on bottom of the bottle. the magnet now should fix the battery in the middle of the bottom. click the bottle once again. click the magnet. the battery falls down through the bottle and you can take it now.
take a look at the remote. click at the bottom of the remote. it turns then. click again at the bottom. it opens. now use batteries on remote.

no we've got everything to open the cabinet under the tv:

1. door:

turn right (to the view with the grey door in the wall)
and open the door. zoom in and you see the following glasses:

red red empty
red empty empty
yellow empty red

go back to the tv use remote on tv and switch on the numbers corresponding to the red wine-glasses:


the first left door of the cabinet should be open now. take the magnifying glass and the beer mug.

2. door

turn right and open the grey door again. zoom in again. you can see a yellow glas with numbers on it. use the magnifying glass on it. you get the numbers


go back to the tv, use remote on it and switch on the numbers


the second left door should be open now. take cable and hammer.

3. door

you wont believe it, but you have to go back to grey door and open it. zoom in again twice and because this time there are no numbers on the yellow glas use the hammer on it. it falls down. zoom out and zoom in again. you see the numbers


go back to the tv, use remote on it and type in


and the third door should be open. take key and fork

4. door

and what would you gess?

go back to the grey door on the wall and open it. zoom in twice and use the key on the window. the window opens but you cants get through. so zoom out again. and zoom in again on the table. and you get the numbers:


so go back to the tv and put them in. the 4. door opens and you get the green bottle. there you see red and white cups on shelfs. you have to remember where the red ones are placed. you will need it later.

... 2. part is at work ....

Angel, Ithink it's top left, maybe second top left...

Does it make a sound or something when you do it right? Thanks for the walkthrough amg. Gotta a feelin I'm going to need it for the last part!


now you zoom out and recognize the books on the very right of the cabinet. zoom in and click on the red book. theres a hint.

zoom in under the tv and zoom in white circle (its a light) put fork on the light. then take a look at the right. there is a switch. use it.

8936 is written down. remember it, you will need it later.

switch on the tv a last time with the remote and switch on the numbers of the red cups


some yellow signs appear on the sreen. it is a mathematic formel.

? x ? x ? x ? = code

8 x 9 x 3 x 6 = 1296

you will need the code later!


zoom out and turn right. have a look behind the plant you will find there the last of three bottles (i forgot to mention it in the first part of the walkthrough). zoom out again and turn right, so you can see the door. click on the white box next to the door. there are three wholes. there you have to put the bottles. but you have to put them upside down. so first you have to look at each of them, clock it once and then use it with the right colour. the bootles now show you some numbers


and under each bottle there is a 0. you cant change the 0 into another number because electricity is missing. so click next to the white box. and use the cable with the socket. the zoom out. and switch every 0 to the number that is above it. when you did it correct, there should be a light under each bottle.

result: the door is open! but still you cant escape, becuse its only the bathroom.

lets go on.

zoom the door once. but dont click on the door, but have a look upside to get another hint. then go down again and open the door. go inside and close the closet, so you can walk on it to get upside.

have a look at the picture. take a look at the middle right frame. you find sth, but i dont know what... no problem, just forget it, but i think you must have seen it by some reason... then take a look at the left upper edge of the frame. there is a screw where you use your srewdriver.

zoom out again and go up. put in the code


open the box and get the silver 5.

zoom back to the picture and click on it. then zoom out and go back to the main room

... 3. part will follow ...

I went back and read comment #105 Thanks everyone. I guess I really should read posts more closely...Duh


turn right twice (to the big cabinet) zoom in and click on the orange box next to it.

put in the golden 2 and the silver five and youll get a photo. zoom out, so you can see the doory of the cabinet.

now take a look at the photo. the numbers are not just numbers but arrows which show you how to open and close the doors of the cabinet.

to explain the correct order, i numbered the doors like that:


first open them like the golden 2 shows:


then close them like the silver 5 shows:


the cabinet now is locked.

zoom out and click above the cabinet. the wall will open and you put the beer mug in the whole. the wall cloeses and you click again an it. the wall opens again and you get something white.

go back to the bathroom.

looking at the toilet you see a little grey point in the right of it. click there and you zoom in. use the white thing you fount above the cabinet on the grey pin. and notice that it is a handle.

use it and youre free.

sorry for my english, i hope one can understand it.

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thx guys :D

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 11:05 AM  

Awesome game! Once again, THANK YOU Megi!!!

Thank you, Megipoland; another first class game! Gorgeous graphics, mostly logical and no serious pixel-hunting! There is no congratulation screen, but the sense of achievement when I actually got out (with some help from our friends here for finding bottles, I might add) was more than enough. I loved the logical puzzles - which seemed a little stretched at times, but with a little imagination added, the logic was still there.
This game really gives one's brain a good work-out.
I will say to the people who complain of things not working, you must complete tasks from previous puzzles before you can enter new codes, etc., so this is not a game for lazy players who simply want to input codes from walkthroughs without finding stuff themselves! =)

This game and H20 escape are so far my favourite games this year!
Megipoland, and yalcin, thanks! =)

Thank you amg. You saved my sanity today. Your English was fine. I could understand all of it.

woah weird and hard. thanks for the walkthrough!

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 12:39 PM  

Man, I can't get my remote to work the tv. I have two batteries in it and the red light is on. What am I missing? I highlight the remote and press the numbers. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks a lot for the walkthrough, I could not do it with all your help, thanks everybody!

in bathroom unscrew picture and turned it but can't input numbers, so what am I doing wrong??

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I got stuck with the bathroom .... when you get the wave pattern on the TV you then look below, turn on the light and put the fork on the light....you get the numbers to calculate the bathroom code.

Comment 118 push button of where red cups r ?I no see button

Found how to get the toilet handle on:


Is anyone still here?

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 11:55 PM  

what code do I have to imput in the bathrooms menu?

       Anonymous  4/11/09, 11:58 PM  

it was 1296...calculated from the x x x x = think that you see when you turn on the light with the fork over it

Finally had a chance to play this game. It was very nice. Thanks Megi! And amg. hope to see you live in the next one!

picture: open cupboard doors in the order of silver shape and close them in the order of the gold shape, the handle turn into a ladder
mug: after climbing the ladder, insert the mug into handle to open the compartment, find a lever
lever: put on side of toilet and flush to escape

Once you have the photo, open the cabinet doors in order following the 2, then close the doors in order following the 5. That will open the wall above cabinet. Insert beer mug, take key

       Anonymous  4/13/09, 2:51 PM  

just went through again and read your walkthrough, amg. Perfection!

       Anonymous  4/13/09, 5:28 PM  

help...idk where the second battery is??

Picture=path to open and close cabinet doors. Open following a path like a "2", close following a path like a "5". Handles will change position. Zoom out, click above cabinet a secret panel opens. Place Jug. take lever, place on toilet, flush and out

All my hard work went down the tubes....LOL I had to say it

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1: get red bottle from behind the plant

2: screwdriver from the flower pot left of TV

3:turn to the 8 door cabinet and open the top left one to get the remote, middle left for the bottle with Battery and bottom right for the first symbol (2)

4: turn to the green couch, lift the cushion and take battery 2, lower the cushion and click on the back to get blue bottle.

5: Now turn to the green panel on the wall, open it and look at the picture carefully (The Red glasses are your hint so remember them or note them down) before taking the magnet from the bottom left edge.

6: zoom into the bottle with battery and turn it sideway, highlight the magnet and set it on the bottom of the bottle (Which will be left). then turn the bottle upside down, click on the magnet again and retrieve de battery.

7: zoom into the remote, click on its left side to have it turn around and then onto the middle back of it to open the battery compartment. insert the batteries, close the compartment and go to the TV, turning it on using the highlighted remote.

8: Your first code is 7843. it'll unlock the far left side door of the cabinet the TV is on. Open it and retrieve from it the magnifying glass and the beer mug.

9: return to the green panel on the wall, open and highlight the magnifying glass. click on the glass in the picture filled with yellow liquid, note the code down (3971)and go enter it on the TV.

10: open the 2nd to left cabinet door and take the toy hammer and the power cord. Go back to the green panel, open, highlight the hammer and knock the yellow-liquid-filled glass down with it. zoom out, zoom back into the spilled liquid and you'll have your third code (2935). Go put it into the TV.

11: Open the third cabinet door that is now unlocked, take the key (click on the light) and the fork into the basket. Return to the green panel on the wall.

12: Open the curtains in the picture, click on the window to zoom in and highlight your newfound key. Use it on the small white dot to unlock the window. Once it's open, zoom out and in again to see the green numbers on the table. Your fourth code (9581)to put into the TV once more.

13: pick your green bottle and look at the red cups carefully. It gives the numbers 728. Go to the TV, input the numbers 728 on the numberpad and it'll give you a riddle to solve AxBxCxD. Leave the TV and click under it. Highlight the fork and set it onto the light before turning it on. (The switch is on the side) It'll give you the numbers 8936. Solve your riddle.
(8x9x3x6)= 1296

14:Zoom into your colored bottles (Green, Red and Blue) and click on each of them once so they are all upside down. Then walk to the white machine by the only door of the room. Set the bottles into their matching color slots then click on the right side of the machine to see a power thingy. Highlight your powercord, click on the thing and return to the machine and the numbered bottles. Click on the [0] until the numbers match those on the bottle and zoom onto the bathroom door.

15: Before opening it, look up at the red symbols above the door then open it and look up again at the now blue symbols. Zoom onto the picture on the wall and click on the upper left corner of the frame to see a screw. Use your screw driver on it and click on the picture again to have it drop down to its side so the arrow points to the toilet. Close the seat's covers and look up (there should be an arrow pointing up)

16: There is a box with 4 numbers. Input the answer of your riddle there(1296)and click on the box to receive your second symbol (5). Leave the toilet.

17: walk to your 8 doors cabinet, zoom in once then click on the orange edge to face the machine. Put your symbols in accordingly (gold top, silver bottom) and take the picture it'll give you.

18: return to the full view of the 8 doors cabinet and follow the next step carefully.

Explanation: The symbols are arrows pointing you how to open then close the cabinet doors. so we will note those doors with numbers from 1-8, starting bottom left.


Open the doors in this order: 4-2-1-3-6-8-7-5
Close them in this order: 6-8-7-5-3-4-2-1

The doors of the cabinet will lock then (you might have to do it again but I double-checked, it is the right way to do it)and you can now zoom out of the cabinet. Look above it where there is a white piece of wall, click on it, it will zoom you in.

19: Use the beer mug and insert it into the slot, it will give you the toilet's handle.

20: Walk into the toilet, zoom into the porcelain goddess :P and click on the small blackish-greyish spot on the left of the tank. Put the handle there, trigger it with a click and.....

Note that every details count, if you missed a step or ignored one, it might not work for you.

working link:


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