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Strange World 1 Walkthrough

Strange World 1

Strange World 1 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Kiteretsu , the creator of Escape Quest series games. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Language may be a problem in this game. Please be patient while the game is loading. Good luck and have fun!

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Ling, Hello, and thanks for working while we gabbed. Is there anything we can do to help?

Julie, only one cat? I have 8! had 7, but I "stole" one from my mum, so now it's 8!

sorry ladies.. Allergic to cats. I'm a dog person. Had two till monday. Lost my Akita but she was old and not well. She had a stroke. Still have a 1 yr old puppy who keeps me quite busy though.
Hey, ran out of pepsi but found a milkyway bar so I'm energized now!! LOL

Your are very welcome Irish.

Sorry : my answers are mistake !! :-(

I love all kinds of animals! Can't have dogs because my house is tiny!

:( awe Ling. that's ok..at least you tried!!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:29 PM  

from my very zoomed in screen I have

13 _?_ 14 15 01?
01? _?_ 94 _?_ _?_ 01? _?_ _?_
13 12 14 _?_ 14 83 15

@ling if you say how you got them, maybe we can find a solution...

took a minute to look at some of Kiteretsu's other games. same thing. language barrier. oh, well. think I'm giving up for now. will look tomorrow to see if Shuchun or ling have figured it out. night all!

Julie, my idea is: if we can reduce the unknown symbols to 4, the answers could be inbetween...

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:31 PM  

yeah feline, our landlord told us we could have a cat...and MAYBE a dog, but cats are better because we're gone during the day a lot and a dog would tear the place up. I get the feeling from our cat that he likes it better when we're gone!

when I tried it mine came out.

83,??,94, ?,?,?,11

but, I could be totally wrong!!

Cyn, don't leave us like this, please!

I try to find the same word from wiki


Oh, I've noticed something!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:33 PM  

there are several that I could maybe justify guessing what they are, but really they're very different!

I tried that before too Cyn. no luck. I'm just about done too. it's 1:30 am and I gotta get up at 7 with the puppy for her walk. I'll give it a few more minutes and see what happens.

Been great talking with you Cyn. Hope to "see" you again soon!

But only one answer is right! :-(
lol I give up!

not sure I understand you Julie...

I used @ling's answers 1, 2 and 3, then none for 4 and 5, then the letters on PC turned green and there was a 1 in the middle of letters where before there was a 0! So maybe one of the answers is correct!

don't be sad Ling!! You did better than all of us!!

@feline: not a problem. got up to let beagle out. he decided it was time (at midnight!) to start baying at nothing. had to run out and drag him back in. wide awake again!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:35 PM  

Dejavu, well like you said the 2nd number is 25. Well yeah, that's the number that look the most like the symbol, but really if I weren't trying to force them to look alike they wouldn't at all!

And check from these Japanese word:


hi guys
4:in english is "ear" but still cant find the right ans. so far

back to the game == has anyone figured out the desk drawer? or why the pillow & sheet can be lifted?

the link comes up in just boxes. need to translate the page to english but cant figure out how.

Oh, @ling had noticed it already...

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:38 PM  

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/701/picture3wwi.png maybe this pic will help you out!

@julie: NICE! how'd you manage that?

Shuchun!!! Hello!!!

Shuchun is here!! YIPPEE!!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:39 PM  

Cyn I used firefox and did a screen zoom :)

Our saviour is here!

I use firefox. Why didn't I think of that??

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:41 PM  

you weren't as desperate as me yet I guess.

Shuchun, please save us!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:41 PM  

LOL Cyn. I have 8..all different breeds. EVERYONE of them are spoilt. And, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Shuchun!! You came to rescue us!! yeah!! Are you looing for the word "ear"?? What is the question?

Ling You were sooo close!!!

@feline: glad I didn't leave then! apparently our dog was just trying to keep me going until Shuchun could get here! hehe

Shuchun, maybe if you tell us how you came up with the answers (what the questions are), we can help?

Yes, Cyn! Good your beagle is spoilt, right?

@jeri: I would love to have cats -- always liked the BIG ones like Maine Coons and York Chocolates (a rare breed). Alas, too many cat-allergic people in my family. ~sigh~

Cyn.. the dog ALways knows!!! LOL


This comment has been removed by the author.

@feline: beagle is DEFINITELY spoiled. We're making up for mistreatment he had from previous owners. Can't say "no" to those sad hound eyes

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:45 PM  



Ian!!!!! THank you!!!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:46 PM  

HAHA not out! funky fade fooled me

I got a hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hammer? don't tease, dejavu! where???

Julie, what's answer 4? @ling's or @lan's?

Shuchun...bowing down and repeating "I'm not worthy"....thank you thank you thank you! You knew we were stuck didn't you? lol!

hit rock,,,got key, opened drawer, got swipe card...then got screwed!!! hey!!! now what? still have screw driver???

OH NOOOOO>..another code box!!!!!

Julie? Dejavu? Q4?

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:49 PM  

it's @Ian's



Thanks, Julie!!!

ok, lost again....in second room and have Y*O*U on blackboard??? nothing left in inventory??? help?

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:51 PM  

I think multiplying the numerical values of Y O and U is a 4 digit number

aaarrrgggghhh! don't know what happened. entered the 5 answers (using ian's) and game FROZE! Starting over. be back in a minute or two...

after it fakes you out, try the green door. takes you to a second room. first it's just a blank wall but follow arrows. let me know when you are with me.

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:52 PM  

7875 to be exact (if I counted right...it's late and I'm dead tired!)

Ahhh! I got zapped to another room! And have new letters and numbers to figure out! Nooooo!!!

why did i put a screw in the thing in the window? what did it do? maybe that is the light for the blackboard?

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:53 PM  

oh and I think I threw a screw and screwdriver out the window

i am stuck at those questions too after i ate my lunch and thx Ian's code.^^ but stuck at another code.

I'm wrong !! Bye everybody
I have to take a rest.

In second room, FINALLY used screwdriver.

no clue for code except Y*O*U??? YxOxU??? is this math again cuz I'm way too tired at 2am!!! lol

Julie, what's 7875? From the picture hint plus whiteboard?

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:55 PM  


       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:56 PM  

7875 is what Y*O*U would be if you multiplied out the numerical values (A=1, B=2, C=3...), but that's 4 digits and the place to enter numbers is only 3 digits.

Turned off lights, see message.

elgordonsky Thank you so much but how did you get that?

6x7x9, Julie?

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:58 PM  

did you figure out 378? or just guess until you got to it?

It did get me out though!

I now seem to be lost in....storm clouds?? smoke??? is that it??? am I out???

elgordonsky, 378 worked, but how did you get that answer?

look in the safe

Oh, it is 378! But how?!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 10:59 PM  

where did 6 7 and 9 come from?

the numbers above y o and u on the keyboard

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 11:00 PM  

click around and get the rope when you're in the "smoke"

but now i'm trapped in a tornado

An I am out, but only due to others giving me the answers.

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 11:00 PM  

duh, thanks Christine!

Christine, according to my safe, it doesn't make sense!

Odd game with even odder end but at least we are out. Thank you so much to all you wonderful code solvers. We wouldn't have made it without you!!

Good night all. Only 5 hours to sleep now!!

Feline!! at least you can get to bed without being dizzy tonight!! LOL

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 11:01 PM  

I'm out, and mostly asleep. goodnight! See you in the next live game I find!

finally over

Oh, I am out!

Goodnight, Julie, Dejavu, Cyn and everyone!
Christine, I still don't get why the code is 378...

okay...thought I was out but funky fade got me too...dang! trying to figure out 3 digit code....arrgh!

Above YOU on my keyboard are 6/7, 7/8 and 9/0!!!

OUT!! thanks to all...including my beagle, i guess! See you next time (I HOPE!)

look in the safe from the first room, behind the ocean picture feline

Thnx for the safe code.see you in the next games.

@irishenigma, code is 378, but don't ask me why, because I don't know!!! Click the fog around to get a rope.

Christine, I got a sum: R+U, W+U and R+W. Made me consider the values of W, R and U, which led me to other numbers!

above the r is a 4

maybe your keyboard is different

From ocean picture numbers I figured W=2, R=4 and U=7, so I considered from left to right and Y would be =6, U=7 and O=9!

       Anonymous  4/4/09, 11:12 PM  


Above my R is a 4, but there is no 3 above "YOU"...

symbols on computer are japanese katakana characters trying to translate, but may take awhile

Well, Christine, I still thank you for figuring it out for everyone!

Going to bed now, I think. Unless there is some other game, hopefully not so confusing!

And finally I am out out out!!!!!! I put the 3 digit code in as 697, totally ignoring the multiply symbol...it's late...lol! Brain getting mushy when finally jumped out window.

@ Feline...when the light is off in 2nd room and the board has Y*O*U, multiply the numbers above the letters on keyboard:Y=6, etc therefore 6x9x7 = 378. Hope that helps explain how to get the code.

@vglaz77, I would like to know what that paper says, but if you only want the codes to escape, they are already here, OK?

Oh, @irishenigma, Thank you!!! Now I can sleep!!!

Since Christine posted so strongly that 378 were above YOU, I believed her and didn't multiply the numbers! And there is no 378 above YOU letters!!! Hence my confusion!!!

Goodnight e1...thank you to Christine, Dejavu, Julie,Shuchun and Ian (just to name a few!)for your excellent help! Hope to see all of you again very soon!!!

I have to have more faith in myself... I dropped my math just because someone said 378 was above YOU letters...

Goodnight, @irishenigma! Thanks a lot for the help, everyone!!!

Goodnight Feline...you've had one of those days! Hope you get lots of rest, especially after Tower Core and Evil Goldfish games! Hope to see you again soon...take good care!

uh oh, 322 comments and just starting ! not usually a good sign

Evil Goldfish was evil!!! Goodnight, @irishenigma!

OK, just to make Christine's comments make more sense, there is no 378 above YOU letters. You get that code from multiplying the numbers that stand for Y, O and U, which are letters you get from the white board when turning the light off.
From behind the ocean picture in second room (after computer codes), you get a clue that leads to figuring out the values for YOU letters. The way I figured these values was to find out the values for W, R and U (letters from behind picture), then realizing we have to count the letters on first line on our keyboard as numbers, from left to right. That led me to find the values of 6(Y), 7(U) and 9(O).
The hint on whiteboard tells us to multiply these values, and this leads us to get the number 378! So I was right about not finding 378 above YOU letters on keyboard! I just didn't have faith enough in myself. I was about to multiply 6, 7 and 9 when I saw Christine's comment about the code being 378 and she insisted it came from above YOU and I believed it and dropped my multiplication... Shouldn't have, as @irishenigma's comment proves!
Well, I hope that explains why the code is 378, since I think knowing why is better than only knowing it. :)

Click in the clouds for rope, you return into the room.
Put de srew end srewdriver on the window after that the rope and you'r out.

came back to finish & out! This was a great game, but the language was really a problem. no way to figure out answers to questions without knowing the language, after that the rest was fairly simple- except maybe the strech of looking for the rope in the weird cloudy thing!

Shuchun, it appears that once again you saved us, thx!!!!!!!!! (sorry i missed u)

I miss your pug very much so i check your blog to see your cute pug.^^ and no problem that i am so glad i can help in this game.

OK, I got sooo frustrated about my lack of faith in myself and by the language barrier, that I'll try to post a walkthrough! It will be a Tower Core style!
Watch for next post (or posts?)!

the computer is a series of questions the answers are as follows:

       Anonymous  4/5/09, 8:59 AM  

well I still have no idea what the questions or answers on the computer are or how they were derived - ESPECIALLY how the word "ear" turned into 7272416304!!!
Or what the fog/cloud/tornado with hidden rope was about. However, I really enjoyed reading the various comments, including the ones about the "old days". Hey, I can still remember the abacus, forget about computers!
And, as always, thanks to Shuchun and also thanks to ling for saving us all from being stuck forever. wish I was in the right time zone to have caught this one live.

i still don't know where those number answers came from is it from the hiragana? but if you do the readings of the kanji, there are characters missing on the back of the card!

Spoiler alert! Walkthrough coming! Full, this time! Here it goes:

Not much help from written hints for many of us, at least in the begining, so...

- First noticeable thing (for escape-gamers, I think) is a lighter square on the pen holder on table, so why not checking it out? Zoom in that table!
- Oh, it's a red paper square! I've always wanted one of those! Hummm... Doesn't that pen look a little too plumpy? Let's take a look, shall we? Click it to obtain... the screwdriver! Oh, I'm sooo happy!
- If you want to try things on your own first, don't read this item right now. If you want to save time, read it! There's something here you'll need to obtain something else that you'll need, too. It's a stick. Hidden in the table edge, of the same colour. Click to get it (near left leg of table, between table edge and drawer - you noticed the lock by right, didn't you?).
- OK, the TV-looking computer is not working yet, so let's get back. That rectangle by left of door is not doing much right now, but maybe there's something odd on the door - but only read it now if you want to save time: it's a green paper square! Lol! Now my art class can begin! (Not quite...)
- Left we go! (Right now I'm so glad I don't have to climb stairs! Later on I'll regret it, though...) Cute armchair! All green! Except for that little white piece jutting out from under it...
- Come on, take a look, click it. I know you can't resist! Now let's see what it is: select it and click about item. Oh! There is... something written, I assume... (I'm really trying not to disencourage you that can't read it, I swear! Promise to post all you need to escape!)
- If you are an experience player, you probably clicked all over the paper! If you didn't, soon you will. If you are not experienced, I tell you to click it! (Mid bottom should turn it around.)
- Oh! A blue paper square! NOW my art class can begin! Click the blue piece, then close the item window. Let's go left! Blue bed! It matches my lovely, brand new blue paper! (I wonder: shouldn't the blue paper have come from the bed? The red and green papers came from things of their colours... Is this a hint? Maybe a twisted one...)
- Checking the bed, you may notice we can play around with the blanket and pillow. It didn't affect my game, but some players said it affected theirs, so if anything doesn't work for you around the bed, try messing with them (the blanket and pillow, not the players...).
- Experience tells us to look under the bed, so... Uh! A key! I want it! I reach for it! I click it and... I have arthrithis and can't get it! I need something to reach under the bed. Maybe I already have a lovely stick that can do the job? (If not, it's on first screen, hidden in table frame.)
- Now you may be thinking "I'll go right back to that table and open that drawer!". OK, go. I'll wait till you get back here... I'll be asleep on this bed, so wake me up when you get back. ZZZZZ...
- Oh, you're back! Good! I need to use this key somewhere, or I'm not a escape game player! I wandered around the room and did'nt find another lock, but maybe this bed conceals more than we saw at first? At its feet, perhaps? Click to the left of the bed feet (just left of its frame). (Twisted hint was: blue bed, blue key.)
- Great! Now use your key and collect a... rock? Looks like one... Refrain yourself from throwing it at things in the room, at least until we turn the computer on. Back up.
- Left (again). OK, if a picture with a "RESET" button is not a hint, what is? Zoom in it! Hummm... Three empty squares... Don't we have three of some item?
- Yes! Put your squares on the picture. Code doesn't seem to change from game to game, but there are not many possibilities, so try it, will you? If you make a mistake, click RESET. You'll be backed out and have to zoom in again.
- Hint: green hills, red sea, blue sky. Collect your... thing... from the safe behind picture and go left (again, yes).
- Now we have two things with writings, a screwdriver (unused, my poor screwdriver!) and a rock. You can try using everything with everything, I'll wait...
- Back already? OK! Zoom in the PC and use your green card (I'm a citizen! Lol!) on left hole above PC screen. Turned it on! Fantastic! Click the screen. AHHHH!!! Try throwing your rock at it, I'll wait...
- For the poor souls like me that got saved by Shuchun and @lan (thanks both!):
- Click the red button after each number input. Wow! A secret door on top of the screen! And it hid a hammer! Strong PC! (Hollow head...) Lol! Don't we have some anger to get rid of? I want to smash things!
- Select your rock, then about item. Select your hammer and smash that so-far-useless rock! Get your green key! Oh, it should open the green door! Nooo... it doesn't.
- Some other lock we can open around here? Remeber I mentioned a drawer (it's right on your face if you didn't leave the PC scene...) Yes, table drawer, open it! An ID card! Great! I guess...
- What is the only thing we left somewhat untouched around here? True! The rectangle left of door! Perhaps it is actually an ID reader? Yes! Use your ID card on it!
- Lol! Another episode of Startrek! Hummm... Maybe not? Look around room and check things out. You'll find a clue in the safe behind picture. You can solve this equation, can't you? ************* W=2, R=4, U=7.
- Weird, there's no other change. I want out! I'll bang on the door till I bring it down! Ahhh!!! Bang, bang!!! *???* Shouldn't we try the handle, first? YES! Much more polite and... Ahhh!!! I'm not out yet!
- Look around and check things out. Oh! A place to use my screwdriver! Ah! At last! I'll just unscrew this panel here and... What? A code! (Oh, and I got a screw?) But where am I going to find this code?!
- Didn't I tell you to look around and check things out? By the green door, there's a light switch; by code box, there's a white board. Perhaps they are connected somehow? Heck, yes!
- Turn the light switch off and look at the white board. You'll get "Y*O*U". OK, so you know that the symbol * stands for multiplication, don't you? And you have obtained the values for W, R and U from hint on safe behind picture, haven't you? So figure out the values for Y, O and U and multiply them!
- The way I figured these values was to find out the values for W, R and U, then realizing we have to count the letters on first line on our keyboard (keyboard hint in safe) as numbers, from left to right. That led me to find the values of 6(Y), 9(O) and 7(U).
- Code is 378. Input it on code box and press OK. Nooo! I'm falling! I'll soon be a splatter on the ground! Nooo... ??? I said "Nooo..."... ??? I SAID "NOOO..."! Humpf! It's hard to die on nowadays games!
- So, let's DO something before I die from motion sickness! Clicking is all we can do right now, so click around the fog. Eventually you'll find a rope and will be sent back to the code box scene. Now you still have your screwdriver, a screw and a rope...
- Remember how I wanted so much a rope and a screwdriver on Tower Core to connect those towers from the top? Now I have them! And I'll use them! Where? Oh, please, haven't you opened that window yet?
- Go to the window, open it. Hummm... That metal thing will be perfect to tie my rope to! Screw in, then screwdriver, then rope! Click the rope on metal thing to... CLIMB to your FREEDOM! (Or maybe to a Strange World 2? Nooooo!)

rofl your walkthrough was great feline ^^

I wish I could have been in the live game with you guys, XD

I'm out, anyways lol

Thanks, Taylor! :)

Good morning Feline! rofl...once again you have written a great WT...you've got a knack for this!!! lol! Even though I escaped, I still had to read your WT ... I really enjoy your humour!!! Of course, now we will expect to see your unique WT's for every game... :)!!! I'm with you...I like to know the sense behind the answers, not just "here's how to do it" so be a good little robot and enter the information.... :\

Another day...more games to get stuck in, but I can't help myself. Hope I see you in one of the few games posted today!!!!!

@irishenigma! Good to see you! How are things?
I'm glad you liked my walkthrough! It's rare that I get to right one, for usually someone has already done that! (Usually I don't catch a live one in time to write it. And others are faster than I, lol!)
I'll try to work on more! (If I can leech info from other players, because I'm sooo lousy at escaping rooms!)
Let's see if there are more posts later today! :)

goodevening, greetings from holland, let's start the game!

Hi, @alkmar! Enjoy! (Till you get stuck... Hard not to in this game! Lol!) :)

I have read all your comments before, it's make me really laughing, you all chat with each other, and then came Ling, now I start to read post 201-340

haha, just did read Ling maked a mistake with the answers!!!

Our enthusiasm rode a Ferris wheel: up, down, up, down... Lol! Stuck, hope, stuck, hope!

Feline, why I didn't read your walkthrough first? by the way it was funny to read all the comment's and with all the luck from the world: I am out

Congrats, @alkmar!

thanks, now waiting for another game!

@feline fotflmao!!!!!!!!! what a walkthrough!
@shuchun, i'm glad you ck out my blog picture of "Grace Kelly" my pug!

Thanks a lot, @michele-with-pug! Your pug is cute!

The game was easy in the beginning until the computer part.
Shuchun thanx for posting the numbers for the computer questions and lan also who posted the 4th number..
That is where the game would have ended for me..

oh and thanx feline for the tip at the end of this game, I would have not thought to click through that nauseating fog scene out the window! whew...

Here are the answers to the computer questions....
the computer is a series of questions the answers are as follows:
then the top of the computer opened, so I have a hammer too.


finihsed after all this time

C'è qualcuno che parla italiano??? L'inglese non lo mastico molto!

@gabrilla, no parlo italiano, mas capisco. Português? Latin language...

Oh, I've found an interesting thing to help us out with Japanese games where the language is a barrier:


Lots of useful links there! Tables with the symbols!

This comment has been removed by the author.

use there numbers on each of the computer
first - 75230491
second - 310371
third - 319333640492
forth - 7272416304
fifth - 250473

Top will open.

Anybody Playing?

Out Game was a pain in the ass.

This comment has been removed by the author.

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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