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Tower Core Walkthrough

Tower Core

[REPLAY] Tower Core Escape is a futuristic point and click adventure style escape game. An ancient enemy is approaching earth, as the care taker of the planet it is up to you to activate the defences! Your mission send you to a far away world, to collect three types of energy from the top of three towers, before returning to earth to blast those evil aliens out of the sky! Point and click to explore your environment, and solve the puzzles to complete your mission. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Tower Core Walkthrough

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Hello .. I'm stuck with the hand.
I put google on hand shaped red light, then the hand is scanned.. but what...???

Could someone explain what to do from A to Z, for this step in this room entrance of tech tower ?

Ok ... it seems I need chalk from spirit room... I'll try this game later.

Thanks to all people who answered my questions.
Yes Feline, finally, I did the proper sacrifice in the spirits tower and found what pattern was to be used in the tech tower (-:
So, I guess that the only thing I can/must do now is to find the order of the buttons above the door (tech tower), but I don't know how...

Yes, Gre-nadine : take chalk from spirits tower, put it in the alcove after having removed the goggles, press the button under alcove, use the stone hand to open the door, and take back this stone hand, you'll need it again somewhere else.

Great game!!!

- pick up the red goggles (red sun glasses looking thing on wall);
- once they are in your inventory, click them to wear (you'll have to do it some more times ahead in the game, in different places);
- analyze the red handprint next to door by clicking on it (twice, I guess, one to zoom it and another to check it);
- go to spirit tower and get some chalk (click it and drag to your inventory);
After this I'm not sure, but I know you must put the chalk on the square hole on the wall, put the goggles in its original place (if the goggle said something like "data ready to upload"; if not, try wearing it and analyzing the handprint again; the goggles should show a flashing green light), and click the round button on the "machine".
The machine will fashion a stone hand for you. Pick it up, use it on the red handprint panel and door will open. Don't forget to get your hand back from the panel (you'll need it).

What about the order of the buttons above door in telescope room ?

Pascale, sorry, it took sooo long to answer @gre-nadine!
Code above door in tech tower:
- add red dye to water in tree room, get down to the first floor and wait a bit, looking to the waterfalls. They will turn red, one at a time. This is the code (from 1 to 6, like buttons on tech door). Read waterfalls numbers from left to right.

Finally i am out, a fantastic game, thank you shuchun

I numbered the waterfalls and buttons to make it easier to think. Code changes from game to game, so you'll have to look for your own!

Thank you again, Feline. The problem is that I don't know where the tree room is...

I will try to play again (now that the dizzyness is gone) and make a walkthrough. It will be a looooong walkthrough... *Sigh* What won't I do for my fellow escapers!

Feline, I THANK YOU so much (-:

Pascale, tree room is in crystal tower.

ooooh, so need the walkthrough....I LOVE escape games but I'm pants at them....

Pascale, you're welcome!!! After Paradoxon, anything is nice!

James, try to look at older posts till I fashion this walkthrough, for it will take some time until it's ready. Or ask a question.

Feline, about the tree room... I can't reach it, I miss 2 colour cristals...

OK, I'll try to make a walkthrough, but since it's a long one, it will come in parts. Starting the game again now. Here I come!

Pascale, you need to go to the room above statue with scales. Wear goggles and analyze weights of the stone shapes. Put three at each scale and door will open if it's balanced.

Don't forget to take the stone hand from tech tower entrance.

Thanks Pascale and Feline.

You're welcome, @gre-nadine!

Spoiler alert! Walkthrough coming!

Walkthrough part 1:

When you point to something of interest, there's a description on the bottom (or at least the cursor turns into a hand), so if you don't find anything I wrote, just roll your mouse over things on screen and you’ll find it. Have paper and pen/pencil by your side!

- Talk to the girl. (Nice answer to last question! Can we say "Yes, then YOU go!"?)
- Click down arrow to turn around. Pick up teleport controlling wristband from table. Click on computer console to zoom in; click on its screen. Read it, if you want, and write down the coordinates. Click back (down arrow).
- I’m not sure if turning the alarm off (red button below flashing red light) is necessary, but I did it and finished the game, so…
- Click on button by door to open it. Click outside. A map will show up as your screen. Click on the defense turret (either small or big round drawing).
- Pick up the power core (deluxe model, lol! I’m rich!) by clicking the middle hole. Get back to map (click down arrow…). Click the Telepad.
- Place your wristband on the telepad (click and drag), type coordinates you wrote down and click Enter (right switch). Click the active teleporter. Woo-hoo! Startreck!
End of part 1!

Great game. Out without any help at all. ^^

Anyone live? Just starting and need help.

LindaB, I'm here!

How do I pass the chess board in the spirit tower?

Oh yay feline! I have teleported but can't get to the towers, I know i'm missing something obvious!??

It only allows me to go side to side and backwards?

OMG! lol, i didn't have my screen big enough to see the up arrows! Not a good start!

Ok, figured out the chess board :D

Walkthrough part 2:

- Turn right (click right yellow arrow) and then go forward (click up arrow), entering the tech tower.
- Take the info-scan goggles (red sunglasses looking thing). Click them to wear. Whenever there’s round circles around an item on screen, roll your cursor over it to read more information. If you need to click an item, I’ll say to. By now, notice the info about transmat and click the red handprint. Hummm… Chemistry classes needed! No, I’ll tell you what to look for! Notice your goggles have a green flashing light saying “data ready for upload” on the right upper corner. (No, it’s not “looking for the green dots” and it’s not Paradoxon!)
- Click “back”, then “remove goggles”. Get back (down arrow…). Turn left. Turn left again. Forward (up arrow…) to spirit tower. Grab some of that chalk dust (click and drag to your inventory)!
- Get back. Turn right. Turn right again. Forward to tech tower.
- Place the chalk dust in the transmit (white square on wall), put your goggles back to its original position, then click the round button on the bottom of the transmit panel. Coool! Startrek again! Take that stone hand! Put the hand on the red handprint by door and the door will open.
- Before taking rushed steps on your own, take that stone hand back! OK, now you can go upstairs (click opened door).
- Click the mainframe database and read all (there are hints - in case you want to try doing things on your own), taking notes of the spirit tower invocations. All codes change from game to game, so write your codes down! Hummm… Cute thing, that board above doors… Can’t open that door yet! Get back down and on to spirit tower!
End of part 2!

Folks, I'm still here, but working on the walkthrough, so calm down if I take a while to answer, OK? I will eventually answer! :)

Oh wow, OUT!! With loads of help from the comments, and using a part of my brain....what a great game, I love this site!

Lol, LindaB! Big enough screen now?
Congrats, Aleksandra!

My combo for stones balance was :
hand,ear,eye - heart,brain,lips.

Caution : surely it changes each time you play.

Yeap! All codes change!

Still here!

Walkthrough part 3:

- Before leaving tech tower, take your goggles back!!! (Sorry I forgot to mention it before!)
- Find your way back to spirit tower. Add the ingredients to the fire (click and drag…) in the order you wrote down from tech room. One incantation at a time, please! After adding the ingredients, click the bell. Take blade from incantation of blade. Incantation of passage opens the door. Up we go!
- Wooo! Scales! Maths! Place your stone hand on the empty square. Wear your goggles and notice the weights on the mass scan. Noticed the up arrow? Click it and take a look on the pattern on the wall. OK, now back to the weights! To make things easier, I added everything, divided by 2 and did the maths to find out what goes with what on each scale to make them balanced. When you find that out, put stone pieces on scales to make it balanced. Door will open. Up!
- Coool! Chess! Hummm… Not quite. Place the pieces on the board so that they don’t cross each others “paths”, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. I know you can do it! Hint: start from a corner. Door will open. Oh! I see shiny gems on those statues! I’ll take them for me! I’ll be rich! I’ll just use my knife on them and… there! I have them! OK, now up!
- Ah! An altar of sacrifice?! What kind of planet is this?! Hummm… It won’t take my goggles, or my knife… Maybe I need something else? Wear your goggles and analyze the face on the wall. Grrr! Picky deity! Remove your goggles and… OK, maybe I’ll get stuck on this bloody planet, but here goes my wristband (place it on the altar)! Oh, nooooo!!! It became ashes! Click the remains and it says you should scan it, so…
- Wear your goggles and analyze the debris (click it). Phew! Reconstruction possible! Back, remove goggles, take remains/debris. So now the door is open and your hope renewed, up!
- Write down that X number on the left wall! It’s a coordinate! Place your power core on that hole in that… that… gadget. Press the round button. After it says "the power core fills with spirit energy", get your power core back! OK, now we’re done with this tower. For now! Lol! You’ll have to come back… But now, on to crystal tower!
End of part 3!

OOOh my brain.. Can't figure out where to place disks in chess. Read comments let me think that maybe what I see in telescope could help but... not sure...
Well.. I make some coffee and wait kindly until our brave Feline write this part of walktrought. cooOOOool.

Feline, I am at the chessboard, what "pieces" are you talking about?

aaah... let's read comment 40. walkthrough part 3.. yeah ! thanks feline.

       Anonymous  4/3/09, 8:06 AM  

how should you place the crystals on the fourth floor in the crystal tower?

Power of posting, got it!

oh I mean comment 240

Feline...levers/torches??? Where do I find a clue for these?

wow, great game. it took me hours.
Thanks for the walkthroughs feline

Minirizia...can you help me with the levers in the crystal tower? Where do I find a clue for them?

Walkthrough part 4:

- Find your way to the crystal tower (mid one)
- Now I’m not sure how the levers/switches work, but you need to open all waterfalls, so play with the switches a little until they are all open. The door will then open up for you. Up! OK, now you have all those cute gems! Can’t we get them all and run away? No? OK…
- You have to play trial and error here. Place the gems on the gem holes around the big wheel. There is a right order that will open the door. If you place a gem in the correct spot, it will light up when the wheel turns and the gem goes under the eye. To make the wheel turn, press the round button in its middle. If you need to change a gem’s place, first click it so it will get back to its original place, them drag it to a new empty spot on the wheel. (Oh… Shiny gems! Sure I can’t take them with me?)
- Noticed the torches? Remember the info from database on tech tower about low temperature here? OK. Once you get the correct order of gems, the door will open. Up!
- Take stick (hard to miss the only coloured thing in that white room…). Not much to do here right now, so find your way back to tech tower!
- In tech tower, get up. Remember that cute board above doors that lights its squares red when you roll your mouse on it? And do you remember the pattern on the wall behind the statue of scales in spirit tower? Do you believe in coincidences? I don’t and your goggles don’t either! I told you to notice that, didn’t I? If you forgot, go back there and memorize it or write it down or draw it or something! Then come back here and roll your cursor on the board, making the squares red on the same pattern. Door will open. Up!
- Take explosive growth bomb and red dye. (Uhhh! Extra strong! Can I use it on my hair?) Take a peep in that telescope and notice the pattern of 5 stars hanging around there, so lonely on that huge sky. Notice them, please! Oh! Another door I can’t open! Dang! Maybe I need to press those rectangles over the door? Yeap, you do! But we need to discover in what order first! Let’s get down, then! On to spirit tower! (I told you…)
End of part 4!

LindaB, do you mean the waterfalls switches?

Ha! I found my clue!

What clue, LindaB? I'm curious on your advances!

My seed is planted, starlights on place, door in ground open.. now.. of course .. stucK.

Sorry LindaB missed that, did you mean the stars on the wall. They were from the telescope in the tech tower.

gre nadine you need the growth bomb and detonate it

I get the bomb.. but how to detonate it ? ..

Sorry feline, I got through the torches/levers in the tech building crystal tower and got the hole in the floor to open, now I am stuck again! Great game!

ok I found... a place to put the bomb near plant.. now I have to detonate it...

Me too gre-nadine...did you figure out the chessboard? I can help if not.

Yes linda I did (about chessboard).. thanks.

Now I get first explosion with bomb..; tadaaa.

Well.. uh.. It's a very very very slow explosion... In fact the bomb opened and turn a few blue;.. but that's all.

@gre-nadine, first click the bomb to activate it. Dizzy to get back!

tech tower, tech tower, up...

Ok Feline, I have a huge tree, took the apple, broke the glass, turned the water red...aaand stuck for the moment!

Walkthrough part 5:

- In spirit tower! Hummm… Nice fire we have here! That recalls me of some other tower that needs a warming up! Drag your stick to the fire and head back to crystal tower!
- Up in crystal tower till the gems wheel. Drag your lovely fire on a stick to either of the torches above wheel. Waaarm… Or would it be “coool”? Restrain yourself from going up just yet. Get back to tech tower.
- In tech tower, find the mainframe database and check the info on the crystal tower (no step by step this time, you can find it, can’t you?). Remember, if you read it before, there was a grayed out button on the crystal tower info page? It’s available now! Click dispense seed, back up and get your seed! Now back to crystal tower!
- Up until the room where you found your stick (above gems wheel room). Nice dirt mound! Perfect place for something to grow! Plant your seed! Now go up!
- I told you to remember those lonely stars, didn’t I? Click the wall stars till they show the same pattern from the telescope stars. The hole in the ground will open up. Also, notice the similarity between the hole in that closed door and that red gem on that bloody deity face in spirit room! OK, now go down one story.
- Place your bomb to the left of the seedling (small plant). Now click the bomb to prime it. And where did we see a Detonator button? Riiight… Back to tech tower and up to explode your bomb! Wa-ha-ha! Burn, baby, burn!
- Now before you leave tech tower to check the damages, you may want to reconstruct your wristband (before you forget to do it). On floor level, place your goggles in its original spot, the remains in the transmat (white square) and click the button! Get your brand new wristband and I also grabbed the goggles (after all this exercise, I’m not leaving anything behind in this forsaken planet!).
- Back to crystal tower! Up!
End of part 5!

LindaB, after turning the water red, maybe you should get to the floor level and watch those beautiful waterfalls for a while...

Wathced the fountains and got the door open in the tech tower, moving right along!

thanks for hint detonator feline. tech tower tech tower up... let's make a song for a detonator.. boOm!

Now to figure out the animals...

Feed chain on the animals... 5 eats 4, that eats 3, that eats 2, that eats 1. Cut that chain!

A dumb question... did you break the glass with apple... cause it doesn't work for me...?

Break the glass with tree branch.

And out! Fantastic game! They need to make several of these a week!

Congrats, LindaB!

Yeah animals ... thanks again feline.

Everybody's welcome! Still finishing the walkthrough, but I'll get it done! :)

Ok that's fine for animals they are in B box ... now I put the power core in place, note the coordinate... and ...and .. try to figure out the following steps.

i cant figure out the order of the animals

Walkthrough part 6:

- Apple! Yummy! You can take it, but it’s not you who’s going to eat it, though… But take it! Hummm… Water… Clickable tree branch next to it…Temptation… too strong… to resist… Ahhh! Click! Ooops! I made a hole in the glass! Since I’ve already made a mess, let’s mess it up more! Add the red dye to the water! Yeees! Now mom will have a reason to lecture me! Let’s get down to floor level to watch this red water going down! Lol!
- Wow! Beautiful waterfalls! Wait, wait, wait. They are turning red, but one at a time? So much for my sabotage! Hummm… Six waterfalls… Where did I see six thingies before? Yeah! Squares above closed door on tech tower! So, waterfalls are some code? Right! Of course! (What were you thinking? Another coincidence? Easter bunny and Santa Claus are right there, too…)
- Watch the water falls for a while and write down the order they turn red, from left to right (I found it easier this way, since I write from left to right), regardless of heights on the wall.
- OK, now on to tech tower! Considering those squares on door from left to right (like I did with the waterfalls), click the squares in the same order as waterfalls turned red. Door will open. Up!
- Wow! Animals! So… lovely, uh? You must transport them to box B. Use the box on wall to do it. Clicking on the arrows will move the box, with up to 2 animals in it. Oh, please play with it for a while before reading the solution! You can always restart it by clicking the circling arrow on top left.
- Click the zog-beast and the Muk’tar plant, move the box right, click on both to remove them from box. Return the empty box to left. Click the Glaw-thun fly and the mog-rat, move them to right, remove them, put the first two you moved in box again and move them back to left. Remove them from box, click the container and move it alone to right. Remove it, empty box back to left, grab the last two (also the first ones you clicked) and get them to right. Hooo-ra! Opened door! Up!
- Same procedure here with your power core as on top of spirit tower. Tech power on the power core, lol! Notice the Z number on the wall and write it down! One tower left! But we need a pit stop first. On to spirit tower (I told you…)!
End of part 6!

Does it help, Sweeti?

@gre-nadine, where are you stuck at, exactly?

Sweetie I don't remember the order but... if it helps I can tell you that you have to put some of them in the "sliding" box during the transfert... (sorry for my english)..

feline I'm stuck just after power core in place;.; but I have to read your last walkthrough and I surely understand what to do ..lol... thanks

@gre-nadine, in the towers, after putting the power core in the hole, click the round button just above the hole.

feline.. ... exactly;... I put the power core under the great red ball... and it says the power is locked in place.. Now stuck.

Oh, sometimes the button may be under the hole... Sorry!

ok I try.. sorry comments sometimes do like we call in french a "chassé croisé".

got it,,thanks!

There will be a round button next to the hole. Look for the cursor changing into a hand.

"Croisé"? "Crossed"? And "chassé"=?

ok I got it ... soon out ... I get the crystal from deity.

now that my power core is full how do i activate the teleport?

grr ... my coordinates are wrong... 950 235 356... ... and I'm in a hurry .. cause I have to go... Booohooo... I surely have to replay the whole game later..
anyway ... IT WAS A GREAT GAME !!!

feline "chassé" = hunted

@benny, did you take notes of the coordinates on the walls of all the towers top floors?

Lol, hunted! Cool! @gre-nadine, to get your codes, you need to get a little dizzy going back to the top floors of all towers. Dizzy, dizzy...

a feline... THANKS for your help.. I have to stop now and go. But anyway... T H A N K S !

Walkthrough part 7:

- Way up in spirit tower until you meet that greedy deity! (Stone face on wall.) Place your apple on the altar (I’m hungry, too, but it’s for humankind’s sake!). The mouth on the face will open. Click the apple again to feed that hungry thing! The gem falls down, pick it up. Now you have another cute gem! Can’t we really run away with it? Please? No? OK… So let’s head back to crystal tower!
- In crystal tower, up, up all the way. Place your gem on the door hole. Let it go. No, we can’t take it with us. Oh, door opens! Uuup!
- Again, put your power core in that hole and press the round button. Cool! Crystal energy! Take your core back and don’t forget to write the Y code down! Now waaay down and out of the tower!
- Now, facing the towers, click the down arrow to turn around and face the telepad. Drag your brand new wrist band to it and input the so-hardly-obtained coordinates. Click Enter, then click the activated telepad. Wow! More Startrek! Back to Earth! Lol!
- Click the down arrow to get to the map screen. Click Defense turret. Place your powered power core in its starting place (hole in middle of pedestal). Click the left up round button (with drawings of arrows on it), then the right up button (target drawing). And… burn, baby, burn!!!
End of part 7 and those poor aliens!

You're welcome, @gre-nadine! :)

finished the last part on my own!

Oh! on Walkthrough part 6, post #279 (#79 on this page), the circling arrow to restart the animals game is on right side (I think). Sorry about that. It was the dizziness affecting my brain... Lol! Not a major thing for experienced escapers, though, right? :)

Congrats, Sweeti!

great game thanks

       Anonymous  4/3/09, 10:30 AM  

might sound like a dumb question after all the posts, but what's the pattern needed for the torches that move up and down? Or where are the clues for that?

       Anonymous  4/3/09, 10:30 AM  

oh have just seen the walkthrough. thanks!

Justme, all the codes change from game to game, so you'll have to follow the clues the game gives you to figure out your codes. :)

Justme, post#250 (#50 on this page), part 4. Telescope, stars...

Hi everyone! feline, are you still here?

Still here, Ruff!

Recovering from severe dizzyness disease!

Hi feline, I have just started.

Hi, Ruff. Enjoy! Very good game. Just watch out for dizzyness disease!

Oh! And someone, I'm not telling who, made out a walkthrough, so no worries on getting stuck!

Are you serious? Did you or your game character get dizzy? I can't handle dizzyness.

Some chunky transition scenes! When you go down or up stairs. And you will do it a lot, so try closing your eyes!

In that case, I may not be able to complete this game. I get motion sickness very easily and I'll turn green very soon.

When you must go up or down stairs in the game, position your mouse on the stairs, close your eyes and then click it. Wait 2 or 3 seconds before opening your eyes. I did like this. :)

feline and ruff, you two are really good in these games

Yeah, I don't want to loose my lunch while playing this game!

Hi alkmar!

Hi, @alkmar! I'm good at picking up others job and putting pieces together, that's all! Leeching! Lol! Ruff is the good one here!

There's a Jack the Ripper like walkthrough posted, so no worries!

My performance is not steady though. One day I may be very smart but another day I may be totally dumb. By the way, I'll have to restart my game. For some reasons, the white arrow has disappeared and I'm stuck in a scene.

Oh, I had no problems playing it, but maybe because I got "lucky" on a previous game and got two glitches when others got none! Universe compensation rules! Lol!

Hey, have you quit, folks?

I'm still here. Just have to redo the beginning of the game.

feline, have you finished the game already? I have just passed the door with my stone hand.

Yes, Ruff, I've finished it. Caught the live part! Nice game, very good. I wish more games like this, less games like Paradoxon! Urgh! Now I need to bless myself!

I think the dizzyness part is due to the heavy graphics, which are great, by the way!

This game is not bad, lots of writing and drawing though.

Oh, yes, lots of writing down, but the rest more than makes up for all that! No unreasonable riddles, secrets, puzzles or anything! The dizzyness only anoys a bit because there's a lot of coming and going back and forth, but the game is very good indeed, IMHO.

This is NOT a walkthrough as feline has done a better job already, its just a list of where to find codes for each level, I thought it might help if you are stuck somewhere. You will have to read the walkthrough to know how and in what order to do things. Hope you don’t take offence feline as you did a great job and lots of typing

Note; most of the codes and sequences for puzzles change from game to game, so you’ll have to find them for yourselves.

Level 1.
To open the door;
get the code from the computer (the first of two codes) in tech tower level 2, put the elements on the fire in the same order then ring the bell.
To get the knife;
use the second code from the computer.

Level 2
To open the door;
Put your stone hand on the empty space on the floor (after you open the tech tower door). Put the goggles on and it will give you the mass of each of them. To balance the scales you need to work out the heaviest to lightest. Put the heaviest and lightest on one side of the scales, second heaviest and second lightest on the other. Then put the third heaviest on the side that is lighter at this point. Put the last part on the other side.
Code for Tech level 2;
With the goggles still on, press the up arrow and notice the pattern on the back wall,

Level 3
To open door;
Move the white button and place it on one of the squares of the chessboard above. If its in the right place, the next button will be unlocked.
For crystal tower level 2
Remove the red and blue gems from the eyes of the statues with your knife.

Level 4
To open door;
Put the teleporter on the altar and let the mask zap it. Make sure you scan the dust with the goggles after and pick up the dust. Take it to tech level 1 and put it in the transmat to make it whole again.
Red crystal for crystal level 4;
Put the apple on the altar and the mask will give you a crystal.

Level 5
Charge the core with spirit power and get X co-ords to get home (write it down)

Level 1
To open door;
Play with the levers until all the waterfalls are working

Level 2
To open door;
Put the coloured crystals in the spaces on the wheel and press button in the centre, if its in the right place it will start glowing. The last two spaces use the crystals form spirit level 3

Light the torches to raise the heat in the level above see level 3

Level 3
To open the door;
Pick up the stick, light it in the fire of spirit level 1 and then light the torches in the level below this.
Plant seed you get from the computer in tech level 2, open trap door in the level above, when a sprout appears put the growth bomb next to it, make sure you activate it and then go press the detonator in tech level3

Level 4
To open door;
Spirit level 4 get the red crystal and put it in the door.
To open trap door;
Use the code for the positions of stars from telescope in Tech level 3.
Pick apple from tree after doing all the stuff from level 3
Code for tech level 3;
Move one of the branches to make a hole in the water tank, then put the red dye in. Go down to level 1 and make a note of the order the dye comes out of each waterfall. Numbers 1 – 6.

Level 5
Charge the core with crystal power and get Y co-ords to get you home

Level 1.
To open door;
get chalk from spirit tower level 1, put your goggles on and scan the hand reader. Then put the chalk and goggles in the transmat and make a stone hand. Make sure to take the hand and goggles back.
Also need to use the transmat to reconstitute your teleport bracelet at the end. See spirit level 4

Level 2
To open door;
use the goggles on the back wall of spirit tower level 2. Copy the pattern on the panel above the door by turning the squares red.
Codes for spirit level 1
Check the computer for the symbol codes to use in the spirit tower to open the door and for the knife. Also clues for crystal tower level 3 & tech tower level 4

Level 3
To open door;
Crystal tower level 4, pour the dye into the tank and take not what order they come out of on level 1. Use this sequence on the blue lights above the door.

Pick up growth bomb, red dye, also the detonator for growth bomb is here.
Code for crystal level 4
Look in the telescope and note the vertical position of the 5 stars.

Level 4
To open door;
You have to move everything from tank A to tank B without them all eating each other. The sequence is
Green thing and plant from A to B
Fly and rat from tank A to B, put green thing and plant immediately back from B to A
Radioactive thing from A to B
Green thing and plant from A to B

Level 5
Charge power core with tech energy.
Z co-ordinate to get you home.

My goodness, Minirizla! Of course no offence! The more help, the better! :)

I am at the beginning and cant get further, because my coordinates keep getting rejected. When i type in the numbers, i get only 000000. What am i doiing wrong Please anyone help

Oh, Minirizla, the scales statue on spirit tower requires the scales to be balanced, so same weight on both scales. You probably got lucky with your method. Maybe others won't! (So much code changing...) ;)

@marjo, did you try clicking between numbers, then hiting backspace or del?

thanks feline, never crossed my mind. It is working now

Great! I'm glad to know that, @marjo!

feline, I am still working on it. I'm trying to work on it without following the walkthrough first.

Great news, Ruff! And great idea, too! I tried that, too, and am proud to say I only leeched a few things from other players! I always try things on my own first, too! :)

Done! Great game, lots of details. I was so stuck with the red and blue gems, thanks a lot for hints.

feline, gotta go. I must get my afternoon eye-opening coffee now. Great walkthrough!

Bye, everyone! See you all in another game!

I wanted to replay cause first time I had to stop (just before put last coordinates - they were wrong but I had no time to check them on the highest level of each tower). Now, I thought : "hey, let's play it again !" BUT the game is no more reachable.

ok .. not such a problem I'll play it on freewebarcade.

Great having you playing! I'm glad if I helped! :)

@gre-nadine, what do you mean, no more reachable?

just finished with minimal help... killer game! Way to go and we need more just like it!!!

Oh, now I see the problem! Funny... I think the link redirected to freewebarcade first time I played...

Seanchan, I agree!!!

And I'm proud to tell you : I'M OUT ! Yeah !

feline.. I meant that when I clicked to play again the game ... It loaded as usual but instead of the screen where I could click PLAY, there was a message saying that the game could no more be played, unless at freewebarcade.com, during one week.

So I played it on this site... I'm the only one who get this message ?

Bye bye to all of you.. and yes, this is kind of game we LOVE ;D..
Goodnight and thanks again to help my little brain.

Oh, @gre-nadine, lol! Glad you are out! Yes, I got that message you mentioned too when I clicked the link again. Odd, but good you could play it, nonetheless! Sorry taking time to comment back, but had to take care of my elder cat, that has a vet based nutrition that my other cats cannot eat, so I have to watch while she eats up. Senior cat, lol! :)

Loved this one. The way I do it, there is allot of running back and forth between the towers. Some of the codes changed each time I played so if one code that I used doesn’t work then I will try to give a hint to the logic.

Complete Walkthrough
First room
The girl isn’t much help, don’t bother.

Turn around and get the wrist transporter controller and turn off the alarm.
Click on the proximity terminal twice then read the instructions.

As you scroll down to the bottom, you will get the coordinates of the planet you need to goto.


Open Door

Go outside and you get a map. Goto the defense turret.
Get the power core from the center of the control.
Go back to the map and goto the transporter.
Put the wrist transporter control on it and enter the coordinates.

Click on the bottom of the rings and away you go.

Tech Tower first floor.

Goto the tech tower and get the goggles.
Put them on you will see information.
Click on the hand and you will get information of what you need to find.
It should be calcium carbonate. {Chalk dust}
Leave tech tower and go left to the Spirit tower.

Look at the symbols above the different elements. You will need these latter.
Get a sample of the chalk dust and put it into your inventory then go back to the tech tower.

Put the goggles into there spot and put the chalk dust into the shelf next to them. Click on the button and a hand will form. Take the hand and the goggles back. Put the hand over the scanner to open the door. Take the hand back. You will need it latter.
Go up to the next floor.

Tech Tower second floor

Here you will find a terminal that gives you information for the other towers.
Fist look at the spirit tower symbol. Write down the order of the symbols you see for door and blade. This code changed each time I played. These symbols correspond to the elements in the spirit tower fist floor.

The other symbols on the terminal are for the crystal tower and Tech tower hints. Don’t worry about them at this time.

Head for the Spirit tower.

Spirit Tower first floor.

Remember the symbols from the terminal? Take a sample of each element that matches the symbol and put it into the fire. Then ring the bell after all the symbols for the passage are entered. Then do the same thing for the blade. Take the blade and go upstairs.

Spirit Tower Second Floor.

Place the hand on the pad that is lit. Put on the goggles. You will see the mass of each item. Again, this changed each time I played. Add all the mass numbers together and divide in half. This will tell you how much mass you need on each side of the scale to balance it. You will need to figure out what combination of stone parts will balance the scales. You can only put a maximum of three parts in one side. This will open the door to the next floor.

With the goggles on, look up above the scale. You will see a symbol, make note of it. You will need that back in the Tech tower.

Spirit Tower Third Floor.

Use the blade to take out a blue gem and a red gem from the eyes of the totems. Then move each checker from the bottom to a spot on the checker board. You have to do them in order.


This opens the door to the forth floor. You don’t have what you need for the next floor so go out to the crystal tower.

Crystal Tower First Floor.

Click on the levers until you get all fountains flowing water. Each lever opens/closes 1, 2, or 3 gates. Shouldn’t take you long to get it.

Crystal Tower Second Floor.

This code may change each play too, but this is what I had.

You need to put the gems on the wheel in order then push the button.

Starting from the top right and going in a clockwise direction.

Yellow, Green, White, Blue, Purple, Red, Black.

This will open the door to the next floor. Go up the stairs and get the stick.
Go back to the Spirit Tower and light the stick with the fire. Then come back to the Crystal tower and light the torches. This will warm up and melt the ice door to the next floor. Here you will see stars that move up and down and a water tank. To get the pattern for these stars you must get further up the Tech Tower. Go back to the Tech tower.

Tech Tower Third Floor.

To get to the third floor you must do the puzzle above the door. Remember the symbol you saw with the goggles above the scales? Make the lights above the door match that symbol.

Go up to the next floor. Get the grow bomb and the red dye. Look in the telescope and write down the positions of the stars. This is that pattern you need to move the stars in the crystal tower to open the door to the next floor there. Notice the lights about this door? You will need the lighting sequence.

Go down to the Tech Towers second floor where the information terminal is. Click on the diamond and you will see that the temperature is correct. Click on the dispense seed button and collect the seed.

Go back to the Crystal Tower.

Crystal Tower Third Floor

Goto the second floor where the dirt mound is. Plant seed. Go up to the next floor where the water tank is. You need to open the trap door so light gets to the seed. Move the stars so they match the pattern you saw in the telescope.

Go back down and lay the bomb next to the seed that has now germinated, then click on the bomb to activate it. Go back to the Tech tower and up to where the bomb was. Detonate the bomb and return to the crystal tower.

Goto where the water tank is. There will be a tree growing through the trap door. Get the apple then click on the tree branch next to the tank. It will crack the glass. Use the red dye to color the water. Go down to the first floor.

Note the sequence that the water runs red. This will change each time you play. This is the sequence you need to click on the lights above the door in the Tech tower to get to the next floor. Here you have the old get everyone to the other side puzzle. There is more then one way to do it. This is my way.

Monster and Plant
Go back and get mouse
Drop mouse and get monster
Go back and get bug
Drop bug and get plant
Go back and drop monster and plant
Get radio active stuff.
Drop radio active stuff then go back and get monster and plant.
Door opens.

Go to top floor and charge power core. Put it into the slot and push the button on top. Take power core out. Look at the wall. You will see the first XYZ coordinate to enter into the transporter when you are ready to come back to Earth. Again, this changes with each play.

Spirit Tower Final

Go back to the spirit tower and goto the floor where the mask is with the diamond in its head. Put the apple on the alter in front of it. Click on the apple again and it will be eaten and the diamond will fall out of the mask. Take the diamond.

Place the wrist transporter control on the alter. It will be destroyed. Use the goggles to scan the debris. Then collect the debris. Goto the top floor and charge the power core like before. Note the next XYZ coordinates on the wall. Take out the power core. Goto the Crystal Tower.


Go to the floor where the tree is and put the diamond in the door. Go up to the top and charge the power core. It should be full now. Take it out and note the final XYZ coordinate. Go back to the Tech Tower.

Put the goggles in there place. Put the wrist transporter control derbies into the shelf next to is. Hit the button an take the repaired controller out.

Go back to the transporter and enter the XYZ coordinates to return to Earth.
Back on Earth, goto the defense controller and put the power core back in. Then charge it with the left button and fire it with the right.

Game over!

I hope I got everything. This is a good game!

       Anonymous  4/3/09, 4:18 PM  

I'm trying to put the apple on the altar for the masks but neither will accept it...Are the candles supposed to be there? Hellp

What a cool game!!! Thank you to Feline for the most entertaining WT I've read ever! lol! Well done! I got through most of the game without help but your WT helped me when I got stuck in a few spots....you rock, Feline!!! Wish we would have more games like this ... thanks for posting Shuchun!

Bamitsmatt...after you place the apple on the altar for the deity, click the apple again and the deity will place apple in its mouth. Picky, picky!!!! lol! Hope that helps a bit. Also, just to be clear...the altar is only in front of 1 mask-like face, not in the room with the the two masks and candles. You will find the altar in the Spirit Tower.

       Anonymous  4/3/09, 5:15 PM  

All I have to say is: John Feltham, Keep these GREAT games coming! Love 'em

Oh, @irishenigma, you flatter me! I just couldn't resist stealing all those gems! And clicking clickable branches, lol! And I agree with you and Icemaiden: we should have more games like this! :)

White, I congratulate you on daring to post the whole walkthrough! I didn't want to because it was such a looong one! (I saved it if anyone ever wants me to post the whole thing.)
By the way, I tried to make one that took the fewest back and forth stair climbing steps! Which is good, since there's a serious problem of severe dizzyness disease there! Lol! :)

@ feline--awesome walkthrough with lots of written animation! you are a wizard at helping others and writing walkthroughs at the same time!! don't want to neglect the efforts of other walkthroughs which are great, just hit felines' first.

Feline...it's so much fun to just let your fingers type with wild abandon and create a humorous way to enjoy our frustration...lol!!!! Some of these games (thinking of find the stupid green dot and Paradoxononononon and on...arghh!)can't be saved even with clever humour like yours!!! Geez...went blind trying to find those stupid green dots just to get a message saying "oops...something went wrong"...oh well, what we game addicts will do.... :)

Oh, goodness! Ha, ha! I'm glad to know you all enjoyed my walkthrough as much as I enjoyed writing it! I just couldn't refrain myself! It was some sort of seizure or something, lol! Maybe due to the severe dizzyness disease all that climbing brought me? Find me a rope and a screwdriver to connect those towers from the top!
Thanks for the flattery! Now I'm all blushed!

I am so happy when I am playing live games...I usually miss out! Hope to see you again soon! I enjoyed playing Tower Cove with you...hope to see more games like this! G'night Feline.

Hey Feline...I'm still smiling all over :-} Had so much fun playing this game and being able to check back now and then to your wonderful walkthrough...very funny, and still leaving room for us to discover things for ourselves...thanx, you're a gem, lol.

And John Feltham...what can I say? Playing your game gave me so much joy, and also stuff to ponder: we need to explore and climb crystal, tech and spirit towers in order not to get alienated, and most of all: to plant seeds from which trees will grow...Thank you for this game...hopefully there'll be more to come... ;-)

See y'all!

This comment has been removed by the author.

great game!

I'm back from week-end and was ready to continue this game thanks to the walkthroughs posted here... But I'm told that "This game is only available on freewebarcabe.com
A non sitelocked version will be released within a week" !

       Anonymous  4/10/09, 2:17 PM  

Where's that mask, which would eat an apple?

That form spirit tower do nothing. If you meant that one, tell me where to click.

it is brain eye mouth
hand heart ear

Me balance combination was different: BRAIN+EAR+HAND! And it took me quite a while to figure it out...

       Anonymous  4/15/09, 12:24 PM  

im stuck i finished the spirit tower but im on lvl 3 on the tech tower and lvl 2 on the crystal towere thingy HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Anonymous  4/18/09, 9:11 AM  

AAHHH cant get the red and black block pattern on the tech tower to work

help i cant get the seeds oh n the order for the spirit tower is ear heart lips on one side and eye brain hand on the other and the door will open xXx

Tower Core Walkthrough

Here is full walkthrough of Tower Core, the latest Core game series created by John Feltham.


Turn around to face the table and door. Click on the red button on the alarm (the red thing that is blinking near the door) to turn it off. Click the wristband to pick it up. Click on the computer console and click on the screen for instruction, scroll down to the bottom and copy down the XYZ co-ordinates. Leave the computer console. Click on the button near the door to exit.


In the “World Navigation” screen, go to the Defense Turret. Grab the Power Core in the middle of the three circles. Go back to the “World Navigation” screen, and go to the Telepad. Grab the wristband and place it on the Telepad. Delete the 0s and insert the XYZ co-ordinates and push enter on the right side of the wrist band. Enter the Telepad by clicking on it.


Turn around, go to the right to face the Tech Tower. Enter the tower. Grab the goggles. Look through the goggles and click on the hand to examine it (it recommends Calcium Carbonate as building material).


Go left twice to face the Spirit Tower. Enter, grab the first ingredient on the wall (should be chalk dust, aka cal. carbonate) and drag it to the tool box at the bottom.


Exit, go back to Tech Tower, place the chalk dust in the transmat and replace the goggles to its place. Click on circle at the bottom in the transmat for transformation of the chalk dust.


Grab the hand. Place it on the hand pad. Door should open. Before going up, grab the fake hand and the goggles. Go up. Click on the “Mainframe Database”, click on the first symbol, it should be the Spirit symbol. Copy down the Invocation of Passage and the Invocation of the Blade. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go back to Spirit Tower. Grab the necessary ingredients indicated by the Invocation you copied down from the Tech Tower and throw them in the fire (the symbols for the ingredients should appear on the wall), then ring the bell. (If you mess up the ingredients, just ring the bell and restart). Do this for both Invocations, one to open the door, the other to drop a knife. Grab the knife. Go up the stairwell.

8. 2nd level in Spirit Tower.

You will need the fake hand you created for the handpad in the Tech Tower. Place the fake hand on the glowing square. To balance all the body parts….ear, lips, and eye go in one basket, everything else in the other. Go upstairs.

9. 3rd level in Spirit Tower.

Use your knife and carve out one blue and one red gem (trust me you will need them). To solve the checker like board….1st marker goes on the 1st column, 5th row. 2nd marker goes on 2nd column, 3rd row. 3rd marker goes on 3 column, 1st row. 4th marker goes on 4th column, 4th row. 5th marker goes on 5th column, 2nd row. Door open.

10. 4th level in Spirit Tower.

You should now be facing the mask now, place your teleport control wrist band on the alter and the mask will disintegrate it. Don’t go up the stairs yet!!!! Put on goggles, scan the disintergrated materials, and then exit the goggles and grab the material. Door should open.

11. Final level in Spirt Tower.

Place Power Core in the socket, press the round button above to activate….then grab the Power Core. Before leaving, notice on the bottom left hand corner, an X co-ordinate, copy this down. You now have the energy from the Spirit Tower.


Go back down to the 2nd level of the Spirit Tower (the one with the lady statue). Put on goggles, go up, you should notice there are white circles indicating that something is worth scanning, place your mouse on it, notice a pattern, copy down this exact pattern. Now exist the Spirit Tower completely.


Go twice right back to the Tech Tower. In the 2nd level (the one with the “Mainframe Database”), there should be a puzzle board above the door—the same exact one you examined with goggles in the 2nd level of the Spirit Tower. Grab your mouse and drag along the same line starting from the top right hand corner of the board. Door will open.


Go up the stairs and grab the bomb and the red dye. Look through that white worm thingy, it’s actually a telescope. The stars should have a 4×4 board that has white dots at certain co-ordinates, copy down where the white dots (stars) are located on the board. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go left once to enter the Crystal Tower. Enter the tower and to solve the puzzle for the first door, there should be 3 switches on the wall (Click in the following order: 2,1,3,1, and 2). Door opoen.

16. 2nd level in Crystal Tower.

This is where the gems you got from the 3rd level in the Spirit Tower will be useful. Place the gems on the circle board…..unfortunately, the order of where the gems are placed changes each time the game is played, so you just have to be lucky…..but you will know that the gem is in the correct place when it lights up after you hit the circle in the middle and the board spins around. **My suggestion for this puzzle is by starting with placing only one gem on the board and spin it, if it doesn’t light up, use that same gem and place it in a different position, eventually you will get there. After all the gems light up, go up the stairs.

17. 3rd level in Crystal Tower.

Grab the stick, exit the Crystal Tower. Go to the 1st level (the one with the fire and the ingredients) in the Spirit Tower and use the stick on the firepit to light it. Go back to the Crystal Tower. Go to the 2nd level (where there are lighting gems), use the firestick on the four torches on the wall.


Then after lighting the torches on the wall, exit the Crystal Tower. Go to the 2nd level in the Tech Tower, click on the “Mainframe Database”, and click on the second symbol, it should be the Crystal symbol and the screen should indicate that “Temperature Optimal”. Click on the “Dispense Seed” button. Get out of the database and grab the seed from the tray on the bottom of the “Mainframe Database”. Exit the Tech Tower.

19. Go back to 3rd level in Crystal Tower (the one with nothing but waer and a light brown patch of dirt), Hide

place the seed in middle. Go up the stairs to enter the 4th level of the Crystal Tower.

20. 4th level in Crystal Tower (you should see a water tank and five stars on wall).

The star constellation you saw in the telescope in the 3rd level of the Tech Tower should come in handy, just rearrange the stars on the wall to match the constellation that you saw. The circle trap door in the middle of the room should now open.


Go down one level to the 3rd level of the Crystal Tower (the one where you planted your seed), there should be a little plant. Place the bomb next to the plant, then you have to click on the bomb once after you place it down to activate it. Exit the Crystal Tower.


Go to the 3rd level of the Tech Tower (the room with the white telescope). Press the “Detonator”. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go back to the 4th level in the Crystal Tower (the one with the five stars and a water tank). Notice, there should now be a tree in the middle of the room, look for a slightly red apple on the tree and grab it. Then, click on the branch that is near the top of the water tank many times, the brank will shake and break a hole in the water tank. Use the bottle of red dye (retrieved from the 3rd level in Tech Tower), and pour it in the water tank….now you have to wait for about maybe 20 seconds and the water will turn back to blue….use the red dye bottle again on the tank and this time it should be permanent. Go back down to the 1st level of the Crystal Tower, do no exit yet.


In the 1st level of the Crystal Tower, notice how the water coming out of the slots take turn becoming red. Make a note of the order of when the red is coming out of which slots. (This order will be used in the puzzle above the door in the 3rd level of the Tech Tower). Leave the Crystal Tower.


Go to the 4th level of the Spirit Tower (the one with the sacrifice alter and mask). Place the apple on the tower, the mouth of the mask should open, click on the apple, the red gem on the top of the mask will fall off. Grab the gem. Exit the Spirit Tower.


Go to the 4th level of the Crystal Tower (the one with the big tree and water tank). Place the red gem on the door (there should be a slot for it). Door opens.

27. 5th level of Crystal Tower.

Place the Power Core in the slot and turn it on. After the Power Core is finished being charged, remember to take it back, notice the Y co-ordinate on the top right corner of the wall. Exit the Crystal Tower.


Go to the Tech Tower, in the first room, place the debris of the wristband in the transmat, and replace the goggle to its original slot. Run the transmat. The teleport controller should now be restored.

29. 3rd level of Tech Tower (the one with the white telescope).

Notice the simple puzzle above the door. Click on the slot that corresponds to the order in which the red water appear in the 1st level of the Crystal Tower when you dye the water tank (the water tank in level 4 of the Crystal Tower). Door opens.

30. 4th level of Tech Tower (now there should be a bunch of animals).

To transport them safely…..1st-Monster and Plant (Going from A to B). 2nd-Rat and Radiation Tube (Going from A to B), then take back the Monster and Plant (Going from B back to A). 3rd-Fly (Going from A to B). 4th-Monster and Plant (Going from A to B). Door Opens


Charge your Power Core with the Red energy from the Tech Tower. Retrive the Power Core after it finishes and notice the Z co-ordinate on the bottom right wall. Exit the Tech Tower.


Return to the Telepad. Place the Teleporter wristband on the Telepad. Enter the XYZ co-ordinates and press enter to return to Earth.


After returning to Earth, replace the Power Core. Press the two buttons on the side. And the light destroys the spaceship. The Earth is saved.

hope it hlps xXx

Tower Core Walkthrough

Here is full walkthrough of Tower Core, the latest Core game series created by John Feltham.


Turn around to face the table and door. Click on the red button on the alarm (the red thing that is blinking near the door) to turn it off. Click the wristband to pick it up. Click on the computer console and click on the screen for instruction, scroll down to the bottom and copy down the XYZ co-ordinates. Leave the computer console. Click on the button near the door to exit.


In the “World Navigation” screen, go to the Defense Turret. Grab the Power Core in the middle of the three circles. Go back to the “World Navigation” screen, and go to the Telepad. Grab the wristband and place it on the Telepad. Delete the 0s and insert the XYZ co-ordinates and push enter on the right side of the wrist band. Enter the Telepad by clicking on it.


Turn around, go to the right to face the Tech Tower. Enter the tower. Grab the goggles. Look through the goggles and click on the hand to examine it (it recommends Calcium Carbonate as building material).


Go left twice to face the Spirit Tower. Enter, grab the first ingredient on the wall (should be chalk dust, aka cal. carbonate) and drag it to the tool box at the bottom.


Exit, go back to Tech Tower, place the chalk dust in the transmat and replace the goggles to its place. Click on circle at the bottom in the transmat for transformation of the chalk dust.


Grab the hand. Place it on the hand pad. Door should open. Before going up, grab the fake hand and the goggles. Go up. Click on the “Mainframe Database”, click on the first symbol, it should be the Spirit symbol. Copy down the Invocation of Passage and the Invocation of the Blade. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go back to Spirit Tower. Grab the necessary ingredients indicated by the Invocation you copied down from the Tech Tower and throw them in the fire (the symbols for the ingredients should appear on the wall), then ring the bell. (If you mess up the ingredients, just ring the bell and restart). Do this for both Invocations, one to open the door, the other to drop a knife. Grab the knife. Go up the stairwell.

8. 2nd level in Spirit Tower.

You will need the fake hand you created for the handpad in the Tech Tower. Place the fake hand on the glowing square. To balance all the body parts….ear, lips, and eye go in one basket, everything else in the other. Go upstairs.

9. 3rd level in Spirit Tower.

Use your knife and carve out one blue and one red gem (trust me you will need them). To solve the checker like board….1st marker goes on the 1st column, 5th row. 2nd marker goes on 2nd column, 3rd row. 3rd marker goes on 3 column, 1st row. 4th marker goes on 4th column, 4th row. 5th marker goes on 5th column, 2nd row. Door open.

10. 4th level in Spirit Tower.

You should now be facing the mask now, place your teleport control wrist band on the alter and the mask will disintegrate it. Don’t go up the stairs yet!!!! Put on goggles, scan the disintergrated materials, and then exit the goggles and grab the material. Door should open.

11. Final level in Spirt Tower.

Place Power Core in the socket, press the round button above to activate….then grab the Power Core. Before leaving, notice on the bottom left hand corner, an X co-ordinate, copy this down. You now have the energy from the Spirit Tower.


Go back down to the 2nd level of the Spirit Tower (the one with the lady statue). Put on goggles, go up, you should notice there are white circles indicating that something is worth scanning, place your mouse on it, notice a pattern, copy down this exact pattern. Now exist the Spirit Tower completely.


Go twice right back to the Tech Tower. In the 2nd level (the one with the “Mainframe Database”), there should be a puzzle board above the door—the same exact one you examined with goggles in the 2nd level of the Spirit Tower. Grab your mouse and drag along the same line starting from the top right hand corner of the board. Door will open.


Go up the stairs and grab the bomb and the red dye. Look through that white worm thingy, it’s actually a telescope. The stars should have a 4×4 board that has white dots at certain co-ordinates, copy down where the white dots (stars) are located on the board. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go left once to enter the Crystal Tower. Enter the tower and to solve the puzzle for the first door, there should be 3 switches on the wall (Click in the following order: 2,1,3,1, and 2). Door opoen.

16. 2nd level in Crystal Tower.

This is where the gems you got from the 3rd level in the Spirit Tower will be useful. Place the gems on the circle board…..unfortunately, the order of where the gems are placed changes each time the game is played, so you just have to be lucky…..but you will know that the gem is in the correct place when it lights up after you hit the circle in the middle and the board spins around. **My suggestion for this puzzle is by starting with placing only one gem on the board and spin it, if it doesn’t light up, use that same gem and place it in a different position, eventually you will get there. After all the gems light up, go up the stairs.

17. 3rd level in Crystal Tower.

Grab the stick, exit the Crystal Tower. Go to the 1st level (the one with the fire and the ingredients) in the Spirit Tower and use the stick on the firepit to light it. Go back to the Crystal Tower. Go to the 2nd level (where there are lighting gems), use the firestick on the four torches on the wall.


Then after lighting the torches on the wall, exit the Crystal Tower. Go to the 2nd level in the Tech Tower, click on the “Mainframe Database”, and click on the second symbol, it should be the Crystal symbol and the screen should indicate that “Temperature Optimal”. Click on the “Dispense Seed” button. Get out of the database and grab the seed from the tray on the bottom of the “Mainframe Database”. Exit the Tech Tower.

19. Go back to 3rd level in Crystal Tower (the one with nothing but waer and a light brown patch of dirt), Hide

place the seed in middle. Go up the stairs to enter the 4th level of the Crystal Tower.

20. 4th level in Crystal Tower (you should see a water tank and five stars on wall).

The star constellation you saw in the telescope in the 3rd level of the Tech Tower should come in handy, just rearrange the stars on the wall to match the constellation that you saw. The circle trap door in the middle of the room should now open.


Go down one level to the 3rd level of the Crystal Tower (the one where you planted your seed), there should be a little plant. Place the bomb next to the plant, then you have to click on the bomb once after you place it down to activate it. Exit the Crystal Tower.


Go to the 3rd level of the Tech Tower (the room with the white telescope). Press the “Detonator”. Exit the Tech Tower.


Go back to the 4th level in the Crystal Tower (the one with the five stars and a water tank). Notice, there should now be a tree in the middle of the room, look for a slightly red apple on the tree and grab it. Then, click on the branch that is near the top of the water tank many times, the brank will shake and break a hole in the water tank. Use the bottle of red dye (retrieved from the 3rd level in Tech Tower), and pour it in the water tank….now you have to wait for about maybe 20 seconds and the water will turn back to blue….use the red dye bottle again on the tank and this time it should be permanent. Go back down to the 1st level of the Crystal Tower, do no exit yet.


In the 1st level of the Crystal Tower, notice how the water coming out of the slots take turn becoming red. Make a note of the order of when the red is coming out of which slots. (This order will be used in the puzzle above the door in the 3rd level of the Tech Tower). Leave the Crystal Tower.


Go to the 4th level of the Spirit Tower (the one with the sacrifice alter and mask). Place the apple on the tower, the mouth of the mask should open, click on the apple, the red gem on the top of the mask will fall off. Grab the gem. Exit the Spirit Tower.


Go to the 4th level of the Crystal Tower (the one with the big tree and water tank). Place the red gem on the door (there should be a slot for it). Door opens.

27. 5th level of Crystal Tower.

Place the Power Core in the slot and turn it on. After the Power Core is finished being charged, remember to take it back, notice the Y co-ordinate on the top right corner of the wall. Exit the Crystal Tower.


Go to the Tech Tower, in the first room, place the debris of the wristband in the transmat, and replace the goggle to its original slot. Run the transmat. The teleport controller should now be restored.

29. 3rd level of Tech Tower (the one with the white telescope).

Notice the simple puzzle above the door. Click on the slot that corresponds to the order in which the red water appear in the 1st level of the Crystal Tower when you dye the water tank (the water tank in level 4 of the Crystal Tower). Door opens.

30. 4th level of Tech Tower (now there should be a bunch of animals).

To transport them safely…..1st-Monster and Plant (Going from A to B). 2nd-Rat and Radiation Tube (Going from A to B), then take back the Monster and Plant (Going from B back to A). 3rd-Fly (Going from A to B). 4th-Monster and Plant (Going from A to B). Door Opens


Charge your Power Core with the Red energy from the Tech Tower. Retrive the Power Core after it finishes and notice the Z co-ordinate on the bottom right wall. Exit the Tech Tower.


Return to the Telepad. Place the Teleporter wristband on the Telepad. Enter the XYZ co-ordinates and press enter to return to Earth.


After returning to Earth, replace the Power Core. Press the two buttons on the side. And the light destroys the spaceship. The Earth is saved.

heart+hand+lips goes on one side the other to other one.
that is in the first tower after fire> the sequence to get there is 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 - that means how many dost the stuff u place in the fire have . hopefully u understand.

omg does anyone need help i luv this game and beat it like 20 times!!!

Can someone write the entire solution please?
Thank you very much.

Apparently I never played this game....lol I wonder where I was ?
And... it is certainly a great game since there are 4 or 5 Walkthroughs!!! lol

here I go...anyone joining? lol

GAMESO does not exist enymore, link does not lead to the game. EG24: please remove it!

Some people are hopeless. It took me less than thirty seconds to find a working link.


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